Pokémon Crossroads

Pokemon Snow Sculptures

Mewtwo Snow Sculpture by lugiagirlz

Hello everyone! I am here today to talk to you about…

Snow Sculptures – Magnificent pieces of art made out of snow!

Last week, we got ourselves ready for the winter weather with some sweet Pokemon Hats! So this week, let’s look at some talented Pokemon fans who have gone out in the winter weather and made some spectacular Pokemon snow sculptures!

Please do read on…

Charichard snow sculpture REUPLOAD by Jakiron

We start with this precious Charizard snow sculpture! It’s very well made, the detail of the head and wings are perfect! The tail flame is also made very well! It’s no easy feat to make snow into fire, and this artist does a wonderful job! The angle of the head makes it as if this creation is looking up and admiring the very snow that built it. Wonderful!

Lapras by TheDayIsSaved

Next we have the awesome Lapras snow sculpture! The artist did a lovely job with the spikes on its shell, and the head is perfect! This sculpture stands at a solid 5’6, making any fan feel as if they are standing beside the actual Pokemon itself! Very nice work indeed!

Snow Ninetales by Auswren

Then we have this absolutely adorable Ninetales snow sculpture! This is wonderful craftsmanship and just the detail of the tails and chest fur is fabulous! The pose is also perfect and it’s so smooth too! Very great work indeed!

Snow car go? by Foureyedalien

Here we have a Magcargo snow sculpture! Ironic, a lava Pokemon made of snow. This artist did a wonderful job with this and got the lava texture perfectly! Not to mention the shell itself is also made so well! This artist took it a step further and even colored the sculpture! Very good job!

LIFESIZED_Lugia_Sculpture_SNOW by Eternalskyy

We end with this colossal Lugia snow sculpture! This artist took a step even further and made a 17 foot long Lugia! They did a wonderful job with the body and head, especially the face! Who could resist hopping on for a ride? Truly fabulous work!

And those are my top five favorites! I hope you have enjoyed this article and keep those hands warm in the snow!

So do you have a snow sculpture to share? Perhaps one you have even made yourself? Do post it, as we would love to see!  And don’t forget to keep those hands warm once again!

That concludes my report. Thank you for reading! Much love, and good battles!