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  1. #1
    Senior Moderator EmeraldSky's Avatar
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    May 2013
    On my way to my next adventure!

    Challenge: My Hero

    AN: This is scene from one of my main fics, Pokemon: The Song of Jewels, told from the POV of Brock's companion Wendy....

    "Wendy, what's the matter?" Brock asked as I dashed into my tent, running right past him and zipping up the entrance.

    "Mad Ursaring--and all I was doing was finding Berries for our lunch!" I fearfully wheezed. "Find some way to scare it off, and fast!"

    [I've got this!] I heard Tenku, my Pidgeotto, call just as my pursuer tore into the clearing, intent on making me its lunch. From my position in the tent, I watched as she leapt off the tree she was perched on and dove towards the Ursaring, ramming its leg with Aerial Ace. I did not, however, expect the Ursaring to bite down hard on Tenku's foot, dragging her down to the ground and leaving a small red trail of blood.

    [Tenku!] I heard Brock's Vulpix, Hinata, gasp.

    [I've been bit by worse Pokemon than Ursarings before, even though this is a painful bite...] I heard Tenku groan as Brock hurried to assess her injury.

    I heard Brock yelling instructions to his Pokemon, but the Ursaring's roars made it impossible for me to know what he said. Just then, I saw Hinata charging at the Ursaring and unleashing a Flame Wheel at it. The Ursaring growled in pain, and lunged at her, but its claws merely grazed the tiny Vulpix's fur.

    Brock told Hinata to try another attack as he quickly, yet carefully bandaged Tenku's wound. Hinata complied with a Flamethrower, which to me looked like daylight from the tent.

    "Did you burn it?" I asked.

    Hinata was about to answer me, but the Ursaring's claws caught her off guard! She scrambled to get away, but she too received a bloody scratch on one leg.

    Brock sighed as Hinata limped back to him in pain--with two Pokemon wounded, we needed to find a Pokemon Center, and fast.

    Terra, Brock's Sandshrew, offered to fight next, but Brock said no--he didn't want to see her hurt as well. I added "And I don't really want to use Mizuchi, because I'm afraid she'll attack Brock instead...."

    [Isn't that the whole reason you made your bow?] I heard Tenku remind him. [In case we couldn't battle?]

    Just then, I gasped as I heard the tent open, but it was just Brock--and he carried a few arrows in his hands, ever aware of the growling Ursaring several feet away. "Got any Repels?" he whispered to me.

    "Yeah--normal, Super and Max." I whispered back. "Why?"

    "Maybe if I sprayed a little on my arrows, and shot them close to the Ursaring, it wouldn't harm the Ursaring, but scare it off." Brock explained. "So could you spray a little on these arrows?"

    "Sure..." After a few tense moments, I reached out from the tent with a Repel bottle and lightly sprayed the three arrows in Brock's hands. "There...that should do it."

    We all watched Brock aim an arrow at the snarling Ursaring. After a few tense seconds, the arrow went flying, with the Repel making a small green cloud appear at the Ursaring's feet when it landed in the ground with a thunk.

    The Ursaring, meanwhile, sniffed the air and started to turn to leave, more out of fear than the smell of the Repel laced arrow. The second Repel tinged arrow landed a few inches away from the first, making the Ursaring crash back through the brush to the safety of the forest as the smell of the Repel grew stronger.

    I peeked from the tent and grinned at the fleeing Ursaring. "It worked! It's running away!"

    [That was a pretty cool idea, putting Repel on your arrows!] Satomi smiled.

    "I didn't want to needlessly hurt the Ursaring--that would've made it madder." Brock explained. "So putting Repel on my arrows and firing them into the ground was the first thing I thought of that wouldn't hurt it."

    I worked up the courage to emerge from the tent some minutes later. "You've got some brave Pokemon...and you're not that bad an archer, either."

    "Thanks..." Brock sheepishly grinned, flattered by the compliment as the Pokemon laughed...
    Last edited by EmeraldSky; 06-02-2013 at 08:08 PM.


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