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  1. #6311
    The Queen of Shaymin
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    Quote Originally Posted by Morzone View Post
    Porygon's artificial creation isn't the start of a rejected sob-story. Having one edgy factor alone doesn't make a pokemon edgy, but compiling various edgy factors, both major and minor, multiplies the effect.
    It is the start of a rejected sob story though. Both through its banned episode and its devolution into Porygon-Z. You really want to make this argument then I will go into more detail, but I candidly think you're just being petty so I'm going to be petty right back.

    Quote Originally Posted by Morzone
    The games make clear use of the "A pet is like its owner" trope with Type:Null and Gladion. They are portrayed to be very similar throughout the game, even if most of it is through gladion's description of his pokemon. Why else would someone like gladion bond so closely with it? Because their shared experiences give them a similar outlook on life.
    Here, let me put it this way, maybe you'll understand it. Are you and all your friends exactly the same? Did all of you bond over the same similar experience? Because if so you need to branch out from your limited view. People can bond over a variety of things, and their personalities don't even have to be remotely similar. My best friend in high school was like the total opposite of me in almost every way, but we were able to become friends and enjoy each other because of our mutual love for anime. My best friend was about as serious, emotionless, and in some cases violent as it got. Me? Not a chance. I may get angry from time to time and explode but I rarely if ever resort to violence. Friendship does not mean everyone is carbon copies of one another. Plus, if the pokémon anime has taught us anything, it's that you shouldn't place the faults of the trainer onto the pokémon.

    Quote Originally Posted by Morzone
    I'll... just agree to disagree with you on the appearance. You may see a chimera, but I see a failed attempt to make an artificial arceus using frankenstein methods. And from my other points being "Kick ***" in battle isn't a redeeming trait, it's just another reason for you to hate Aether foundation for rejecting it. (which is Type:null's main purpose in the game) And if this doesn't apply to Gladion, why does his outlook on life look like This? He may be heroic when it counts, but that doesn't stop him from being an edgy teenager the rest of the time.

    It's both, so recognize it. And being a really good battler is a redeeming trait. I already proved overall the line isn't OP but that doesn't mean it's not awful in battle. And what's so wrong with it being a plot device? Cosmog is an ultra beast used to make you hate the Aether Foundation for rejecting it yet I don't see you taking any issue with it. And Type: Null's main purpose in the game is to act as another rival for you. Arrow and I already said you never see this guy outside of battle so you can't label it with traits it doesn't have. And I never said Gladion wasn't edgy. The dude wears red and black and wreaks of teenage angst, but that doesn't mean Type: Null is too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Morzone
    Err, to be honest I sort of lumped Type:null and Silvally together, as Type:null's original design was to have silvally's powers without evolving. The lore on Type:null claims the helmet's purpose is to hold back the rampant power inside of Type:null, which would explode out of control without it. (a common trope for edgy characters)
    Actually the reason they have the helmets is to limit the side effects of the rejection of the RKS system, not because of its unlimited power. "After being subdued, the three Type: Full were given limiter helmets to lessen the effects of the RKS System's rejection," a direct quote from Type: Null's bulbapedia page.

    Quote Originally Posted by Morzone
    I can't really comment on Mimikyu since I don't know its story or lore.
    It's a pokemon that felt so lonely and unnoticed that it dressed itself up like pikachu to gain attention. It also purposely distances itself from people because it doesn't want them to see its true form since "A scholar who saw what was under its rag was overwhelmed by terror and died from the shock." So we've got a pokemon that isolates itself, has an OP ability (disguise), has a sob story for a backstory, has an appearance related to said sob story backstory, arguably wasn't born normally since Mimikyu was "born" from the desire to disguise itself as pikachu, gives off an aura of being rejected from the whole world since it is often depicted crying and hides itself away, it supposedly has no friends, and while it's not based on a legendary, it's based on Pikachu which definitely counts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Morzone
    I worded this one somewhat badly. You are right that Type:null's limited interaction keeps it from presenting itself like this, but I was referring more to how Type:Null was hyped up before the games' release as the "mewtwo" for arceus. (as in an attempted clone/recreation) A failed copy of a greater power is a common trope among edgy designs and characters.
    Hm... yeah I can kind of see what you're saying there. I still don't really see how that makes it edgy since perception of something is subjective but all right.

    Quote Originally Posted by Morzone
    To quote you from earlier: One of his redeeming qualities is that Type:null is "Kick ***" in battle. But to be fair this is one of those things that's only cringy if their strength is based off of cringy lore. (like being a failed copy of arceus) Being really strong alone doesn't make people cringy.
    Okay, firstly, kick *** in battle does not equate to being OP. By saying that it's either OP or sucks in battle, you are pulling a black and white fallacy right there, which in formal debate would void your entire point so don't try and pull that on me. Secondly, the lore isn't cringy. It's actually really creative and gives more of an Umbrella Corp feel to the Aether Foundation. Sure we know they did some stuff to Cosmog but we never really figure out what, but with Type: Null, we know they created life then experimented and possibly tortured it. That hardly sounds cringy to me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Morzone
    This one is kind of a tangent, I will admit. I just interpreted it as "You're being saved by the amazing power of friendship!" *cue really cheesy speech* None of the other pokemon were being "saved" by friendship, but as this is kind of a tangent an arguement can be made that neither is Type:null
    Yeah I mean, I kinda see your point but again, since we never see either Silvally or Type: Null outside battle we can't really say that it's saved by friendship. Signs point to it, and I wouldn't be surprised, but none of us can really say for sure.

    Quote Originally Posted by Morzone
    Yes, I know Type:null does actually have a type. But does the fan-fiction writing fanbase care? No. The concept of a typless pokemon, especially a typless pokemon hyped up to be legendary-like, is by far one of the most cringiest and edgiest concepts relating to pokemon. What do you think the name "Type: Null" suggests? Even before Type:null was introduced, people jumped on the notion of arceus' hacked "enigma form" and the "enigma plate" that had no actual type. By adding a pokemon who's body shape gives no clear indication of type combined with a name that literally says the pokemon doesn't have a type, it's only opened up a window for people to do what they want with Type:null as a typeless pokemon, rather than what it actually is.
    Well yeah but that's because it's fanfiction. Surely if you've been reading it you've seen the "don't like don't read" thing. If this is your true reason for hating Type: Null, that some fanfiction writers made it a typeless pokemon instead of its true typing, then just don't read that fanfiction! It's not that difficult of thing to do and this seems like a really stupid reason to label a pokemon edgy and something you hate. Like I pointed out above, you can't blame the pokemon for the actions of the master. Don't hate a pokemon because of how the fanbase interacts with it. If it really bothers you that much then write a story where Type: Null isn't typeless. You know what they say, if you can't find the story you want on the shelf then write your own.

    Quote Originally Posted by Morzone
    Like the artificial birth, this is more of an add-on than a major edgy factor. Having this alone doesn't make anyone edgy.
    And it's stupid because it's too wide and applies to too many things. If you really want to make this argument then I'll prove to you that pichu is the edgiest pokemon of them all based on your standards. I mean this literally makes Poison Ivy from Batman edgy, which she may be, but dude come on, you can have better reasoning than this to dislike a pokemon.

    I wouldn't have such an issue if your reasoning wasn't "it's edgy". I've heard that too many times in my life to take that as an acceptable reason to dislike something, especially since most of the time the people who claimed that just wanted to be cool by hating on edgy things like the rest of the mainstream people did at the time and they really had no other reason to dislike or hate whatever they were hating on. So it may be an acceptable reason to you, but it's not for me, and trust me if you really want me to I'll increase the amount of pokemon you dislike real quick if you want me to. I will find pokemon that qualify as edgy by your standards just to prove how stupid this kind of thing is. Even the reasoning of "I don't know I just don't like it" is more acceptable than this in my book.
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  2. #6312
    P i k a c h u Chakramaster's Avatar

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    It needs to rain here more often. It's so rare these days...

    The time is upon us...

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  4. #6313
    The Queen of Shaymin
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    Yeah it's becoming slowly and slowly more like California. Of course I say that but we had minor flooding yesterday so.
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  5. #6314
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chakramaster View Post
    It needs to rain here more often. It's so rare these days...
    Rained a little on Saturday, and it has been cold for the past 2 days.

    Summer doesn't exist anymore.....until it destroys my AC before the week is over lol

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  6. #6315
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  7. #6316
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    Here it's pretty hot and wet, but then again I live close to the coast.

  8. #6317
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    It's actually not that bad for me right now.
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  9. #6318
    P i k a c h u Chakramaster's Avatar

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    It was extremely awful here in terms of heat and humidity lately. Until Sunday and yesterday. It was actually cold! Here, in the south, in Spring. It was in the low 50s. Now, it's back to being uncomfortably hot. Luckily more rain like there was Sunday this Thursday

    The time is upon us...

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  10. #6319
    "I was stupid... So stupid"
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    The weather's been kinda crazy here today. One minute everythings warm and sunny, the next, hailstones. Then back to sun again.

  11. #6320
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    If that ain't South Carolina's weather in a nut shell I don't know what is.
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