Quote Originally Posted by Truly View Post
Now all that's left is to urge Morzone to actually play to the strengths he chose so we actually can build a cage.

ok and actually
Do we know what happens to the soul of a pokemon killed by stalkers? Is it not claimed by them as well?

and like, it's not "oh he might lose his hand later in life." He might lose his hand very very soon. He doesn't use his hand. But if he used his hand, he'd use it for beating those children I'm trying to give candy to.
IDK, flabebe.

AND, it's a choice that Orin made for himself. If we weren't there, based on his own choices, he'd kill a bunch of pokemon as Epsilon, THE WORLD WOULD BE CLAIMED BY STALKERS, and then his damned soul would be taken. By his own choice. Even if it was made in a moment of weakness or a fit of rage. Why is he worth protecting from himself over protecting others from himself?

From a game standpoint, there's no reason keep him alive.
From a game standpoint, there's all the more reason to assassinate him. As the player count dwindles our actions are drastically cut in number, making the Ritual less and less likely to be found and completed.
@Lychee, maybe you can tell me the number of preventable deaths that will occur before we are forced to assassinate Orin anyway. Obviously, the upper limit is 25.

I get pretty caught up in it, I guess.
Well, yeah. I guess that's why I'm not too worried about his pokemon spirit- he chose this. He wanted to kill. He STILL wants to kill, even when his stalker isnt in control. He's blended with the evil, it's different to the other stalkers, he told us that himself. If theres a judgement call about souls, his is getting sucked into the abyss along with the stalker that's melted like goo into his very essence.
I mean...
Don't you ever wonder what happened to the OTHER founders of Salvage Keep?

From a numbers standpoint! Oooh! My fav thing to do!
Ok so, we have two forgers, and we can count on nearly 10 players to take an action or follow directions. If we all put the restrain plan into action, everyone scavenging for materials (knowing that those without the bonus will be less successful) buying materials, and possibly someone else learning forge, it would likely still take us 2 day and 2 night cycles to get somewhere around 3-6 cages?
I mean, if we really really focus on that on the next day cycle, we could potentially have 3 cages for restraining by night time... but then who do we restrain?
It could take a lot of turns to find out, but once we had 7 cages I guess we could figure it out in the day, then systematically jail the whole town like a giant game of mastermind or something lol
Regardless, even if we're smart and coordinated and lucky, at least 4 more innocent pokemon would die.
I guess if we assassinate orin, it might not change that! So that leads us back to completing the ritual asap instead. That's an unknown goal atm coz we dont know how many steps there are...