Trainer Name: Sloane Jackson
Location: Mt. Moon
Game Points: 92 (+1)
Items: Pokeballs (x10), Potion (x1), Antidote (x1), Moonstone (x1)
Pokemon Roster:

Ascalon the Charmeleon

Carwennan the Houndour

Clarent the Fearow

Arondight the Raticate

Kavacha the Metapod

Immortality the Cleffa

Sloane stumbled back as the ground began to rumble. The combined effort of the Flames sent the giant moon stone through the floor and onto something below. Sloane carefully crept closer to the hole and there was no hiding the shock on her face at the scene below. There were trainers and Pokemon and… was that a legendary Pokemon Kyreum? The scene was too overwhelming for Sloane so she just stared instead of forming a coherent response.

Sloane was gladly led back outside. She would need to rest her knee before she did too much more otherwise it might stall again, which was no fun for Sloane. She started to sit down when they got outside when the ground began to shake. Sloane fell into the ground and just barely caught a glimpse of Kyreum fleeing the scene. Then it began to shower moon stones. Carwennan nudged Sloane with her snout and placed the rock next to Sloane. Sloane per Carwennan.

"Thanks." She said to the Houndour, picking up the evolutionary stone. She put it in her bag and looked back up at the sky. "we'll need that for Immortality in the future." Sloane added.