While hanging around in the forum games and participating in the Song Titles ABC game it occurred to me, wouldn't it be cool to make A-Z playlists? So if people want to you can post what your A-Z playlist might look like. Maybe you want to go for a particular theme/genre or just your favorite songs. But most importantly, try to link your songs so people can check them out! c:

A few notes of things up to user discretion. If you want to add a "Misc" line for songs starting with symbols or numbers, go ahead. Or you can sort numbers in their letter (ie 115 could be Misc or O). If you want to sort songs starting with The, A, etc with the next word you're welcome to (ie The End could either be T or E). Also I don't expect you to have a song for each letter but do your best to try to fill in as many as you can C:

My first list will just be my favorite songs. c: