So glad this didn't just die.

I cure my PTSD by means of Hakuna Matata musical ensemble, which in turn also revitalizes my ultimate energy: Ubermax. I use it to construct Ubernaut, which fires BEAMLASER and mass-detonates all clowns across the globe, as well as the complete and total annihilation of all clown existence throughout the universe and throughout history.

Ubernaut then targets YOU, and uses Signal Beam to call in Rampaging Cattle Stampede, which tramples you for grotesque amounts of damage, destroys your wardrobe, and increases your liability insurance. It also sends you flying off the hill, and off to Fairyland. Here, you are forced to drink Paradise Nectar by Mab, Queen of the Fae, and become the renown fairy known as Twinkletoes. Your autograph-demanding fairy fanbase keeps you too preoccupied to be concerned about the hill.