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  1. #191
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ARandomTool View Post
    Bless got back just before it started FREAKING RAINING DOUGHNUTS AGAIN. If this is gonna be a normal occurance, she thought, I'm gonna need some protection. She glanced over at the Sugarcoated Commando Armor, then decided it world be necessary, what with all the @Candy@ places she planned on visiting. Equipping Goodie: Sugarcoated Commando Armor.

    Then, she wandered about the base, wondering what there was to do around here. All manner of dangerously enchanted objects were carelessly scattered about the place, and sparkles were slowly covering everything like a layer of dust. "Alright, this is a problem!" She said to no one in particular. She grabbed a bomb-proof box from another dimension really quick, carefully labeled it "Joy to Kill," and grabbed the most sparkly item she saw to begin disarming. Disarming Cutesy Heart Necklace to rid it of those demonic Shiny Sparkles of Joy.
    You decide that Sugarcoated Commando Body Armor should be seeing some usage now! You strap it on! Woo!

    Bless has equipped the %Sugarcoated Commando Body Armor (+1 MAX Belly)%

    You then decide those nasty, nasty Shiny Sparkles of Joy on that blasted Cutesy Heart Necklace... really need to die. You confront the necklace. You stand over it. And into that necklace, you pour your hate. Your malice. Your will to dominate all life. Your worst Monday morning. The taste of flat, warm soda. Mosquitoes during a summer barbecue. A sunburn. A fart. And then ultimately, the disgust of getting blasted by a geyser of boogers.

    The Shiny Sparkles of Joy can't take it. So much darkness has been wrought that they even become sentient for a moment just to feel and know the pain. And then they disintegrate. Painfully. It makes you grin.

    The [Cutesy Heart Necklace] has been disarmed! Wowzors!

    You feel good. Truly, you have mastered the dark side of the force and have become Sith Bless.

    Bless the Edgy Umbreon (M: Dark)
    Classy: Guardian Snow Angel
    Style: The Puns of Anarchy (Overwhelming Cuteness -3 on each Enemy Attack)
    Goodies #1: %Sugarcoated Commando Body Armor (+1 MAX Belly)%
    Goodies #2: <Empty>
    Belly: 2/11 (10+1)
    Overwhelming Cuteness: 0/10
    Groovy Abilities: Reincarnate | Perky Stuff!: Killjoy Master

  2. #192
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shruikan View Post
    Hmm, where to go that isn't made of candy... I think I'll check (28) Sleep Like a Corpse National Park.
    It's a great night so why not check out the park!? You head right out there and it looks like... more doughnut snacks!

    Fírnen has tacked on 4 points of Belly from the Overly Delicious Rain of Mega Doughnuts!

    But it's so goooood!

    Anyway, you head to the park and it's quite a nice place. And it really does make you feel like just slothing it out and going for random snoozes, but you're that crazy, energetic Cinccino that stops at nothing and wears a cape and stops meteors with your cute looks and charm!

    You search around the park. You scout through every tree, every bush, every treebush, and every bushtree. Even though one of the rules is not to really do anything of importance here! I mean really, they even provide beds in random places just to zonk out and enter dreamland. Or if you prefer bean bags, water beds, sleeping bags, or a crazy Pachirisu onesie where you can coil up in your own giant tail and sleep in that... it's all totally an option! I've tried it. Five stars, baby!

    Among the sleepiness-inducing fluff stuff, you find what looks like an old journal page. It doesn't seem like it belongs here, and once you start reading it, yep, your hunch was right!

    =Juno Memo Page= has been noted in those fabulous Peep Records you guys have going on!

    Well, you decide to pop in a bed for fifteen minutes and then you remember you have some more back at Peep Base! Gotta try 'em all! To the Bedmobile!

    Fírnen the Incredible Cinccino (S: Normal)
    Classy: Guardian Snow Angel
    Style: Ecstatic About Static! (Player Explosions do not add to the Entertainment Level of Kawaii Armageddon Event #2)
    Goodies #1: <Empty>
    Goodies #2: <Empty>
    Belly: 4/8
    Overwhelming Cuteness: 3/12
    Groovy Abilities: Amigo Mode | Perky Stuff!: Hollywood Shenanigans

  3. #193
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by arnisd View Post
    Let's have a return to the (3) Batchyflaff Inflatable Industries, cause I can't ever have enough of inflatable goodies, but this time we'll explore the outisde
    You totally can't get enough of those inflatable goodies and you totally rush like crazy to get there BUT THEN SOMETHING FALLING FROM THE SKY distracts you for a moment but dag-nabbit, it's good fun food on the run.

    Dio has added 4 points of Belly from the Overly Delicious Rain of Mega Doughnuts!

    BLAST THOSE DO- oh, I mean they're wonderful, aren't they!? Yumzors!

    You then cruise over to Batchyflaff on your hoverboard and wearing your FABTASTIC 80s Shadez with your karate black belt to scope on out the exterior! Everyone's gone home for the day, so you use this outrageous opportunity to do a sick and gnarly triple back-flip freaky self high-five and a six-o'-clock power slide! And then you remind yourself you're here to actually look for stuff. Ah, minor detail!

    You search around the building and aww, they planted flowers! You ALWAYS have time to stop and sniff the flowers! They're so colorful and fragrant!

    OH CRAP.

    #Cutesy Springtime Presence! -GRASS (+2 Overwhelming Cuteness)# Trap 65% Evasion (15% Evasion + 50% Temporary Killjoy) Test: 15 out of 100: FAILED!

    Dio has gotten SUPER EXTRA ADORABLE with 2 points of more Overwhelming Cuteness!

    UGH! Eeek, you're so cute it almost hurts! You at least kill the funky flowery trap with FIRE AND HATE, but geez!

    #{Overly Cutesy Flowerbed!: <Death Metal>} Cutesy Springtime Presence! - GRASS (+2 Overwhelming Cuteness)#

    That flowerbed. It needs... to suffer. Out comes the bass guitar. The ground goes dark and hellish. You go all SLAYER on that thing and the darkness is overwhelming and feverish!

    It has no choice BuT tO DiEeEeEEeEeeeeEeEeeeeeeEEEE!

    #{Overly Cutesy Flowerbed!: <Death Metal>}

    After you rage the skies when your thunderous death metal music of anguish and fury, the flowers wither and decay. And you SAVOR THAT SMELL. The fresh odor of ROT fills your nostrils and makes you feel giddy. Okay, but now that the mayhem has cleared, you check to see what's here.

    First, you find CASH! $500 Snax$ to be exact! Sweeeeet!

    $500 Snax$ has been added to the Team Pile!

    And then... weapons! YES! WEAPONS! You find a shiny and well-renown sledgehammer! Bang, bang, baby!

    %Celebrity Sledgehammer (+1 DMG)% has been added to the Team Pile!

    OoooOOoOOOh, that felt good. You feel all tingly now, but you've had a good night and need to head back now. Yep.

    Dio the Stalwart Vibrava (M: Ground/Dragon)
    Classy: Slappy Happy Classy
    Style: Desperado Cowboy/Cowgirl (4 DMG, 75% CoH)
    Goodies #1: <Empty>
    Goodies #2: <Empty>
    Belly: 4/10
    Overwhelming Cuteness: 10/10
    Groovy Abilities: Stealth Mode | Perky Stuff!: Death Metal

  4. #194
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    #6 Deeky the Pachirisu was turned into a Pokémon Trading Card Game card by the Squawkers!

    OMG WHERE DID IT HAPPEN!?: 57 Beach Outhouses!

    "Nooooooo!" Cried Conker the Pachirisu when he realized his squirrelly wife was now just a playing card. "I don't even play this game! AGHHH!!"

    "There's got to be some way to change mommy back!" little Nippy the Pachirisu squeaked. "I mean, I've always soiled my diaper but that always gets refreshed!" She then turned to Biggs, "would you know of a way Mister Wabbit?"

    "But of course!" Biggs bowed with a goofy smile. "Well, I mean not yet. But I will find a way! Hopefully! Possibly! Well, I don't really know but... oh, I'll try! I'll try at least for a little while!"

    "Awww noooo, he's dumb!" Kahoo cried. "We're doomed!"

    In the meantime, Vivi tried to talk, but it only came out as muffled nonsense as her mouth was full of sugar sand again. And this time, Wedge really did bonk her on the head, knocking her unconscious! It's Super Effective!

    "There must be a cure for... Squawker stupidity!" Conker exclaimed profusely, turning to Biggs, grabbing his uniform, and shaking it like he was trying to give Biggs a colossal headache. "I have two kids that now only have a playing card for a mother! This is evil what the Squawkers did! Can't you seeeee!?"

    "We need to find..." Biggs contemplated, thinking over the situation carefully, "...we should try to see if we could hire... a wizard."

    "A wiz-WHAT!?" Conker exclaimed. "Are you DAFT!? Why I ought to...!"

    And that was when Wedge bonked Biggs on the head, knocking him unconscious! It's Super Effective!

    "Thank you," Conker sighed.

    "I'll be frank, I don't know if there's a way to reverse this," Wedge told the electric squirrel. "But if there is, I'll personally let you know and do my best to make it work."

    "Thanks," Conker sighed with relief. "I'll keep my fingers crossed."

    "Daddy?" Nippy asked Conker. "Could I please... zap the bunny?"

    "Absolutely, honey," Conker smiled.

    "Oh boy!" Nippy exclaimed excitedly.

    And they happily spent the rest of the evening, zapping Biggs over and over again. And Biggs dreamed he was riding the lightning across the sky, looking all pokey and static-struck with his fur standing up, but everyone was having a good time. Well, at least for now.

    Happy Apocalyptic Candy Event 1: Squawkers Wipe Out Too Many Civilians:
    The Squawkers are turning everyone into silly objects and dessert food items! This can't be allowed to continue because it'll be a bad day otherwise!

    (17) Booplesnoot Sity Hall has been entirely turned into candy!

    All Peeps have had their Belly stat reduced by 2 Points!

  5. #195
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    The sun has risen in Booplesnoot!
    Submit your Day 7: Day Cycle Actions now!

    This Morning's Weather Is...
    Super Pink Happy Squeee Kawaii Holiday!
    Everything is so cute, pink, and happy while the sun is shining and smiling and the whole world feels like a cheery musical! No one is in a bad mood! Get Chatty Interviews will always be Very Positive as if all civilians are in Compliant State, but you’re going to take +4 to Overwhelming Cuteness if you venture outside of the Peep Base!

    Time Remaining:

    Oooohhhh, freak out!

    @Chakramaster @Noblejanobii @VeloJello @Scytherwolf @Shruikan @arnisd @Bulbasaur @Suicune's Fire @Ladybugclue @ARandomTool

  6. #196
    P i k a c h u Chakramaster's Avatar

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    Must...not...give up! Must....have....DETERMINATION! I must....REINCARNATE!
    Last edited by Chakramaster; 05-13-2018 at 01:21 AM.

    The time is upon us...

    . Pika Pair with the yellow bundle of fluff Chibi Altaria..

  7. #197
    A happy Pokémon! Ladybugclue's Avatar
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    In another dimension
    Let's chat with #18 Kitzwit the pidgeotto.
    A squirrel is cute but Buizels are cuter.

  8. #198
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chakramaster View Post
    Must...not...give up! Must....have....DETERMINATION! I must....REINCARNATE!
    We're still doing Undertale references? Ah, okay, good stuff. "BUT IT REFUSED!"


    Okay, I'm being nice this time because you were cool and stuffs before! Oh, and besides that, I'm doing just fine! Hey, it's a nice Saturday night! And I just finished with my laundry!

    Yeah, dudes and dudettes, that last explosion was undoubtedly awful. Why not reincarnate yourself to... well, not only come back, but also hide what you were before so no one knows! "Oh, that exploded Beautifly!? Who!? I've never seen them before in my life! Wow, how embarrassing! I'd never have that happen to meeee. I'm way too cool for that, ha-ha-ha ha ha la da de do da."

    And what's also nice about it is you get to try something entirely new! Woo-hoo! Okay, so colorful butterflies just aren't your thing. Duly noted! You live, you die, you live again! Extra life!

    Right, so let's get on with the show. Drum roll, please! *ba dum rum dum rum dum rum dum rum pa pum pum*

    The Creator has decided to resurrect @Chakramaster as a...


    Okay, I'm spilling the beans! My secret source for being kind and generous to you was selecting your SECOND FAVORITE POKÉMON! Well, I was at least going off of your Top 10 list! I mean sure, it's like two and a half years old, but I figure if handsome and nifty Jirachi was your number #2 pick back then, you've gotta have still have some love for the little dude, right? Of course!

    But hey, look at the bright side! You only have to work for just a WEEK every 1,000 years! Dude, no one EVER gets that much vacation time! But of course you can just completely ignore that rule because you're cool and you're even better and more badass than one of those silly genies.

    Soren the Valiant Jirachi (S: Steel/Psychic)
    Classy: Humiliation Commando
    Style: Desperado Cowboy (4 DMG, 75% CoH)
    Goodies #1: %Staryu Hair Clip%
    Goodies #2: <Empty>
    Belly: 0/8
    Overwhelming Cuteness: 0/12
    Groovy Abilities: Reincarnate | Perky Stuff!: Hollywood Movie Shenanigans

    See, you're all cleaned up and ready to get back in there! See, favor for favor and a little reciprocity magic goes so far!

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  10. #199
    Lover of Centipedes Scytherwolf's Avatar
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    Hm...I shall search (15) The A+++ Triple Platinum Five Star Fantaisie Restaurant

  11. #200
    taking flight! VeloJello's Avatar
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    My heart is in several places and all of them are fictional. u^u
    Time to make the tiny mortals do my bidding! Dance for me, little mortals, dance!

    Erm, ahem. I mean, Zuul! I do hate to drag you into this putrid pudding, and you've already been a huge help, but can you do me one favor? Just a tiny one. Heh.

    Escort 3 Zuul the Minccino to (12a) Shut Up And Sleep Hotel Floors 1-4.

    Button by K'sariya!

    URPG Stats!

    Paired with noob dummy crazy kid rad friend Nar.


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