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  1. #11
    Anomalous Eldritch Cryptid Saraibre Ryu's Avatar
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    Lux and Bellatrix
    Sport's Field; Clouds Cross

    Lux almost saw the ball smack Ava in the face in slow motion. Aunt Bella was fidgeting with the coolers when she caught a last glimpse of it. Ball hitting Ava square in the face, and her on the ground. She was already packing up her first-aid kit and a couple of water bottles, sprinting down the field as her name was yelled across it by the coach. Lux sat down and tried not to listen to carefully to Fausto rattle on about what just happened. From all of the boy's observations, that wasn't like Ava. Spacing out in the middle of a game after being so focused? It was definitely strange, and he didn't have a doubt that it had something to do with Beau showing up.

    Lux gulped down some water and sat quietly. He looked around and watched the other players while waiting to flip another number off either side of the point board. He was really hoping he could get some answers to this later tonight. At least he felt owed some answers as well.

    "Alright move over, this is why I'm here, no crowding." Bellatrix shooed, making sure her dark, nearly black hair was tied back and out of the way. "Alright Ava you know the drill, lean forward, clean off, make sure noting is broken."

    She opened up her first aid kit, seeing the bloody nose and hoping it wasn't broken. Taking a ball to the face varied in damage output. She poured some cold water over a cloth and rung it out just a bit, making sure it wasn't too soaked or too chilled. She gave it to Ava, knowing she was a capable enough young woman to wipe off her own blood and didn't need to be babied. Bellatrix was going to make sure that her nose wasn't broken, that the bleeding wasn't abnormal, and be on her way as usual. Ava would have been used to it by now.

    "Nothing feels out of place or stings?" These were pretty standard questions that she could have been used to, as it was just standard procedure to ask them. "I haven't seen you take a ball like that in awhile Ava. Something up after your last performance?"

    Bella was hoping she wasn't going to have to reaffirm the old 'you can tell me anything' policy again. It was true, and patient confidentiality was very much enforced, even against the parents. if a kid wanted something to be kept a secret, she kept it that way.

    ASB Stats | VPP Stats

    Flute the Clefa
    Hatch: 2883
    Clefairy: 2988
    Clefable: 3108
    Level100: 3168

  2. #12
    Not insanity. Supersanity. Death's Spook's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013
    It depends. How sane are you?
    Iskander Ingram
    Cloud's Cross, Sports Field
    ARPers: @Winter @Saraibre Ryu

    Iskander was in a mood as particular as it was unpleasant.

    He had already spent a considerable amount of mental energy on deducing that something was wrong with Cloud’s Cross, which was only further exacerbated by Beau Sanders’s mysterious herculean feat of strength and subsequent disappearance.

    Iskander had actually been present when Beau lifted the hunk of building, and the fact that Iskander probably owed his life to Beau did nothing to lessen Iskander’s desire to hunt Beau down to a quiet area and charm or coerce Beau into talking.

    It would also give me a plausible excuse to procrastinate talking to Ava. Can’t forget that that’s the other reason I’m in a bad mood.

    Iskander felt he had good reason to avoid his best friend. Somehow, he felt revealing that he had withdrawn significantly from socializing after Beau’s strangeness because he was rigorously testing the hypothesis that he had supernatural powers caused by self inflicted injury was something that could cause Ava to feel certain very terrifying ways.

    So in theory, he could have pursued Beau pushed off that conversation a bit further down the line. In fact, Iskander was about to do precisely that when he happened to look up.

    Just in time to see Ava get smacked in the face with a soccer ball.

    Iskander struggled for a second: did he go to question Beau, or did he help Ava?

    He saw Ava’s nose begin to drip blood.

    I hate being a good person, Iskander thought to himself as he began to walk towards his friend.

    Iskander approached tentatively: the doctor was already evaluating Ava, and he wasn’t sure if either or both would object to his presence. As he got closer, he quietly asked, “May I please sit?”

    The question meant two different things, in Iskander’s mind: it held its literal meaning as directed to Bellatrix, but it really meant, “How mad are you at me for not being available most of the time these past few weeks?” to Ava.

    He sincerely hoped Ava wouldn’t send him away.
    Avatar taken from Scarfgirl and TheOtherChosenOne of Deviantart. Two great tastes that go great together! You know, when they aren't trying to kill each other horribly.

    Ivy commands you not to touch the kitty!

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  3. #13
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    Banora, Munchin' on Dumbapples
    Beau Sanders (NPC)
    Cloud's Cross, Exiting the Sports Field @FedoraChar

    “No one’s seen you in forever. Folks were saying that you went to jail or died or something.” At Shawn’s remark, Beau had to fight the urge to laugh--the rumors that spread through town, despite the fact it was small, were laughable at best. Of course, if they knew the truth… He snorted and shook his head.

    “Oh please, Armstrong, you still believe we have a jail? You know just as well as everyone else that the worst anyone around here’s ever gotten is house arrest. Jail’s just a myth, and I died? I hardly think so. You shouldn’t believe everything you hear.” He let his familiar easy smile take over his lips.

    Of course, then she asked about why he wasn’t playing. That was a lot harder to answer, but he tried.

    “Speaking of house arrest, I’m in trouble with my parents--did badly on that last test, even with both of the Clearwater’s helping out. They grounded me pretty hard, and have been making me study at home the past few days...something about fewer distractions there or something. I’m actually not supposed to be out, but I had to check on the game… So, ah, if you don’t mind, I should get going…” He jerked a thumb towards the little cluster of houses that made up his neighborhood, and gave her an apologetic smile. “Hopefully I’ll be taking a make-up test soon, and they’ll stop being so adamant on keeping me locked up.”

    Ava and Colin Clearwater
    Athena and Hephaestus
    Cloud's Cross, Sports Field @Saraibre Ryu @Death's Spook

    "Alright Ava you know the drill, lean forward, clean off, make sure nothing is broken." Ava took the cloth and began cleaning up. She knew her nose wasn’t broken--she’d only managed it once before, and it had hurt far more than the sting left from the ball she had taken to the face. she could practically feel Colin’s worried eyes on her, but she shrugged it off.

    “Nothing’s broken, Ms. Bellatrix,” she grumbled, her mind flashing back to Beau as the woman asked what might have prompted the incident. She glanced over to Colin, who glanced back at her, and she shrugged as she returned her attention to Bellatrix. “I was just...distracted. It’s weird, not having Beau here, too. It’s been awhile since he missed a game, and it’s weird without him.” Slowly she was starting to calm down, though her mind continued to spin in circles, generating questions for which she had no way to get answers.

    And then a hulking figure approached the bench, but spoke quietly, as gentle as ever. “May I please sit?” Of course, lost in her thoughts as she was, Ava jolted, squeezing her nose and then hissing in pain. Colin made a sound of frustration, but he knew Ava could speak for herself and fight her own battles.

    “Holy snot, Issy,” she muttered, leveling a weak glare at her friend that simply expressed displeasure over the sudden scare. She knew he had been avoiding her as of late, too, but she’d at least still seen him at school, not that it was long enough to get more than a polite “hello,” out of him. She didn’t have the energy at the moment to fight with him too, though, and Bellatrix was there anyway. Her questions as to why he’d suddenly stopped his regular visits to the Clearwater household after school would have to wait until a more opportune time. “Would it kill you to make a little more noise when you approach before you speak up? I don’t care, sit, sit. Or don’t. That works too, I guess.”

    My dA | My FF.Net Avvie and sig made by me!

  4. #14
    Reynaldo Sage Quercetum
    Cloud's Cross, Sports field or near by.

    Finally after much diliberation, Rey decided he'd slip out from the shadows. He would have approached the entire group of friends in a heart beat in his usual cheery way. However a grimace was on his face when his gaze fell upon that GIANT. Why did it have to be him!? whyyyy? Megalaphobia be damned he wanted attention, but it was also overpowering his knees which quaked a bit violently.

    "H-hey guys," He offered trying to keep himself at least a bit calm. To hell with it! he thought to himself he didn't care how awkward it'd seem saying hello and then bolting. Like a cheeta the boy was off toward, well wherever his legs would take him. Hair draping in the wind he charged caring little if he bumped into anyone at the moment.
    "Curse this stupid fear..." he adjusted his glasses mid sprint,"I had at least several opertunities to make a move before that lumbering piece of meat appeared, yet I stalled.. waahhh... I wanted to spend time with Ava, sweet Colen, and possibly that friend of theirs.."

    Axura Sol Quercetum
    Cloud's Cross, Somewhere in the school field.
    @ FedoraChar
    "That was lovely."
    Axura was as stiff as a statue even as he turned to look at the timid maiden. Someone had discovered a single safe haven of his. Staring into the women's eyes he let his ruby irises fallow her gaze ever so slowly to what he asumed was the object of admiriation. The trees foliage was possibly some of the greenest he had seen in Cloud's Cross,"Yes.. the leaves are lovely."

    Completely the blond had missed the mark. Any onlooker was probobly smacking their foreheads at the ignorance. Sure this fair maid had complimented him on his poetry, but he sure as hell didn't know that.

    After what seemed like an eternity he finally turned to adress her. He brushed passed with nery a word escaping that straight line he called a mouth as his shoulder gently bumped her to the side. He looked toward the school in deep throught,"I wonder if any of the rooms are empty?"

  5. #15
    taking flight! VeloJello's Avatar
    URPG Staff

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    May 2013
    My heart is in several places and all of them are fictional. u^u
    Lysander Martis
    Cloud’s Cross, Gymnasium -> Side streets

    ((Decided that I needed to at least try to spread my characters out a bit; sorry for the mix-up before, Char. XD This post is nigh identical to the prior draft, minus everything about Lysander seeing Lydia))

    The sound of Sera’s repeated hits on the punching bag formed a rhythmic backdrop to Lysander’s thoughts as he wrote down thoughts in his notebook. Usually, the notebook was something he kept with him in case he had a sudden spark of inspiration, or if he was just bored and wanted to write. Lately, however, he had been using it to keep track of some of the Cloud’s Cross oddities - chronicling everything he could about Beau Sanders, and adding notes about Sera and a few other kids he knew who had either been acting weirdly, or knew Beau well. So far he’d found no solid conclusions at all, but he found that writing down his thoughts helped him feel a lot less overwhelmed.

    Just then, however, nothing was really helping. There was tension lodged deep in his chest, tension that spread through every muscle and made it impossible to sit without twitching. Seraphine wouldn’t take him seriously and didn’t want to hear a word against the adults. He didn’t know anyone else he could go to with this - before, he might have considered his moms, but he didn’t want either of them to know he’d eavesdropped on his mum. He didn’t know what to do, and looking at the clumsy words and phrases he’d scrawled down, he suddenly felt like there was too much of it all, and maybe he was just making mountains out of molehills like always anyway, and…

    “I need to go,” Lysander announced suddenly, his voice coming out a lot squeakier than it was supposed to. “I’ll be out for a walk like usual after dinner if you want to talk tonight… see you tomorrow, otherwise.”

    He could tell that Seraphine was thinking about saying something more, but she just nodded, her lips pursed with concern. “Okay,” she said, trying for a smile. “See you.”

    As soon as Lysander got outside he began to feel a bit better. The gymnasium was good, familiar territory most of the time, but Seraphine’s rolling tension like was a thick malaise that filled the room. Between that and his own nerves, Lysander had been feeling strangled. Outside, however, there weren’t all those emotions bundled together. Everything felt more relaxed, more free. Slowly but surely, Lysander’s shallow breaths began to deepen.

    The funny thing was, he was quite suddenly doing exactly what Seraphine had been wanting him to do - he wasn’t thinking about Beau Sanders or any part of the vague feeling of impending doom that shadowed over him. His thoughts were taking a very different direction.

    “Your moms are probably just concerned that we’re sleeping together or something.” Seraphine’s words echoed in Lysander’s head. She had just meant it as a joke, Lysander was sure, but her tone had been so dismissive… For some reason, it bugged him a lot.

    Well. Not “for some reason”. Lysander knew exactly why it bothered him, when he stopped to think about it for five seconds. Seraphine was strong - fierce, even - intelligent, beautiful, and his most staunch supporter besides his moms. As silly and juvenile as it was, he was smitten with a girl he’d been strictly just friends with for years.

    Now that’d be a sign of the apocalypse, he thought, feeling a smile of weary amusement forming on his face. Lysander Martis, getting a date.

    A flicker of motion caught Lysander’s eye. There was a loud “meow”, and then a big orange-and-white shorthair cat trotted out of an alleyway with its tail raised high.

    “Hey, buddy,” said Lysander, bending down to the cat’s level. The great tomcat sniffed Lysander a few times, then plopped down on the sidewalk and meowed demandingly. “Sera’s not with me, but I can still give you a good scratch behind the ears, right?”

    It was just as well; if Seraphine had actually been there, Oswald would have pretended that Lysander was completely nonexistent. For reasons that had never been entirely clear to either he or Seraphine, cats adored Sera, and Oswald in particular was the most affectionate of them. Lysander managed to get a few minutes’ worth of petting in before Oswald batted at his hand with a lazy paw and rose again, meowing plaintively.

    Lysander let out a small sigh as he rose. “Sera’s not here,” he said again. “If you want her, you’re going to have to wait.”

    However, Oswald followed when Lysander walked away. He sighed. Cats, no accounting for them. He wasn’t even particularly sure where he was going - he just sort of ambled through Cloud’s Cross, holding his notebook like a security blanket. It was kind of weird that he didn’t end up running into anyone, considering - while most people would probably still be in the stadium watching whatever was left of the soccer game, it seemed odd to him that he just happened not to see anyone at all, especially when he was just picking side streets at random. Not that he minded. In his frame of mind, talking to anyone but Sera would make him even more agitated - actually, talking to Sera would probably be even more tense after how he’d left.

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  6. #16
    Lizard Librarian FedoraChar's Avatar
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    ((@Velo s’all good, was going to hop on and say something earlier but didn’t get the time—but you got it so s’all good xD Also, sorry if this seems a bit rushed but like Velo I think I'd like to get my characters going a little here xD Move the story on a little bit, perhaps))

    Shawn Armstrong
    Cloud’s Cross, Sport’s Field

    Shawn bought into all of Beau’s words, even giving a bout of laughter at his jokes. “I know right? The crazy stuff that people come up with.”

    At his explanation, she winced sympathetically. “Dang, Beau, your parents are as harsh all heck.” She waved, dismissing him. “Get out of here, then. But hey, I better see you at the next match, right?”

    She grinned and punched him in the shoulder, a typical friendly guesture from her—but perhaps gentle only to a rock. “Good seeing ya.”

    Without giving the guy any further thought, she continued on to the gym—eager to hit the sandbags.

    Lydia McCormick
    Cloud’s Cross, School Field
    @Xelxe Attis

    The boy’s answer came slowly. Like, very… very slowly. Lydia immediately wondered if she made the right choice in speaking to him. But his response was…

    “Yes… the leaves are lovely.”

    Lydia was naturally confused, but following his gaze to a nearby tree. Normal people probably would have corrected him—but this was Lydia. The plant nerd. Compliment a tree and she’d be all over it.

    “Oh,” she said, brightening a little. “That’s a remarkably healthy Quercus alba—that is, white oak tree. You know, oaks have actually had a hard time growing here in Cloud’s Cross but perhaps at this angle and slope this one is getting…”

    She stopped short, as the boy gently shouldered passed her without saying a word. Nothing.

    Biting her lip, she wondered if she had scared him off. Most teenagers probably wouldn’t care for trees, of course. Still, she wanted to make at least a bit more effort at being sociable. Though honestly this kid seemed to have as much social tact as a dead log—not that she was one to judge, of course.

    “U-um…” she skipped forward a little, jogging back up to his side. “Where you going? I was, um… I wasn’t really talking about the tree back there. I heard your poem, and…”

    She trailed off, thinking he’d understand the rest of the context there.

    Banner by the legendary Neo Emolga!
    Little Lizard's Library of Tales
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    Number III, the Argent Flame

  7. #17
    Anomalous Eldritch Cryptid Saraibre Ryu's Avatar
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    Feb 2013
    Bellatrix and Lux
    Sport's Field; Clouds Cross
    @Winter @Death's Spook

    "I know it isn't broken, Ava. However, on the off chance that there is a fracture, and I was wrong, I lose my job." Bellatrix gave a bit of a chuckle. "Frankly, I don't want to lose that. I like taking care of all you kids too much. Even if you all don't get along."

    A certain someone's arrival did not go unnoticed, but seeing as Iskander was keen on sitting anyway, Bellatrix only motioned an affirmative response. She knew Iskander had his reasons and he certainly wasn't making a crowd, though that could be put up for debate. She offered Ava an unopened water bottle to drink, rather than use the one she had been having clean of blood. She leaned a bit closer, giving the wound a quick look before handing the girl something a little less damp to wipe off her face with.

    "That might need a bandage to keep the canals open, as that is going to swell a little bit and we don't want any clotting." The doctor fidgeted in her bag for the appropriate tool she had just described. "I'll give you a few more minutes before we apply that. It's going to be a sensitive spot for awhile. At least it isn't anywhere near as bad as the time Lux got his nose broken."

    Lux had an odd sensation that his aunt was talking about him. Not that he cared much, he was sure others spoke about him behind his back. That's what people did. He was having a hard enough time keeping attention to the game, flipping the proper point signs, and keeping hydrated. Lux looked exceptionally lazy doing it, taking advantage of the new foot rest while Bellatrix was not there to sit in it. He peered around the stands and took a head count of everyone there. He was sure that a couple certain families were not at the event, mostly a particular pair he couldn't see. He thought to himself, wondering where Angel was if that pair of people that drove her insane to be around were currently not nearby. He didn't quite understand why they drove her insane, but he wasn't going to question how Angel felt about it.

    'Maybe I could get Aunt Bella to bring in that water enhancer stuff she's talked about before.' Water was turning into the taste of 'boring' for the teen.

    A whistle jolted him out of his thoughts, telling him to flip the point sign once again. It was certainly, a very strange day so far.

    Angel ['Emily' the Cat]
    Clouds Cross; to the Back Alley's
    @Velocity Maybe if you wanna run into Angel as a cat I dunno

    If Angel could wrinkle her face, she would have. Beau was being everything, but inconspicuous about his evasiveness on the topic of his disappearance. She had that tingling feeling again in her spine, though it was not nearly as bad as she had gotten it before. Shawn was a bit of a fool to immediately believe him, but... this was Shawn, she was the nice girl. Of course that is all anyone really knew of Angel, the nice girl with the ability to kick your ***. The only one who was going to give Lux the time of day. Luckily, Lux was the only one who didn't lie to her for any reason, and therefore the air was more comfortable around him.

    As comfortable as having someone with little filter and no sense of keeping some things to himself was. For her sake, and the sake of keeping secrets, it was a good hing she had bothered. Angel did not want to find out what would happen if everyone else knew what they were up to at night. She had made sure that no one would ever find out.

    Thinking back to Beau, who was now leaving Shawn, Angel thought there was no point in further tailing him. The boy was not going to confide into a stray, calico tabby and that was it. Left with more questions than answers, Angel scampered off into a back alley, knowing the chances of running into anyone there were a hundred to one. There was definitely something up, and there was going to be a late night visit to Lux's place to talk about it.

    Looked like today was going to be a cat day. Time to liberate some cold cut meat from the deli.

    ASB Stats | VPP Stats

    Flute the Clefa
    Hatch: 2883
    Clefairy: 2988
    Clefable: 3108
    Level100: 3168

  8. #18
    taking flight! VeloJello's Avatar
    URPG Staff

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    May 2013
    My heart is in several places and all of them are fictional. u^u
    Lysander Martis
    Cloud’s Cross, Side streets
    @Saraibre Ryu

    ((Short post is short. Also, Seraphine still exists, I promise. I’ll probably bring her back next post))

    As Lysander wandered, poring over his notes and concentrating on his breathing, he began to calm down a bit. Breathing exercises always helped him, and the fresh air felt nice, although it made him feel a little guilty since he should have been enjoying it from the soccer field with his team.

    He sighed, forcing himself to concentrate on his notes. They weren’t going to kill him for missing a day, and he needed to calm down, not dwell on -

    A loud yowl from Oswald derailed Lysander’s train of thought. The tomcat was trotting towards another cat, but Lysander didn’t recognize this one, and after spending time with Sera he was pretty sure he knew every cat in Cloud’s Cross. Oswald, for his part, was sniffing at the newcomer, but not getting too close - something was making him nervous. Between the strangeness of the cat and Oswald’s behavior, Lysander felt rather wary; the tom was usually pretty fearless, and was surprisingly social for a feline. “Hey, strange kitty,” he said gingerly as Oswald backed away a step, whiskers back and tail low. He held out a hand toward the calico, close enough for it to sniff if it wanted but far enough away that he could hopefully react quickly enough to pull away if the cat decided it was feeling murderous.

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    Paired with noob dummy crazy kid rad friend Nar.

  9. #19
    Lizard Librarian FedoraChar's Avatar
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    Mar 2013
    Shawn Armstrong
    Cloud’s Cross, Sport’s Field

    Shawn left behind the sport’s field, ignorant to the events occurring beyond the bleachers, and unbothered by her short conversation with Beau. Her mind instead went through various workout plans for the gym. She’d love to hit the old sandbag for a good long while, maybe do some arm-lifting; she was getting close to breaking the school record for the women’s (and men’s) clean and jerk. Maybe today would be the day…

    Bursting through the doors of the gym, she took a minute to appreciate the gym’s… unique scent. As was expected for the day of a big game, the place was nearly barren. However, Shawn could pick up a rhythmic thumping from the back; apparently, someone else thought it was a good day to hit the punching bag. Hardly deterred, Shawn ventured to the back where she found a young woman with short-cropped black hair whaling on the defenseless sandbag.

    “’Eyyyy!” Shawn hollered a greeting, recognizing the bronzed girl as Seraphina Eze; she visited the gym as much as Shawn did, and Shawn considered her a friendly rival of sorts. “How’s it going, Eze?” She came up behind the punching bag in place.

    Lydia McCormick
    Cloud’s Cross, School Field
    @Velocity (maybe? IDK xD)

    ((OOC: Not sure if Xelxe’s going to post again, so I’m going to go ahead and free my character up))

    Lydia felt extremely silly. This conversation seemed to be going nowhere, and this fellow seemed lost in his own thoughts. Sighing, she came to a stop and let the strange boy keep walking on. That was a bust… but where else could she go? She glanced back towards the soccer field and wondered, but eventually decided to head near the school—maybe take a walk around town or something.

    She found her way to some side streets and wandered near the school. Eventually, she did run into some other people, who seemed to be leaving the game. Was it over, maybe? She thought about trying to talk to them, but couldn’t quite summon the courage. Eventually she took a side-road, finding herself alone again for a moment. Only briefly, however. A cat walked by her, seemingly occupied with something and didn’t even pause to give her a second glance. She followed the feline with her eyes, and saw it heading towards a boy walking around with another cat.

    I am sooooo rusty right now pls forgive me xD

    Banner by the legendary Neo Emolga!
    Little Lizard's Library of Tales
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    Number III, the Argent Flame


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