I think most of the things I was going to put on the table were already covered here:

- Sex with no plot (50 Shades of Gray)
- Villainbots (minor or major)
- Stereotypes (with pokemon stories especially, when it comes to dark types/predators being evil)
- Everyone or even just one person is inexplicably in love with one particular character and pursues them despite not having a proper reason (50 Shades of Gray...)
- That the whole popular/unpopular pokemon debate even warrants a thought for the author
- When people don't bother to develop the characters
- Inexplicably overpowered main characters

Neo, I do disagree with you on the subject of legendary pokemon being the Pokemon universe equivalent of gods, because as I see it, that's how regular pokemon would see them. I don't have an issue with that. Considering their pokedex entries, I believe that legendaries definitely have godlike qualities (Dialga controlling time, Palkia space, Mew being the genetic relative to all pokemon, Groudon creating continents, etc) and could therefore be seen as such. I DO agree with your point that humans wouldn't see them as gods. Powerful beings who shouldn't be messed with, sure. I do get the whole "Arceus is god" thing because that's what mythology has told people. I suppose it's like religion, where there'd be people who believe in it and people who don't. P.S. I think the only reason legendaries can be actually captured in-game is the whole...ya know...it's a game thing. They have to be obtainable somehow. It doesn't mean that in a more realistic setting, they'd be just as freely available. Sort of like how if you have a level 100 igglybuff, you could defeat a wailord whose body slam does little damage. The game logic and real world logic doesn't match up...not that a lot of pokemon logic does, but you know what I mean.

I hate it when people pay attention to a pokemon's popularity within the Pokemon community. To me, you write about pokemon you want to write about, without a second thought as to whether or not they're overused or underused. I, personally, enjoy writing about pokemon I like. Yes, I DO think about pokemon I haven't written about before and have a want to include them, but that's only because I love writing about all sorts of pokemon. I want to explore different species, make personalities and backstories for them, and enjoy myself as well as allow the reader to enjoy it. My pokemon choice is a choice based on my likes and interest in writing about different pokemon alone, and sometimes I imagine scenes with a particular pokemon in mind. If that pokemon happens to be an eevee or a pikachu, so be it. I don't want people with shallow-minded opinions about "OVERUSED AND UNDERUSED!!1!1!!" reading my story anyway, so the faster they're warded off, the better.

I've probably missed many things which annoy me, but I've probably forgotten half of them. XD