Well I figure I may as well post some of these things. They were things I had to do for an English class but I actually kind of like at least this one. I may post the others at some later point. Hope you enjoy : )

Pokemon Sonnet
Which would you be, if you could choose to be
Any Pokémon in the whole entire world?
Would you pick Squirtle? Or maybe Combee?
Or you could explode out like a Loudred.
What about some old favorites, like Machamp
Or maybe others like Charizard. Perhaps
You would be a dragon, like Garchomp
Or cold and dark like Sneasel. Or mayhaps
You would be flying like Tropius. What
About a mystical ghost, Gengar, or one
As hard as rock, maybe Onix, or Wynaut
For the psychics. Or as stronger than none,
Klefki as the fairy. But none more than the
Rodent, Pikachu. So which would you be?