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  1. #231
    The Queen of Shaymin
    Noblejanobii's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    Jude Audrey
    Fate Mage
    Glasgow, Scotland
    Affected RP'ers: @Neo Emolga @Awasfriend

    At the Life mage's decision to go to London, Jude cocked his head back a little to look at the sky. It appeared things were starting to wind down. It was calm and somewhat peaceful. But if only it could remain that way. It wouldn't, Jude knew, but if only.

    "I will fetch the Enchanter, he has been working on a counteraction to the plague since he first heard of the attacks. He may be able to help as well," Jude announced. He snapped his fingers and vanished, appearing in Arian's lab. The Enchanter mage did not look up. He merely greeted Jude with a wave of his hand. "Your services are needed, Enchanter, is the cure ready?" Arian straightened a little and mixed two last chemicals together in a beaker. Setting the beaker aside, Arian fetch a wand shaped stick and placed it in front of him. Retrieving the beaker, he dumped the pink colored contents onto the wand. Waving his left hand over it, the pink liquid slowly absorbed into the wand. Arian picked it up and held it out to Jude.

    "Here," he said simply. Jude bowed a little then reappeared in London.

    Elisabeth Scarlet
    Blood Superhuman
    Glasgow, Scotland
    Affected RP'ers: @Morzone

    Elisabeth's nose scrunched up at the proposition of not being ready. Deep down she knew that was partially true but she had never planned to address it herself. The mages would see that as weakness they could pounce upon! Elisabeth slapped the back of Marx's head and snapped,

    "Pull yourself together, fire rat!" Elisabeth rolled her eyes and made an annoyed sound. "I swear all men are weak. You obviously don't understand the tactics of warfare if you just admitted that out loud when these mages hold powers beyond our own." Elisabeth crossed her arms. "It was our first field experience though, don't be so hard on yourself. The public will be hard enough as is, just keep your head above the water, all right?"

    Araxie Scripture
    Writing Mage
    Edmonton, Canada
    Affected RP'ers: Morzone

    Araxie followed along quickly, still trying to take everything in. She wouldn't lie to herself when she said she was relieved Rowan took her elsewhere. This was all a bit much to take in at once. Thanking Vivi for her room, Araxie walked into her room, put her stuff down and collapsed on the bed. It was so soft, it felt so nice. She had to admit that for a second, she didn't feel like an outlaw. How long would that last though?

    Surely Vivi would find out eventually that at the very least Araxie was a mage. There was no keeping that cat in the bag. Araxie was actually surprised Vivi hadn't already known. Maybe she didn't watch the news? Who knew. For now, Araxie would just remain on guard. Better safe than sorry.
    / / / / / / / /
    Avatar by Soggymint
    Double Agents with Suicune's Fire

  2. #232
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
    Senior Administrator

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    New Jersey
    Tyler White
    Life Mage
    Glasgow, Scotland > London, England
    Affected RPers: @Noblejanobii @Morzone @AWA1997 @Awasfriend

    Since my position had already been put out in the open, switching areas would allow me to conceal myself once again. As Berni opened the portal to get to London, I stepped in, expecting just about anything to be flung around.

    After arriving in town, I could immediately sense it. It wasn't just one plague either. There were a wide variety going around from pneumonic, meningeal, pharyngeal, septicemic, and bubonic. Just wow. It was rare to see things ever get this bad and I've been around for a long time. Unfortunately, whatever had caused this had been at work for a while.

    The body count was also extreme and was rising at a ridiculous rate. Problem was, I couldn't just revive everyone like before. They would just get infected again and keep dying over and over. The level of pestilence was so severe that it was even beyond me to fix it. Not only that, but I couldn't even revive them long enough to survive an evacuation.

    I also wouldn't be able to Lifestrip enough of the bacteria myself to curtail the spread either. Whoever had done this wanted to be entirely sure it would be decades before London could undo this kind of damage...

    Somehow, I had to think of another way to fix this. But this might have very well been something beyond even me.

  3. #233
    Gym Leader AWA1997's Avatar
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    Aug 2015
    Larvitini Cave, Tohjo Falls
    Kritana Sephtis
    Death Mage
    Affected RPers: @Noblejanobii

    Now that only the residual plagues and reviving the wrongfully dead were the only issues necessary to fix, Kritana woke up and began to move sluggishly. He moved the damp cloth from his head and started walking unsteadily to the entrances, stumbling every few steps as he did. He looked at Kora. "How bad is the damage?" He asked. He looked horribly sick, his skin ghostly white, but he needed to help sort this out. "What happened?"

    Castor Spellman
    Enchanter, Alternate Universe First Incarnation
    Paris, France
    Affected RPers: @Noblejanobii, @Awasfriend

    Castor saw that things had calmed down and sighed, twisting his ring one more time as his sword and shield vanished. He looked around, and spotted a figure coming near. He heard said figure mutter curses as he drew near. "Sorry that I didn't help with this." Nicholas said. "I saw it, but my powers require me to plan ahead, and I didn't have anything ready that I could use in this situation." He pulled some vials from his bag. "Do any of you need anything to get your strength back?" "I don't, some of them may, though." Castor said. "But if you have a method of world-wide broadcast or know where I can get one, I can try to send a message to the world about what happened and try to clear it up."

    ((And the return of two of my ... I think I have four characters?))

  4. #234
    Certified Eeveelution Enthusiast Dragon Master Mike's Avatar
    GCEA Staff

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    New Jersey
    Osias Dryton
    Storm Mage

    Egyptian Pyramids

    Finally, after a very long flight, Osias arrived at JFK International Airport. Unaware of what had been happening with the other mages, he got off his plane and headed out of the airport without any issue. "Maybe next time I will ask berni to teleport me." He thought, lamenting at the idea that the other mages may have made more progress than him in the time it took him to cross the Atlantic. He began to build some moderate cloud cover overhead so he would be ready to fight if the need came.

    After making his way a short distance from the airport, he began to look for someone from which he could obtain some money. He took out his phone and considered texting Tyler if he had found anything, but decided against it. He had arrived in the United States, he didn't need Tyler's findings when he could look in person.

    After getting some money, he took a taxi into Manhattan. By human standards, the eight years since he had stepped foot in New York City were a while. But for Osias, it had only felt like yesterday since he had last been there. He took the taxi into time square and got out. It occurred to him that he wasn't really sure where to look. He believed that Star Masses Health Co had a lab in NYC, but he wasn't sure where it was, or how he would get in to investigate. He began to look around to try and find an answer.

  5. #235
    The Known Stranger Morzone's Avatar
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    Where ever my Fantasy takes me.
    Marx Hunfree
    Fire Mage (psoing as superhuman)
    Glasgow, Scotland
    Affected RP'ers: @Noblejanobii

    "Ok, You're right." Marx replied, getting to his feet with renewed vigor.

    "But I found someone important we need to find and target. One of the mages can create portals at extreme distances, and it's how the mages are getting around the planet so fast. Plus if whoever creates them is watching your fight, they can use the portals to negate any projectile you use. Several of my attacks were blocked that way."

    Marx grimaced for a moment then added, "It's... also how you got here. After I was defeated, the portal mage made a portal in France to drop you off here in Glasgow."

    Rowan Summers
    Music mage
    Edmonton, Canada
    Affected RP'ers: Noblejanobii

    As Rowan distributed his bag on to his bed, he heard Vivi enter his room, closing the door behind her. The music mage turned to face his host, who had a serious expression on her face.

    "So why are you here Rowan?" She asked, keeping her voice low.

    "Araxie and I just need somewhere to stay for a bit." Rowan stared, but Vivi interrupted him.

    "I know she's the mage who was revealed in America, Rowan. you don't have to hide it from me."

    Rowan sighed. "So you did recognize her.. well, since she's the one who was revealed, she'll be targeted the most. So I'm sort of staying with her, and we needed a place to lie low."

    "Well, Alright. You're always welcome here Rowan, you and all your friends. I'd hate to see my Rowwy-poo get hurt!" she said, giggling slightly at the name. Rowan was less amused by it.

    As Vivi turned to go, Rowan quickly called out to her, "Vivi, make sure not to let Araxie know that you know she's a mage." When Vivi looked surprised he added, "I want her to feel safe, I don't want her thinking about what happened in New York." Vivi, if not entirely convinced, still nodded to keep it a secret. She left the room, skipping and humming down the hall back to the kitchen.


  6. #236
    The Queen of Shaymin
    Noblejanobii's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    Jude Audrey
    Fate Mage
    Glasgow, Scotland
    Affected RP'ers: @Neo Emolga @Awasfriend

    Jude strolled through London, observing the damage Madeline, and by extension he, had caused. He knew she had just been startled but this much damage caused from a mage? What exactly was the source of this power? Was their universe so barbaric that they needed powers like this? Jude wasn't sure he wanted to know the answers to those questions.

    It wasn't long before Jude spotted the life mage not too far away. He sped up his walking pace and waved to Tyler, the glowing pink vial in his hand.

    "Tyler!" Jude called. He ran to the life mage's side and smiled. "Arian said this would help. Would it be worth giving it a shot?" he asked.

    Kora Lolita
    Shadows Mage
    The Underworld
    Affected RPers: @AWA1997

    Kora looked up as Kritana spoke up. She immediately walked over and grabbed him before leading him back to his bed.

    "It's nothing we can't handle. The Mages upstairs are handling it. You just relax and rest more. You look paler than the souls that have been arriving and I refuse to let you work in such conditions."

    Madder Hatter
    Second Madness Incarnation
    Paris, France
    Affected RPers: @AWA1997 @Awasfriend

    "No offense, guys, I don't think that will help." Madder scratched his head before gesturing to the destruction in Paris. "We can't just apologize and say "oops my bad" for destroying four different cities in a world we don't belong in. That's not how things work for humans."

    "Maybe we can give the Mages here a chance." Madder looked at Maddox. "Sure Maddie has to return alive but we don't. Show the Mages from this world killing us! Make them seem like the good guys. That could work… right?" Madder shook his head.

    "No, I'm not letting you do that. You've just gotten to experience life, Maddox. This is the chance you never got. You can't give it up now." Maddox smiled a little and shrugged.

    "Yeah, and it's been nice, but if we get rid of just you, it might not be believable enough. But if it's both of us, that might be enough. Besides, as great as this place is, I'd rather be here with you and Mom, and not be chased as fugitives. So maybe another day. For now, I just want to go home." Madder whistled and crossed his arms.

    "You're a beaver man than I. All right guys, let's get this show on the road. Anyone know where the space and or time Mages are? Maybe they can project our images."

    Elisabeth Scarlet
    Blood Superhuman
    Glasgow, Scotland
    Affected RP'ers: @Morzone

    Elisabeth paused then shrugged a little. That didn't really bother her much. She had been fighting alongside Mages from another universe after all. She didn't like it, but if it helped reached their ultimate goal she didn't mind it.

    "That's okay. We just need to grab him next time he tries to grab us. Yeah?"
    / / / / / / / /
    Avatar by Soggymint
    Double Agents with Suicune's Fire

  7. #237
    Berni Sumner
    Space Mage
    Alaska / Paris, France
    Affected Role Players: @NobleJanobi

    "I'm here, hold on while I get him," he told the Madness mages.

    "Jude, the other mages have a plan you might want to know about when you get the time," Bernie told him through a small portal near his ear.

  8. #238
    Gym Leader AWA1997's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Larvitini Cave, Tohjo Falls
    ((Sorry for taking so long, guys.))

    Kritana Sephtis
    Death Mage
    Affected RPers: @Noblejanobii

    "I'm fine, Kora." Kritana said, trying to get away from her, but finding himself too weak to actually do it. "This is my job, not yours. I let you help, but you shouldn't be working while I rest. I may not be completely recovered, but I'm good enough to do my part."

    Castor Spellman
    Enchanter, Alternate Universe First Incarnation
    Paris, France
    Affected RPers: @Noblejanobii, @Awasfriend

    Castor nodded at the two Mages willing to give up the lives they just got back, or, in Maddox's case, just got a chance to experience. "I have to agree with Madder, if I were in your shoes I wouldn't be able to do it. I'm sorry that you have to lose your first chance like this." he told Maddox. He looked around. "Ok, Madeline died before, in front of people, and we're going to kill Madder and Maddox and broadcast it, but I'm sure they're going to want an explanation for the absence of Maddie, they probably don't trust a Mage's words, and they would definitely want her dead, so what do we say about her?" Nicholas shrugged. "I have no clue."

  9. #239
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    New Jersey
    Tyler White
    Life Mage
    Glasgow, Scotland > London, England
    Affected RPers: @Noblejanobii @Morzone @AWA1997 @Awasfriend

    Tyler knew he had to be creative. To him, he knew he was going to have to break some rules and there was no telling how Kritana might react, but even the nature of the situation, he felt it was better to act now and talk about it later.

    He began the revival process, but under different circumstances. Each civilian he had revived had their genetic makeup altered to have the antibodies needed to fight the plagues and make them completely resilient to the diseases. He knew there was a catch. These particular humans would be immune to the diseases for the rest of their lives, not just for the duration of the attack. Tyler realized it was the only way he could correct the wrongful deaths given he couldn't completely wipe out the plague itself.

    At that moment, Jude came up from behind him, showing him the pink vial.

    "Arian, huh?" Tyler replied to Jude. "I guess that depends. What is that and what does it do?"

  10. #240
    The Queen of Shaymin
    Noblejanobii's Avatar
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    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Jude Audrey
    Fate Mage
    Glasgow, Scotland
    Affected RP'ers: @Neo Emolga @Awasfriend

    Jude knew Tyler had begun the revival process. He just had to hope he wasn't too late. Arian would be so pissed. Jude started to speak when Berni whispered to him. Jude nodded and smiled at Tyler. "One moment please." He tossed the vial into the air and disappeared. A second later, a version of him from the future (shortly after all of this was resolved) appeared and caught the vial. "Okay, now, Arian has said that this will help remove the plague from the air. But we'll need a water mage if we want to proper distribute it. Would it be worth a shot? I know how to contact little Miss Water if needed."

    Kora Lolita
    Shadows Mage
    The Underworld
    Affected RPers: @AWA1997

    Kora stopped and turned to face Kritana, giving the Death Mage a stern look. She wouldn't admit but she was in a really foul mood. First her vacation had been ruined by this whole fiasco with the influx of deaths! And then Kritana was in awful sorts because of it, so now he'd probably never leave the Underworld ever again because of course on the one day they did take a vacation together was the one day Murphy's Law decided to strike. What she wouldn't give to rewind and return to when they were just laying side by side on the beach. Kora started to open her mouth when tears began to well in her eyes.

    "I don't care if it's your job, Kritana! You're so weak right now, and we have no control over what's happening up there. Another wave could come soon and we won't have any way to stop it, and if you're not strong enough then you could... then you could..." Her tears began to trickle down her face as Kora shook from her sobs. "I just wanted you to relax... i-is that too much to ask for? You always work so hard, I just thought you deserved a break, a-and now you're in this state, you need this more than ever. Please, Kritana, please... go back to bed."

    Madder Hatter
    Second Madness Incarnation
    Paris, France
    Affected RPers: @AWA1997 @Awasfriend

    Maddox smiled at Castor and tipped his hat. Truth be told he didn't really want to go but if he was going to live somewhere, he wanted to be alive in his world not one in another universe. At Castor's point, Maddox glanced at the unconscious Maddie before looking at Madder. Madder caught Maddox's gaze and raised his eyebrows in confusion.

    "What are you thinking?" he asked quietly, recognizing that as Maddox's thinking expression. He used it quite a bit when they played Blackjack together.

    "Your knives, do they cancel immortality?" Madder summoned his knives and held one out.

    "This one? No. Maddie's the one with the immortality canceler. I, on the other hand, have two knives that delay immortal recovery. It prevents a mage from healing as quickly, generally speaking. I commonly used these when I was carving up Life because-" Madder froze, the memories surging forward in a tidal wave. His expression darkened and his eyes lowered to the ground as shame rose up within him. He sighed a little then shook his head. "The point is, the wounds don't heal as quickly. Why?" Maddox simply stared at Madder before glancing at Maddie then back at Madder. It didn't take Madder long to connect the dots. "You want me to carve her up so it looks like she's dead?"

    "I mean I've heard what you and Mom did in London and I seriously doubt you've forgotten your skills." Madder sighed again, louder this time.

    "Jesus Christ, Maddox. Fine. But we better do this quick then. Her wounds will heal in roughly an hour after I carve them. Let's just hope she doesn't wake up while I'm doing it."
    / / / / / / / /
    Avatar by Soggymint
    Double Agents with Suicune's Fire


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