If you find a spam bot that has not been taken care of, please post the link to the thread here and also if possible the name of the spam bot. Spam bots, by definition, create spam by creating articles to advertise. They are bothersome, true, but also a sign the forum has attracted enough attention to be targeted.
Spam bots usually create a new thread, however, occasionally they will post in an already established thread or on someone's VMs. These are harder to catch as they are not as blatant as a shoe advertisement thread in a role playing board, and we'll certainly need help finding them!
Spam bots that have been taken care of, I will edit the message underneath to show it was dealt with, to make things proceed more smoothly.
Now, let us hunt and eat spam bots! It shall be a grand feast! ...Or not. Depends on how well we can hunt and how abundant the prey.