Quote Originally Posted by Braixen View Post
I am only watching Asterisk out of the two. BUT moving forward in order for you to enjoy it you have to be accepting of the fact that it won't break any records, it won't be ground breaking with new plot devices and character development, and it won't drop the anime tropes we know and love (do we love them?). The anime is fun to watch because it's colourful, the characters are cute (except Claudia), and it's a mix of silly and MC power! It also has harem aspects so if you hate the accidental pervert thing then brace yourself.

If you want a (possibly) ground breaking anime then you're best bet from this season is Beautiful Bones imo. It has a bit of our beloved anime tropes, but it's lining itself up for a ton of character development, it's got neat animation, and the characters are simple yet cute as well. It's a mystery though so you have to be interested in that genre to enjoy!

Hmmm, I do not mind the generic-ness. The plotlines of both intrigue me. But I hate all the perverted stuff they keep putting in there. It's so... unnecessary.