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  1. #1
    the plenilune gaze Ganyu's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    [STD vs ERR] Blank

    “Art requires a certain… cruelty.”

    What a pretty face. How I’d love to make it even cuter with my carvings.

    The squirrel was completely unaware that he was observed under close scrutiny, as he roamed through the streets. But this was Fun & Games: the slums, the deep dark underbelly of Crossroads City where the undercity denizens thrive in its moral decay. Even one of the Electric Rodent Regime should know better to exercise caution.

    A lone target? This was too easy, and frankly, I felt slighted that the Supremacy gave me this task when they could have easily sent a lowly hitman after it. But it was not my place to question; I was merely the arm of Lord Ditto, sent to smite the pinkless infidels.

    My eyes trailed the blur of electric blue bouncing down the network of alleyways, and my body began to morph. When the process was complete, I slithered down the rooftop of Gender Race (what was once a hub of activity now a gloomy abandoned storehouse) and conducted my shadowy pursuit.

    The Pachirisu bypassed the Pokemon Chain Cabal, where Natus and Umbreons were rumoured to be surgically joined to one another like a Pokemon Scolipede, and then the Last Poster Wins Comitium (always noisy at this time of day). It was very clear to me where my quarry was headed to -- the district of books and information, Writer’s Desk, no doubt passing on some intelligence to another ERR agent. That made the chase a little tastier, and I decided to savour its flavour. The pathway mapped in my mind, I veered off into a narrow back-alley, and moments later, the face of the EleSquirrel Pokemon greeted my sights. He only had enough time to gasp, as he noticed my serpentine shadow dart out from the alleyway’s opening, before his jugular was crushed under purple-skinned muscles that coiled and forced every breath of oxygen out of his furry system. As his eyes glazed over and rolled back, I used my tail to search his pockets and pulled out a pneumatic tube, swishing its contents and hearing the sounds of infobytes that most likely made the cryptographers back at the Hivemind ooze their figurative pants.

    “Best not to get blood on this,” I chuckled to myself.

    “Now, how should I paint your face, hmm?” I bared my fangs, dripping venomous saliva over the Pachirisu’s cheeks, and licked his neck, tracing the bones beneath the fur.

    That night, I devoted myself into sculpting a new face for the heathen, repainting the electric blue with crimson and purplish-pink. Yet another masterpiece inspired and dedicated to the Lord Ditto who bestowed unto me this precious gift of artistry that no other member of the Hivemind had.

    From: The Phantom Virtuoso
    To: The Supremacy of Transforming Ditto
    [01:13] Target #417 has been eliminated. Awaiting further orders.

    From: The Supremacy of Transforming Ditto
    To: The Phantom Virtuoso
    [01:23] Lord Ditto sends his approval. You should receive your credit from the Hivemind within 24 hours. Your next set of orders are to standby until further notice.

    From: Commander Kapi
    To: ERR Command Center
    Security Level: Electric Blue
    The Phantom strikes again. This time, it was one of our best couriers, Agent Bluebolt. His body was found by the Pikachu Patrol, gruesomely mutilated and prominently displayed at the gateway of the Fun & Games district. The Phantom's Threat Level has been updated.

    Autopsy Report
    Time of retrieval: 0444
    Estimated time of death: 0200
    Face was disfigured beyond recognition. Blood and DNA tests were required for identification. Injuries with exception to the one inflicted at the neck (likely to be the killing blow) sustained to the body were post-mortal.

  2. #2
    The Queen of Shaymin
    Noblejanobii's Avatar
    Site Editor


    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Ohhh quite interesting. I love the description, doesn't leave much to the imagination but gives you an exact few of what's going on. I also like how you used the forum as the setting rather than real life locations. In addition, your use of different fonts and digital messages are superb. Can't wait to see more!
    / / / / / / / /
    Avatar by Soggymint
    Double Agents with Suicune's Fire


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