Gregory firstarter/Tyrunt
Bright iridescent team explorers(B.I.T.E): Normal Rank

Gregory followed the Emolga as he seemed to be the most inquisitive out of everyone here.

then The electric rodent started speaking "So all of you are the other classmates! Wow, and I thought it was just me alone in this crazy mess! And hey, I'm Chris by the way.

wait! everyone here were are classmates turned pokemon Gregory had already suspected it but at least now it was confirmed

speaking of classmates

"Oh hello Chris, names Gregory. We didn't talk much on the buss but nice meeting you".

Gregory tried to extend his arm for a hand shake but relized how short his forelimbs were and awkwardly pretended it didn't happen.

Chris started talking about pretending like we had always been pokemon with Gregory did not entirely agree on.

"Hey as far as we know everyone here are people from school so whats all this talk about disguises for. If there are actual pokemon that aren't you know us,
maybe they know all about geting us back. No need to jump to conflutions on theoretical creatures intentions. Also pineapple is by far the best pizza topping"

then an ice pokemon spoke " Don't be so hasty I didn't lock you in here. We didn't really arrive where I had planned."

"Oh didn't see you there"

It sounded like it was the one who brought us here

"Where were you planning for us to arrive? Well if it wasn't this cave then we should probably get out right"

While Gregory was not as suspicious about everyone like most of the others seemed do to is nature of trusting most people unless it was super mega obvious that they were shady he still wanted to get out cuz it was getting kinda really cold.

he took a couple stepps back from the walls of the cavern and then charged.

he ran at full speed at the wall hoping that becoming a pokemon would give him super powers and head butted straight in to it.

it did not have the results he hopped for the wall was still standing. Though supricingly he was not in incredible amounts of pain and only had a light headache
and also there was a small but still visible crack in the rock where he had gone for.

He sighed

"Welp i guess brute force isn't getting us out of here. Hey! some of you guys that are hiding is producing light right maybe you can lead the way like a
living flashlight. Though its totally cool if you don't feel like it"

He was really hoping small fire he saw a bit after awakening was what he suspected though the anxiety of making a fool of himself still made his shake a little.