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  1. #71
    The Queen of Shaymin
    Noblejanobii's Avatar
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    Araxie Scripture and Jude Audrey
    Writing and Fate Mages
    Egyptian Pyramids

    "I agree with Rowan. I believe you would be adequately suited for the hunting of the super humans," Jude added as he walked away from his seat. "I will also participate in the hunt myself but don't expect many tips from me. I have to keep time on course after all and the less you know of the future, the easier it is to maintain balance."

    Rowan's plan was not exactly what Araxie had had in mind. However, she had to agree, it was probably the safest. At least she would not be alone in her travels. She'd have to find a way to hide her face though. Maybe they hide in predominantly Islamic areas and she wear the full cover? Hm… Araxie wasn't sure how well that would blow over with Rowan.

    "I think that would be a good idea. We can discuss plans further at either my place or yours. Which do you prefer?"

    Elisabeth Scarlet
    Blood Superhuman
    United Nations

    The CEO seemed mildly annoyed by Marx's intrusion. It was obvious to Elisabeth that this man had been working a deal and Marx's interruption was not a matter to be taken lightly. The CEO forced a smile, however, and pulled his phone from his pocket. He dialed a number and held out the phone to Marx.

    "This is his number, why don't you call him yourself."
    / / / / / / / /
    Avatar by Soggymint
    Double Agents with Suicune's Fire

  2. #72
    Certified Eeveelution Enthusiast Dragon Master Mike's Avatar
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    Osias Dryton
    Storm Mage

    Egyptian Pyramids

    Osias Grinned. There was nothing he would rather do than search for these super human's himself. "Contact me if you find any leads as to where these super human's may be." He said to anyone who was listening before leaving the room. He wasn't sure where the first place to begin looking should be, but Tyler had said that he was going to go research the super humans and try to get a location. Osias pulled out his phone ((I assume we have cell phones considering that it is the 21st century)). "Have you found any leads as to where these super humans could be?" He texted as he walked towards Giza.

  3. #73
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Tyler White
    Life Mage
    Public Library, Giza, Egypt

    I texted Osias.

    Nothing too yet. Star Masses Health are the ones behind it, but I haven't found the location of the lab or where the superhumans are. I'll let you know if I find something.

    I knew they had to be around here somewhere. They couldn't have gotten too far with Arian's stuff and sooner or later, they'd want to let the public or the media know. I tried to research recent published articles and news stories regarding Star Masses Health and the creation of the superhumans. While the procedure wasn't open to the public yet, someone had to know something about where the lab was.

    In the meantime, I figured it might be a good idea to work on a kind of distraction for Star Masses Health. A lot of these humans used social media websites called Facebook and Twitter, and I decided to start a group that protested the creation of superhumans for religious reasons called RAN, the Righteous Action Network, that basically stated that superhuman transformations were ungodly and this was not the way humans were meant to be in the eyes of the Creator, making these practices spiritually unclean. Online, no one knew who I really was and they'd have no idea I was a mage. In the meantime, humans had a close attachment to religion, and I was already well-aware of groups that took this thing pretty seriously. RAN was the first group dedicated to the anti-superhuman religious movements, so it could potentially catch on with the public. I made it open to all religious groups and knew this was something most of them could agree on. I simply made a few Facebook postings and tweets and got them out there as a "call to arms."

    RAN - Righteous Action Network @RighteousActionNetwork - 2m
    #Superhumans #technology We should be concerned about what superhumans mean for humanity's future and religious beliefs!

    RAN - Righteous Action Network @RighteousActionNetwork - 5m
    #Superhumans #Truth Follow the Righteous Action Network, we cannot deface the way mankind was created with these so-called superhumans!

    And if anyone traced it, well, anyone could have used this computer at the library. I'd say good luck to them, but in this case, even that wouldn't help.

    My hour was up and I had to go, but I figured I could continue my research and social media postings from a cyber cafe or any restaurant that had free Wi-Fi. Meanwhile, making more RAN posts and Tweets might actually help me attract a few more members that might actually help me with tracking down where these places were.

  4. #74
    Certified Eeveelution Enthusiast Dragon Master Mike's Avatar
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    Osias Dryton
    Storm Mage

    Egyptian Pyramids

    Osias wasn't expecting results yet. Tyler hadn't been gone very long. He thought that it might speed things up if he did some of his own research. He headed into Giza. Cell phone service wasn't very good, but Looking around, he found a coffee shop with a wi-fi hub. It was time to do some research into some leads. Digging around, he began reading some news articles relating to the mages.

  5. #75
    The Known Stranger Morzone's Avatar
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    Where ever my Fantasy takes me.
    Rowan Summers
    Music Mage
    Egyptian Pyramids

    "Let's head over to my place. I can grab some supplies while I'm there." He said, pulling out a silver ring which he placed on his finger. Rubbing the Mark on the top, he vanished and reappeared in his home. It was a pretty average home near the Atlantic seaboard of the USA. On a good day you could smell the ocean in the air. The place was messy, covered mostly in bits of instruments, music sheets (Both written on and blank), and an assortment of other stuff. "Oh great." He muttered to himself. He hadn't expected anyone to be coming over so he hadn't cleaned up. He quickly began clearing off his table and chairs of piles of magazines, music sheets, and junk mail.

    Marx Hunfry
    Fire Mage
    UN headquarters

    Marx took the phone and smiled, looking around at the other people again. His fingers twitched. "What a nice guy, the kind of person who gets stuff done. Good to know he's more human than I am." He then moved away from the group, back toward liz. "You wanna make the official call or shall I?" He asked her.


  6. #76
    Gym Leader AWA1997's Avatar
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    Larvitini Cave, Tohjo Falls
    Nicholas Flamel
    Alchemy Mage
    Paris, France

    Nick sighed as he descended into his cellar, a wine cellar with a hidden room where he studied his previous incarnations and practiced his magic. He opened the book, passed down from incarnation to incarnation, filled with spells, recipes, and, most importantly, journal entries from his past incarnations. He consulted these entries to see what his two predecessors would do in these circumstances now that the others agreed to not kill unnecessarily.

    His first incarnation, Blaise, was put in a similar situation, many centuries before his death. When confronted about his magic, he used his powers to shut his accusers up and stop the accusations, however, the method he used resulted in the death of multiple people, including the current ruler of the land. He never forgave himself for it and lived in solitary until he grew old and was only a few deacades from death. He then sought out the person who would become his replacement, training him for 20 years before dying and passing on his powers. He wrote many times in the book about not wishing for the secret to cost anyone their lives if he could help it.

    His second incarnation, Merlin, was also put in the situation. King Arthur discovered his powers and he admitted the fact that he was, indeed, endowed with magical powers. Over the years, the two grew very close, King Arthur helping Merlin as Merlin helped him. Upon the king's death, the Alchemy Mage went on a journey, never to be heard from by the mortals again.

    Nick had two stories, one of a Mage who sacrificed many lives to save his secret, and one of a Mage who sacrificed his secret and saved many lives. The secret was out, the whole world was aware, and maybe, just maybe, he could make a world-wide public announcement that could convince at least a few people that they weren't as bad as they were being made out to be...

  7. #77
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Tyler White
    Life Mage
    Public Library, Giza, Egypt

    RAN was bringing up controversial issues. I had gained a few followers out of the group and they were doing a fine job ranting, but it wasn't escalating into enough momentum to become active in taking action. It had turned into more of a debate, so I opened protest rallies at specific locations and times.

    I still couldn't get an address on the lab, and I knew that those early superhumans had to have been "test subjects" and weren't mainstreamed. So, I decided to use another account and reserve a holding spot to be a future superhuman, and faked that I was a VIP with a large sum of money that wanted superhuman powers to help better protect myself and interests. Using assertive negotiation tactics, I tried to force my way to the front of the line and get all the details I wanted as to where the lab was located, hiding my true mission with other questions such as the first day of availability, insurance coverage, legal contracts, and the like. Truthfully, I really didn't care about any of those things. I just wanted to know where this place was so I could crack into it.

  8. #78
    The Queen of Shaymin
    Noblejanobii's Avatar
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    Araxie Scripture
    Writing Mage
    Rowan's Home

    "Okay," Araxie said just before they teleported to Rowan's home. The poor music Mage seemed a bit ashamed and embarrassed about how messy his home was. Araxie thought it was kind of cute and was careful to not step on anything. "It's okay, Rowan. You act like my home is any better. You've seen my private study. Doesn't it always look like a tornado has wrecked havoc in there? Or how about my bedroom? Is that one any better? We're writers. We're bound to be a little messy."

    Elisabeth Scarlet
    Blood Superhuman
    United Nations

    Elisabeth waved her hand and smiled. She wanted to see this conversation between Marx and the Blocker. No need to prevent such an amusing conversation from occurring.

    "No no, you go ahead."
    / / / / / / / /
    Avatar by Soggymint
    Double Agents with Suicune's Fire

  9. #79
    Certified Eeveelution Enthusiast Dragon Master Mike's Avatar
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    Osias Dryton
    Storm Mage

    Egyptian Pyramids

    ((Oh, oops, kinda forgot that I really needed to reply to this for a bit)).

    After doing some digging, Osias found an article talking about the super humans. While the details of exactly how the super humans were made were unclear. He did find one interesting detail: The breakthrough was made by an American medical company called Star Masses Health Co. When he tried to find information about their labs however, he found more than one location, and he figured that there must have been more than just that. It was possible that the research had been taken over by the government too, and had been moved to a secret lab elsewhere. Still though, it was a lead.

    Osias pulled out his phone to text Tyler. "Investigate medical company Star Masses Health Co." He texted. He had decided that he was going to fly to the United States to investigate this company. He began heading towards the airport, keeping an eye out for anyone who looked like they might have a passport and money on them.

  10. #80
    The Known Stranger Morzone's Avatar
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    Where ever my Fantasy takes me.
    (really, really, really, really REEAALLYY sorry for taking so long to post.)

    Rowan Summers
    Music mage
    His home

    "Your house isn't that bad..." Rowan said, pushing one last pile of music sheets off his couch. He offered the open seat to Araxie before stepping over the recently moved piles toward his bedroom. "So um... what kind of things should I bring for this trip-thing?" He asked, not really sure of himself. What does one pack when going on the run? It made sense the superhumans would check their homes, but what did he need to take to make sure they didn't follow them elsewhere?

    Marx Hunfry
    Fire Mage
    UN headquarters

    "Aaaalrighty then!" Marx chuckled, pressing the "Call" button and putting the phone up to his ear. Let the fun begin.



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