Valerian 'Titan' Frazier
LA, Hollywood, behind the Hollywood sign..
Affected RPers: N/A

"We're going to talk about this. Calmly. Or else." Valerian said.

"You think I need that to live, or somethin'?" The Impmon said.

"...You want it." Valerian commented.

It was quite obvious. The way the creature looked at it, it may have not been dearly important to his existance, but some measure of value was placed upon it. It would not be parted with it that easily.


"I'm going to ask you several questions and you're going to answer them if you want this back. I am in no particular rush to give it to you. I don't care if it sounds crazy or if it's common knowledge. I have a LOT of them and I want answers." Valerian said.

"W***er..." The Impmon whispered. Nevertheless it nodded.

"First question: You ARE a Digimon, correct?" Valerian asked

"Yes, because the bloody cards don't PROUDLY declare it! Yes, I am! Species is Impmon, name is Nero!" The Impmon declared.

"Second question: Where the hell did you come from? You started popping up in THIS world six months ago, so this isn't your origin."

Nero briefly looked puzzled, then scratched his head. "...Really? Don't really remember anything...Wait, no, actually I do! Kind of! Hit my head on a rock at some point, but it's kind of slowly coming back!" The Impmon said. Valerian had to note, THIS guy was a talker. "In any case, there is this place...Uhh, named somethin' I don't remember, but it was definitely not here! It was also called the Digital World or some stupid s**t, but the real name is...Actually, no, don't know that. Forgot."

That was only somewhat useful. At least he knew they weren't hiding in holes.

"Question three: What do you know of something called Luce-"

"Lucemon? THAT bloody nightmare? I've heard dreadful things about the a**hole, before, err, coming here, but the only thing that's consistent is that it doens't matter what you have to bear against that guy, you are dead if you fight him!" The Impmon said. "Some say he rebelled against Yggdrasil, some say he's just way too extreme, a few say he's actually kind of a huge loner desperate for some companionship, but the only constants are that he has no weaknesses to speak of, and if you challenge him, you explode! GG!"

Valerian was getting a headache. This guy talked too much and wasn't as helpful as he thought.

"...Do you know anything of a group called the 'Molten Onyx?'" Valerian asked.

"Nope! Nothing!" The creature said after all of a half-second of pondering.

"Nothing." Valerian said, repeating Nero. "...Do you know WHY you're here in this world?"

"...Um...Uhh...Clueless...I don't really know..." The Impmon said, looking at the Digivice. "It's related to that thing you're holding-it's probably the reason why I'm here. I've heard all about these tamer-types and how they get Digimon, but I just kind of...I don't remember ever leaving the Digital World, see? Why I came here, it's all a blur. I kind of just spontaneously started existing here, you know? Like a dream. Except not actually fake. BUT! That thing you're holding, uhh, guy, it's probably got some clue as to why I'm here! Maybe someone had it but lost it? Like, I don't know! I want to figure that out! Seriously, give that back!"

The answers were infuriatingly vague. He wasn't talking to the source he wanted to talk to about this, not like he had any better.

...Valerian initially believed that, through this conversation, he might figure out some obscure weakness to Lucemon that he could eventually use to beat him. He really should have known better. All he got for his troubles was a bit more confusion.

Valerian put the Digivice and the cards gently on the ground and walked away, not looking back. The government (hopefully it was the government) gave him permission to camp anywhere-time to set up a spot and wait out the storm.


Nero's Q and A session ended quite abruptly. Odd questions, in Nero's opinion, for a guy who didn't even look like he'd have known what Nero was had he not told him. Yet, he followed up on his word-down went the Digivice and the Modify Cards, and he just walked away, not even caring.

He was a really quiet guy. Nero thought he may have been annoying him, but nope. He was as cold as an IceDevimon. The other humans he had interacted with usually ran in fear of him rather than punch him in the gut when they met, as well. That guy was something else. A Champion among the Rookies. He was also the largest of the lot of humans he ever saw yet.

And he thought other Virus-Attributes were scary when angry. This guy was honestly twice as fearsome with only half the effort. Then again, it was clear who was in control. All of his powers meant nothing if the guy could just punch him out of an attack...And he was considerably larger than him. Typically not a factor, but a 2-foot him versus a 7-foot baddie bulging with muscles was just not a smart idea, his powers aside. Especially not close. He was like wet tissue paper close up.

...A crazy idea took form in his head-He clearly didn't know much about Digimon, but he knew about Lucemon specifically-otherwise he wouldn't have asked. Did he meet the monster? This guy clearly didn't act like he did if he did. Did he survive? That would make him the most bloody bada** THING in existence, f***...Uh, whoever that 'Cho' guy was again. Or that 'Avvie'...Thing.

...When he initially came to this world-he neglected to tell his interrogator about it-he was challenged by something. He only knew it was a Digimon-he forgot the form or the figure, just that it was huge in comparison to him. He was challenged and defeated in a blur of movement. He bet that that beast was the source of his amnesia-and it was mercifully subsiding, he could perhaps image his attacker much better when it totally cleared. If only for some level of revenge (because he clearly didn't recall WHY they fought), he wanted at the bloody w***er, but he knew-somehow-that it was Digivolved considerably farther than he was at the time. Like, Ultimate or something. He couldn't do so on his own as it stood...But maybe with a partner? After all, those Modify Cards didn't work when HE used them-maybe a human was required? They were a mystery to him.

Something else also tugged at him. Desire. A lust for power. It was inherent in every Digimon ever, apparently, but herein it burned like a fire. He was weak now-or at least, physically frail. He had power respectable for his level, but...He could get more. Much, much more. Become legendary for his unstoppable might. And that guy...He didn't know his name, but he had a feeling that he'd be doing himself a favor to follow that guy. An instinct, so to speak. But considering his cold, quiet demeanor, would he even help?

He wasn't out of sight yet, and if he didn't even try to ask, he would not find out the answer, so it wouldn't be wasted time even if the guy said no. He took the Cards and Digivice, tucking them into his bandanna (it had a hidden compartment on the inside for small items), and followed.