Location: Sinnoh
Trainer: Pat Drury
Names of Pokemon: Charmander (X/X), Others
Current Game Points: 3+1=4


Now then, for those of you joining us I need to know what if any experience you have battling. Do any of you have pokemon?

Pat's hand jerked reflexively to her side, where her Pokeballs hung on a standard-issue belt. Higher-ups and older kids had a habit of launching into battles with little more than a word, so quick reaction-time was a must.

Two of her Pokemon were gifts, a little bonus for exemplary behavior and dedication to the cause. Pat hadn't spent much time with them. She felt like, to do things the right way, she had to raise the Pokemon she was officially issued. That was the way of the world. One couldn't rely on freebies. Not even if it meant getting beat up.

But her starter Pokemon... had a problem. It wasn't uncommon to be issued an uncommon Pokemon as your Pokemon partner, it was a tradition that stretched back to the days before Rocket's success. But Pat's was different from the others.

For a long time, Pat's father made a big deal about bloodline. He never talked about people that way, but he was always fascinated -- or some would say obsessed -- with the lineage of a Pokemon, with its individual values. For most trainers in Rocket Youth, they were issued just any starter Pokemon, and that would do. But Pat's father had pulled some strings. Her starter's parents had been chosen for their aggression. This Pokemon had been bred to kill.

After a couple of surprise battles, the older kids didn't challenge her anymore. She'd learned not to bring this Pokemon out if she didn't need to. She'd learned couldn't control it. So Pat calmly palmed the Pokeball, letting the reflex grab pass.

There was a beat of tense silence.

"...Three Pokemon, sir. I've had a bit of supervised training and am certified to attempt Gym Battles."