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    Magnus's Submission for the GCEA Short Story Contest

    ---“It’s hatching, its hatching! Kat come over and see!” The muffled voices pierce the reddish egg. Inside the little creature shifts around trying to make sense of its recent self-awareness. The clear liquid all around him is supposed to be shielding him from the uneasy sounds of the outside world. These recent sounds have stirred up some mixed emotions. “” The little creature mumbled to himself. On the outside Magnus sat watching the egg twitch. “Come on soldier..” Magnus he said softly to himself. As he turned to Kat with a big smile he could only say the most obvious thing happening. “Did you hear that little growl ?” Magnus grinned looking back intently at the egg. Kat could only let out a little laugh.

    --Inside the egg the stirring creature spoke again. “Must..escape..this..prison.” He let out a little growl and began to move around. After a moment of nothing happening he paused again. He could feel his temperature rising. “Rage building! Now is the time!” He let out a mighty battle cry and then flexed all of his muscles fighting to break this invisible cage. Almost none of this furry was noticed on the outside where the egg slightly shook. His action even that went unnoticed as Kat had dragged Magnus away to have a practice battle leaving the little egg alone.

    ---The egg now sat on a bright blue blanket in a brown woven basket near the back door. The little guy pushed and pushed until he ran out of energy. He couldn’t help but think to himself that his efforts thus far had proven to be futile. It was time to go back to the drawing board. “Bill” he exclaimed “Can I call you Bill?” he said to himself confused as to how to address himself. “Bill we need out, It’s been real and it’s been fun but we have other obligations. A two o’clock with O’Bryan for one thing.” He carefully moved his claw scratching his head in a show of his furthering confusion. As he pushed his hand back down he felt a slight movement shake through the egg. “I have been such a fool, Bill! The answer has been in front of me the whole time!” With a hard pushed the little guy heaved and hoed to get himself into a good position.

    ---Once in place which turned out to be be the exact same position he had always been in. Don’t let him know that. He called out again.“For hundreds of minutes and possibly since the creation of time itself we have been trapped here ! Tonight we dine on Wurmples !” what was a wurmple he wondered out loud ? It didn’t matter it was go time. As he summoned his incredible rage he could feel the clouds forming overhead swelling with the moisture of his entrapped rage. He let out a might “Heave !” then a fierce some “Hoe!”. He continued pushing and pushing until finally! Nothing, nothing at all had happened. The egg twitched a little again on the outside. In comparison the insatiable birdie on the nearby desk had made more progress as a cold breeze came through the window. The feeling of failure was ripe in amniotic fluid. The little lizard couldn’t help but play out the speech he would inevitably have to give to his troops. He would start off reading his notes. “The great Dogan once said A flower falls, even though we love it; and a weed grows, even though we do not love it. We can control dream to control every aspect of life. However we can learn from our mistakes, we can adapt to the must needed change, and we can send them all to Giratina gift wrapped next time around.” That was it! He had a speech that even Bill would be proud of.

    ---With the speech finished it was time for some quite reflection. Reading it would surly mean the end to a long fruitful career. At least that’s what he felt as he lay there in his eggshell prison. With no real knowledge of the world on the outside all he had were his thoughts. He sat for a few more moments before he spoke. As he began his speech he set a tone that would silence the audience. The speech was so touching it even caused some of the imaginary troops to shed a tear. Outside the shell Mangus had made his way back in the house rushing over the basket. He got real close and smiled as the sound of little chirps echoed out. Lifting up his head he called out. “Kat you’re missing it, this guy seems to be chatting up a storm.” Magnus smiled putting his head against the medium sized pokemon egg. “Little guy it’s time to join the rest of us.” Kat came in and grabbed his arm. “Shawn! Courtney and I are waiting.” She pulled his arm dragging him out of the house.

    ---Inside he had finally reached the end of his speech. “It’s with a heavy heart that I must step down. I can no longer lead this operation. The toll of this war has fallen heavy on me. I now feel more trapped than free.” The tones of his words were enough to keep everyone silent. The poor little guy couldn’t help but feeling helpless. He thought to himself that this was the end and finally stopped struggling. That couldn’t be the end however. Moments after the overdramatic stop he let out a little sneeze and his tails lit up breaking through the bottom of the egg.

    ---“Bill ! You brilliant fool, if you weren’t me I’d kiss you!” He could now feel something. A new serge of life shot through his body. Though he still couldn’t see anything he could feel the soft blanket as his tail ran over it. As he swayed his tail back and forth over the gentle blanket he felt like he could fall back asleep. “Bill it’s like sleeping in the clouds.” He could feel his body relaxing. “I didn’t realize that a warm cozy feeling could be so warm.” It wasn’t his fault for what happened next, his mother and father never told him that holding a flame above cotton could be trouble, in his parents defense they have not had the chance yet. As the flames spread he sat in the egg now convinced that warm and cozy was way less cozy than he had heard about.

    ---When the flames got to close to his tail an alarm went off in his head. “Oh, fire!! We’re on fire! Someone call for help. Will surely perish if we don’t get out of here!” he had to think quickly. He began frantically to whack the blanket until he tipped over. Magnus and Kat had failed to notice that they were going to have a hardboiled egg soon! “Man down, man down!” he called out realizing that he had tipped. “Damn it, Bill! Get a hold of yourself! “an imaginary slap echoed through the egg. Once he had gotten back his composer he started whacking again. The little egg slowly rolled off the blank to the very edge.

    ---“Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.” He spoke softly to himself his words now coated in fear. “Humpty Dumpty had a great…” he kept his eyes closed feeling the edge of the basket was near. “ All the king’s horses and all the king’s men.” With a hard smack the egg went over the edge. As he began to fall it seemed like time stopped. He took a deep breath as his life flashed before his eye. “Couldn’t put Humpty together again.” The egg fell. A foot later the egg landed. The fall had cracked a hole in the egg right next to his right eye. “I’m alive…I mean we’re alive, bill! Do we still have everything. Arms, legs tail..Phew.” Once he settled down he noticed something different. His eye opened allowing the brightness to flood in. “It burns! It burns! “ he growled. He paused a moment with his eye closed then tried again. This time he slowly opened his eye. The blurry outline of the world around him was confusing. “Bill, we’re almost free..” As the little guy began to move he realized that even with his tail free and a crack to see out of he still needed help to get break free. Further down the table he could see something moving up and down. “Hey buddy! There’s a fire coming! Help me out!” He called out to no avail. The creature seemed to just ignore him. He thought to himself “Bill this guys is acting like a real jerk.” He couldn’t have known that Insatiable birdies have a reputation for getting caught up with their work, or even understand that it wasn’t alive. He was forced to just assume the worst. Using his tail he slowly pushed himself closer and closer to the dipping bird. Until his egg had rolled to a stop bumping the glass out of the way. He now found himself right under the bird. “Okay buddy what’s your problem! I tried to ask for help and you just ignored me!” His voice was firm and steady. “This kind of behavior was not going to be tolerated.” The birdie came swinging down and a hit the egg causing a small crack. Confused and angered the little guy tried to make sense of this. “So it’s a fight you want! “ He began to swing his tail and even blink his eye as angrily as possible. The birdie lifted back up and came back down hard hitting the same spot making the crack bigger. The barrage of attacks continued as the little guy was left helpless. With each hit the birdie got closer and closer to getting to him. “My Arecus, Bill! He is going to eat us! This is will be slow and painful death!” He squirmed back and forth. With the shell now getting weaker he was able to break some of it. His tiny claws ran across the egg chipping off tiny piece.

    ---Once the first piece was broken he went full force and fought his way out. As he continued the eternal struggle of breaking free[/INDENT]of egg, he failed to notice the rest of the table had become engulfed in flames. As if it came out of a movie the little guy broke his shell and stumbled to get to his feet. It would be a fight to the death. His whole gestation had led to this moment. In the roar of the flames the little guy made his move using his tail slam into the birdie who came down right onto of him pinning him to the table. Was this it for the little fire type? He lay in the fire coughing. “Motha..cough..cough..the light is slipping away. Now in my final moments lifes cruelty seems almost poetic. It’s so beautiful.” At that moment magnus was running by and noticed the fire.

    ----“Wholy crap the table is on fire! “ Magnus ran in. As he rushed in he could hear “ Char, char , carr” and noticed the little guy puts head down. He ran right to the table grabbing the little charmander. As Charmander opened his eye he noticed Magnus and smiled. “ That was fun! Let’s try that again, this time you pretend to injured.” Magnus grew confused as it turned out the Charmander was jumping around and not dying. “ Char char char!” is all Magnus heard. Magnus simply carried him over to Kaitlyn who looked at the little lizard. “Aww he has your eyes.” She laughed. Oh yeah, Magnus parents rushed in taking out the fire. All that was left was a half burnt birdie. Char looked at it squinting his eyes. “Yeah, I see him bill..I see him.”

    The end
    Last edited by Rival Max; 09-09-2013 at 08:05 PM.

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