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  1. #1
    P i k a c h u Chakramaster's Avatar

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    Clinging onto Hope

    Musical Changes over the Years

    Whether they be an improvement or just a complete disaster. Movie or video game remakes are unavoidable. With those usually come a new musical composition for them. What are some of your favorites? Do you hate any of the newer versions compared to the old? Feel free to discuss or share any of these here!

    One I still look back on and enjoy is the tracks from Pokemon G/S/C and the newer rendition from HG/SS


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  3. #2
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    In general, I think most game music has gotten significantly better. Before, they were pretty limited in the sounds they could use to generate songs, but now they've got everything available so music doesn't always sound like beeps and boops. Sure, it's fun to listen to those old video game songs every now and then for nostalgia's sake, but today there's no limit on sound quality and instrument usage for game soundtracks.

    Movie songs for me seem to be better as they don't have the kind of "graininess" that older movies from the 60s/70s seem to have. I'm no expert on music creation, but in general, I find today's soundtracks are great and have taken these forms of media in a nice direction.

    Pop music, on the other hand... yuck.

  4. #3
    I agree with Neo that newer music scores can be very nice due to the availability of quality--people at home can make incredible music these days just with their own equipment!

    Probably my favourite recreation of general movie music is actually the THX theme. xD I used to love that sound as a kid, but I listened to the redone 2015 version lately which was completely recreated and rerecorded, and it sounds sooo cooool!

    First rendition (1983, made for Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi):

    Newest rendition (2015, made for Eclipse):

    Ahh it's so full and nice. *v* If you have good speakers/headphones/whatever, you can really hear the difference!

    Anyway there's tonnes of other cool remakes I like but this is the main one I can think of right now. xD

  5. #4
    • ʖ̫ • Caunadan's Avatar
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    I don't always like the changing trends in music, but the changing musical tech/methods/potential is a good thing.

    The example that comes to mind for music remakes is the FFXII Gilgamesh battles which got their brand new own rendition of the classic "Clash on the Big Bridge" Loved it, fit the tone of FFXII perfectly, though despite the obviously dated sound I like the original FFV one with its energy equally as much. It's been redone other times besides but FFXII is the one I remember and associate with good music remake.




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