The PXFIRE RP is a roleplay section that is part of the PXFIRE Forum event. For more details about the competition as a whole, you can find all those goodies right here! To join in this, you have to be in a PXFIRE team.

This thread is for the RP only, and you will need to sign up here before taking part. I'm hoping you join us!



Throughout the universe, there are many prosperous, colorful, and lively worlds of peaceful Pokémon that live well and work well together in harmony.

Xia is not one of those worlds.

Like many others, Xia is a world where only Pokémon live and humans are the myths of fairytales like the stories humans tell of mermaids and centaurs. But unlike many other worlds of only Pokémon, Xia is ravaged, corrupted, and dirty. Throughout most of the world, cities are bathed in oppression and violence. Crime is culture and treachery is tradition. While Xia's technology is more advanced than most other Pokémon worlds and is somewhat similar in nature to what modern day humans have, it owes that to the loose and lax regulations regarding pollution, greed, and endless industrial creations. Most cities are bathed in dark smog while trashcan fires and flashing, imposing neon signs fill their streets with a hellish glow. Meanwhile, massive motorized vehicles stampede their way through the streets, adding to the noise and smog that surround these dark cities.

Upon Xia, there is a small, southwestern continent named Liao. And it is here where a new development is arising.

For fifteen years, the Black Lotus Empire has ruled throughout the hot, arid continent, but it shares its dark and ravaging culture with the rest of the world. Under the rule of Queen Taiya the Lilligant, Black Lotus has shown no compassion for the weak or the poor. Taiya's elite officers, known as the Onyx Circle, serve Taiya and the Black Lotus cause as commanding officers, legionnaires, and centurions. Some of them are infamous for their strength, cruelty, and cunning while others remain in the shadows as only rumors and enigmas. Despite her protection and sworn bodyguards, Taiya is quite a lethal fighter herself, having killed four assassins all on her own and taunts her opposition to send her a fifth to provide her with more entertainment.

Rebellion groups that have opposed Queen Taiya's rule have only met crippling defeat so far. Meanwhile, there is word that Black Lotus hides a powerful secret that explains why their troops and forces seem stronger than other Pokémon. It wasn't until recently that the name "Ante" had surfaced from the shadows, but for now, the name is all that outsiders seem to know about this mysterious force of power.


Today marks the beginning and opening of the fiftieth annual Tempest Festival, a violent tradition of blood sports and mortality games that leave many of their participants dead or crippled for life just for the chance of power, fame, and extreme wealth. These globally-televised events capture the attention of millions of sadistic Pokémon craving these destructive death games. As the 50th anniversary of these hellish games, the next month of events and games promise to be deadlier, bloodier, and more destructive than ever before to celebrate this dark anniversary. Black Lotus has their own highly-trained and prepared team of battle-hardened Pokémon more than ready to slaughter every last adversary Pokémon in every competition. The mass grave pits are already prepared and are simply waiting to be filled while the betting machines are at the ready, just itching for greed and lavish desires to seize the impulses of many gambling Pokémon.

Meanwhile, their competition, like many years before, consists of captured innocents, insurgents, rebels, resistance soldiers, and anyone brave or foolish enough to put their life on the line to challenge Black Lotus at their own blood games. But like a flame battered by Black Lotus's hurricane of violence and madness, their hope of winning is pale, though still possible. Like gold dangled on a string before them, they are driven by their own impulses and fight with little left to lose.

This year, however, there is a twist to maximize the size and scale of these bloody competitions and the hellish circus anarchy.

The grand prize for the team, country, or faction accumulating the most points and thus, winning the 50th annual Tempest Festival, will be presented with the Master Blaze Jewel. A white-silver gemstone relic that grants the holder the ability to evolve well beyond what should be possible for what that Pokémon can evolve naturally. Offering this incredible relic is none other than Blacklocke Arms, a weapons manufacturer given exclusive rights to supply a large portion of the weaponry in this year's games and have plenty of advertising presence. It is unknown how they got the Master Blaze Jewel in their possession, but it remains as the most coveted prize out of all the hundreds of offerings Tempest Festival sponsors are providing this year.

The Master Blaze Jewel is rumored to hold strong, incredible power of allowing Pokémon to evolve even beyond their normal forms as a kind of skeleton key for evolution stones and evolution sources. It is believed that if Black Lotus wins the Blaze Jewel, Queen Taiya, in conjunction with her mysterious force of Ante, may become unstoppable in unnerving, unpredictable ways that has most of her adversaries deeply concerned, forcing rebellion and opposition groups to have to take part to prevent Black Lotus from getting it. Meanwhile, though many of the other competitors are hoping to win lessened prison sentences, cash prizes, and other lavish desires, the Master Blaze Jewel is by far the most coveted relic.

Your team and allies have the chance to use these games as a leverage to potentially overthrow Black Lotus and build a better, more peaceful Xia with the Master Blaze Jewel under your control. Or, you may simply decide to replace Black Lotus as the new ruling authority. The problem is you're not alone in your objectives. Other teams and Pokémon seek the Master Blaze Jewel, the glory, all the other prizes, and the better life that comes from winning what promises to be the most brutal of Tempest Festivals as it celebrates fifty years of bloody carnage and ferocious combat. You and your team have been preparing hard for these games. Unlike many others who are entering, you are better prepared with your own armor, weaponry, vehicles, and training. Black Lotus may have the advantage, but this year the stakes are higher and the competition is more ready and ever before.

War may never change, but this time it's on television and under the classification of "entertainment."


Whether your team is a band of freedom fighters, scoundrels, thieves, pirates, covert heroes, smugglers, or what have you, this is your chance at furthering your team's agenda. All members of your team have plenty of supporters and you are a known threat to Black Lotus, but you have survived, endured, or evaded their oppression. As far as you and the rest of your team are convinced, they may say the land you have claimed for yourself is theirs, but you refuse to acknowledge it.

Your team has many NPC supporters and is well-funded to be a considerable nuisance to Black Lotus. You and your teammates are better prepared than most entering these dark and violence arenas and competitions. In the grizzly events, your team has a budget big enough to enter with considerably tough vehicles and hardened armor and weaponry (the Pokémon-only options mainly apply to other poor but aspiring NPC contestants that you will be engaged with during the ferocious events). Meanwhile, there are spots on the map that will be under your team's control, even though you're still considered to be in Black Lotus's borders. The situations between your team and Black Lotus are on the brink of revolution like a pile of fireworks sitting on burning ashes.

It's your choice. It's up to you whether to enter these vicious and savage games as gladiators, or simply find a way to sabotage them from the outside or inside. You can use the media attention to build your own agenda, or use the whole Tempest Festival as a distraction to work within the shadows where eyes won't be watching.

The only restriction is that you cannot be allied with Black Lotus (I'm controlling all of them by myself). Beyond that, everything is fair game.


Nestled in the southeastern tropical edge of Liao, The Gracidea Order has had enough with the world diminishing into a polluted cesspool of grime, toxic waste, and filth. As Black Lotus's factories and industries continue to show no respect for the natural world and the aftermath of its continued neglect and care for the environment, The Gracidea Order intends to rebel against the Black Lotus now that they have acquired the resources, following, and the drive to no longer just be a nuisance to Black Lotus. Now they've become a real threat within Black Lotus's own borders. Inspired by its ability to purify the surrounding environment, The Gracidea Order is often resembled by Shaymin and the Gracidea Flower.

What started as a small band of environmentalists quickly turned into a strong faction that is determined to restore natural beauty and cleanliness to the world of Xia, starting with Liao. Factories and power plants that have been especially brutal on the environment have been destroyed by Gracidea Order operatives on multiple accounts. As more Pokémon realize the more comfortable living within The Gracidea Order's territory, their numbers and supporters have grown exponentially. Their capital city of Hana and the neighboring city of Jadeblossom remain as a hardened stronghold that Black Lotus still cannot get to comply with the empire's regulations. And now, further and further, the region further slips away from the grasp of the empire.

Black Lotus regards The Gracidea Order as a band of eco-terrorists hellbent on undoing technological progress for inane reasons. Meanwhile, Gracidea Order operatives mock Black Lotus, claiming their dark colored flower emblem comes from all the filth and pollution.


Located in western Liao, the Steel Scavengers are a band of renegades and traitors that have directly betrayed The Black Lotus Empire and Queen Taiya in one way or another. After the number of rebels, exiles, and blacklisted Pokémon continued to escalate, they began to come together as the Scavengers. After seizing control of Blackbriar City and the neighboring industrial metropolis of Coalrock, a significant portion of Black Lotus's industrial supply lines were permanently cut off. As a result, the Scavengers have gone from being a serious nuisance to a genuine threat that intends to undermine everything Black Lotus seeks to achieve. With a large portion of western Liao's industrial zones now under their control, the Scavengers seek to finish the job and bring the entire empire crashing down and anyone else that intends to get in their way of doing so.

Known to create monstrous juggernaut war machines, brutish weaponry, thickened armor plating, and beastly mechanisms of battle, the Steel Scavengers rely on sheer, mechanized brawn and brutality in combat, intimidating the meek and unprepared. As a faction that has always been deeply-ingrained enemies with Black Lotus since day one, the interaction will be exceptionally bloody.


Located north in the Shadysands Desert and above the Downdune mountains, the Prankster Platoon remains as a faction of anarchists and chaos that absolutely refuse to cooperate with anything the Black Lotus empire does and demands. When it comes to who will be the first to mock and ridicule Black Lotus in open in satirical broadcasts and musical parodies, the Platoon will proudly be the first to do it. Past and recent Black Lotus attempts to retake the northern area have not gone well at all and the Platoon happily reminds them of it at every possible opportunity. Tanks have been disabled all along Highway 1 and Highway 18 only to be turned into colorful pińatas by the Platoon. Meanwhile, Black Lotus officers and infantry have warned others the Platoon is known for finding other nefarious uses for their septic waste.

Combat against the Prankster Platoon is known to be extremely unpredictable and many have died to their tactics hearing maniacal laughter before dying. Many have been warned that while Black Lotus commandeers a relentless and hardened military, there's a good reason why this faction of resilient and blatant chaotic jesters doesn't just survive. They flock like endless, laughing Murkrows on a dead Rattata.


Besides the three PXFIRE Teams, there are other NPC-exclusive entities that aren't on good terms with Black Lotus, but they aren't as significant. They will, however, be making appearances throughout the storyline and will be involved in the competitions.

Thundercrash Gang - Thundercrash isn't so much as a thorn in Queen Tayia's side, but more like a pin. They have a small member base of being criminals and smugglers that have stolen and worked directly against Black Lotus, but they're good at dodging scrutiny and they're nomadic, meaning it's very difficult for Black Lotus to track them down and eliminate them. They also don't care if Black Lotus is hosting the Tempest Festival. They want to win all for themselves. The Thundercrash gang welcomes all members, but they have a strong affinity for electric-based weaponry and attacks. They also tend to bend their vehicles and attack tactics on speed rather than muscle and force.

Sentinel Corporation - Mysterious, covert, and shady, these Pokémon don't say very much, but they're specialists in computer crimes, espionage, sabotage, and very James Bond / secret agent work. Meanwhile, they're more of a problem to Black Lotus when it comes to information. They focus mainly on tactics of perception, accuracy, and secrecy and have some of the best snipers in the world. A lot of their vehicles will harbor many secret weapons and a lot of their agents work under cover with strange, enigmatic codenames and call signs. Some of them even only use a series of numbers.

The "Shadow Network" - No one on the outside truly knows what the "Shadow Network" really is. Rumor has it that their name takes many forms and is under a varying branch of entities, but still remains as one. Two Pokémon that may look like enemies on the opposite sides of the spectrum may in fact be sworn blood brothers. Some believe it doesn't actually exist, but there is evidence some kind of underground operation that opposes Black Lotus is working deep within the veins of the continent.

There are other groups, but they are only very minor and will not make a significant impact on the storyline.


Upon the Pokémon world of Xia, there are relics called Blaze Jewels. The silver-white Master Blaze Jewel offered as the grand prize is a special one, but there are more common ones throughout Liao and the rest of the world.

Standard Blaze Jewels allow your Pokémon character to change their typing, such as a Raichu using a Fire Blaze Jewel to become a fire type and use any fire type move they'd like. Even something like Sacred Fire which is usually exclusive to Ho-oh. Said Raichu could still use electric-type moves, but as a fire type Pokémon, they wouldn't have as much power as before. Also, said Raichu would look more like a fire type with reddish/orange fur and maybe a flame tail rather than one with a thunderbolt-shaped tip. When using a Blaze Jewel, your character's appearance and features would be changed to resemble the new type they're taking on. With Blaze Jewels, you only need to have it near you (about one meter within) to use it. So even if you're a Pokémon that needs to walk around on all fours, like Umbreon or Luxio, you can still wear it in a pouch or as jewelry to make use of it. Also, you can take off the effect at any time in an instant.

In the world of Xia, Blaze Jewels are rare, but not too rare. They're common enough for your character to start with one and for some other NPCs to have them, but not to the point where everyone and their mother is walking around with dozens of them. Think of it like owning a car. They're also spherical and are about the size of a golf ball and are colored to whatever type they change, such as a fire one being red and an electric one being yellow. They're also perfectly legal to use in these Tempest Festival events, and you will see NPCs using them. You can get others besides the one you start off with. It's not against the rules to pick one up from a dead Pokémon in the middle of an event!

Since the world of Pokémon has dual types, you could use two Blaze Jewels at once to become a dual type based on both of the Jewels you're using. So if you use both a Dragon Blaze Jewel and a Fire Blaze Jewel, you're now a fire/dragon type! But that's your limit. If you acquire a third Blaze Jewel, you're going to have to choose two out of the three typings you have available, but not all three. So if you found say an Electric Blaze Jewel on top of what you already have, you could go either fire/dragon, electric/dragon, or fire/electric as far as dual type possibilities go. But you're free to swap among those forms on the fly! And if you acquire a fourth and so on, it's the same kind of thing. Additional Blaze Jewels will just give you more selections as far as your dual typing selection goes. And if you have multiple Blaze Jewels, you still have the option of using only one at a time, also. Just note than any use of Blaze Jewels will overwrite whatever natural typing your Pokémon character has.

As for the Master Blaze Jewel, it's anyone's guess as to where it came from, but it's definitely confirmed to be authentic. But it does make one wonder. Is that the only "Master" Blaze Jewel out there?



In almost all of these events, victory goes to the last team or individual still alive, though in the past, losers have been able to retreat and flee away from the carnage after the situation looks hopeless to them. There's no punishment or prosecution for running away (besides losing/disqualification) and it's a perfectly acceptable (although humiliating) way to survive, but in most cases, the number of survivors is usually very low.

Expect for NPCs to be dropping like flies in these events, but I totally understand if you don't want your character to be the same way. So, if things are looking grim, bailing out via running/flying away, teleporting, or what have you is possible. It might require some creativity, but it's a possible option. Just note that most participants don't make it out alive, so usually only player-controlled characters will have this kind of safety net available to them. Realistically though, it would make sense for your character to take non-lethal injuries and maybe some of their NPC companions/teammates would be killed in action even if your character escapes from the carnage.

On ground arena combat event
Location: Blood Pit Arena, Lytala City

Here, Pokémon enter as gladiators in a fight to the death. Entrants are allowed to bring whatever weapons and armor they so choose, but there are no vehicles in this competition. Meanwhile, Blood Pit Arena has several variants. In the "Open" version, there is limited cover and gladiators enter only with that they begin with, while in the "Pillager" version, the arena becomes more like a labyrinth with better weapons and armor hidden within the dark, bloody halls of this bloody, televised deathtrap. Gladiators are free to use whatever Pokémon attacks they have, as well as use whatever weaponry they come ready with or steal from someone else whether they're alive or dead.

On ground vehicular combat event
Location: Lotus Den Slums

Much like the Blood Pit Arena, the Dread Metal Destruction Derby is like the Blood Pit Arena, only with vehicles. Contenders are free to work in teams using either a fast and speedy vehicle or the biggest junkyard hulk they can construct. Vehicles can be armed with whatever weaponry the competitors decide to use. Meanwhile, the arena itself consists of an entire urban slum neighborhood to wreck havoc in where collateral damage means nothing. If a competitor's vehicle is disabled or destroyed but they survive, they can still fight on foot, but they'll be at a severe disadvantage.

On ground vehicular racing combat event
Location: Highway 2, Leaving from Garland City heading north toward Lytala City

For those who want speed and destruction, look no further than this bloody racing event. Roadkill Warriors is vehicle-only, and unlike Dread Metal, it is a racing event with flames, carnage, and mayhem. However, use of weapons or attacks isn't allowed until five minutes into the race (to prevent everyone from killing each other right at the Garland City starting line!). Here, racers need to decide whether to sacrifice speed for more armored protection and weaponry, or go fast but fragile. Meanwhile, like Dread Metal, multiple Pokémon can work together in teams in the same vehicle, but the difference is if your vehicle is disabled, you lose your chance to win, but could definitely still die while rendered helpless on Highway 2.

FIELD OF SCREAMS (credit to Velocity!)
On ground racing obstacle course event
Location: Lytala City

Field of Screams is a footrace but with a twist! Along the way, there are plenty of traps, hazards, and deadly surprises along the way. Pits with spikes, flame jets hidden in the walls, and even deadly audience participation are all threats these racers have to deal with as their finish line will either be at tend end of the race or by the reaper's blade. Attacking your fellow racers is perfectly allowed, but it becomes a battle of keeping the pace, dodging everything else that's flung your way, and fighting back against your competition!

Naval combat
Location: Crackwood Sea

Here, the arena situation is similar to the ground events, only this time, it's in the drink, right in the filthy, polluted waters just south of Crackwood City. Combatants need to have a naval craft ready for combat, or take the risky chance of using a water Pokémon (definitely not recommended, no one has ever won with one). Contestants, especially Black Lotus, have been known to enter naval vessels even as large as battleships, though sometimes the bigger they come, the harder they fall. As with the other events, last team standing wins. If you're not ready to win, you'd better be ready to swim!

HEAVENS OF FIRE (credit to Morzone!)
Aerial combat and racing event
Location: Skies above the Lotus Den Slums

If destruction and bloodshed on the ground or in the water isn't your forte, this event has Pokémon using airplanes or flying Pokémon (usually used by those who can't afford planes) to dogfight each other out of the skies. And unlike the ground events, a disabled aircraft will usually result in death. Oh sure, there are parachutes, but gunning a helpless parachuting Pokémon holds a special place in the hearts of the crowds. Usually those that use flying Pokémon need to go light on the armor and weaponry, as unlike planes, most of them can't fly with heavier weapons. They need to rely on speed and maneuvers in those circumstances or it will be over far sooner than you can imagine.

Situation-based infantry combat event
Location: Lytala City

In this team-based competition, one team is pitted against another instead of the free-for-all like settings of the other competitions. One team is the Assassins while the other team is the Bodyguards. The Bodyguards have to prevent the Assassins from killing the VIP, a unprepared and completely innocent Pokémon yanked off the streets and used as fodder for this bloody competition. The catch with this event is Black Lotus's forces will always take the assassin role. And it's extremely rare for them to lose.

Physical endurance event
Location: Lytala City

Deathwish Endurance has a survivor mode and 1vs1 mode. Here, opposing Pokémon are locked into chambers and exposed to the element they're weakest against. Fire Pokémon are thrown into tanks that will be filled with water. Water Pokémon are hooked up to an electric-chair like device while grass types are put into an incinerator that progressively gets hotter and hotter. How to win? Survive longer than everyone else. This competition remains as the hardest, because somehow Black Lotus stays alive longer and there is suspicion Ante may be involved, but there's absolutely no evidence.


Sign ups start RIGHT NOW! You don't need to wait until PXFIRE starts to make your characters. You can have them prepared and approved in advance so that you're ready to go opening day. Also, you're free to make as many characters as you'd like, no limit. Furthermore, you're free to make more characters at any time whether it's before PXFIRE, during the PXFIRE event, or even after the whole event concludes!

Sign ups take place Right here.


The PXFIRE Roleplay lasts for the entire duration of PXFIRE and beyond! This is pretty much the one PXFIRE section that can keep going even past the final day of the PXFIRE event. Judging will stop on the final day of PXFIRE, but the roleplay storyline doesn't have to!

Judging will occur at the end of each week of PXFIRE. A total of 100 points will be awarded among all participants. How many you get will be based on how good your performance is and how many other people are participating.


Here, players will get a letter rating of A++ to F for each of these categories. +s and -s will also be applicable.

A++: This person is a star and an MVP in this area. It's VERY rare to get this.
A+: Awesome, awesome performance. It's near-impossible to ask anything more of this person.
A: Truthfully really great skill here. It would be tough to ask them to do better, but there's a slight window where they could.
A-: Still really good in this area. Not perfect, but still really good.
B+: A solid good effort in this area. They could be better, but I can't complain.
B: Good work here, could be better if they want to shoot for the stars, but it's far from lousy.
B-: Decent job, not bad, but nothing to praise over.
C+: Eh, not stellar, but there's some small qualities here.
C: Pretty much status quo right here. The person kind of did what the bare minimum requirements where and just settled on that.
C-: Not terrible, but still a tinge below average.
D+: Meh, this person kind of got lazy and really didn't care or overlooked a lot of things.
D: Not really thrilled about what the person did here. At this point, they're doing things that have a negative impact on the RP and could be considered a bit disruptive.
D-: Really not great at all. What they've been doing is actually getting a bit annoying or they're just totally ignoring what they should be doing.
F: The person just really missed the mark completely on this. Either they didn't do this at all or they've been doing things very wrong. It could also be where they're doing a lot of negative things that badly affect the RP.


Driving Force - Characters that have more influential impact on the storyline will get heavy points here, whereas a player that just posts background stuff over and over again and keeps to themselves won't get very much. I'm a pretty anti-filler person, so don't make a whole lot of unnecessary background stuff if you don't ever plan on going anywhere with it. I don't want people to hang around the exposition stage for too long. Sure, the first two posts or so are okay, but then it's gotta get going time!

A+ Example: The person is really getting involved with the plot, adding their own subplots, and is getting involved however they can, keeping things evolving and making the RP interesting for everyone without breaking rules.

C Example: The person plays along with the plot, but kind of in a roll-with-the-punches kind of way. Nothing special, but they're at least doing their part.

F Example: The person is totally ignoring the plot, not interacting with the setting, and they're possibly doing things that really aren't applicable.

Written Content - The second big factor to having posts that are interesting to read and really tie well with the character the player has written up. You could completely miss the ball on the Driving Force element, but if the posts are at least intriguing, you'll make up points.

A+ Example: This person's posts are full of interesting and intriguing dialogue, there's great description and emotion, and the posts are colorful with adjectives and emphasis in just the right amounts at just the right times.

C Example: The posts are okay. They're nothing special and I'd read it once and be okay with that and not really be intrigued to read it again and again. They did a passable job and it's acceptable, though it could have been cooler.

F Example: The posts don't make sense, they're confusing, the character interactions are really unrealistic, and they're doing other weird and awkward things that just make the post really difficult to grasp. A person would also get this score if they've been breaking rules like god-modding and bunnying.

RPer Interactions - One of the big advantages of roleplaying is that you get interaction opportunities! This is a big push to get involved and interact with others to get the storyline going and progressing. The more the RPer interacts with others, the more they'll shine in here.

A+ Example: The person has been interacting with other members of their team to implement teamwork, possibly getting involved in battle engagements against the enemy teams, and they've been getting into fights and interactions with Black Lotus, the main adversaries of the RP, which are controlled by me. So they're interacting with me too. That's good stuff.

C Example: Well, the player interacts with another RPer every now and then, but it's nothing super-special. It could be argued that maybe it wasn't even necessary or they just didn't do much beyond a status quo kind of thing.

F Example: The person either isn't interacting with anyone at all, or they're actually being disruptive toward others and doing annoying, pointless, and possibly even spammy kinds of things with them.

Activity Level - Activity level is based on the frequency of posts that person puts in. The first three areas are quality, and yes, this one is quantity-based, but that's why this one comes behind those three. A person who really posts a lot and really puts in a lot of quantifiable effort will get rewarded here.

A+ Example: The person was the top poster here. They're super active in the RP, they're really doing a lot of content for it, and they're committed to making the RP a daily interactive activity.

C Example: The person posts maybe every now and then. It's clear they're still participating, but not really on a lively level. But they're still in it at least.

F Example: The person posted one really short post during the entire week. They were there, but not much else beyond that.

Formatting, Spelling, and Grammar - I'm not a big stickler on this, but I don't really want to see an absolutely horrible job either. So, I would like people to care about how presentable their posts are and to make sure they're clean and tidy.

A+ Example: No errors, no weird grammar, no typos. It's clear the person has been proofreading these things and making sure they're clean and good to go before posting them.

C Example: Here, the posts are a bit rushed. There might be spelling mistakes, maybe a "their" where there should have been a "they're" and things like that. There might also be weird word redundancy or the sentence structure doesn't quite flow right all the time. Here, it's clear that some proofreading would have helped clean up the blemishes if they were just a bit more careful.

F Example: Spammy, chat speak, junk, and weird incoherent stuff that actually reads like what the SPAMbots post or a bad form of Engrish. The posts here are so bad it's hard for anyone to understand them.


The rules are pretty simple. Nothing too crazy.


Follow all PXR Rules - But you know that. :P
No Godmodding - Basically don't make your character an immortal god and let them be aware of it. Extreme abuses of power, breaking reality too much, or doing an unrealistic amount of damage and destruction in a very short amount of time with no preparation is rule-breaking. Also, using out of character knowledge falls under this area. You, the player, may be aware of something, but your character wouldn't.
No Bunnying - Basically, no controlling other people's characters.


Considering the darker and grittier nature of the RP and the setting, here's the policy on what's acceptable and what's probably a little too beyond.

Violence and gore - Open season. Go as M-rated as you like in this area. Xia is a nasty and violent world and because there's so many different ways to die, feel free to capture whatever you'd like in whatever detail you can imagine. After all, it is only words and not visual. Plus let's face it, we've all played at least one M-rated game by now.

Sexual Content - I'm okay with things like sex, pornography, prostitution, and rape being implied and given brief mentioning, but I'd rather not see it go too beyond that with heavy and cringe-inducing detail. Keep it touch and go. While there's plenty of this going on in Xia, I want to keep a cap on it and avoid it getting to the point of being distasteful. If you slip a little bit too much on this, I won't chew you out the first time it happens, but I'll drop a note for you to keep it lower.

Swearing - Well, if the swear filter blanks it out, it blanks it out, but you're free to imply it with * marks. Kudos goes to the people who actually make up new swear words as part of Xia's culture. That's creativity!

Alcohol and drug use - Open season. There's plenty of that going on in Xia. Drugs range from steroids, hallucinogens, narcotics, you name it, you got it. Note that the names of these drugs are different in Xia. Xia may not have things like cocaine or crystal meth, but they might have drugs like "Swish" or "Jirachi Dust" that have similar effects to actual drugs but just with different names. Be creative and feel free to conjure up something druggie Pokémon are into!

Gambling - Open season. Another thing that's all over the place. Pokémon are constantly betting on winners in these deadly games. Beyond that, casinos and lotteries are common. Those are all over the place.

Darker Themes - Things like terrorism, genocide, racism, and things like that are fine here. You might have plenty of that going on. Don't take what happens in the RP's storyline too literally and think it's an implication to anything in reality. It's all purely fiction and nothing's implied.

With all that said, good luck, have fun, and enjoy the roleplay!

One last note!

Please make sure each of your posts has this header on top:

<Character name and species>
<Current Location>

Enjoy and good luck!