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  1. #441
    ERROR! DOES NOT EXIST! The Nonexistent Tazz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    ((Yes, I'm kind of giving everyone a random color: Zenith is Green and Virtue is Blue, Markus is Red and Moon is purple, Max is Yellow and Ethan is Orange. Why? Well, why not?))

    Markus 'Mark' Novolos
    Viridian Forest
    TSUNAMI the SQUIRTLE (0/5); TYPHOON the BAGON (5/5); TORNADO the SPEAROW (0/6);
    Points: 1 + 59 (60)
    Items: Poke Balls x 9, Potions x 2

    "I do not wish to burden you..." the brunette started. "However, this may require some attention."

    "OK, ok, just, stay still for a minute, I'll get this ready." Markus said, applying the antibiotic to the bandages in preparation for putting them on her wounds.

    After a few minutes, in which Markus managed to get her patched up (and mercifully without having to look anywhere revealing), as well as himself, he heard a noise. He almost grabbed Typhoon's Poke Ball, hoping that the threat of the tiny dragon would be enough, but...

    As if by a incredible mercy, Max, Zenith and Virtue showed up instead. "Are you guys okay? We need to find Ethan and get the hell out of here."

    "We're kind of alright, just patched up the more serious wounds, and I seriously agree." Markus said.

    "I'm here!" Ethan said, coming out of some bushes nearby. "I'm beaten up as all hell but I'm alive!"

    That was...Everyone?...Was it six? Yes, it was six, he couldn't recall anyone else...

    "OK, that's everyone. Thank goodness, everyone lived, usually those turn out a lot worse...Let's call this a blessing from whatever patron Legend you may claim it to be and get out of here before we get any more unwelcome buzzing visitors." Markus said.

    Max quickly agreed. He had a feeling that as long as they kept agreeing that Max's cocky nature would be tolerable, but he was at least thinking sanely.


    Two hours. It was a long, but undisturbed walk, to Pewter City and the Pokemon Center that was so mercifully close to the route's entrance it was amazing. Markus could have screamed in victory over this.

    Avatar by the incredibly awesome Neo Emolga.

    Zigzagoon: Hatch @8,669; Linoone @ Level 100: 8,829

    My VPP Stats! - My Prism Stats! - My URPG Stats!


  2. #442
    Experienced Trainer Zenith Avalon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Lumiose City, Kalos
    Trainer Name: Zenith Brunel
    Location: Viridian City
    ......... ..................
    Qeb.......... Freefall.........Kamau.......Aponi
    (0/6)......... (0/6).............(6/6)........(0/5)

    Items: Poke Balls (x9); Potion (x2)
    Points: 59

    Zenith trekked along slowly and painfully with the others for two long, agonizing hours. Relief spread across her face as she eventually saw the familiar building of the Pokemon Center. "Thank Arceus we've made it..." she said.

    Today had been insane, and Zenith wanted nothing more than to get cleaned up, get her injuries tended to, and sleep like a log until late morning. She continued along with the others to the Pokemon Center.
    ~ Zenith's GCEA Stats ~ | ~ Zenith's URPG Stats ~
    *Sig and avi art made by Sou Cleife!*

  3. #443
    Soulless Bidoof~ Midnight Sun's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Maple Country
    Trainer Name: Moon
    Location: Viridian Forest
    Shelly {0/5}~||~ Isra{5/5}~|~ Spirit {0/5}
    Partner Pokemon:N/A
    Items: Pokeballs(x7) /Potions (x2)
    Points: 35

    After Markus patched up her side, which stung a little, Moon thanked him. She was quite grateful to have the gash bandaged and cleaned.

    And that it appeared everyone was okay. Were all heads accounted for though? Moon could not recall anybody else, and it seemed none of the others could it either.

    And to get out of those blasted woods. That was a very good thing.

    The trek to Pewter was rather quiet, nobody had much to say. Moon's side still hurt, and her steps were slow, but they eventually made it to the city.

    "Thank Arceus we've made it..." Zenith said, as they neared the Centre.

    "I second the sentiment" Moon added.
    Paired with my sweet sunshine, DVB

  4. #444
    Trainer Name:
    Chunk(P:16/16)/ Lila (P:5/5)/ Spear (6/6)/ Prime (7/7)
    Partner Pokemon:

    Pokemon(x8), Potions (x2)
    Points: 100 (+1)

    GM Story Info
    Current Location: Virdian Forest
    Time: 9:00 pm
    Day: 1
    Month: May
    Season: Summer
    Weather: Sunny once again
    Current Team:
    Yellow Team

    Included in this Post:

    The worn down group fought through the pain to make it to the Pokemon Center. There they were greeted by Nurse Joy and her medical team that rushed to check on them. The nurses surrounded the group bringing out wheel chairs for them and taking those who could walk into different exam rooms .

    (Creative writing part ;) ) What happens in the exam and your interaction with a nurse or doctor is up to you.

    Max watched the others get checked out first. His heart hurt more than the stupid cuts and stings. He walked out into the summer night and found an open patch to sit on.

    A nurse came outside with a sowing kit.
    "Excuse me young man but i need to look at that cut." She said insisting on it.

    Max looked up at her. His eyes filled with sorrow.
    " You got anything in that kit for brining back a lost friend." He sighed getting back up.

    " Sorry." He said walking with her to well lit area so she could clean the wound. While she did Max stayed silent just looking off in the distance. His memory was off. Flashes of Beedrill coming down all over but the image was not complete.

    Proud partner with @Pokemon Trainer Sarah


    Gible bite's Comic

    GCEA Trainer Links based on title characters

    ....GCEA Diamond/Platnium/ Blizard Blue/Platnium 2/ Pokemon Prism.......

  5. #445
    I came in like a wrecking ball... [Desolate Divine]'s Avatar
    Senior Moderator

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Melbourne Australia
    Trainer Name: Ethan Wright
    Location: Pallet Town

    Circut (0/15) Cynder (0/5) Typhoon (2/5)

    Partner Pokemon:
    Items: Pokeballs(9), Potions (2), Shiny Charm
    Points: 32

    I left my Pokemon at the counter and went into one of the rooms to get stitched up. Even though I was under an anesthetic, it hurt like hell.

    "And done." The nurse said. I went to sit up, but felt my back sear in massive pain. I screamed and the nurse forced me back onto my stomach. "I meant your leg. I still need to stitch your back."

    I got comfortable again (as comfortable as I could get) as the nurse began putting stitches in my back.

    "What happened?" the nurse asked.

    "I... I don't know..." I said, wincing at the pain, "I just remember a lot of beedrill. But the details are hazy. I can't help but feel like I am forgetting something important."

  6. #446
    Experienced Trainer Zenith Avalon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Lumiose City, Kalos
    Trainer Name: Zenith Brunel
    Location: Viridian City
    ......... ..................
    Qeb.......... Freefall.........Kamau.......Aponi
    (0/6)......... (0/6).............(6/6)........(0/5)

    Items: Poke Balls (x8); Potion (x2)
    Points: 60

    Zenith had been taken into one of the exam rooms and looked over by one of the nurses. Her Pokemon had been taken to be healed as well.

    The nurse inspected Zenith's injured arm. "It's swollen, but none of the bones are broken. I think it might be dislocated. We'll need to put it back in place."

    "Awesome," Zenith said in a deadpan tone. She then sighed. "Alright, I guess there's no way around it."

    "Alright then," the nurse said.

    Zenith took a breath and braced herself for the surge of pain to come. The nurse began to manipulate her arm, and Zenith yelped loudly in pain as her arm was put back into place.

    The nurse then began to clean Zenith's wounds. "Luckily none of these wounds are too serious. What happened to you all?"

    Zenith frowned at the nurse's question. "I... don't remember much. We had been traveling through Viridian Forest when we were attacked by a huge swarm off Beedrill. That was around a quarter to four... We woke up four hours later, and it took another two hours to get here."

    "A swarm of Beedrill?!" the nurse said. "You're all lucky to still be alive!"

    "I know...." Zenith said. "And trust me, we're going to be on the lookout for Beedrill whenever we're in forests to avoid them."

    "Well, at least you've learned that much. That's good," the nurse said.

    The nurse soon finished cleaning the wounds on Zenith's arm and put disinfectant on them, which caused Zenith to wince in pain from the sting. The nurse then bandaged Zenith's arm, and started to clean the rest of the wounds on Zenith's body. After the rest of her wounds were cleaned, disinfected and bandaged, she slowly got up from the table.

    "I'm sure you want to get a proper bath, but I think a sponge bath would be better suited with all these bandages. Will that be okay?" The nurse asked.

    Zenith groaned, but nodded. "Yeah, I don't have a choice, really."

    After getting her bath and drying off, Zenith put on pajamas and headed out into the lobby.

    Nurse Joy looked up as Zenith walked in. "Ah, Miss Brunel, your pokemon are all healed!" she said.

    "Thank you, Nurse Joy," Zenith replied, taking the four Poke Balls from the tray and putting them in one of the small side pockets of her knapsack. She carried the bag by the handle on the top and went over to one of the tables, flopping into one of the chairs. She looked down at her injured arm, which had been put in a sling after her bath and getting dressed. "If Mom and Dad saw me now, they'd go ballistic..." she muttered softly, sighing. She wanted to collapse onto a bed, but she wanted to wait for the others and see how they were.
    Last edited by Zenith Avalon; 03-26-2015 at 04:19 PM.
    ~ Zenith's GCEA Stats ~ | ~ Zenith's URPG Stats ~
    *Sig and avi art made by Sou Cleife!*

  7. #447
    ERROR! DOES NOT EXIST! The Nonexistent Tazz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Markus 'Mark' Novolos
    Viridian Forest
    TSUNAMI the SQUIRTLE (5/5); TYPHOON the BAGON (5/5); TORNADO the SPEAROW (6/6);
    Points: 1 + 60 (61)
    Items: Poke Balls x 9, Potions x 2

    Markus was carted off to an emergency room and peppered with potions for his peliminaries.

    "Well, you've been rather unfortunate...A Beedril attack, I presume?"

    "Yes. I don't know why, though, I didn't see any Kakuna or Weedle nearby, or even off in the distance...Mating season?"

    The nurse looked concerned "Hrm, not time for mating season yet...I think this means someone disturbed their nests, but in any case it's a miracle you're all alive. You've done a fair job in bandaging those lacerations before despite being poisoned as well..."

    Aww no. He's been poisoned by sting once before, and the last time was not pleasent to remove.

    "Now, just hold still. Shame we haven't gotten the Pokemon antidotes to work for humans just yet..."

    Two minutes of intense burning later, the swolen bits of him shrank down to a considerable degree.

    "Now for the stiches for those insane cuts...Wait." She said.

    "What?" Markus asked.

    "Um, one of these wounds doesn't seem too consistent with the, err...Well, Beedril are not known to leave long, thin incisions, they're more for stabbing...Err, could you describe what happened, if you can?" The nurse asked.

    "Memory kind of fogs up during the attack. We ran, felt stings...Woke up four hours later. It's all kind of a haze. Might've been the poison...But what are you suggesting?"

    "Hrm...It may have been a Ratatta or a Nidoran who ran over you and scratched you with their claws, that seems most likely." The nurse said.

    "Ah." Markus said.

    "Now, please, hold still...We've got three major lacerations to sew up."


    Markus managed to get out of his room fairly early, all things considered. In total, three lacerations stitched up, minor poisoning, and two whole super potions to clean up the lighter stabs. He came out still in some level of pain, but on the whole feeling much better physically.

    Most people would break down on a mental level at this point, though-the sheer implications of the attack possibly killing allies was immensely heavy. Markus already kind of broke a long time ago, and in any case, as far as he knew, no-one died. He couldn't really recall anyone other than the six he had with him, and he was fairly certain he would remember anything else...And that would be one heck of an odd amnesia to only recall the survivors. Yet at the same time, thinking that through, he felt that feeling of a hole in his thoughts, like he was forgetting something.

    When stressed, the fight-or-flight response does all it can to fully prepare oneself for the imminent threat, not just on a physical level but on a mental one. Vision is focused, colors become more vivid, hearing becomes acute. The mind woudl remember the moment quite vividly. The haziness he felt, it could not have been simply of its own accord. He could not forget the Porygon's attempt to kill him, he could not forget seeing his friend die to cogworks in a gruesome fashion, and he could definitely not forget the face of the monster who took his parent's lives, pressed so close to his face and threatening his death. He certainly did not forget about the Beedril attacks of his own accord until his mind went. He bet it was the poison, though. Those could have some wonky effects on a guy. Regardless of all of that, he was frowning, looking out of the window, holding Tsunami and Tornado (Typhoon was a little too eager for a rematch right now) in his arms.

    The day was s***.

    Avatar by the incredibly awesome Neo Emolga.

    Zigzagoon: Hatch @8,669; Linoone @ Level 100: 8,829

    My VPP Stats! - My Prism Stats! - My URPG Stats!


  8. #448
    Trainer Name:
    Chunk(P:16/16)/ Lila (P:5/5)/ Spear (6/6)/ Prime (7/7)
    Partner Pokemon:

    Pokemon(x8), Potions (x2)
    Points: 127 (+1)

    GM Story Info
    Current Location: Virdian Forest
    Time: 9:00 pm
    Day: 1
    Month: May
    Season: Summer
    Weather: Sunny once again
    Current Team:
    Yellow Team

    Included in this Post:

    Max sat outside getting bandaged once the nurse was done he thanked her and she went back inside.

    Wild Pokemon Appears

    Azurill (1) Azurill (2) Azurill (3) Azurill (4) Azurill (5) Azurill (6)
    (Type: Normal/Fairy)
    Last edited by Rival Max; 03-26-2015 at 02:05 PM.

    Proud partner with @Pokemon Trainer Sarah


    Gible bite's Comic

    GCEA Trainer Links based on title characters

    ....GCEA Diamond/Platnium/ Blizard Blue/Platnium 2/ Pokemon Prism.......

  9. #449
    Experienced Trainer Zenith Avalon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Lumiose City, Kalos
    Trainer Name: Zenith Brunel
    Location: Viridian City
    ......... ..................
    Qeb.......... Freefall.........Kamau.......Aponi
    (6/6)......... (6/6).............(6/6)........(5/5)

    Items: Poke Balls (x8); Potion (x2)
    Points: 61

    Zenith spotted a group of Azurill outside the Pokemon Center and smiled. Despite the pain she was in, she wanted to add another member to her team, especially since Azurill evolveed into a Water/Fairy-type, and having a Water-type would give her more of an edge in her first gym battle. She headed outside and threw Qeb's Poke Ball in the air. "Let's catch another teammate, Qeb!" she said.

    Qeb appeared in a flash of light, and the battle began.

    Item Being Used: Poke Ball
    Item Effects: None
    Item Quantity: 8 (-1)
    Pokemon Capturing: Azurill
    Cost: 5
    Points on Hand: 61
    Points After: 56
    Link to stats: IN SIG

    On the third wobble, the Poke Ball pinged, and Zenith picked the Poke Ball. "Welcome to the team, Calder," she said. She looked up at the night sky, enjoying the cool air.
    Last edited by Zenith Avalon; 03-26-2015 at 04:20 PM.
    ~ Zenith's GCEA Stats ~ | ~ Zenith's URPG Stats ~
    *Sig and avi art made by Sou Cleife!*

  10. #450
    Trainer Name:
    Chunk(P:16/16)/ Lila (P:5/5)/ Spear (6/6)/ Prime (7/7)Wrecker (0/5)
    Partner Pokemon:

    Pokemon(x6), Potions (x2)
    Points: 128 (+1)

    GM Story Info
    Current Location: Virdian Forest
    Time: 9:00 pm
    Day: 1
    Month: May
    Season: Summer
    Weather: Sunny once again
    Current Team:
    Yellow Team

    Included in this Post:

    Item Being Used: Poke Ball
    Item Effects: None
    Item Quantity: 8 (-1)
    Pokemon Capturing: Azurill
    Cost: 5
    Points on Hand: 128
    Points After: 123
    Link to stats: IN SIG

    Max watched the little Fairy times appear right outside the Pokemon Center. Though Pewter was known for its rocky landscape rivers had cuts paths through the land giving many pokemon access to the area.

    After the capture he picked up the ball and held it in his hands. Max looked seemed to be distance as if he was looking through through the ball. He snapped out of it and noticed Zenith outside.
    "Hey.." He said looking at the trainer and her new pokemon.

    "Good Job Zenith." he smiled

    Proud partner with @Pokemon Trainer Sarah


    Gible bite's Comic

    GCEA Trainer Links based on title characters

    ....GCEA Diamond/Platnium/ Blizard Blue/Platnium 2/ Pokemon Prism.......


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