Name: Matthias Grand
Trainer Card: Matthias Grand Trainer Card
Team Status:
((())) ^^^^@@@@oOOo
Instinct (5/5) _ Kid (5/5) _ Sniper (5/5) _ Bienie (5/5)
Spinarak Egg (20 of 22 posts to hatch)
Items: Pokeballs (2), Revive (1)
Points: 74
Current Location: Route 203

Matthias wasn't sure how to respond to Rae-rae. No-one had ever given him a nickname. Matthias was all he had ever had. He struggled for an answer before deciding to dodge the question.

"Jut don't call me late for dinner, and we'll be fine." he said, hating gimself a little bit for the lameness of the joke. "Speaking of which..."

He pulled a large box out of his backpack.

"Are you hungry? I have a doggy-bag full of the remains of a most excellent feast in here."

He opened it to show the range of delicacies wrapped up by Mr Davis' servants. "Eat up if you like."

He then looked around the area, worried, and not trusting that the GM ... countryside wouldn't cause extra problems for the party.

"Best we all be on our guard! Last time these portals brought us through, there was at least a half dozen of them opened up. Could be more incoming! The Pokemon seemed pretty riled up too."

Matthias called Kid out of his ball.

"Kid, climb a tree and keep lookout until we are ready to move. You keep aerial surveillance going, Sniper."

He looked at the group. "Anybody got and strange readings from this place? Any clues at all?"