Sable Kael
Oct. 18th/14
LA, Outside the Chaos of Northridge
ARPer's: @La Inquisidora

“Nobody move.” Sable shushed in the most shushed of shushed voices she could.

There was a girl that was much younger than she was, just moving down the alleyway right after the incident with the bombing went off. She could see just between the bags as she walked by. They were just wandering by when Sable noticed another voice coming from somewhere. It was far to squeaky and animated to belong to the teen girl that Sable was just getting all the wrong vibes from, though she didn’t have time to think about it as she had her entire arm around Rift’s muzzle to keep him from growling too much at the tone in her voice.

“There is a small Digimon around.”

“Yeah no kidding, it can smell you three, and here I was thinking the garbage might deter that.”

“Actually this is a lot of recycling material in here by the smell of it.” Rift corrected.

“What is it with you and metal?”

Their voices were still very hushed and nearly silent. Sable knew they had to keep a look out, but by the sounds and looks of things, nothing else was coming out of the smoke or chaos. She wanted to wait a bit longer though, as the prospect of new Digimon was always a plus. The rest of them were just waiting for her to pass the corner, when low and behold, someone’s stomach had to be the master of the mind, and Nemeros stuck his head out of his hiding spot, with an oh-so graceful clattering of cans. Making every kind of facial expression under the veil of bags and trash cans, as well as the hand motions to go with them, Sable hoped two things would happen: the girl would get scared by a giant random, eye lacking head of an insect in the trash, and run off, so that they could make a break for it in turn. The last thing Sable wanted, was some social interaction with someone who constantly spoke in that tone of voice, especially to a Digimon. Then again, maybe she was just having a bad day?

Sable also remembered the fact she probably had to get back to her aunt after finding Rift. She did just run off in some guy’s car and go for a ride to a blast site of unknown origin. Rift seemed calmed so whatever Digimon presence was bugging him, it was surely gone now. As of now, Sable just didn’t want to be seen and wanted to get back to basics as simply and as peacefully as possible.

At least Nemeros didn’t do the talking thing too much.


Never mind.