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    [GCEA Wish Master] Your wish is granted

    Tied to a table, the bonds were tight cutting into the purple tinged Alakazam’s arms. He snarled and thrashed carless of the damage he was doing to his arms. The shadow energy that powered him caused so much agony and fury that the extra pain went unnoticed.

    The enemy approached. The nasty one he had tried to kill so many times and yet failed. The Alakazam hated this trainer for trapping him and trying to force him to the trainer’s will. The trainer reached down and gently but firmly forced the Alakazam’s mouth open.

    The Alakazam tried to blast his hated enemy with shadow blades, but the blades failed to materialise. He tried to reach into the enemy’s mind and destroy his brain, but was blocked. With a hiss the Alakazam focussed his bloodshot eyes on the enemy’s ally. *BAD FROG!* even through the psychic blocking aura, the people in the room could sense the Alakazam’s fury.

    The enemy looked up at the small white Pokémon with the strange yellow headgear. “Are you sure this will work Jirachi?” he asked.

    The strange white Pokémon giggled and nodded.
    “This is three.
    I feel your glee.
    I’ll set him free.
    That all from me!”
    it said in a sing-song voice.

    “It will be alright Merrilin.” Said the enemy in a weak quiet voice. He was probably trying to be reassuring, but the Alakazam hated him all the more for it. “Swallow this!” The enemy pulled out a strange berry that glowed with a bright energy.

    The Alakazam reacted to the berry violently as he felt his shadowy power source being repelled by the berry. He fought and struggled, but with his power being blocked by that horrible frog he was powerless to stop the berry being forced into his mouth and despite his violent protestations swallowed.

    Something was happening inside of him, his power was being drained, removed. No! He would not give up without a fight, this power was his and he would not give it up. He welled up the power of shadow and released it all on this bright energy that was infecting him. There was a powerful ripping sound and the Alakazam felt himself rip free from his infected body.

    He felt the aura of “Bad Frog” break and he was free. He looked down at his new body and saw what he felt, he had achieved true shadow-form. On the bed his old body lay frozen in the moment. He looked at the enemy and saw that the trainer along with the rest of the room were all frozen.

    The power of the shadow was his. With a ferocious howl of victory the Alakazam threw a razor-sharp blade of pure shadow at the enemy’s neck. This trainer would be the first victim of his unstoppable reign of terror.

    His victorious howl died off as the blade dissipated in a flare of bright light. He tried again but once more the blade disappeared before it could kill the enemy. The Alakazam looked around in fury and saw something new. Something tiny, something to destroy.

    Merrilin looked at his tiny hands, they were a brilliant white. His armour had turned into blazing, shiny gold. The tiny Abra saw the frozen world around him which included his body. On the other side of the room he saw the opponent, the one he was here to stop. A monstrous shadow-Alakazam. The Shadow-Alakazam tried to murder Merrilin’s friend and trainer. With a thought Merrilin stopped the attack, and then did it again. The Shadow-Alakazam turned to see Merrilin and roared at the tiny creature. Merrilin felt no fear though. He knew this creature’s pain. He was here to stop that pain.

    Shadow-Alakazam snarled and threw himself at the tiny Abra. Knocking the small light Pokémon aside into the wall.

    Merrilin hit the wall with a thud. That one hurt.

    The Shadow-Alakazam leaped in to try to rip the small Abra apart.

    With a wave of his hand Merrilin produced a shield made out of light.

    The Shadow-Alakazam screamed in a wordless fury as it bounce off the shield. It ran in to attack again, and was again rebuffed. In a mindless rage he attacked over and over, trying to find a crack through Merrilin’s defences.

    Merrilin felt pity for the viscous shadow creature attacking. He remembered that mindless rage and hatred. He knew its source. “I think we need to talk!” he said to the shadow-Alakazam, who ig0ignored him and kept attacking. “Come with me!”

    Merrilin allowed the shadow Alakazam’s hand to reach through the shield and then reached out to grab his arm. He smiled and winked at the startled angry Shadow-Alakazam. Then he teleported.

    An invisible Jirachi watched and giggled.
    “Back to the start,
    To heal your heart,
    If you think smart,
    The shadows depart.”


    Merrilin and the Shadow-Alakazam floated in the air above a room filled with scientists and lab equipment. In cages along the wall 7 little Abras were scratching at the walls trying to get out. The Abras tried to teleport out but always ended up back in the cage.

    Merrilin frowned, this scene made the little light Abra very angry.

    The Shadow Alakazam screamed an inarticulate cry and hurled shadow blades at all of the scientists. The shadow-blades shot straight through the scientists without effect. They kept going about their experiments.

    “This is just a memory. We can’t change this. No matter how angry it makes us!” Merrilin said with a tight rein on his anger.

    The shadow Alakazam screamed again and launched himself at Merrilin. The pain, fear and sorrow that flowed through the shadow Alakazam caused Merrilin to feel extreme sympathy for the hate-filled version of himself.

    “I don’t like to remember it either. But it is the start. We must face it, in order to move on!” Merrilin said with sympathy in his voice.

    The Shadow Alakazam tried to attack again but found himself constricted and forced to watch as events played out.

    The scientists opened one of the cages and pulled out one of the Abra. Merrilin and the Shadow-Abra both knew who that Abra was. It was them!

    The scientist pulled out a syringe filled with something dark and viscous and injected it into Merrilin’s past body. They then returned the Abra to its cage and watched as it screamed in pain and started to transform. It turned purple and grew in size. A strange purple glow emanated from its eyes.

    The scientists then removed the barrier from between the cages and the little shadow Abra was free to attack his brother and sister Abra. The scene was violent, and incredibly gory. By the end the little shadow Abra was alone with the carcasses of his fellow captives and crying out in pain, grief and hatred.

    One of the scientists stepped up close to take some notes on the shadow-Abra. The little shadow Abra rocketed forward and smashed through the glass. The psychic-proof glass was no match for its shadow power. A slightly longer more horrifying and gory scene later and the little shadow-Abra made his way out of the lab, destined to sate his anger and hatred elsewhere.

    The shadow-Abra looked pleased at the violence it had just witnessed and howled for more. The violence was his escape from the pain inside.

    “That was your start. It happened. I am sorry for both of us that we experienced that. I grieve for the life we may have led, and I share your anger towards those men.” Merrilin said to the Shadow-Alakazam.

    The shadow-Alakazam looked at Merrilin with unrestrained fury tinged with a look of manic joy. “Remember killing them! Bad men deserve death! Feel good to kill!” he laughed.

    “They are dead and gone. There is no-one left to be angry at. They have paid for their crimes. The guilty have been punished. To hold onto your anger and bitterness only weakens you. I choose to let it go.” Merrilin glowed brightly and grew in size, to the size of a normal Abra. “Releasing your hatred is liberating and strengthening. Will you try it?” He let go of the restraints holding the shadow Alakazam.

    The shadow Alakazam focussed his hatred and send a bolt of pure shadow flying into the side of the brightly lit Abra. It hit and a nasty gash started bleeding Merrilin’s leg.

    Merrilin winced at the pain and shot a rope of light out to lasso the shadow Alakazam. “Not yet. Fair enough, let’s go to meet the one who decided to help us. Who is still fighting to save us right now?”

    Jirachi watched over them and giggled again.
    “Redemption you seek,
    For the Pokémon Freak,
    The shadows still reek,
    From your mind they leak.


    Merrilin and the Shadow Alakazam face each other in the air. A city burned in the background. A group of trainers was leaving the city. They looked tired and defeated. From the other direction a small group of Shadow Pokémon raged and ran towards the city. They watched their past self, launch himself at one of the trainers.

    The Shadow Abra grabbed hold of the trainer’s shoulder and teleported him into the air. With a crash the trainer fell from the air hitting a parked car. The Shadow Abra ran in to finish the trainer who looked scared of the viscous Pokémon attacking him. The trainer sent out a Mightyena, who battled the shadow Abra to a standstill. In the end they both fell to the ground and the trainer used a ball to catch the Shadow Abra.

    “What was that?” one of the other trainers asked.

    “I don’t know? I think it is on pain though.” Said the trainer who had captured the shadow Abra. “We need to find a cure for whatever has hurt it.”

    “You see! From the start, that one has had our best interests in his heart. His concern has only grown.” Merrilin told the Shadow Alakazam.

    “Lies!” howled the Shadow Alakazam. “Traps us in a ball and takes away my power. Bad man! Will make suffer and kill!”

    Merrilin shook his head. “I have let go of my hatred, and in Brettles, I have found one I can trust. Can you not see the strength that gives us?”

    The shadow Alakazam snarled slashed out with his hand, huge shadow claws scored deep wounds into Merrilin’s side. Before he could pull his hand back Merrilin gently grasped it and teleported them both away.

    Jarachi giggled,
    “Go on, you must,
    From dust to dust,
    His cause is just,
    This one you trust


    Merrilin and The shadow Abra arrived at a strange gym. It seemed to be a fighting dojo. They were watching Brettles place Merrilin’s ball into a strange machine.

    The Shadow Alakazam rushed down and attacked the machine in a fury. “NO! My power! Mine! Mine!” he screamed. His attacked had no impact on the memory of the moment.

    The machine turned on and somehow Merrilin’s ball seemed to grow lighter. The strange darkness that had been emanating from it disappeared. Brettles retrieved the ball and opened it.

    “Watch out, Mate!” warned the gym leader. “It might still be hostile.”

    Brettles smiled. “I need to trust him if he is to travel with me. And he isn’t an ‘it’. His name is Merrilin.”

    Merrilin smiled at the remembered scene. “I have let go of my hatred, found someone to trust and been trusted in return. Still you think we are ‘losing’ power?”

    The shadow Alakazam refused to listen and went in for the attack again.

    The remembered scenes flickered through faster and faster.

    Jirachi continued to giggle in the back ground.
    “It is not nice,
    To be told twice,
    Follow the advice,
    Of Scope’s sacrifice”


    They relived Scoped noble sacrifice to stop the corruption of Regirock.

    “Don’t be rattled,
    Or stampede like cattle,
    I’ll just prattle,
    You watch the battle”


    They watched Brettles stand strong against an army of shadow creatures with Merrilin standing by his side.

    “I know the pain,
    It is not in vain,
    You feel it again,
    For shadow’s bane.”


    Merrilin stood by Brettles side as he recovered from a war wound.

    “Sometimes the fun,
    Shines like the sun,
    When battle is done,
    No need to run,”


    Merrilin was playing with children orphaned in the Great War.

    “Seeker of peace,
    An anger decrease,
    A touch of Caprice,
    Let hurting cease.”


    Merrilin was an Alakazam now. He sat on a mountaintop seeking peace and enlightenment. His heightened power had released his anger in full and he was struggling to control it.

    “Shadow reverting,
    Pain asserting.
    Nature perverting,
    Abundant hurting.”


    Merrilin reverted to his shadow form and killed Aqua admin Kelly.

    “Back I send,
    Some time to spend,
    Relax my friend,
    This is the end.”


    They were back in the room with their body strapped to the table. With each teleport Merrilin had grown stronger. He had taken innumerable wounds though and was finding it hard to stand.

    “Through all this. You must know that the shadow is not strength. It is weakness of the soul. True strength does not kill and maim and hate and fear. True strength protects, trusts, hopes and endures. There is still time. You have this one last chance. Deny the power of the shadow and I can save you.”

    The shadow Merrilin held out a hand to Merrilin. Merrilin smiled at this sign of submission and reached out to take the Shadow Alakazam’s hand.

    With a snarl the Shadow Alakazam clenched his fist and drove his hand straight through the bright Abra’s body. The little Abra closed its eyes in death and fell to the ground, vanishing in a puff as it hit the ground.

    The Shadow Alakazam howled in victory at his victory over the light and dove down to re-join his body on the bed. He would teach these weakling a lesson in fear and violence that they would remember their whole lives. Both seconds of it!

    Something blocked him, a barrier of light. The Shadow Alakazam turned to be faced by an explosion of light, at the middle of which stood Merrilin, evolved into a Powerful Alakazam, a brightly lit mirror of the horrific Shadowy maleficence of the Shadow Alakazam.

    The Shadow Alakazam wailed in terror. It knew its time was short, but the hatred and pain inside wouldn’t let it run. It attacked and found itself trapped inside a sphere of light.

    “Your time is over!” Merrilin said calmly. “Never again will you infect me or cause pain in those around you.” He started to close his open hand, and the sphere of light shrank, trapping the Shadow Alakazam more tightly.

    “Never get rid of me!” howled the Shadow Alakazam. “I will be back!”

    Merrilin shook his head sadly and continued to close his hand and shrink the ball. “I am sorry it came to this. I gave you all the chances I could, but now you need to go. Before you do, however, you have something that belongs to me.”

    Merrilin reached his other ball in through the sphere and reached inside of the Shadow Alakazam’s forehead. He withdrew his hand and was holding a strange dark ethereal force. “This is my anger you have been abusing. I want it back.” Merrilin blew on the ethereal darkness like a child blowing out candles on a cake. The darkness burned away and was replaced by a bright glowing force that drifted from Merrilin’s hand and was absorbed into his mind.

    With his anger taken the Shadow Alakazam was left with nothing but pain and fear. It whimpered and cringed.

    “This is goodbye!” Merrilin said firmly. “I will not be seeing you again!” He closed his fist and the light sphere shrank down to a single speck of light with an impossibly shadowy centre.

    With a click of his fingers Merrilin banished the speck of light and his shadow infection forever.

    He looked down at his body frozen in time on the table. He took a moment to revel in his victory and then floated down to his body.

    Time started again in the room.

    Brettles was thrown back by the blast. He held his arms in front of his face bracing for impact as he hurtled towards the wall. He came to cushioned stop and was lowered gently to the ground cocooned in a wrapping of pure light.

    *Sorry about that! I am feeling much better now. I hope I didn’t hurt anyone.* Brettles recognised the voice in his head, but it much more polite than he was used to. He turned to the table to see that Merrilin had extracted himself from the straps that had tied him down and was levitating above the table.

    Merrilin looked very different. His skin was radiant white and his armour was a bright shiny gold. “Merrilin are you alright?” Brettles asked.

    Merrilin smiled. *I think I owe a lot of you and apology. Thank you for bringing me out of that. I need to spend some time getting used to these new light powers. Once that ‘Bad Frog’ is back up, I won’t be able to talk to you as easily. So let me leave you with a heartfelt, sorry and thank you!*

    Merrilin looked at the Frogadier sprawled unconscious on the ground. He waved his hand and the Frogadier gave jerk and rose to its feet, healed of its injuries. As ‘Bad Frog’ once again shut down telepathic communication and Brettles felt the contact with Merrilin fade.

    Brettles smiled at the last communication Merrilin sent him before the telepathy was shut down. *I still don’t like that Frog!*

    A fading musical voice giggle in the background.
    “Light now implanted,
    My litany chanted,
    The words enchanted,
    Your wish is granted!”


    The song of Jirachi:

    This is three.
    I feel your glee.
    I’ll set him free.
    That all from me!

    Back to the start,
    To heal your heart,
    If you think smart,
    The shadows depart.

    Redemption you seek,
    For the Pokémon Freak,
    The shadows still reek,
    From your mind they leak.

    Go on, you must,
    From dust to dust,
    His cause is just,
    This one you trust.

    It is not nice,
    To be told twice,
    Follow the advice,
    Of Scope’s sacrifice.

    Don’t be rattled,
    Or stampede like cattle,
    I’ll just prattle,
    You watch the battle.

    I know the pain,
    It is not in vain,
    You feel it again,
    For shadow’s bane.

    Sometimes the fun,
    Shines like the sun,
    When battle is done,
    No need to run.

    Seeker of peace,
    An anger decrease,
    A touch of Caprice,
    Let hurting cease.

    Shadow reverting,
    Pain asserting.
    Nature perverting,
    Abundant hurting.

    Back I send,
    Some time to spend,
    Relax my friend,
    This is the end.

    Light now implanted,
    My litany chanted,
    The words enchanted,
    Your wish is granted!

    Last edited by Brettles; 05-08-2016 at 05:22 AM.

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