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  1. #1
    Unbowed, unbent, unbroken Homura's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Anime Brigade: We all have 8th grade syndrome~

    Stupid club! I'm only showing up because you asked nicely, n-not because I like you. S-so don't get the wrong idea, got it?!

    Welcome to the anime club! We strive to be the very best anime club that PXR ever has, and we shall begin our conquest by staking a claim on this world with this club! Let's talk about different kinds of anime and all things cute that come out of anime as well! Yay!

    We're all-inclusive! Post here, and become a member! chat with the members!

    Lord Celebi (rusty)
    かごめ (Louise)
    MC Elesa
    Dragon Master Mike
    Lunar Latias
    Last edited by Homura; 05-19-2015 at 03:47 AM.
    What is happiness?
    It's being called by someone
    It's being able to call someone
    It's when someone is thinking of you
    But Heaven has none of this
    A lizard girl took pity on God
    So the lizard girl tore God in two and brought a half from Heaven to Earth

  2. #2
    No sign-up form or anything? So I can just pop in here and post, right? :D I'm in! I have a few anime on my to-watch list right now: Psycho Pass, K-Project, Attack on Titans, One Piece, and Ah! My Goddess.. going to have a busy, busy summer.

  3. #3
    Unbowed, unbent, unbroken Homura's Avatar
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    Feb 2013
    Nope. You post here, you get in. Pretty easy, right? :3

    Ya that sounds like a busy schedule of anime. I still haven'g finished Haganai NEXT yet. I think I've been reading more manga than anime myself, though, since the last anime I finished was Chiuunibyou (8th grade syndrome). I liked that one. :3

    Maybe I should do some features of characters and stuff every now and then. I used to do that. lol
    What is happiness?
    It's being called by someone
    It's being able to call someone
    It's when someone is thinking of you
    But Heaven has none of this
    A lizard girl took pity on God
    So the lizard girl tore God in two and brought a half from Heaven to Earth

  4. #4
    Chief Administrator HKim's Avatar
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    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Los Angeles
    I'm signing up. Because I can.

    I also like anime.

    Kenny is a Magical Girl.

  5. #5
    Pop Goes the Gleamsel. Palamon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    I'm signing up! I am obsessed with magical girl anime. <3 Also Madoka Magica was awesome.

    Also I love having eighth grade syndrome. B]

  6. #6
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Banora, Munchin' on Dumbapples
    Count me in! XD I'm more of a manga person myself, though.

    Anyone else reading/read/watching/watched Vampire Knight, by chance?

    My dA | My FF.Net Avvie and sig made by me!

  7. #7
    Pssssh anime club under Homura? BEST anime club ever~! <333

    I love all kinds of anime! I'm fond of old anime, like TTGL or Yu Yu Hakusho, but I'm always open to try new things!

  8. #8
    Unbowed, unbent, unbroken Homura's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Ya I tend to read manga more than watch anime myself as well, but I don't think that's much of an issue here.

    I'm a huge Madoka fan, I can't wait for the third movie to come out. :D

    I read some of Vampire Knights. Didn't really catch my eye though. I might check it out later on with a better prompt or something. I didn't pick up Soul Eater, for instance, for a long time as well. That turned out to be a good series to read.

    Kimmy: I'll turn you into a newt! :3
    What is happiness?
    It's being called by someone
    It's being able to call someone
    It's when someone is thinking of you
    But Heaven has none of this
    A lizard girl took pity on God
    So the lizard girl tore God in two and brought a half from Heaven to Earth

  9. #9
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Banora, Munchin' on Dumbapples
    I only read the manga for Madoka; my parents have a thing against youtube.

    I asked about Vampire Knight because the manga finally ended and the ending is...I feel the need to seek out someone who knows about it as well to rant. XD The final arc in itself wasn't bad, but the final chapter... I've yet to get into Soul Eater--I've been drawing a lot recently, and it's taking up all my time.

    My dA | My FF.Net Avvie and sig made by me!

  10. #10
    Unbowed, unbent, unbroken Homura's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    The madoka manga is trash compared to the original anime (as with all adaption decays), unfortunately. I've yet to finish Oriko or Kasumi either, though I've already known the ending for each. There's also A Different Story light novel as well, but that never got translated.

    Ah, ya that happens a lot, with endings and stuff. I've read a bunch of manga that had unsatisfactory endings as well.
    Last edited by Chakramaster; 02-18-2018 at 02:31 AM.
    What is happiness?
    It's being called by someone
    It's being able to call someone
    It's when someone is thinking of you
    But Heaven has none of this
    A lizard girl took pity on God
    So the lizard girl tore God in two and brought a half from Heaven to Earth

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