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  1. #171
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lychee View Post
    Nico the... what am I now?
    Nico the whipped cream has an existential crisis, but manages to crawl out of it after hearing a pep talk back at the base.

    On her way out, she nudges @EmeraldSky to empty the spare weapons from her backpack please~

    First, it's time to shop.
    3 citrus, 3 speleon, 3 starf berries (75 +75 +75 = 225 sochas) from Friend in Need Pharmacy, to deliver to Safin the Politoed for their quest. Hopefully the exchange doesnt take up a whole turn- if it looks like it will, Nico will put the berries into the team inventory and put off delivery until the night time where it will surely be a safer activity than exploring....

    Next store to hit up is Sapphire Oasis Jewelry Store!
    Starburst ring- 200 sochas- time to slip that sucker onto a strawberry finger! Nico should be looking fairly well decked out now! No fear!
    Well, some fear. But less fear!

    Lastly, time to make this creamy delight into a coffee! Nico drops past the Soul Food Diner to pick up and ingest a Caffiene Delight for 150 Sochas.

    ((1000- 225 - 150 - 200 = 425 sochas left))
    Plus, if that fruit delivery was successful, also dump that 500 and the violence berries into the team inventory.

    First place to check is somewhere that is hopefully less dangerous-- and it will make sense why Nico could drop all the stuff off at the base! That's right- shes going down to (1b) Foundry Floors 1-2 (Empty Space) <UNSEARCHED> to have a stickybeak! Whatever she finds there, she'll dump in a pile in the emissary group inventory before heading out. Call it spring cleaning. In uh... winter? Summer? This place is too dry to tell.

    Finally, it's time to gear up and take the Vault Y117 Key to the (58) Jadewater Apartment complex and Park.
    and not become toast...
    (I love the way your write your posts, they always give me a good chuckle XD)

    When the morning arrives, you head out early, knowing you have quite the list of items you’d like to buy from various stores around the refuge area. Quite frankly, the weather this morning is pretty awful, but you decide to rough through it even though the air is stale and the erratic wind is a bit annoying.

    You first head to the Friend in Need Pharmacy at the mall, intending to buy the batch of berries that Safen needs. You quickly count the sochas you require for the purchase and place the small pile of coins and paper bills before Borsei, along with the berries that you intend to buy. Borsei the Clefairy checks to make sure it’s enough and then bags everything in a brown paper bag before giving you the receipt.

    Nico has spent 225 Sochas to purchase 3 Sitrus Berries, 3 Spelon Berries, and 3 Starf Berries.

    “Thanks, have a nice day!” Borsei tells you with a cheerful grin.

    “You too!” you reply with a smile.

    With the pouch of berries close at hand, you then head toward the Exacta Military Compound. Though a number of soldiers on patrol this morning aren’t too crazy about the weather and show it on their grimacing faces, duty calls and they acknowledge it. You soon approach the Raichu and Purugly guards by the door. They don’t seem to be enjoying the stale weather either, but they’re tolerating it for the time being only because it’s their turn for guard duty. Though the look on their faces definitely suggests they can’t wait until they’re off.

    “State your business, please,” the Purugly guard asks you.

    “Here to deliver a package for Paladin Safen,” you tell her with a smile. “I’ve got the berries she needs.”

    “Hold on, I’ll radio her,” the Purugly tells you.

    After contacting Safen the Politoed by radio, she gives you the okay to head on in, and you make your way toward the Aurorawatch Paladin’s living quarters after passing through many hallways and by patrols on their way toward physical training. You can tell from the look of things in her living quarters that she’s pretty busy, doesn’t have the time to clean up, and probably doesn’t care too much about it either.

    After greeting her and laying the berries out on her personal workbench, she looks at you, looking like she was doubtful you would even bother, but she’s relieved you carried out the request.

    “Nice to see someone carries out orders around here,” Safen replies to you, gladly taking the berries. “Thanks, this just saved my ass from having to explain to the quartermaster what pray tell happened. Your payment, as promised, plus a tip.”


    $750 Sochas$ and x5 [Violent Seed] (Increases damage dealt by this Pokémon by +3 for each successful combat strike. Lasts one cycle, effect cannot be layered) have been added to the Team Inventory.

    “I guess that’s it then,” Safen replies, looking like she’s about to head back to work. “I’ll let you know if something else comes up.”

    “Yeah, about that Reaperblade, though,” you remind her. “The one that used to belong to Paladin Crul.”

    “Ah yeah, almost forgot about that,” Safen replied, thinking it means a sparring match. “You up for that fight then? Let’s see what you’ve got, Alcremie!”

    Personally, you’d rather not fight the Politoad after all, so you decide to go another route with her.

    “I was told you were just getting rid of it,” you tell her, shrugging and looking completely disinterested in the idea of fighting her. “Look, it’s not like Paladin Crul is coming back for it anyway. Besides, truth is, judging from the situation and both of our tight schedules, I don’t think either of us have the time to be sparring anyway. And for what exactly? Bruising the hell out of each other doesn’t prove a damn thing and the ghouls would be laughing their asses off if they found out we were wasting time and energy bashing each other’s heads in like a bunch of imbecile feral morons fighting over scrap meat. So really, are you getting rid of the blade or not? Because if not, then I need to be on my way and I’m sure you do too.”

    2. [PAL] Safen the Politoad: <Diplomacy> OR * Sparring Battle Victory*

    “Fine, just take it,” Safen replies with a sigh, rolling her eyes and feeling embarrassed as she hands you the Paladin’s Reaperblade. “Yeah, you’re right, guess it was a dumb idea of mine to even ask, but it sounded better at the time. Well, like you said, I’ve got things to do.”

    [|AW| Paladin’s Reaperblade] (Adds 6 damage to successful attack rolls) was added to Nico’s Pack.

    Knowing the part about you having a tight schedule was definitely no lie, you bid her farewell and head out before she reconsiders.

    Next, you head over to the Sapphire Oasis Jewelry Store, quickly sliding your way across the street. Thankfully, with plenty of daylight hours left, you head inside and know exactly what to purchase. Heck, you’d probably just use self-checkout if it were a thing here.

    “Hello there,” Lagrais the Rapidash greets you as you arrive, looking down on you from above as her fiery mane flickers sparks and embers about. “Are you just browsing or can I-“

    “One of those Starburst Rings sounds good,” you tell her just seconds after stepping into the store. “Got the money right here.”

    You then quickly lay out the 200 sochas needed for the ring while Lagrais removes one of the Starburst Rings from the display case and lays it out on the counter. While she gathers the money you’ve left on the table, you slip the Starburst Ring on your creamy finger and it looks rather nice, all the while it feels to be empowering you at the same time.

    Nico has spent $200 Sochas$ for the [|JW| Starburst Ring] (Adds 4 damage to successful attack rolls.)
    Nico has equipped the [|JW| Starburst Ring] (Adds 4 damage to successful attack rolls.)

    Given your weaponry, armor, and empowerment, you feel ready to beat a Stalker to death with their own arm and make them choke on it with their last breath.

    Next, you head over to the Soul Food Diner just a short distance away, sliding your way quickly to get on that while the day is still young. After stepping into the casual diner, you see there’s a few Pokémon there already and it isn’t long until you’re up at the front of the line to put in your drink order.

    “One Caffeine Delight, please,” you smile, putting the $150 Sochas out for Seul the Brioonne.

    Nico has spent $150 Sochas for the [Caffeine Delight] (A special brew of caffeinated beverage that gives the one that ingests it enough energy to search two places the next turn).

    “Coming right up,” he tells you, quickly getting to work mixing coffee and creamer.

    Once the order is completed, he hands you the drink in a paper cup, and it’s fresh, soothing, and delicious with the first sip. It warms you up and refreshes you with a fresh, pick-me-up kind of energy that rekindles your enthusiasm and vigor.

    Nico has used [Caffeine Delight] (A special brew of caffeinated beverage that gives the one that ingests it enough energy to search two places the next turn).

    After you finish your drink, you decide to slide your way back to the steel mill to see if there’s anything lurking at the first and second foundry floors. What you found in the basement perked your curiosity, so you’re wondering if anything else is there. Upon finding out this steel mill was being used to smuggle and create Shadowmarch components in secret, you imagine what you found earlier may not be the end of all there is to discover about this place.

    When you arrive back at base, you begin your search on the area, trying to see and keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary. From the initial look of things, it seems normal. Most of the heavy equipment was taken down and moved out a while ago, though you can tell there used to be massive smelting pots and containers along with heavy machinery before everything was dismantled and broken down.

    Some of the heavily-depreciated equipment still remains, however. Everything that didn’t have much life to it anyway still lingers around though you imagine it won’t ever be used for its original purpose ever again. Most of it seems like its past its time and wouldn’t be worth trying to fix up to bring it back online. Not to mention fresh steel, while potentially helpful, would be difficult to bring about with all of the equipment needing maintenance along with new manufacturing equipment to replace everything that was taken out. It would take a monumental effort and you wouldn’t see much return on that heavy investment.

    At first, it doesn’t seem like there’s much here, though you imagine there’s enough room to repurpose the area into something else that might be more useful to the Emissary cause. You figure first someone is going to need to find someone capable of doing that.

    You do find something unusual when you get to the back western wall. The area here looks like it wasn’t really used very much even during the time the mill was still operational, but you find a door that was painted over black. There’s no knob, the hinges were painted over, and it looks like it was forgotten about for a while.

    Or was it?

    You decide to try using a nearby pipe to break it open. True, it may have absolutely nothing but dust and cobwebs inside, but you decide to see if there’s more to this story. After using your creamy hands to slide the end of the bar into the hole cavity where a knob should have been, you brace the bar against the side of the opposing wall and try to exert a force of leverage against the door, pushing in and out with all your might to pry the door out to see what was hidden behind it.

    With a few cracks, it works and the door’s hinges let out a few squeaks as you swing the door open.

    Inside, you find two large dark-gray military crates, and you’re not too surprised it bears the mark of Shadowmarch’s three crescent moon insignia. After wrapping your creamy fingers around the top crate, you slide the heavy and a bit dusty crate out and drag it onto the floor.

    After releasing the metal latches on the first crate, you grab the lid and throw it open, revealing the contents inside. What you see before you appears to be large, black rocket-launcher with a magazine-fed ammunition attachment. There also is a low-light scope and laser targeting attachment as well. It definitely looks pretty advanced for its time.

    Besides it are numerous rockets, enough of a supply that would ensure you don’t run out anytime soon.

    [|AW| Shadowmarch Hastur Armament] (Adds 2d12+12 damage to successful attack rolls, requires following turn to be used to reload after each attack) has been added to the Team Inventory.

    You realize there is a second armament underneath the first one. It seems they packed two to a case. It’s similar to the first one, but with some different variants. Judging from the description in the manual you find, it fires clusters of smaller rockets with each shot.

    [|AW| Shadowmarch Aylith Armament] (Adds 6d6+8 damage to successful attack rolls, requires following turn to be used to reload after each attack) has been added to the Team Inventory.

    You decide to add both of these to the Team Inventory, feeling you’d like to save these for later or for someone else who would like to use them.

    You then slide out the second crate, undo the latches, and flip the lid open. What you find appears to be two prototype suits of armor, again, bearing the Shadowmarch triple moon emblem and bearing the familiar dark-gray color their other weapons and armor seem to have. They seem mysterious at first, and then you read their descriptions.

    x2 [|AW| Shadowmarch Nightlock Armor] (Reduces incoming Health, Sanity, and/or Purity damage by 4 points each time Health, Sanity, and/or Purity damage is taken) have been added to the Team Inventory.

    You decide to move them up to the Emissary armory, content with the armor you have already. After that, you decide to head out and use the last remaining hours of daylight to head to the Jadewater Apartment Complex and Park, taking the Vault Y117 Key with you.

    Feeling braver than before, you head south and into the Southern Reach, although you keep in mind to be wise and not be looking for trouble when it’s not needed. Thankfully, the Jadewater Apartment Complex and Park is not too far away from the West Exacta Bridge, so the threads of the OMEN infected aren’t going to be too close by, although it’s not impossible for them to spot you while you’re here.

    You do, however, find the body of one unlucky soul who looks like they got distracted and didn’t notice a ghoul ambush. Besides one of the bushes, you find the thoroughly devoured remains of a Garchomp, who looks like he gave the ghouls a lot of hell before he went down, as you find at least four other bodies of ghoul Pokémon including a decapitated Kubfu, a Grookey with his eye dug out thanks to the Garchomp’s claws, a Drampa that was cleaved in two, and lastly, a Scraggy that was impaled through the back of the head with a shovel, nearly breaking the head in half. Blood was dashed around everywhere, but in the end, it was too much for the Garchomp and it looks like there must have been at least a dozen other ghouls that overwhelmed and feasted down upon him until there was little left but bone.

    Among the dead, you find a variety of items, as no one came to claim the spoils of battle besides you. In total, you collect a sizable pile of money, as well as a few other trinkets:

    $612 Sochas$ were added to Nico’s Pack.

    [|JY| Armband of Retribution] (Attackers take one point of Health damage for each point of Health, Sanity, or Purity damage they inflict to the wearer. Destroys reoccurring traps and hazardous areas after triggered effect takes place.) was added to Nico’s Pack.

    Within the lost and hidden areas of the park, you find your bearings taking you to a secluded place. Here, you find what appears to be the hollowed out area of a tree, one that seems like it has been forgotten for centuries, but still clings onto life. Here you find what appears to be a hidden, holy light, tucked away in the alcove of the tree. As it absorbs into your soft, creamy body, you realize that this light, while holy, is filled with an aspect of divine retribution.

    Nico has equipped the [|UA| Aspect of the Fourth Seal] (25% chance of triggered effect taking place upon being struck by an attack during Hostile Attacks: Death arrives upon a pale Rapidash and instantly slays the attacker. All remaining opposing enemies lose their next turn.)

    You don’t feel so alone anymore, though you acknowledge your guardian watcher is in fact the rider of death himself. You don’t see him, but you can sense his presence. While unsettling a bit at first, you come to terms that he is your ally, watching as the shadow of darkness that your enemies will never see.

    Finally, you seek out the vault, the original reason why you came. Thankfully, you manage to avoid the ghouls, seeing as their presence has intensified in this area. It takes you some time to find the vault, but eventually you locate the scratched metallic above-ground doors that lead downward into the earth below. You insert the key, turn to disengage the rather complex-looking lock, and swing open the door.

    [Vault Key Y117] has been removed from the Team Inventory.

    You slide your way down the stairs, realizing this was used for storing park ranger equipment and other supplies that might be needed, include search and rescue gear and survival stockpiles. While most of it seems like gear you probably won’t need to take with you, you do find some of it may be helpful for future encounters.

    x2 [Sunfire Flares] (If held in your Pack, the next time your character tries to flee from a battle (along with any other characters in your party trying to Flee), one of these will be used and the Flee attempt will be successful.) were added to Nico’s Pack.
    [Revealing Glass] (Can be used to see if there are any hidden traps in an area (as a Yes or No answer)) was added to Nico’s Pack.

    Lastly, you come across the stainless silver framework that resonates with the holy aura of Utopia. From what you can see, it seems like they were using this hidden place as a storage area to hide this component. From what Syrax told you, it seems like it would be used for assembling the artillery unit designated to be used for the Holy Divinefire Redeemer Armament. You decide to pack it up and take it with you.

    [Stainless Silver Framework] has been added to the Team Inventory (Sin Purge – Holy Divinefire Redeemer Armament).

    Feeling a bit tired now, you decide to make your way back to the steel mill, satisfied that this morning and afternoon has been quite productive. You see the sun beginning to make its descent now, though you still have a little bit of time to prepare for tonight.

    Nico the Alcremie (S: Fairy)
    Health: 16/16 | Sanity: 20/20 | Purity: 24/24
    Battle Stance: Ferocious
    Perk: Diplomacy | Abilities:
    Attack Weapon: [|AW| Military Machete] (Adds 4 damage to successful attack rolls)
    Defense Armor: [|DA| Shadowmarch Colossus Armor] (Reduces incoming Health damage by 4 points each time Health damage is taken, prevents Super-Effective damage effects)
    Jewelry: [|JW| Starburst Ring] (Adds 4 damage to successful attack rolls.)
    Utopian Aspect: [|UA| Aspect of the Fourth Seal] (25% chance of triggered effect taking place upon being struck by an attack during Hostile Attacks: Death arrives upon a pale Rapidash and instantly slays the attacker. All remaining opposing enemies lose their next turn.)
    #1: <Empty>
    #2: <Empty>
    • $1037 Sochas$
    • [OMEN Sample Collection Jar]
    • [|AW| Paladin’s Reaperblade] (Adds 6 damage to successful attack rolls)
    • [|JY| Armband of Retribution] (Attackers take one point of Health damage for each point of Health, Sanity, or Purity damage they inflict to the wearer. Destroys reoccurring traps and hazardous areas after triggered effect takes place.)
    • x2 [Sunfire Flares] (If held in your Pack, the next time your character tries to flee from a battle (along with any other characters in your party trying to Flee), one of these will be used and the Flee attempt will be successful.)
    • [Revealing Glass] (Can be used to see if there are any hidden traps in an area (as a Yes or No answer)

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  3. #172
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Ugh, I know I’ve been terribly slow (busy from so many other things), sorry about that…

    Quote Originally Posted by EmeraldSky View Post

    I'm working on getting the extras unloaded (as well as finding somewhere safe-ish we haven't looked yet)

    So for now, I equip the Combat Longbow and check Foundry Floors 1-2--there has to be something in there we can use.
    (Lychee already had Nico search that, but I’m going to have Lita search 1c, Foundry Floors 3-4 instead since that’s like almost the exact same thing.)

    Lita has equipped the [|AW| Combat Longbow] (Adds 1d6 damage to successful attack rolls) and has moved the [|AW| Steel Bow] (Adds 1d4 damage to successful attack rolls) and [|AW| Razor Composite Bow] (Adds 2 damage to successful attack rolls) to the Team Inventory.

    You decide the really stale and distasteful weather outside isn’t dealing with, especially with the sporadic dust and sandstorms and you know how much any Pikachu dislikes an annoying sandstorm. Instead, you decide to stay inside and investigate what might be hiding within the steel mill itself. As Nico searches the first two floors, you decide to investigate the other two above.

    While these two levels mostly consist of old metallic catwalks and overseer stations to survey activities, you find there are still areas away from the main smelting areas that were for storage and equipment. From the initial looks of things in these large open storage areas, the only items that remain weren’t worth taking along and had long lost their utility due to years of use and depreciation or they were obsolete technology that had been upgraded and was only being kept aside as spares in case of an emergency. Judging from the looks of these old and rusty things, you honestly feel they probably should have been thrown in a trash bin long ago.

    And yet, as you soon discover, it serves as the perfect place to hide something of much greater value…

    You decide to leave no stone unturned as you know your Emissary peers have already come across highly advanced and powerful Shadowmarch weaponry and armor hidden in the walls and in forgotten areas of the steel mill, though what became of the faction itself, whether it still even exists, remains a mystery. But you have realized considering the gear, Aurorawatch would have been no match against Shadowmarch considering this heavily financed military gear.

    While it is a lot of work, you closely investigate the metallic paneled floor, metal sheet walls, and you move aside storage racks and shelves to see if there’s anything lurking in these places. Upon moving two rusty racks of empty shelves out of the way, you find two metallic panels on the walls that bear a telltale sign. The nails aren’t as rusty and deteriorated as the nails used throughout the rest of the sheet walls. That gives you a signal they were recently replaced, and you have a distinct feeling you know why that is…

    You grab a lowly rusty hammer from one of the other shelving units and get to work on removing these nails. After pulling out and discarding a good dozen of them, you’re able to wrap your yellow paws around the metal sheets and slide them aside. While initially you were expecting to see military crates again, instead, you discover a crawlspace door that looks like it was covered over during a remodeling of the building. At least initially…

    Upon closer inspection of the door, you can tell this too, was recently used before it was covered over. You grab the old latch and pull the door outward, swinging it open to reveal another whole room inside. It’s a small room that looks like it used to be a storage crawlspace, and you find that initially the lighting no longer works. However, it’s just a matter of using a flashlight to replace the bulb and thankfully the power generated from electrical substation is enough to get some light throughout the room.

    You soon discover this is one of the main areas that Shadowmarch was storing high-end military gear for smuggling. But as Nico also discovered, they never got around to getting back to it and either gave it up and abandoned it, or they simply haven’t gotten around to it, yet. You’re still hoping it’s not the later.

    Upon the many crates of military gear, you find yet a single sealed envelope taped to one of the crates in front. While you can only imagine what the crates have, but you know from experience that sometimes the smallest things can have the biggest impact.

    You break the envelope seal by sliding your small yellow paw under it and open the letter. After unfolding the single piece of paper inside, you read the note to yourself.

    And suddenly everything makes perfect sense…

    Shadowmarch Commanding Officer Evrik,

    By your request, we’ve provided you and your regiment with the experimental prototype weaponry, armor, and gear as designed by ANKH Research and Development as part of the Shadowmarch Operation Blackstorm Distribution Phase: Stage 7. As you may have already been informed, many of these prototypes are considered contraband and are distinctively out of compliance with Decree 9, Section 4 as well as Decree 12, Section 3 of the International Clearwater Accord due to their combat capabilities that the Clearwater Council deems “wantonly violent” and “dishonorable” in their opening statements. If you or any member of your regiment is compromised upon discovery of this equipment prior to the Year 2934, Varon the 18th Advent Date, we will disavow any relationship with you and sever any network connection to ensure security to the Shadowmarch and ANKH network as declared by Operation Blackstorm.

    We request that all use of this equipment be thoroughly documented for recording and research purposes. We also request that all storage of this equipment is done in secrecy and in concealed areas, only. Any unaffiliated personnel, whether governmental or civilian, discovering Shadowmarch correspondence or ordinance is to be terminated immediately along with any reproducible accounts or documentations that may have been created as a result.

    Victory to the Midnight Regime.

    Kurtva, Tyranitar, Shadowmarch Executive of Research and Development.

    You have a very, very distinct feeling Aurorawatch would definitely want to know about this considering said “Advent Date” mentioned in the memo hasn’t occurred yet, but will be relatively soon and in less than a year considering what you’ve seen on the calendars. You’re not quite sure how they might be able to notify this “International Clearwater Council” as mentioned in the memo, but if they were to get the radios up and running and be able to provide this evidence, the justification rationale may prompt this Council to send additional support and reinforcement personnel to Aurorawatch, which is something they’ve been truly hoping for.

    SIDE MISSION STARTED: When It Rains, It Pours

    Due to some rather foreboding memos from the mystery faction known as Shadowmarch, you have a feeling someone in Aurorawatch should know about what’s been found behind the scenes of this highly financed and extremely well-equipped military.

    Bring the memo to either Aurorawatch Commander Axken the Skuntank or Queen Nytalia the Aurorus. OPTIONAL: Show them a sample of discovered Shadowmarch equipment.


    You then start searching through the crates themselves, and it definitely looks like more of what Nico found earlier. You undo the metallic latches of the crate and throw open the lid, revealing another prototype dark-gray, bulky rocket launcher armament with an internal crate full of rocket ammunition.

    [|AW| Shadowmarch Gtuhanai Armament] (Adds 2d20+5 damage to successful attack rolls, requires following turn to be used to reload after each attack) has been added to the Team Inventory.

    You decide to add these to the already swelling Emissary armory, as you don’t think you’d be able to carry all of these in one trip…

    Going through another crate, you find a second prototype armament, similar to the Gtuhanai one you found. It appears to be different in design, looking more rectangularly-shaped with a targeting unit and a large, underside magazine-fed system. As you can tell from the memo, ANKH wanted this to be tested first in a combat environment before potentially being committed to mass-production.

    [|AW| Shadowmarch Quyagen Armament] (Adds 5d10+7 damage to successful attack rolls, requires following turn to be used to reload after each attack) has been added to the Team Inventory.

    Even just by the look of this thing, you’re not surprised this kind of heavily-advanced gear is violating international peace-keeping accords. But, if news of this were to break out, you imagine a whole lot of other political things would go down. But for the time being, the Stalkers are definitely a big priority here, but you still feel justified use of even contraband weaponry against the hellish forces of Abyss still seems appropriate.

    Box number three ends up being yet a third of these massive rocket-launchers. This one has a more tube-based shape and appearance with targeting sights and guidance lasers. You even find a control screen on the side that allows you to select guidance options and settings.

    [|AW| Shadowmarch Xalafu Armament] (Adds 4d8+10 damage to successful attack rolls, requires following turn to be used to reload after each attack. Never misses the target.) has been added to the Team Inventory.

    You’re just glad you won’t ever be on the receiving end of this thing…

    You go through a fourth crate to find two more sets of the Colossus Armor that Nico had found. You add them to the Team Inventory for now, but feel inclined to wear one of these, especially for heading out into the Reach.

    x2 [|DA| Shadowmarch Colossus Armor] (Reduces incoming Health damage by 4 points each time Health damage is taken, prevents Super-Effective damage effects) has been added to the Team Inventory.

    The fifth crate reveals two more sets of the Nightlock armor variant. These two, you feel you might want to strap on before things get bad out there.

    x2 [|DA| Shadowmarch Nightlock Armor] (Reduces incoming Health, Sanity, and/or Purity damage by 4 points each time Health, Sanity, and/or Purity damage is taken) has been added to the Team Inventory.

    The last of the crates seem to be many technological components, but you’re not sure what their purpose is. Besides that, there are more radios, utility items, and survival gear packs, but not things that you think the rest of the Emissaries would need.

    You’re a bit tired after lugging all this heavy gear around and you decide to make plans to prepare for tonight.

    Lita the Pikachu (S: Electric)
    Health: 16/16 | Sanity: 20/20 | Purity: 24/24
    Battle Stance: Tactical
    Perk: Security | Abilities: Clairvoyance
    Attack Weapon: [|AW| Combat Longbow] (Adds 1d6 damage to successful attack rolls)
    Defense Armor: [|DA| Bronze Guard] (Reduces incoming Health damage by 1 point each time Health damage is taken)
    Jewelry: [|JY| Prismatic Amulet] (Bypass all Pokémon type-related barriers and obstacles upon encountering them)
    Utopian Aspect: <Empty>
    #1: <Empty>
    #2: <Empty>
    • $495 Sochas$
    • [Starf Berry] (Restores all Purity)

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  5. #173
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shruikan View Post
    Ok, so first I'll unequip the Veteran's Warhammer and replace it with the Millitary War Sword. The I'll plonk everything else not equipped into the group bank/inventory.

    As for my main action, well an abandoned prison sounds like the perfect place for a stalker to hide, so I'll seach the (54a) Main Prison Structure
    Lycellus has equipped the [|AW| Military War Sword] (Adds 1d10 damage to successful attack rolls) and has added [|AW| Veteran’s Warhammer] (Adds 4 damage to successful attack rolls), [|DA| Shadowmarch Special Forces Armor] (Reduces incoming Health damage by 4 points each time Health damage is taken, prevents Super-Effective damage effects) and [|AW| Shadowmarch Azathoth Armament] (Adds 3d8+5 damage to successful attack rolls, requires following to turn to be used to reload after each attack) to the Team Inventory.

    You decide to head east this morning toward the Main Prison Structure of the Exacta City Maximum Security Prison, which as you’ve heard, doesn’t have a lot of very nice stories about it. Meanwhile, your journey isn’t a very pleasant one as the dust and sandy winds and terrible air quality make your flight toward the prisoner island a particularly distasteful one. Thankfully, due to your speed, it’s over quickly and on top of that benefit, you don’t get spotted by any ghouls or chimeras as you use the dusty clouds to shroud yourself during the flight.

    Once you arrive on the island, you can see it’s been vacated for a while, though there are still plenty of grim reminders about what went on in this beige-color stone brick structure meant to withstand the heaviest and most brutal of Pokémon violence. You imagine to hold captive Pokémon that can cause earthquakes, explosions, infernos, and all kinds of other havoc, you would need a very strong and formidable structure to hold in those kinds of ruffians and all of their murderous anger and destructive nature.

    Despite OMEN’s effects, the building still looks quite strong and it doesn’t look like there’s a whole lot of places where a Pokémon could escape, even if they had wings or could dig holes. It appears there’s means to deal with any Pokémon trying to escape, including even sentry turrets designed to simply gun down any Pokémon attempting to escape through the air.

    You start by investigating the outside, realizing there isn’t enough room for you to actually enter the building itself. But despite this you decide to explore at least what you can from the tiny slitted and barred windows, seeing various prison halls and cell blocks from the other side. They appear empty and completely devoid of Pokémon, though the bunk beds and other furniture still remain untouched all this time. Still, the inside of the building is very bland, gray, and downright depressing. You recall that all of the inmates were executed in the wake of OMEN, as the prison had to be shut down due to the dangers, but the prisoners simply couldn’t be allowed to leave due to their violent and often deadly convictions. It essentially left no good choice in the matter.

    As you search each room from the windows, you can’t help but think of the question “just where were all the prisoners executed anyway?” And how? It makes you wonder how it would have been done as very likely if the prisoners knew what was going on, they would have all fought ferociously to prevent their inevitable deaths. It likely would have had to be done all at once with no indication as to what was being done.

    And then, you find your answer. After looking at the outside, you see a closed garage-like door leading to a room. A very large, heavily fortified and reinforced room. And after opening that garage-like door and peering your head in, you’re greeted with one of the grimmest sights you’ve ever seen. Fragments of shrapnel and bloody pieces lay scattered and splattered everywhere.

    You imagine hundreds of Pokémon prisoners, both large and small and of every type and in between, were ushered to this room with no knowledge of what was going down. And then, you imagine the doors were sealed tight, the guards walked away, and inside this massive room, hundreds, if not thousands of explosives went off at once, containing the vicious blasts, but absolutely obliterating every single last prisoner in this room in just a second.

    The experience gets progressively worse as you suddenly experience visions and hallucinations of the horrific incident. You see it happen unfold before you, as if you were a prisoner there yourself at the time it happened, having no idea what this was gathering was for, but you were led to believe it was for either a roll call or as a different setting for prison yard recess.

    And then, they close the doors. Second later, there’s unrest among the prisoners, but before any kind of confrontation breaks out, there’s just a loud roar. You maybe only see and hear a split second of one explosion and the gored remains of several Pokémon thrown in the air all around you before you’re c̤̠̮̞͇ͦ̽̂ͩ̇̄ͭo̰̻ͯ̉̈̍ͭ͆n̩̹͉̱̣̥͎̎̾͑̑ͯ̇s̭̿ͦ̐u̯̳͖̩̦ͦmͪ ̭͈̱̯̩̩̆͌ͫȅ͎͈͖̩̔̈́͐̈́d͚̹̫ ̼̈́̄͗̌ͫb̯̠͒̍ͪͤy̗̼͚͓̫̆̃͊̂̚ ̣̾i͙̱̦̞̝͙̋̀ͥ̾̃͊͒ẗ̪̦͇̑̔̆̎̑ ̖̜̼̖͙ͥ̿̓̔a̫̋ͫͣͥ̌̅͌s̰̠̩͕̘̭̔̆̔̃ͮ̽ ̓̓w̫̖̫͖̬ȇ͙̮͖̦̙̀̊͂̒̑l͕̼͛͑ͩl͙̖͑̋ͭ…

    @Siphon Soul (6 Purity Damage)@

    Lycellus has taken 6 damage to Purity.

    You feel… h̞̱̫̣̖o̦̖̟l͎͖͚̬l͚̲o̭ẉ̫. Your eyes roll back into your head and are nearly swallowed by your skull. And you nearly choke, gasping for air as your spirit feels g̻͍̪ͣͪ͂̒ͦù͓͉̮̮̈ͫ̚t̰̺͍͕͚̠͊͒̓̋̽t͖̹ed̰̗̯̤͖̝̞̎͑̊ ̎͒͐̐ȁ̜̘̲̦͔̩̐͐̍ͣ̅̉ñ̥̝͚̤̝̠̜ͯ̒d͔̟ͯͅ ͔̩͙̺ͦ̽s̩̰̹͓͙̺u͕̥͎ͫ͑ͪ͌ͧ̑f͕̥͈f͍ͬ̃ȯ͚̠̣̟̬͍̦͒̚c̞͔͍a͂̆̓ ͍̙̼̃̈́̇̾t̝̭̅ͣȇ̯̜̔͊̈́̾͋̊d͉̘̱͖̬̘ͭ̋̾̋.

    And yet, for your suffering, you’re given… a gift. You look down at your claws and you find a globe-like sphere containing… a piece of your spirit, taking the form of a white-colored, glowing mist. The very part of your own innocence, physically extracted from you and put into physical form. You try to break it open to claim it back, but there’s nothing you can do. You simply just hold a small piece of yourself, as if prepared to be used as some dark ritual offering…

    [Innocence of Lycellus the Eternatus] has been added to the Team Inventory.

    After this whole experience, you decide not to spend another second there, instantly retreating and heading back to base. As much as you want to forget what you just witnessed, there is no erasing the horrors and experience you just went through. You almost begin to consider never sleeping again just from the absolute raw and naked fear you have regarding what kinds of nightmares this incident will inspire.

    Once you arrive back at the steel mill, you simply add the globe containing your innocence to the collection, quivering, quaking, no longer feeling anything like your normal self…

    Lycellus the Eternatus (L: Dragon/Poison)
    Health: 24/24 | Sanity: 15/20 | Purity: 5/16
    Battle Stance: Tactical
    Perk: Security | Abilities:
    Attack Weapon: [|AW| Military War Sword] (Adds 1d10 damage to successful attack rolls)
    Defense Armor: [|DA| Shadowmarch Commando Mesh Armor] (Reduces incoming Health damage by 4 points each time Health damage is taken, prevents Super-Effective damage effects)
    Jewelry: <Empty>
    Utopian Aspect: <Empty>
    #1: <Empty>
    #2: <Empty>
    • [Sitrus Berry] (Restores all Health)
    • $825 Sochas$

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  7. #174
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by Scarlet the Weavile View Post
    Leaving the best for the last? How sweet of you sugars. Maybe there's some kind of advantage of getting pretty high.

    Search (56) Whitestar Skyscraper
    You head south after leaving your apartment at the Redstone Motel, wondering what you might be able to dig up for those Emissaries. You decide to head south, going for the Whitestar Skyscraper, knowing it’s one of the central hubs for the Knaves.

    The whole way, the weather is just lousy on many levels. The air quality is stale, hot, and unpleasant while the wind is wild and indecisive with how it wants to behave. One minute, it seems to be coming from the west, but then it suddenly stops and then a minute later, it gusts hard right directly into your face.

    You soon cross over the West Exacta Bridge and head toward the Southern Reach. While you keep a watch out for ghouls and anything else lurking around, you don’t see anything or anyone that raises any red flags.

    By the East Jadewater Apartment Building, you find the mangled and half-devoured corpse of a Grapploct. You see he tried to fight off as many ghouls as he could, “killing” three of them before there just got to be too many for him to deal with.

    It didn’t look like he was armed, but his armor kept him alive for at least a little while. He was also carrying a pack of supplies and money, and while you don’t really care for his personal belongings, you take the sochas, feeling the Emissaries might be able to make good use of that sometime. After taking the armor plating off, it’s a little bloody and beat up, but you figure it still works for the most part. Someone might be able to make use of it, so you take that along, too.

    $550 Sochas$ were added to the Team Inventory.

    [|DA| Worn Military Plating] (Reduces incoming Health damage by 3 points each time Health damage is taken) was added to the Team Inventory.

    After crossing the border, you then head into Knave territory. Though you know the Knaves wouldn’t be too thrilled about Aurorawatch soldiers coming this way, they don’t have a problem with regular mercenaries and scavengers. Here, the Pokémon seem just as normal as the ones across the other side of the river, but they just don’t agree with following Aurorawatch’s orders and Queen Nytalia’s decrees.

    You then head over to the Whitestar Skyscraper, which has been repurposed to become the main market hub and place of commerce for the Knaves. As you can easily see, this large light-gray office tower remains as the only skyscraper that hasn’t taken any damage at all in the wake of OMEN and remains in very good condition, offering plenty of safe space for vendors and peddlers to set up places to sell goods and services as well as barter.

    You step inside and it seems to be a busy place during the day. You figure if only the Knaves and Aurorawatch could get along, they’d probably be doing much better against the OMEN infected, but their differences and disagreements are just too strong. One side would have to give up something to appease the other and it just seems like neither of them want to do that.

    After passing by a few merchant booths selling food, containers, used electronics, and other similar goods, you come across the Desperados for Hire station where mercenaries and bounty hunters tend to gather and post their availability for hire contracts on a recruiting board. You decide to take note of it in case those Emissaries want to hire a few more hands to get more work done.

    You track what kinds of contracts are available and what the rates are.

    Desperados for Hire


    • $[2 Day/4 Cycle Mercenary Contract] 300 Sochas$ (Choose any Pokémon to have as a mercenary for 2 Days/4 Cycles)
    • $[3 Day/6 Cycle Mercenary Contract] 600 Sochas$ (Choose any Pokémon to have as a mercenary for 3 Days/6 Cycles)
    • $[4 Day/8 Cycle Mercenary Contract] 600 Sochas$ (Choose any Pokémon to have as a mercenary for 4 Days/8 Cycles)

    • **Mercenary has a Perk of your choosing** - +$100 Sochas$ per contract
    • **Skilled Mercenary (has +2 to Health, Sanity, and Purity)** +$300 Sochas$ per contract
    • ***Veteran Mercenary (has +5 to Health, Sanity, and Purity)** +$600 Sochas$ per contract


    • $[40% Income Indefinite Contract]$ *Standard* (Choose any Pokémon to have as a mercenary for 40% of your Sochas earnings)

    • **Mercenary has a Perk of your choosing** - +10% of earnings demand per contract
    • **Skilled Mercenary (has +2 to Health, Sanity, and Purity)** +15% of earnings demand per contract
    • ***Veteran Mercenary (has +5 to Health, Sanity, and Purity)*** +30% of earnings demand per contract

    After getting all that down on paper, you check out some of the other stores around by heading up the stairs to the other floors. Most of the tents and spaces don’t offer too much of what you think the Emissaries will need. Colorful shawls, blankets, and rugs probably wouldn’t do them any good and you don’t think they need extra culinary supplies or children’s toys.

    The next floors up offer more places to eat and there’s even a space on the 7th and 8th floor that functions like a miniature inn and tavern. As nice as it is and even after stopping by for a drink, you don’t think the Emissaries would care too much for that.

    On the 9th and 10th floors, you find more places for services, offering dentistry, home repair, medical needs, banking, and other similar functions. One place you come across is Navin’s Constructing and Repair Depot with a sizable staff specializing in building and interior designing.

    You decide to act on behalf on the Emissaries, asking about what kinds of features they might be able to build at the steel mill. Navin the Chatot seems to know what you’re referring to and still agrees to service clients in the refuge area despite being aligned with the Knaves. It seems he doesn’t really know much at all about the Emissaries, but he’s willing to do the work for the price. You ask the Chatot what his prices and offerings were to include, and he gives you a list of possible options. You take note of which ones would be the most useful and what kinds of steel mill upgrades might be something they’d want to look into.

    Navin’s Constructing and Repair Depot
    Run by Navin the Chatot

    (Builds facilities at the Abandoned Steel Mill. An old facility can be replaced by a new one)

    • $[Upgrade (1) Barracks, Storage, and Living Area to [Advanced Level]] 250 Sochas$ (Rest restores all Health, Sanity, and Purity points.)
    • $[Build Indoor Greenhouse] 500 Sochas$ (creates and adds three random berries and/or seeds each day (beginning of Day cycle) to the Team Inventory. Uses a Facility Slot (1a, 1b, or 1c)
    • $[Build Holy Altar] 500 Sochas$ (Needed for Sin Purge and other Utopia-based actions like imbuing weapons and purifying Abyssal Aspects (needs Utopia Angel found and recruited). Uses a Facility Slot (1a, 1b, or 1c)
    • $[Build Merchant Store] 500 Sochas$ (Allows Emissaries to sell unwanted items to Exacta City civilians for Sochas. Activates “Sell” as a new free action. State “Sell at 75% of value” for a guaranteed sell at 75% of the item(s) base value, or “Sell at 100% of value” for a chance of selling it to a customer for the full value, but has a 30% chance of not working and not finding a willing customer to buy it that cycle. Uses a Facility Slot (1a, 1b, or 1c))
    • $[Build Garage] 500 Sochas$ (Houses 2 vehicles, which are automatically provided. Allows 2 Emissaries (1 per vehicle) to perform 2 Actions per day each) Uses a Facility Slot (1a, 1b, or 1c))
    • $[Build Fitness and Recreational Center] 500 Sochas$. Increases the maximum Health, Sanity, and Purity stats of all Emissaries by 10 for as long as this Facility is active. Uses a Facility Slot (1a, 1b, or 1c)
    • $[Build Weapon, Armor, and Jewelcrafting Workshop] 500 Sochas$ (Allows Emissaries to create their own |AW| Attack Weapon, |DA| Defensive Armor, and |JW| Jewelry Equipment. One Emissary per Cycle can attempt to make a piece of equipment by stating what kind of Equipment piece it is and designing the stats to be whatever they’d like. Equipment with relatively low stats will have a higher chance of success rate than Equipment with many powerful stats. TIP: Use already existing Equipment pieces as a guide to get started!)

    You tell Navin you’ll get back to him regarding what the Emissaries plan on doing and that you’ll be in touch.

    From there, you move onto the upper floors and you see that many of these places are offering skill training, proficiency-building, and also includes some areas for young children to be educated in reading, arithmetic, and science.

    On the 28th floor, you find vendors selling a variety of consumable goods such as groceries, medical equipment, stationary, and the like. One store called Underground Medical is selling prescription medicine without the hassle of an action prescription, almost on a black market level. You’re pretty sure the Emissaries don’t need medications, but the berries for a dirt-cheap price might prove useful. Meanwhile, Kelesi is selling military-grade drones to deliver emergency healing and restoration regardless of location. You imagine she must have had to pull a lot of strings to get a hold of these, but nonetheless, laying down the sochas and not asking questions still gets your paws on these.

    Underground Medical
    Run by Kelesi the Wartortle


    • $[Sitrus Berry] 15 Sochas$ (Restores all Health)
    • $[Spelon Berry] 15 Sochas$ (Restores all Sanity)
    • $[Starf Berry] 15 Sochas$ (Restores all Purity)


    • $[Emergency Trauma Care Drone] 150 Sochas$ (Restores all Health of all Emissaries no matter where they are)
    • $[Emergency Cognitive Remediation Drone] 150 Sochas$ (Restores all Sanity of all Emissaries no matter where they are)
    • $[Emergency Spiritual Therapy Drone] 150 Sochas$ (Restores all Purity of all Emissaries no matter where they are)

    After that, the remainder of the stores and vendors you find all have their uses, but you don’t think the Emissaries would be all that interested in them. Most of the remining upper floors are empty spaces reserves for future vendors. Heck, from what you can see, just about anyone can suddenly decide to set up a store here on any floor they like. And you imagine the rent, if it’s anything at all, has to be pretty cheap.

    You’re about to head back to the refuge area to pass along the goodies you’ve found when you’re approached by a Reuniclus. The green, blob-like Pokémon looks you over, curious at something he’s noticed.

    “Say, coming out of Whitestar Skyscraper and not buying anything?” he asks. “Highly unusual. Oh, name’s Daz, rude of me to not introduce myself to you.”

    “Just doing a little browsing and recon, hun,” you smile smugly at him. “Got all that I need right here.”

    “Browsing and recon for whom?” this Daz asks you. “If you don’t mind me asking.”

    You’re almost on the fence about this guy, and while he seems like a bit of a geek, you figure he’s probably not a bad guy. A little nosy and in your face, but not really someone you think might need to have their butt spanked or anything like that.

    “A group of folks called Emissaries,” you tell him, thinking there’s probably nothing nefarious he could do with that information anyway. “You probably haven’t heard of them, though.”

    “Actually, I have…” Daz informs you, looking a bit interested. “I’ve assessed that they’ve been busy trying to hunt Stalkers. My hypothesis is they’ll most likely get to the bottom of this predicament before anyone else can.”

    “Yeah, like I said,” you casually smirk back at him. “Anyway, yeah, that’s what I’m up to. Lending them a hand because, well, I’m bored, looking for action, and you know, they could use the help.”

    “I had my doubts at first,” Daz tells you, explaining his observations. “But after talking it over with you, I’ll do the same. It seems prudent that acquiescing to lend some assistance may just be advantageous to us all in the long run. I feel with my brains and your… well, whatever it is you have, we’ll be quite formidable. Though I’m quite dignified and certain my brains will be more helpful in this matter.”

    You smirk at the sound of that, looking at Daz out of the corner of your eye.

    “Prove it, hun,” you nearly laugh. “I’m already way ahead of you. You’ve got a lot to do before you can even be considered to be trying!”

    “You’re clearly underestimating my abilities,” Daz scoffs. “That makes me obligated to prove you completely and utterly wrong!”

    Daz the Reuniclus has joined as an NPC Mercenary.

    You can honestly say you’re quite motivated to see this self-proclaimed brainiac try to keep up with you... and totally flounder at it.

    Scarlet the Weavile (M: Dark/Ice)
    Health: 20/20 | Sanity: 20/20 | Purity: 20/20
    Battle Stance: Heroic

  8. #175
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Night has fallen in Exacta City
    Submit your Day 5: Night Cycle Actions now!

    Time Remaining:


    (Sunday, January 17, 2021 11:00:00 PM EST)

    Giving peeps five days to submit actions!

    @EmeraldSky @Noblejanobii @Scytherwolf @SlickSlack @Lychee @AD @Suicune’s Fire @Shruikan @Chibi Altaria @Bulbasaur @James-Typhlosion @TylerNinetales

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  10. #176
    HIS TUFFNESS AD's Avatar
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    Investigate (88) The Headmaster Houses

    ·»Your focus determines your reality«·

  11. #177
    The #1 Stalkers Fanatic C0L0R3D's Avatar
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    Moor of Icirrus, Unova
    Misty had taken a look at the day's findings and she was awestruck. Cheap berries and even instant healing and base upgrades?! Misty was normally calm, but this discovery had left her buzzing with shock. But through her excitement she knew that becoming mincemeat wasn't nice. So she decided to hunker down and get something done.
    (Use Handymon magazine on [Damaged Namaxa Broadcasting Console: <Technical> AND <Repair>])

  12. #178
    Senior Moderator EmeraldSky's Avatar
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    On my way to my next adventure!
    I will bring the memo to Queen Nytalia the Aurorus, plus some of the Shadowmarch equipment I found.
    Everyone has a dream that fills their heart. A journey they must take. A destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. It's the world of Pokemon!!"

  13. #179
    Ace Trainer Lychee's Avatar
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    Dec 2017
    Nico was absolutely buzzed by the recent finds and grinned widely. It was time for some yee-flippin-haw explosion action.

    She peeled away her current equipment and clamped on the biggest chunkiest gun she could find, the most metal looking armor, and the most badass of jewelry.

    Put on:
    [|DA| Shadowmarch Nightlock Armor]
    [|AW| Shadowmarch Xalafu Armament]
    [|JY| Armband of Retribution]

    As the final piece clicked into place, she delicately placed an oreo cookie over one eye, just to add to the badassery with an eyepatch. She didnt need to aim that gun anyway, it had self aiming capacity.

    Looking at her pack, she tossed out everything she no longer needed into the team inventory (machete, colossus armor, reaper blade, starburst ring, revealing glass) and grabbed an extra $500 sochas. Its upgrade time!

    Hopefully the shops would still be open...
    If not, it was going to be a very boring night and she would probably do something dull like search (18) Graybench Industrial Warehouse, and look longingly at the vehicles.

    First, she zoomed her way accross to the Soul Food diner, buying two caffiene delights, takeaway-- it was going to be a long night! She kept one aside in some chunk of metal that functioned effectively like a thermos, hopefully.
    (($150 x 2 = $300))

    After that, a trip into another district for some cheaper berries- just in case.
    She bought two of each:
    $[Sitrus Berry] 15 Sochas$ (Restores all Health)
    $[Spelon Berry] 15 Sochas$ (Restores all Sanity)
    $[Starf Berry] 15 Sochas$ (Restores all Purity)
    ($15×6= $90)

    Next, it was the exciting spending- upgrading their warehouse!! She very excitedly ordered two upgrades for the headquarters:
    $[Build Garage] 500 Sochas$ -- built on 1a
    $[Build Fitness and Recreational Center] 500 Sochas$ -- built on 1c

    And rushed back home happily to see the transformation tale effect! There was certainly nothing in the description about these things taking any time, so she was ready to jump into one of the two automatically provided vehicles right away (please please be a hella chunky something with the roof sawn off~).
    Right. It's time to go for a RIDE.

    Each vehicle gives the driver two actions.
    Each coffee gives the user two searches per action.
    So... that's four searches.
    She plonked a coffee cup into each cup holder and revved the engine. Tonight was going to be EPIC.

    She was going to do doughnuts in that crater and nobody was gonna get in her damn way.
    She took a sip of her first coffee.

    (52) West Exacta River Bridge (ABANDONED)

    (76) The OMEN Crater (ABANDONED)
    ((Collect a sample))

    ((Drink a coffee, eat any berries to get back up to max health))

    (76a) OMEN Crater Northwest, Ruined West Residential District

    (53) East Exacta River Bridge (ABANDONED)

    In her mind, she was going to come flying over the boobytrapped bridge, explosions firing behind her as the vehicle clears a jump at sunrise.
    Well.... we shall see how it all turns out.
    Nico wasn't afraid to die.

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  15. #180
    "I was stupid... So stupid"
    Shruikan's Avatar
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    (Haven't had time to catch up and read thorugh everything yet, so just gonna search a place at random.)

    I'll buy and consume another Starf Berry from Friend in Need Pharmacy in Silverlight Shopping Mall to restore my Purity, then deposit everything in my inventory that's not equipped, including all my money.
    After that's done, I'll search (24) Northpoint Furniture Store (ABANDONED) (By ripping the roof off to see what's in there :P)


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