The team base would be an eight floor complex all based underground. It would be built underneath a large storage complex to allow easy importation and exportation of supplies, Pokemon, and people via the loading docks above. All evil team items and personnel will enter via these loading docks, so there will be many cameras and inspections of every vehicle entering and exiting the building. There is no way to enter the underground complex from the regular public access to the storage complex. Upon entering BF1 of the underground complex, each uniform tag is scanned to ensure the uniform is an actual team uniform and not a costume. The highest level of security will be based on BF1 to block out the brunt of intruders, should they managed to force their way in. The level of security decreases the further one goes underground, but in exchange, the levels of the Pokemon the intruders face go up drastically and there are no rest stops. In addition, all communications via Pokemon or cellular device are blocked unless registered on the team network. The fourth floor contains the power cell, but also has only one exit and entrance. Should one choose to destroy the power cell, it would cost them their life due to it being impossible to escape the blast proof room in time, since the self destruct sequence takes less time than it does for most people to make it out of the room, and psychic teleportation is blocked inside the base. There is also no elevator in the base, only stairs to make it more difficult to constantly change floors to find the correct passage way. Much like a maze, many false stairways, doors, and exits have been placed around the base. Only the team members know which ones are correct, and it is easy to trap someone once they fall into one of these traps. The seventh floor has only two trainers guarding it, one at the beginning of the long hall that makes up the floor and another one at the end. However, the floor is made up of a laser grid that, when tripped, will cause the electrodes hidden underneath the power cell to explode, taking out everyone in the base. The boss of the base also has a self destruct button for the base built into his desk that renders it impossible for a person to escape from that floor before the countdown ends and only the boss knows the safe word to cut it off. The boss also has a full team consisting of level 100 Pokemon, a mega evolution, six max revives, and plenty of health restoration items. It will be a nearly impossible fight for anyone who manages to make it down to him. BF3 also has floor sensors that will alert all members of the evil team of the base invasion. BF5 and BF6 has a set of booby traps as well that mirror each other. These traps including swinging axes, flamethrowers, and dart triggers.


"So you're sure? This is the place? The base of the team that broke Dylan?" My earpiece crackled for a second then Fox's angered voice came over the line.

"Yeah. This is them. Team Drayken Rising. You sure you want to do this though? I sincerely doubt if we lose you that Dylan will ever wake up." I was silent for a minute then said quietly,

"They put Dylan in a coma and I don't know when he's going to wake up. They made this personal, so I'll be ripping this Drayken limb from limb." Another voice came across the line a moment later.

"And this is why you don't mess with the PBI. You don't know what kind of crazies will come after you because of it." I snorted. "Okay, now, Sloane, you'll have to time this perfectly. The cameras are in constant motion with a pattern that prevents there being almost any blind spot. However, if you use Nightwing, you should be able to cloak yourself and prevent the cameras from seeing you. You're wearing the team uniform, right?"

"With great disgust."

"Good, it'll get you through the first floor scanner but you probably won't make it to the second floor before they notice you don't belong. Be ready to go and move. The stairs will be the most trouble for you but you've got Alicorn with you, right?"

"Yes, Alicorn is here."

"Then you should be fine. Have her carry you if necessary. You know the rest of the details so good luck." With that there was a click on the line.

"Geez that Kiosia is straight to the point," I muttered.

"Yeah, that's Kiosia for you. Anyway, I won't be able to contact you once you're inside so last chance to back out."


"All right. Best of luck, Sloane." There was another click. I looked up at the Zoroark beside me and nodded. Nightwing uncrossed his arms as I stood up. The air around us began to warp and shift before returning to normal. I felt Nightwing touch my back, urging me forward, so we walked on. I held my breath and only dared to breathe when I was absolutely sure it would make no sound. We approached the loading dock quietly, guards and cameras everywhere. Nightwing steered me forward, urging me this way and that to make sure the illusion wasn't broken. We slipped inside undetected and then made our way to the stairs. Heading to a blind spot, we lowered the illusion over me. I straightened my outfit, then made my way to the first floor checkpoint.

Anxiety welled in my chest as I kept my head down in line for the checkpoint, Nightwing having lifted the illusion from me now. The line took terribly long to move, or maybe that was just my nervous impatience. Either way, it was utter torture, especially since I passed the scan and was able to enter unnoticed. I was beginning to make my way to the stairs to BF2, when a knife sliced right past my face. Busted. I looked over my shoulder slowly.

"I don't recall Jones having brown hair. Who are you and what have you done with Jones?"

"Well, time to go!" I pulled the bead that was strapped around my neck loose and smashed it on the ground. Smoke erupted in the hall and I made a dash for the stairs.

"After her!" I heard being shouted as I tore down the stairs to the second floor. I plucked a pokeball from my belt and prepared to engage in battle. As soon as I entered the second floor, I was met with the growls of Pokemon. In front of me stood a Swoobat and a Gallade. I sent out my Houndoom, Carwennan, and had her use snarl, temporarily dazing both opponents and giving us the opportunity to progress. Using this tactic, we took out the entire second floor with ease, but I knew the third floor would not be so easy. As I went down the stairs, I switched out Carwennan for Etho, my Greninja. I looked at Etho and signaled him forward.

Etho shot forward to the door and signaled back. It was as we expected. Floor sensors. They'd set off an alarm to everyone that was a member of this evil group, where as we were hoping for a slightly delayed reaction. Etho grabbed hold of me and we slipped into the room. Etho climbed up the wall and began to carry me to the other side. In my arms was Nightwing in the form of a Zorua. He snickered as grunts below noticed us.

"There's the intruder! Shoot her down!"

"Nightwing, now!" Right as the grunts began to direct their Pokemon towards us, Nightwing released a barrage of shadow balls, knocking out and dazing the Pokemon of the grunts. "Okay, Etho, you're in the clear." I strengthened my grip on Nightwing as Etho leapt from the ceiling and shot across the room to the wall on the far side using hydro pump as a boost. He took the brunt of the force as we slammed against the wall. Etho groaned a little but managed to get us to the stairs before he fainted. One Pokemon down, five to go. I returned Etho to his pokeball and looked at Nightwing.

"Fourth floor is going to be hard. Be on guard. Remember, don't touch that power cell." Nightwing, who had shifted back into his normal form, nodded. We charged down the stairs and I had to shield my eyes from the light. The power grid was constantly being charged by electric types, and it was dangerous to get too close. If you so much as unplugged one Pokemon, the whole base would blow. I'd deal with that later. No trainers guarded this floor, so staying close to the walls, we made our way carefully across. The biggest challenge was avoiding stray lightning bolts. Nightwing did his best to block them with protect but he did not always succeed and I could tell he was growing worn out faster than I had anticipated. Nevertheless, we made it to the other side.

"Nightwing, take this sitrus berry. I need you for all the floors." Nightwing nodded and ate the sitrus berry in one bite. Then we ventured to the fifth floor. By now the Pokemon should be reaching the 60s range level wise. We would have to avoid confrontation as best as would. I sent out Carwennan again and we three charged in together. Carwennan and Nightwing attacked as one, realizing a snarl and nightdaze together. The combined force of the attacks sent the grunts and their Pokemon flying, but also triggered the traps on this floor. I dashed forward, having memorized the blueprints of the traps on the fifth floor. I started a cartwheel than bounced into a round off, avoiding a swinging axe trap. I landed in a sprint and then slid on my knees, sliding underneath a flamethrower. I stood back up and took off again, pausing after a few feet to let an array of darts to shoot by before I took off again. I continued to pause every few feet to let darts shoot by before I reached the end of the room. Nightwing and Carwennan were right on my tail, avoiding each trap with a combination of dodges and protects. We charged down to the sixth floor, almost to our goal. The sixth floor was identical to the fifth floor except for stronger trainers so we repeated our strategy there but the seventh floor was a whole other flavor of ice cream. As I was going down the stairs, I returned Carwennan to her pokeball and sent out my Stunktank, Sylvia. Nightwing turned into a Joltik and stuck like clue to my shoulder. I pulled a blowtube from my pocket and stepped into the hall. Before the first trainer could react, I shot a dart right into his neck. He was out like a light. I looked at Sylvia and nodded.

Sylvia took in a deep breath then released a heavy smog that caused the laser grid to come into view. Pulling on a mask with infused pecha berry juice, I returned Sylvia to her pokeball and began to climb through the lasers. I did my best to avoid the lasers that I could see, but I would receive a small pinch from Nightwing any time I got too close to one. I saw the trainer on the other side but they didn't dare make a move, lest they set off the explosives in the process. I knew they'd try to take me out as soon as I got over there, which is what Nightwing was for. As soon as I ducked out the last laser, I threw Nightwing straight at the man. Nightwing morphed back to his normal form and tackled the man to the ground. I pulled the plastic cups from my jacket pocket and tied the man up.

"Now stay still. Wouldn't want you to set off the sensors, now would you?" With that, Nightwing and I descended to the final floor. Evil laughter echoed down the hall and I saw a tall Italian man standing at the end of the hall. He turned to face me as I approached, but I didn't wait for him to start. I burst into a sprint and vaulted over his desk. I slid my hand under the desk and clicked the button that lay hidden under there.

"Just what do you think you're doing!" The man shouted, wrenching me from behind his desk. He was about to nail me in the face when Nightwing bit his shoulder. The man cried out and tried to reach for his pokeballs but I quickly smacked his hand away and wrenched two pokeballs from his belt. Nightwing released his grip and dove in for another bite, clenching onto the man's side this time. I dove in and grabbed two more pokeballs this time. Nightwing released and attacked one more time, his fangs meeting the man's other shoulder this time. I grabbed the last two pokeballs then grabbed one of my own from my belt,

"Nightwing!" The Zoroark threw the man across the room as the counter I had been keeping in my head neared zero. Nightwing turned back into a Joltik and grabbed onto me as I opened the pokeball them dove to the floor. I pulled into a tight ball, all the pokeballs and Nightwing against my belly as another Pokemon wrapped himself around me. I flinched as my mental timer reached zero and I felt the explosion hit. Despite the tight space, I smacked my head pretty hard against the Pokemon protecting me and everything went back for a few seconds. I could only guess how much we were bouncing around the room, but finally it seemed like we settled. We all uncurled from our position.

"Donphan…" I smiled as I crawled away from my Pokemon protector. I never thought that he would ever be this useful, but to this day I never regretting putting Donjon on my team. He definitely was the study one and he had just saved our lives. I looked around to see where we were and noticed we were no longer underground. Instead, we were in the city above, not too far from the complex ruins.

"Good job, Donjon. We did it. We avenged Dylan." I collapsed on the ground and breathed hard, the whole effort having worked my body past its limit. Now that the adrenaline was wearing off, I could feel the toll it was taking on me. But that didn't matter. I had done it. I had destroyed their HQ. Now Team Drayken Rising was no more.