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  1. #621
    Fairy Fanatic Sou's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Trainer Name: Sou Cleife | Location: Mt. Moon | Points: 32 Points +1
    Items: 10x Pokeballs, 2x Potions
    "Ria" Wartortle♀ (8/22) "Lyna" Kirlia♀ (7/22) "Kaden" Mankey♂ (0/15)
    "Sky" Caterpie♂ (5/5) "Arrow" Spearow♀ (7/12)

    Sou smiled a bit as Max thank Lyna for her help, patting her poke ball on the side after she had been recalled. As soon as she had done that, she read with the group down the path her Kirlia had nodded towards when they found themselves in the middle of yet another group of pokemon that lived in the cave. Things were definitely getting down to the wire when it came to her pokemon and their health. On the other hand, this was a typing of pokemon that might come in handy down the road and she hadn’t caught anything in a while. Alright, Arrow, lets go! she called out, her Spearow appearing in a flash of light. "Roooww!" it called, a sparkle in its eye as it crowed before dive bombing at the Paras before Sou could give it any orders, face-palming a bit. The situation was similar to what happened with Kaden earlier, except Kaden knocked itself out as well and Arrow was taking on two Paras while avoiding damage. Well, she did need at least one weakened and the other taken out, so she took the opportunity to toss a pokeball at the Paras that appeared to sustain the most damage, the other still with plenty of energy. The paras was sucked into the pokeball in a red flash, the ball clicking a few times before stopping.

    Pokémon using: Arrow (Spearow)
    Pokémon trying to catch: Paras
    Point Requirement: 9
    Item Being Used/Quantity: Pokeball -1
    Item Effects: None
    Points On Hand: 32
    Points After: 23


    Arrow (Spearow) Vs. Paras
    Opponent: Paras
    Attacker: Arrow (Spearow)
    Opponent's Point Value: 9
    Attacker's Point Value: 7
    Bonuses: -10 (-5 flying over grass, -5 flying over bug)
    Opponent’s Remaining Points: 0
    Attacker's Remaining Points: 7
    Link to stats: Link in Sig!
    Arrow wins!

    Sou smiled widely as both the capture and the battle were easily won by her Spearow, somehow avoiding damage all together. The other paras was visibly agitated before it had been taken out by Arrow. It being about to fly probably had to do with it, since all it did was dive-bomb the Paras over and over again, the Paras unable to deal with the onslaught and Sou feeling a bit sorry for the poor things. ”Wish it didn’t have to come to that but once we get to the source, hopefully a lot of these encounters will die down.” she muttered before looking at Arrow as it seemed to be taking delight in its victories. It sure liked to fight and win…that was for sure. "Next time, try to at least wait for me to give you a command alright Arrow? she said looking over at the Spearow as it was still high on its wins.

    (( OOC: alright, I just wasn’t totally sure but I know now for the future :). Though when you say creative I wonder what type of limits there are lol, ex. being ‘Mewtwo appeared in the middle of their path!’ :P ))

    "I vow to make them matter the cost"
    -GCEA Stats- | -Art Gallery- | -URPG Stats-

  2. #622
    Experienced Trainer Zenith Avalon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Lumiose City, Kalos
    Trainer Name: Zenith Brunel
    Location: Mount Moon
    ...... ...... ........ ...... .......
    Qeb.........................Freefall............Ka mau.................Aponi..............Calder..... ....Tanya

    Poke Balls (x4), Cheri Berries (x2), Potion (x1)
    Points: 26

    Max had Sou use her Kirlia to try and sense out any life energy down any of the tunnels, and she eventually did. Zenith followed after Sou and Max down one of the tunnels.

    A few minutes later, Zenith heard the sound of scurrying, and saw a group of Paras come toward them. She quickly grabbed Freefall's Poke Ball and tossed it. She knew he was weak, but she felt that he would be able to help. "Freefall, let's go!" she said.

    Freefall appeared in a flash of light, and he soon spotted the Paras, quickly diving toward a couple of them.



    Freefall vs. wild Paras #1
    Opponent: Wild Paras #1
    Attacker: Freefall
    Opponent's Point Value: 9
    Attacker's Point Value: 5
    Bonuses: -12 (-2 evo bonus; -10 flying over bug and grass)
    Opponent’s Remaining Points: 0
    Attacker's Remaining Points: 5
    Link to stats: IN SIG
    Freefall wins!

    Freefall vs. wild Paras #2
    Opponent: Wild Paras #2
    Attacker: Freefall
    Opponent's Point Value: 9
    Attacker's Point Value: 5
    Bonuses: -12 (-2 evo bonus; -10 flying over bug and grass)
    Opponent’s Remaining Points: 0
    Attacker's Remaining Points: 5
    Link to stats: IN SIG
    Freefall wins!

    Freefall quickly managed to take down both of the Paras without taking any damage, and Zenith sighed in relief. "Great work, Freefall, return," Zenith said, returning him to his Poke Ball and clipping it to her belt.

    Zenith didn't like this. They were running into wild pokemon left and right, and her own pokemon were taking a beating. We need to take out that sound machine... it's driving the pokemon crazy... she thought.

    "Do you think we're getting close to that machine, Max?" Zenith asked. "I would think we would be, seeing as how we're running into more pokemon."
    Last edited by Zenith Avalon; 05-11-2015 at 06:58 PM.
    ~ Zenith's GCEA Stats ~ | ~ Zenith's URPG Stats ~
    *Sig and avi art made by Sou Cleife!*

  3. #623
    @Zenith Avalon +4 Points @Sou Cleife +2 Points

    Trainer Name:

    Chunk(P:25/25)/ Lila (P:0/21)/ Dizzy (25/25)/ Prime (20/20) Crunch(0/5) / Sting (5/8)
    Partner Pokemon: Beauty (25/25)

    Pokemon (x13),Permier Ball (x0),Moon Ball(x1), Potions (x4), Pretty Bow(x1)
    Points: 112 (+1)

    GM Story Info1
    Current Location: Mt. Moon
    Description: Mount Moon was the name referring the mountain formation surrounding Pewter. The Mt. Moon Tunnel was the only way to connect directly with Curelean City. It wasnt a huge Tunnel but had many tunnels in which trainer could get lost.
    Key Locations: N/A
    Time: 5:05 PM
    Day: 2
    Month: May
    Season: Summer
    Weather: Sunny once again
    Current Team:
    Yellow Team
    Orion Aberforth
    Sou Cleife

    Included in this Post:

    As they ran through the tunnel towards the calls for help. Paras appeared

    Dizzy vs. wild Paras #1
    Opponent: Wild Paras #1
    Attacker: Dizzy (Ledian)
    Opponent's Point Value: 9
    Attacker's Point Value: 25
    Bonuses: -9 (-5 evo bonus; -10 flying over bug and grass, -5 bug over grass)
    Opponent’s Remaining Points: 0
    Attacker's Remaining Points: 25
    Dizzy wins!

    Pokémon using: Dizzy (Ledian)
    Pokémon trying to catch: Paras
    Point Requirement: 9
    Item Being Used/Quantity: Pokeball -1
    Item Effects: None
    Points On Hand: 112
    Points After: 103

    The team was making fast work of the confused Paras. They continued through the tunnel finally reaching the main chamber. What they came across must have looked like the scene from a scary movie.

    Trainers were trying there best to fight off the all the wild pokemon. In the center of the mess was.

    At the center of the madness a large Nidoking stood charging at the trainers who were fighting to stay out its way.

    "Oh" Max said stopping himself with a sigh.

    "We can't win this but we maybe able to help fight off as many of these pokemon as we can!" Max said stopping the team short of the maddness
    " I know this is asking a lot of you on your first day...but these people need your help. Ill take the monster in the center you guys take whichever pokemon you feel you can take down.

    Below is something new. Ill post four options for saving people you can pick which direction you go in.

    Pokemon Attack !!! Save a trainer!

    West Corner
    @Zenith Avalon this should be

    Geodude (Points:17)(Type:Rock Ground)

    "Someone please pidgey fainted!!!!"

    Parasect (Points:29)(Type:Grass, Bug)

    East Corner
    @Sou Cleife

    Geodude (Points:17)(Type:Rock Ground)

    "Peezzzz help us!!!"

    Geodude (Points:17)(Type:Rock Ground)

    Paras (Points:14)(Type:Grass, Bug)

    North Corner

    Parasect (Points:29)(Type:Grass, Bug)

    "im feeling really dizzy !"

    Parasect (Points:29)(Type:Grass, Bug)

    Parasect (Points:29)(Type:Grass, Bug)

    South Corner

    Geodude (Points:17)(Type:Rock Ground)

    Paras (Points:14)(Type:Grass, Bug)

    "Oh dear!!!"

    Paras (Points:14)(Type:Grass, Bug)

    Proud partner with @Pokemon Trainer Sarah


    Gible bite's Comic

    GCEA Trainer Links based on title characters

    ....GCEA Diamond/Platnium/ Blizard Blue/Platnium 2/ Pokemon Prism.......

  4. #624
    Fairy Fanatic Sou's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Trainer Name: Sou Cleife | Location: Mt. Moon | Points: 32 Points +1
    Items: 9x Pokeballs, 2x Potions
    "Ria" Wartortle♀ (8/22) "Lyna" Kirlia♀ (7/22) "Kaden" Mankey♂ (0/15)
    "Sky" Caterpie♂ (5/5) "Arrow" Spearow♀ (7/12) ”Shrooms” Paras♂ (9/9)

    After they had finished with the Paras, Sou followed the group forward on the path. She smiled as it seemed they were almost at the source. They could finally stop this madness! They just and to stop whoever was causing those sounds and then it would all be over. ”Its almost over….” she thought as they came running into the chamber, a look of shock spreading across her face as they witnessed the scene before them. This is…..” she whispered, unsure of what to make of it. What they had been pushing through before had NOTHING on the horrors going on in the chamber they now stood in. Trainer’s and wild pokemon were fighting each other all over the room and in the center of it was a pokemon she had never seen before. It seemed dark, sinister if there ever was one, and it sent a chill down her spine. In fact, something about it caused her to have a minor flashback, the face of that Hydreigon from so along ago. But why was she reminded of it here? why now? Fear quickly enveloping her being as she she temporary forgot how to breathe, just seconds away from screaming when she heard distant voices crying out for help.

    Sou’s hands were on her head at that point, her pupils dilated as she turned slowly in the direction of what appeared to be two young girls. It was about then that she relieved Max had been talking, only catching the parts where he mentioned taking that…monster in the center and asked them to take out whatever they could. She began to breathe again, she needed to calm down, now wasn’t the time to panic and let her fears get to her. There were other trainer’s here, ones probably just as scared as she was and probably in fear for their safety. She turned more to focus completely at the west corner, two girls being cornered by three wild pokemon. Sou exhaled. Breathe. You can do this. She reached down to her belt, unclipping two of her poke balls and tossing them into the air as they opened, Ria and Arrow appearing in front of her as she turned her attention to the two geodude and paras. ”I won’t be letting you touch those girls! Ria use water gun on those Geodude, Arrow I want you to swoop in and hit that Paras with a couple of pecks and remember to keep airborne!” she called.

    ”War!, ”Row!
    the two called as they both did as Sou commanded. In truth, Sou was still terrified, and she wanted so badly to run, but what kind of trainer would that make her if she just ran from here? What would giving in to her fears do but to stop her from moving forward? She couldn’t let it stop her. If she needed to, she could cry later, but for now, she needed to be strong enough to help. ”I won’t….let my fear win this time.” she thought.

    Ria (Wartortle) Vs. Geodude #1
    Opponent: Geodude
    Attacker: Ria (Wartortle)
    Opponent's Point Value: 17
    Attacker's Point Value: 8
    Bonuses: -12 (-5 water over rock, -5 water over ground, -2 evo bonus)
    Opponent’s Remaining Points: 0
    Attacker's Remaining Points: 3
    Link to stats: Link in Sig!
    Ria wins!

    Item Using: Potion x1
    Effect: Adds +5 to Ria’s health

    Ria (Wartortle) Vs. Geodude #2
    Opponent: Geodude
    Attacker: Ria (Wartortle)
    Opponent's Point Value: 17
    Attacker's Point Value: 8
    Bonuses: -12 (-5 water over rock, -5 water over ground, -2 evo bonus)
    Opponent’s Remaining Points: 0
    Attacker's Remaining Points: 3
    Link to stats: Link in Sig!
    Ria wins!

    Arrow (Spearow) Vs. Paras
    Opponent: Paras
    Attacker: Arrow (Spearow)
    Opponent's Point Value: 14
    Attacker's Point Value: 7
    Bonuses: -10 (-5 flying over grass, -5 flying over bug)
    Opponent’s Remaining Points: 0
    Attacker's Remaining Points: 3
    Link to stats: Link in Sig!
    Arrow wins!

    Taking out the geodude and the paras went relatively well, but her pokemon were feeling the effects of constant battling more and more with each battle. The fatigue was getting to them. ”Thanks guys, and while I’d like you to rest…I can’t recall you back just yet, as the main threat is just before us she said looking down at her wartortle and spearow before looking to the twin girls. ”Its all right now you two” she said with the best smile she could muster at the moment. Was it true…that they would not be able to win this fight in the end despite taking out as many of the wild pokemon here as they had? What would happen if they failed here and what of the mission? She turned to look over at how the others faired, her eyes moving to the center where Max was. That was were the real battle was taking place.

    "I vow to make them matter the cost"
    -GCEA Stats- | -Art Gallery- | -URPG Stats-

  5. #625
    Experienced Trainer Zenith Avalon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Lumiose City, Kalos
    Trainer Name: Zenith Brunel
    Location: Mount Moon
    ...... ...... ........ ...... .......
    Qeb.........................Freefall............Ka mau.................Aponi..............Calder..... ....Tanya

    Poke Balls (x4), Cheri Berries (x2), Potion (x1)
    Points: 31

    Zenith, Max and Sou finally made it to the main chamber, which was huge. It was also filled with tons of pokemon, some of which were attacking a few trainers. Zenith's attention was quickly brought to the giant Nidoking in the center of the chamber.

    "Oh hell..." Zenith muttered under her breath as she saw the massive pokemon.

    "Someone please pidgey fainted!!!!" a male voice suddenly shouted.

    Zenith turned toward the voice and saw a young man in a black suit being surrounded by a Geodude and Parasect in the west corner. If she didn't act quickly, the man would be in more trouble than he was already.

    I need to heal Freefall... he'll be my best bet along with Qeb... Zenith thought. She then returned Aponi to her Poke Ball. Zenith called out Qeb and Freefall from their Poke Balls. She then healed Qeb with her only Potion.

    Item Using: Potion x1
    Effect: Heals a pokemon's HP by 5

    "Qeb, Freefall, take out the Geodude and Parasect over there!" Zenith said, pointing to the two pokemon surrounding the young man in the west corner.

    "Ivy, saur!" Qeb replied, getting into a fighting stance.

    "Pidgeo!" Freefall said, getting ready as well.



    Qeb vs. Geodude
    Opponent: Geodude
    Attacker: Ivysaur (Qeb)
    Opponent's Point Value: 17
    Attacker's Point Value: 20
    Bonuses: -7 (-2 evo bonus; -10 grass over rock and ground; +5 ground over poison)
    Opponent’s Remaining Points: 0
    Attacker's Remaining Points: 10
    Link to stats: IN SIG
    Qeb wins!

    Freefall vs. Parasect
    Opponent: Parasect
    Attacker: Pidgeotto (Freefall)
    Opponent's Point Value: 29
    Attacker's Point Value: 10
    Bonuses: -5 (-10 flying over bug and grass; +5 final evo bonus)
    Opponent’s Remaining Points: 14
    Attacker's Remaining Points: 0
    Link to stats: IN SIG
    Freefall faints!

    Aponi vs. Parasect
    Opponent: Parasect
    Attacker: Butterfree (Aponi)
    Opponent's Point Value: 14
    Attacker's Point Value: 15
    Bonuses: -10 flying over grass and bug
    Opponent’s Remaining Points: 0
    Attacker's Remaining Points: 11
    Link to stats: IN SIG
    Aponi wins!
    Last edited by Zenith Avalon; 05-11-2015 at 06:59 PM.
    ~ Zenith's GCEA Stats ~ | ~ Zenith's URPG Stats ~
    *Sig and avi art made by Sou Cleife!*

  6. #626
    I came in like a wrecking ball... [Desolate Divine]'s Avatar
    Senior Moderator

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Melbourne Australia
    Trainer Name: Ethan Wright
    Location: Pallet Town

    Circut (11/20) Cynder (0/20) Typhoon (0/20) Shade (1/19) Fairy Murderer (0/9)

    Partner Pokemon:
    Items: Pokeballs(7), Potions (2), Shiny Charm, Dusk Stone
    Points: 41

    The parasect ran at me, and I grabbed the first Pokeball I felt. Cynder.

    I let out the Charmeleon who roared, as flames erupted from its jaws.

    Opponent: Parasect 1
    Attacker: Charmeleon
    Opponent's Point Value: 29
    Attacker's Point Value 20
    Bonuses: -5 (-10 double type bonus, +5 evo)
    Opponents's Remaining Points: 4
    Attacker's Remaining Points: 0

    The parasect made short work of Cynder, and I couldn't help but growl. Next out was Typhoon.

    Opponent: Parasect 1
    Attacker: Typhoon
    Opponent's Point Value: 4
    Attacker's Point Value 11
    Bonuses: -5
    Opponents's Remaining Points: 0
    Attacker's Remaining Points: 11

    Opponent: Parasect 2
    Attacker: Fairy Killer the Zubat
    Opponent's Point Value: 29
    Attacker's Point Value 9
    Bonuses: -10 (-15 Triple type advantage, +5 evo bonus)
    Opponents's Remaining Points: 10
    Attacker's Remaining Points: 0

    Opponent: Parasect 2
    Attacker: Typhoon the Pidgeotto
    Opponent's Point Value: 10
    Attacker's Point Value 11
    Bonuses: -5 (-10 double type advantage, +5 evo bonus)
    Opponents's Remaining Points: 0
    Attacker's Remaining Points: 6

    Opponent: Parasect 3
    Attacker: Typhoon the Pidgeotto
    Opponent's Point Value: 29
    Attacker's Point Value 6
    Bonuses: -5 (-10 double advantage, +5 evo bonus)
    Opponents's Remaining Points: 18
    Attacker's Remaining Points: 0

    Opponent: Parasect 3
    Attacker: Shade the Murkrow
    Opponent's Point Value: 18
    Attacker's Point Value: 19
    Bonuses: 0 (levels out)
    Opponents's Remaining Points: 0
    Attacker's Remaining Points: 1

    And with one battle, all but Circut was gone...

  7. #627
    Trainer Name:

    Chunk(P:0/25)/ Lila (P:0/21)/ Dizzy (0/25)/ Prime (0/20) Crunch(0/5) / Sting (5/8)
    Partner Pokemon: Beauty (25/25)

    Pokemon (x13),Permier Ball (x0),Moon Ball(x0), Potions (x4), Pretty Bow(x1)
    Points: 113 (+1)

    GM Story Info1
    Current Location: Mt. Moon
    Description: Mount Moon was the name referring the mountain formation surrounding Pewter. The Mt. Moon Tunnel was the only way to connect directly with Curelean City. It wasnt a huge Tunnel but had many tunnels in which trainer could get lost.
    Key Locations: N/A
    Time: 5:05 PM
    Day: 2
    Month: May
    Season: Summer
    Weather: Sunny once again
    Current Team:
    Yellow Team
    Orion Aberforth
    Sou Cleife

    Included in this Post:

    Max's focus left his friends as he fought his way through the pokemon and trainers. He eyes stayed fixated on the bulky Nidoking stomping about. It was clear that this pokemon was agitating all the others. With it out of the picture the others would just flee. Max rubbed his hand along the dirt as he stopped right before the Nidoking. He rubbed the dirt slowly through his fingers. He slowly stood back up walking forward.

    "I'm going to give you once chance to stop this....just one!" Max called out commanding the beast.

    "You are letting simple criminals control you. You have caused this entire cave system to be distressed. Now turn around and leave on your feet...or youll be leaving on your back." Max said

    He pulled out the Moon Ball and tossed the moon ball on the ground in front of the creature.
    "Tell you what get in the ball now and I wont embarrass you in front of your girlfriend." Max taunted the Nidoking hoping it would buy the others time to help get the trainers free of this.

    The nidoking stomped its feet charging forward. Stopping just short of Max it let out a huge growl

    Max reached for his belt.
    "sigh...I guess you pick the hard route. Dont say I didnt warn you." He said unsure of beating this creature.

    Wild Nidoking Appears!

    Nidoking (Points:49)(T: Posion/Ground)

    "Chunk lets do this!" Max said letting the pokeball sail through the air.

    Nidoking made the first move. Using Earthquake an earthquake that torn the ground apart.

    "Stay steady!" CHunk

    The water type planted his feet and locked its arms taking the wave of energy.

    "lets knock it off its guard with a strong Iron Tail!"

    Marshtomp lept in the air swinging hard knocking the Nidoking off balance.

    The move wasnt very effective and the Nidoking came right back at Chunk hitting him hard. Chunk rolled on the ground but the smaller water type forced himself back up. He showed the same fighting spirit he had shown against Blue.

    Marshtomp stood back up looking at Max.
    "Lets give it one last try! Give it everything you got! Hydro Pump!"

    at that same moment the Nidoking let out a thunderbolt and the two waves crashed into each. The explosion knocked Max to the ground and kicked up dirt. As it settled Max noticed Chunk had fainted. He pulled out the pokeball calling him back.

    Chunk vs. wild Nidoking
    Opponent: Wild Nidoking
    Attacker: Chunk (Marshtomp)
    Opponent's Point Value: 49
    Attacker's Point Value: 25
    Bonuses: -5 (-double type,+Evo)
    Opponent’s Remaining Points: 19
    Attacker's Remaining Points:0
    Chunk Faints

    Max nodded

    Max reached for his next pokeball.
    "Dizzy, Its your turn!" He said letting loose the next pokemon.

    Nidoking didnt seem very impressed by the Ledian.

    "Ledian!!!" It called out.

    Nidoking was tired from the last battle but decided to let out more energy sending out another thunderbolt. Ledian having full energy dodged the blasts.

    "Get in close and give it a Dizzy Punch! Dizzy!"

    Ledian flew in dodging the blasts from the more than tired Nidoking.

    With a couple of hard hits the now Dizzy Nidoking began to stumble around. Max smiled walking over and picking up the moon ball.

    "Finish it off with a Focus Blast!"

    Dizzy vs. wild Nidoking
    Opponent: Wild Nidoking
    Attacker: Dizzy (Dizzy)
    Opponent's Point Value: 19
    Attacker's Point Value: 25
    Bonuses: -5 (-5 type)
    Opponent’s Remaining Points: 0
    Attacker's Remaining Points: 11
    Nidoking Faints

    The Nidoking spun around crashing into the dirt. Its impact kicked up dirt.

    Pokémon using: Dizzy (Ledian)
    Pokémon trying to catch: Nidoking
    Point Requirement: 49 (Cost of Nidoran, Nidorino and Nidoking together. Using the moon ball to cover the cost of the evolution)(Obviously the pokemon is not usable for a long while.)
    Item Being Used/Quantity: Moon Ball
    Item Effects: Evolves certain pokemon
    Points On Hand: 113
    Points After: 64

    The ball rocked back and forth before finally stopping. Max fell back onto the ground. Ledian flew over and tackled him.
    "Great work Dizzy." He said taking a deep breath dusting himself off.

    He pushed himself back up picking up the now locked pokeball.
    " Sorry....but you were to dangerous to let roam this place."

    Before he could even take a breath. He turned around to see the pokemons enraged partner.

    "Damn it all to hell..." He grumbled

    Max grabbed Ledian and jumped out the way of the new charging creature.

    Wild Pokemon Attacks!

    Nidoqueen (Points:49)(T: Posion/Ground)

    Prime vs. wild Nidoqueen
    Opponent: Wild Nidoqueen
    Attacker: Prime (Mankey)
    Opponent's Point Value: 49
    Attacker's Point Value: 20
    Bonuses: +5 (+5 Evo)
    Opponent’s Remaining Points: 34
    Attacker's Remaining Points: 0
    Prime Faints

    Item Form
    Item Using: Potion (x3)
    Item Effect: Heals +5 (15 in total)
    Pokemon Effected: Ledian

    Dizzy vs. wild Nidoqueen
    Opponent: Wild Nidoqueen
    Attacker: Dizzy (Dizzy)
    Opponent's Point Value: 34
    Attacker's Point Value: 25
    Bonuses: -5 (-5 type)
    Opponent’s Remaining Points: 4
    Attacker's Remaining Points: 0
    Dizzy Faints Faints

    Dizzy Fainting was not a good sign. Max reached for his last pokemon. The tired little pokemon looked up at her new trainer

    "Sting...I need your help...all these people need your help...If we can take down this Nidoqueen are friends will be safe."

    The little pokemon nodded. Letting out a growl and started to glow

    Pokémon You're Evolving: Nidoran F
    Pokémon it Evolves Into: Nidorina
    Evolution Point Requirement:16
    Points On-Hand: 64
    Points After Evolution: 48

    Nidorina looked around.

    "Okay lets do this!"

    Sting vs. wild Nidoqueen
    Opponent: Wild Nidoqueen
    Attacker: Sting (Nidorina)
    Opponent's Point Value: 4
    Attacker's Point Value: 16
    Bonuses: +10 (+5 Type, +5 Evo)
    Opponent’s Remaining Points: 0
    Attacker's Remaining Points: 2
    Nidoqueen Faints

    Nidorina and Nidoqueen charged at full speed. The two collided. Kicking up a wave of dirt. Max rushed into the cloud to find the newly evolve pokemon still sanding but quickly sitting down exhausted. As the cloud settled. The dazed and defeated Nidoqueen rushed off disappearing into the tunnels.

    Proud partner with @Pokemon Trainer Sarah


    Gible bite's Comic

    GCEA Trainer Links based on title characters

    ....GCEA Diamond/Platnium/ Blizard Blue/Platnium 2/ Pokemon Prism.......

  8. #628
    Fairy Fanatic Sou's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Trainer Name: Sou Cleife | Location: Mt. Moon | Points: 33 Points +1
    Items: 9x Pokeballs, 1x Potions
    "Ria" Wartortle♀ (3/22) "Lyna" Kirlia♀ (7/22) "Kaden" Mankey♂ (0/15)
    "Sky" Caterpie♂ (5/5) "Arrow" Spearow♀ (3/12) ”Shrooms” Paras♂ (9/9)

    Sou could hardly believe what she was witnessing as Max straight up challenged the duo of rampaging pokemon. She thought he was actually a bit insane, instigating an already dangerous situation, but thats when it dawned on her. He was probably buying time for them. It made sense how she had been able to deal with the geodude and Paras. Max had kept it and its partner distracted with his antics. She looked to the twin girls. ”Come, lets move you over to the exit of this room” she said as she hurriedly led the two girls back to entrance of the chamber. As she ran, she managed to catch a glimpse of Zenith helping one trainer and Ethan helping another, their pokemon seemingly getting wiped out from the battles. ”Thats not good…” she whispered but then smiled down at the girls keep their spirits up until she came to the entrance. ”Alright, this should be good for you girls to get out of here safely. My friends are still back there, so I’ll stay here. Go on she said as she pushed them along, running alongside other trainers to an exit.

    Sou finally turned back around once she felt sure the two girls would be fine, only to be further shocked as Max actually took on the Nidoking. ”Is he crazy?! Even he said we might not win this battle!” she thought with a look of shock on her face as she watched his Marshtomp go down, but not without inflicting some major damage to it first. Then came his Ledian, Dizzy fighting back as if to take revenge for its fallen comrade, dodging its attacks and delivering a dizzy punch, followed by a focus blast to finally send the massive pokemon to the ground. If that wasn’t enough of a surprise, then the part where he actually managed to catch the thing caught her a bit off guard. She shuddered a bit at some thoughts that came to mind. ”I guess I can understand the reason why but…..wouldn’t it be too dangerous to try and control?” she pondered as she saw the fallen Nidoking’s partner in an obviously angered state. ”oh boy…” she muttered as their poor friend Max was forced into a battle with the enraged Nidoqueen. Enraged it was too, as it managed to take out two of Max’s pokemon by itself. By the looks of things, it seemed like it would fall to all of their pokemon to take out what stamina the enraged pokemon had left.

    Sou reached down to her belt, biting her lip. It may just come down to the wire here as she watched Max send out his newly captured Nidoran to fight. From her viewpoint, it looked futile to try and do any reasonable damage to Nidoqueen with only a Nidoran to its name. While miracles certainly can happen, the chances of a miracle here were slim, next to none, at least it had been before Nidoran glowed white, evolving to its next stage in a surprise evolution. The odds weren’t in their favor but that evolution might have just been what Max needed as he commanded his Nidorina in battle, taking out with Nidoqueen after sustaining heavy damage. It was to be expected after such a one-sided fight. She sighed, dropping her hand from her belt as the Nidoqueen fled after its loss. ”Its over now…..right?” she whispered as she headed over to where Max stood. ”I don’t know how you pulled that off, but you took out both of them! That was a pretty amazing battle, scary, but amazing boneless. But at the price of our pokemon…..what are we going to do now? We didn’t exactly get to find that artifact either” she said, a concerned look on her face.

    (( OOC: well, talk about a battle! lol :P ))

    "I vow to make them matter the cost"
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  9. #629
    Experienced Trainer Zenith Avalon's Avatar
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    Oct 2013
    Lumiose City, Kalos
    Trainer Name: Zenith Brunel
    Location: Mount Moon
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    Poke Balls (x4), Cheri Berries (x2)
    Points: 32

    After Zenith took down the Geodude and Parasect, she went over to the young man in the black suit and helped him back to the chamber's entrance/exit. "You should be okay now, sir. Hurry to the Pokemon Center and get your pokemon healed," she said. She then ran back into the chamber and froze in shock and fear at the sight before her.

    There was Max in the center of the chamber, outright challenging the giant Nidoking, which looked ready to rip off Max's head any moment. Max then sent out his Marshtomp, Chunk, and proceeded to battle the Nidoking. After a long battle, Chuck went down, but not before dealing quite a bit of damage to the rampaging poison/ground-type. Max then sent out his Ledian, Dizzy, and after another tough fight, Max had weakened the Nidoking enough to capture it. However, this quickly brought about another problem; the Nidoqueen. After seeing her mate go down, she went into a mad frenzy, charging at Max. Max then sent out his Mankey, Prime, and after a long battle, managed to weaken the Nidoqueen, but not without Prime fainting. Max quickly used some Potions on Dizzy and had the Ledian battle the Nidoqueen. Try as it might, Dizzy still went down, but not before weakening the Nidoqueen further. Max then sent out his female Nidoran, Sting, and she suddenly evolved into a Nidorina. Sting was able to fend off the Nidoqueen, and she ran off into the tunnels.

    Zenith was at a complete loss for words. She had just seen Max take down two powerful and highly dangerous pokemon. She really wished she had his skills, but as a rookie trainer, she wouldn't have such skills for a while. She then walked over to Max.

    "That was insane, Max. You really have some great skills. I hope I can be that good someday," Zenith said.
    Last edited by Zenith Avalon; 05-11-2015 at 06:59 PM.
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    *Sig and avi art made by Sou Cleife!*

  10. #630
    Ace Trainer Aberforth's Avatar
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    Apr 2015
    Hey guys! I won't be able to post until next Wednesday. I must study for finals. I will keep reading everything you post though. :)
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