Quote Originally Posted by arnisd View Post
I'll go repair the computer in 24a, gotta put my fedora on and get right in there!
Heading to the Scholars Guild, you manage to get inside rather easily, as there aren't too many prying eyes and not too many Pokémon know you well enough to question what you might be doing here, as your business is your own.

Following Adrian's report, you head toward where he found the computers that were used recently, but seemed to have been damaged. But most of all, seemed to have been used by a Stalker not so long ago.

When you track down which console he was referring to, you can tell the machine was heavily tampered with and something caused it to overheat. You open up the console case and take a look at the components inside, which seem to be caked with dust and debris. You clear it out, clean up the inner components, and you find which of the connections had capacitors and resistors burn out. You replace them, solder them into place, and reestablish the lost and damaged electrical connections. Once completed, you put back the circuit boards, close the case, and turn it back on.

{Partially Functional Computer: <Repair>, Password / <Technical>}

The computer seems to be working just fine now and the screen doesn't seem to be scrambled anymore. However, despite now being repaired, the system still prompts you for the password. And while you have the talent for resolving hardware issues, you don't have the password and you aren't quite sure how to hack into it and override the administrator access command console.

You make a note to tell the others that you've completed the work on your end, but there's still some more that needs to be done. You then decide to head back to base and prepare for tonight.

Brass the Braixen (M: Fire)
Health: 10/10| Sanity: 6/8 | Purity: 10/10
Battle Stance: Fight
Perk: Repair
Trait: Resourceful