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  1. #1

    Series where you know of the Manga/Game before the Anime

    Anime is quite a popular way to grant exposure to a series, for it is the most accessible, since it doesn't normally require a purchase of the material to access, and even if you do, that material has the potential to be aired on TV (I could be wrong here), similar to how movies would occasionally get a regular TV airing. Because of this, it's common for someone to recognise a series from the anime first.

    There are bound to be exceptions for certain series to anyone, in which they would recognise the series as a manga first, or maybe in some cases, the video game based on the anime. Now, in order to qualify as "knowing the Manga/Game", you must:

    • Recognise the story/premise from the manga/game, enough to know what's it about
    • Read the manga or play that game, even if it's just a little while (browsing a manga or testing a game in a store qualifies)
    • You must do the above before you even watch one second of animated footage of the anime, even screens (footage in a video game is considered game, not anime)

    So to start, these are some of the series where I knew the manga before the anime (currently don't remember examples for games):

    • Kiteretsu (Thought the manga was a derivative of Doraemon, but soon I recognised it as its own thing from the same artist. Ironically, Doraemon is something I knew as an anime first)
    • Ranma 1/2 (Seen a screen of the game, read a few chapters of the manga before knowing there is an anime series)
    • Mushishi (Saw a compilation as a bargain and read this)
    • Magi (TVTrope referred, manga first)
    • Tonari no Seki-kun or My Neighbour Seki (Was browsing a manga list and this interested me)
    • Centaur's Worries (TVTropes referred, and as there was only the manga at that time, it's bound to happen, since the anime won't be up till Fall)

    Thanks for reading.

  2. #2
    The Chaotix's Ace Attorney Blaquaza's Avatar

    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Whilst it's an upcoming anime, I played Ace Attorney (and the rest of the games in the series) before the anime was announced, and funnily enough I thought it would be perfect for an anime adaptation. Let's hope it's every bit as wacky as the games. :D

    EDIT: It's every bit as wacky as the games. I'm really enjoying it so far, even though only 2 episodes have been released as of now.
    Last edited by Blaquaza; 08-20-2016 at 09:19 PM.

    Credits to Neo Emolga for the avatar and the banner!

  3. #3
    the plenilune gaze Ganyu's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Persona, Tokyo Ghoul and Monster are those I've known first through manga/games before they had anime adaptations.

  4. #4
    "I was stupid... So stupid"
    Shruikan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    The Digital World
    Well, for starters there's Ace Attourney, which I would probably have enjoyed more if I hadn't already played the VNs first. There's also Persona 3, which has a series of anime-movies, though I don't know if that counts, and I haven't seen any of them yet.


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