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  1. #31
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Jonathan Bradshaw - Cinccino with butterfly wings
    Mystical Greenhouse

    I wasn't sure what we were going to find as we ventured into here, but I figured as long as I mapped everything out along the way, we were narrowing down the number of places the exit would be, and if everyone pitched in, eventually we'd rule out the number of places either the exit was or where the Trick Master was hiding.

    As I turned around, I saw the door behind us, and decided to map that out also. Again, it had a cycle, but there was something interesting I found. The food court was part of that cycle. The first room looked like an old and dusty attic, the second room was a strange wind tunnel room, the third room was a crimson lake, and the fourth room was the actual food court we had just left. Room #5 was a strange wooden room with a lot of clocks of varying shapes and sizes, and Room #6 was some kind of weird rainforest. I noted that new cycle on the door behind me:

    1. Abandoned Attic
    2. Wind Tunnel Room
    3. Crimson Lake
    4. Food Court
    5. The Clock Room
    6. Strange Rainforest

    Oddly enough, I recognized the Food Court from before, but the Attic also. I had seen that same attic about a week ago. Some of these rooms were starting to show themselves again, and while I was quite certain this Trick House maze was huge, it wasn't infinite. It might take a long time to map everything out, but it was possible, and that was giving me a lot more hope of getting out of here.

    "What a pretty place!" Sonya exclaimed with a smile as she admired all the plants and flowers. "Way better than that dungeon!"

    While I nodded, I knew one of us was going to have to explore that dungeon sooner or later. We couldn't only take the nice and pleasant rooms and forgo all the dingy stuff. It would be just our luck the exit was in an unsettling place like that and we kept missing it based on just wanting to see the nicer places.

    As I looked around at all the plants and flowers both on the ground, on shelves, and hanging from the pastel-colored ceramic pots hanging from the ceiling, I didn't really see anything that would help us. I figured we could just pass through here and head to the next room after mapping out the room cycle sequence for that door also.

    "H-hey, what the-!?" I heard Sonya suddenly yelp.

    I quickly turned to her, and I saw her transforming again. Oh great, after all that work in the food court, now she was getting transformed again anyway. Her Oshawott body suddenly changed shape, color, and form and soon enough, she had become a Sunflora. She was suddenly shocked, feeling her new, giant sunflower head with her leaf hands.

    "You ate one of them!?" I shouted, thinking she was nuts for doing that.

    "N-no, all I did was sniff it!" Sonya shouted, still bewildered. "I promise!"

    That was all it took to get transformed by one of these things!? Holy crap, I immediately put my paws on my nose, although that was a pretty lame attempt to try and prevent myself from accidently inhaling something that would have the same effect on me. I tried to moderate my breathing and hold my breath, especially while passing by some of the larger flowers, but in here, my chances of reaching the exit and not getting affected by anything was pretty slim...

  2. #32
    Joarro Louis Jozander
    Hall of Faces > Entering the Ruined Dungeon

    "As bizarre as this room is...its even more bizarre that food is not in my stomach"

    I went to reach for my bag only to realize that i left it in the lobby. This is not good...if i continue to hunger then ill lose control of myself. I should leave this place and find some food. Time has passed and i find my self staring at a face in frustration.

    "hello random face on the wall. would u happen to know how to get out of here?"


    "of course you dont" i sighed.

    At that moment the face cracked and then faded away. What could this mean? could it be a sign?....or a trick..?

    "how rude!" I murmured.

    Perhaps these rooms dont all have chutes to go from one room to the we must trick our way out?

    "HAHAHAHA, i have just the trick too!"

    I made my way to a part of the wall without faces. I took a deep breath. Readied my stance. Braced myself. I fired of a single fist with all my force. With succession i was able to break down the wall. With the dust restricting sight a silhouette of a room can be seen.

    "I was right! now time to punch my way threw this stupid place."

    I progressed past the dust and into a ruined dungeon, like a bomb went off in this dungeon. Wouldn't that be typical be in a poor condition? I continued to ponder about it as i made my way. It's much bigger then the last room and a bit brighter as well.


    The sound of hunger radiated throughout the dungeon. It was then that i realized that i was not alone in the room. The sound was loud enough to awaken those that lied dormant. The darker reaches began to glow in what resembled the shape of eyes.

    "It seems im surrounded. This isn't good. With my hunger...any hostility will tip me over the edge. Ill lose control of myself."

    At that moment an aroma had made its way to my scene of smell.

    "I must eat!"

    All the glowing eyes had caught on to my motive and started screeching as if they were communicating. My eyes searched for anything that resembled food and nothing else. The dormant creatures all moved towards the far back of the dungeon. They must be heading towards the food. Thats what my nose is telling me.

    " It is my hunger that will be satisfied!"

    I dashed towards them with no remorse and full force. The creatures finally conveyed themselves but i did not take notice. The creatures had spoke but i did not take notice. The creatures in joint effort had tried to stop me but i did not stop.

    The aroma that had squeezed through my nostrils to my brain and had rooted itself claiming full possession of my body had only stood was only a few strides away. Persistent and strong in numbers were these creatures. Every inch of my body was covered by there abnormally small size.

    "AHHhhhh....there so a hundred of them...and....soo small....." As i turned my head back to goal and continued.

    "pwease stup!" one of them shouted.

    "pwease stup!" two of them shouted.
    "pwease stup!" four of them shouted.
    "pwease stup!" eight of them shouted.
    "pwease stup!" twenty of them shouted.
    "pwease stup!" forty of them shouted.
    "pwease stup!" one hundred of them shouted.

    "What the hell is 'pweease stup"! your evil tricks will not work on me! I will eat this deliciously looking 3 stacked burger and break your tricks!" i shouted in response.

    My body was then fully covered by them. As i fell to the ground in failure my life had flashed before me.

    Is this the end?! (I raised my head.)
    Will i never cut hair again?!! (raised one knee)
    What will the old man think?!!! (raised the other knee)
    What about Scyther?!!!! (begin crawling)
    .. (moving closer)
    .... (closer)
    ....... (Closer!)
    .......... (CLOSER!)

    "What about that burger!? it would be a sin to leave it uneaten!!!!! I screamed out loud.

    I raised the burger over my head brushing off the creatures. With the strength in my legs i spring off my knees and land on my feet. I then take a bite out of the burger.


    actually it could use some hot sauce."

  3. #33
    P i k a c h u Chakramaster's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Clinging onto Hope
    Brian Evans - Currently: Human
    Location: A Realm of Darkness > Ruined Dungeon
    Affected RPers: @Eri

    As I lay back continuing to fall in this darkness. I can't help, but to think back. Think back to how this all started for me. How I got trapped in this endless maze. How Eevee and I came here because of one rumor. So far there's been nothing but nightmare like events. We've started taking our food in rations. Not to mention we keep hearing about this person or....THING called "The Trick Master." I mean this place is full of tricks that can make a person's mind go wild, but. Would someone really be this insane to create such a world? I mean. People, actual living human beings....and Pokemon of course. Are being turned into other things. Things beyond what our reality would dictate. Could....could this Trick Master really be *thump* OW! What the?

    I look to my back to see what I my head bumped into while rubbing my now throbbing head. "Whoa...Just what is this place?" Apparently I had found some new place. I had been floating through what I thought was an endless room of darkness, but finally. A new room finally surfaced.

    But something caught my attention as I began to enter this new place. *GRRRRRRRRUMBLE*

    "What was that?!" In response I heard it again right after. grrrumble, but this time it came with a pain and sounded much less fierce than the one I had heard.

    "Ugh, I know I know....I need to eat something, but...I can't just forget about Eevee. She needs to eat as well. I guess I should find somewhere to rest or take a break so I can setup a place for us to eat."

    Noises continue to echo through this new place, but I can't tell where from. This dungeon could go on forever and I may never find a way out of here. Ha, Eevee wouldn't like it if I brought her out here to eat. It's way too dusty and she's probably get a lot of dirt in her fur. I'd rather not have to clean her here. Washing her off in some water here may just end up transforming her into something else and I'd rather not waste any of our resources here if we can help it. We just have to last long enough to find a way out of here- My thoughts get interrupted by the sound of a voice from down the hall.

    ""pwease stup!" it echoed

    "That was...another voice. Or is it just another trick. Man I'm getting tired of all these "tricks" enough with it Trick Master. Just stop with all these "tricks." I say as I make my way past some wall which looked like it had been knocked down by something. It also looked as if it had a face? I couldn't quite tell and I didn't want to pull out my flashlight and use it unless I absolutely had to.

    The voices continued getting louder as I walked the path ahead of me. Until I finally heard something...a voice scream right in front of me. "What about that burger!?" the voice shouted,

    Looking closely at what I saw in front of me was a man. He had been covered in many small creature and was reaching for....a burger? Wait....a burger? That means! "Wait NO!" I screamed, but it was too late.

    The man suddenly brushed off whatever was covering him and jumped to his feet holding the burger and taking a bite of the burger he held.

    "This man is INSANE! Hey...sir! What did you just do?!" I asked to the man that just took a bite of the burger. Knowing full well what might be about to happen. Worried that he might just be about to transform into something right before me

    The time is upon us...

    . Pika Pair with the yellow bundle of fluff Chibi Altaria..

  4. #34
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Mar 2013
    New Jersey
    Jonathan Bradshaw - Cinccino with butterfly wings
    Mystical Greenhouse

    Out of the blue, we had seen a Treecko approach us. He didn't seem too surprised we were here, but it seemed like he had something pressing to tell us.

    "W-who are you?" Sonya asked him, still trying to get used to the fact she was a Sunflora now.

    "Name's Tom," he told us, looking a little wary. "Looks like you already found out this place likes turning people into grass type Pokémon regardless of what you were before. I heard you guys come in and I was about to warn you, but..."

    "Do you...know which plants do what?" I asked as I covered my nose. "I've been going around mapping out which rooms lead to where and what foods and drinks do what. See for yourself." I told him as I pointed to the door.

    He looked at my markings at the door curiously, and then his eyes lit up.

    "You're a genius!" he told me. "The rooms actually cycle?"

    As I tried to hold my breath and use my paws as a pathetic air filter, he tried it for himself, and he saw I was right on the money. He then came back to me and realized what I was doing.

    "Wow, I never knew about that!" Tom smiled with surprise. "That's good to know!"

    So far, it looked like the plan was working. The more people that noticed this trend, the more it would help everyone. He then came back to me with an amused look on his face.

    "Oh, don't bother holding your nose, something here is going to transform you into something before you get to the door," Tom just laughed. "The good thing is once you do, nothing else in the room will transform you once you're a grass type. And it sure feels nice and cozy in here once you do!"

    That sure didn't help...

  5. #35
    The Queen of Shaymin
    Noblejanobii's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    Fox Oleanader- Mermaid
    Small Pond
    Affected RP'ers: @Morzone

    The comment about the Roserade statue was the definite wrong thing to say to Fox. Her lips immediately pulled into a snarl and she snatched Xavier back, then gripped him with both hands.

    "I'd be careful about what you say next, Xavier. That's my partner you're talking about there and Hemlock doesn't take too kindly to insults. Neither do I. One more derogatory word about him or myself out of your little wooden mouth and I'll snap you into two then drown you. Got it?"

    Sloane Jackson- Human
    Food Court->Spiral Hallway->Mountain Trail

    And as quickly as he had come, the plushie and now oshawott were gone. Sloane hadn't noticed their absence right away but when she did she regretted having not prevented them from leaving. She was all alone again. Sloane sighed. She wish she had seen what door they went through. Maybe she could have followed after them. Sloane watched as her Pokemon finished their meals. Returning everyone except Shay to their pokeballs and cleaning up, Sloane decided it was now time to search for Odessa.

    Sloane lifted Shay onto her shoulder and then put her bag back on. She walked to the closest door and looked at the list by the wall. Spiral Hallway seemed kind of interesting. Sloane closed and open the door several times until she came to the hallway then stepped through the door. Immediately the floor opened up underneath her and Sloane fell onto what appeared to be a mountain hiking trail.

    Dylan Thomas-Windup Togetic
    Apple Orchard

    Well, after much discussion, the group decided to take but not open the pokeball. For all they knew it actually was someone's and if the need or time arose, they would open it. But they decided it needed to be under desperate or safer conditions. Night was starting to fall in the orchard anyway and Dylan didn't really want to deal with any madness right now anyway. He was just really tired and desired some rest.
    / / / / / / / /
    Avatar by Soggymint
    Double Agents with Suicune's Fire

  6. #36
    P i k a c h u Chakramaster's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Clinging onto Hope
    Brian Evans - Currently: Human
    Location: Ruined Dungeon
    Affected RPers: @Eri

    I stare in awe at how this man is eating this burger he found. I've got to deal with a total nutjob! How do I keep getting myself caught in situations like this? Doesn't he know what's going to happen now that he's eating something he found here?

    "sigh....great." I say aloud as I continue to watch, until. "Wait....wasn't this man just being attacked by someone or....something?" I try to look around, but it's way too dark to see the entire area.

    I got a bad feeling about this place. I'm sorry Eevee. I know we both need to eat, but I need your help. Even if it just helps us get out of this room. I pull out Eevee's pokeball and release her. In a flash of light, Eevee appears in front of me. First thing she does is stare right up at me, as if she was in pain and was asking for food.

    I'm sorry girl, just a little longer. If we can make it out of here and find someplace safe, then I promise you that we will eat enough to make it through the night. I just need your strength and ears. We need to be careful. I think we may being watched.

    Eevee gives me a weak nod taking it as she understood. We both cautiously make our way around the room, trying to ignore the man eating his burger and whatever may have been around him. Hoping that it won't notice us.

    "It's still too dark to see anything. Aghhh....I was hoping to save this, but I don't think we have much choice here." I say as I put down my bag, kneel down and pull out a flashlight. Flipping it on we can finally see things around us much better.

    "There!" I say as I start looking around.

    "Heh, I didn't think about it til just now, but you were able to see at least somewhat in the dark without this light weren't you Eevee?" I jokingly ask her giving her a smile.

    She nods back and in response lets out a "Veee!" Which I assume only means 'Yes!'

    "Man, I guess you're pretty lucky then. You don't need a battery and light bulb to see in the dark. Kinda reminds me of....oh yeah." I stop walking and suddenly...feel really down. I can't believe it...I brought that memory back up.

    Out of nowhere I had suddenly remembered something. A terrible event that had happened about one year ago now. An event I honestly...would rather never remember.

    I stand there a moment before giving myself a mental slap to the face as Eevee nuzzles me on the cheek.

    In that moment. I hadn't even noticed it. Eevee had climbed up to my shoulder and was trying to comfort me.

    "Thanks Eevee. I'm sorry I worried you there, but your right. Now's not the time to get depressed. We need to check this room out more before we try and find a way out....or before that guy transforms into something we don't want to deal with....sigh.....maybe we should stay. You know...just in case he becomes something that can't move on it's own?" I say to Eevee as I give her a pet on her head between her ears. She gives me a smile and continues to nuzzle me.

    "Alright. Well we can't just sit here. That man will be done with his burger any minute now and we need to be on the lookout for whatever was attacking him as well! Now's not the time to get distracted! I mentally shook my head, trying to snap myself back into it while Eevee and I continue my search around the room." I say as we begin searching once again for anything or relevance in the room.
    Last edited by Chakramaster; 02-23-2016 at 01:11 AM.

    The time is upon us...

    . Pika Pair with the yellow bundle of fluff Chibi Altaria..

  7. #37
    Joarro Louis Jozander
    Ruined Dungeon


    The sounds of a savage. Very un-gentlemen like...but i had no choice. My hunger can be endured if it wasn't the very key that let loose the monster within me. I cant be hurting others...for the sake of being a gentlemen. I will not allow it. For it is the life of people that must come--- whoa...What the hell is that furball. As i continued to to chow down on the burger i stare directly at rodant like creature. Hmm...that must have been what was attacking me. I could've sworn there were more. They kinda of look like that those venonat i seen back in kanto years ago. Gross. I would hate to look like that.

    The creature then made its way to me and pulled out a mirror...

    "I woudln't be talking pal" It said rudely.

    As I gaze into the mirror i notice that antenna were probing out of my head and hair growing out of my face.

    "Hmm..." i questioned.

    "You idiot...your starting to become one of us now!..." it shouted.

    "hmm..!?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow"

    "Weird though we all shrieked but your still the same--"

    Before it could even finish what it was saying. i kicked it in the face.

    "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH what the hell is happening to me"

    I then stopped yelling and freaking out to notice that afar somebody was making there way.

    "That guy looks familiar".
    Last edited by Eri; 02-24-2016 at 01:10 AM.

  8. #38
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Mar 2013
    New Jersey
    Jonathan Bradshaw - Cinccino with butterfly wings > Bellossom
    Mystical Greenhouse

    Well, so much for the Cinccino form. I guess I was kidding myself if I thought I'd be actually getting out of here with it.

    "Dude, please, I need something decent with hands, and fast!" I told him, knowing it was crucial if I still wanted to be able to write. "If I can't write, I can't map the rooms out for everyone or carry this stuff we need!" And then I looked at Sonya. "And her hands... just became leaves."

    "Uhh... let me see..." he looked around quickly with his eyes darting from plant to plant, strangely familiar with how this place worked. "No... no... that's too far... no... wait... right there! Follow me!"

    I followed him with Sonya the Sunflora close behind and tried to hold my breath for as long as possible so as to not inhale anything unintentionally and get transformed into a grass type that could ruin the whole plan. It sucked I was going to lose the Cinccino form, but I guess I couldn't have expected to have it forever. Tom led us down an aisle on the right and eventually we came to some strange but rather large red and magenta flowers.

    "Here, breathe into those," Tom the Treecko told me. "Do it quick, before you accidently get turned something else without hands!"

    I just followed his advice, approached the red and magenta flowers, put my nose into one of them, and sniffed deeply. Whoa, what a sweet and powerful smell. And Sonya was right, it sure didn't take much to trigger these things. I rapidly transformed, feeling my body warping around as I felt a bit dizzy and disoriented from the effects. When it finally stopped and found my bearings, I looked at my light green arms and saw I was now surrounded by a skirt of green and yellow leaves and then looked up to see I had red flowers growing out of my head. And then when I tried to move, I realized I didn't actually even have feet anymore.

    "A-Am I a... Bellossom?" I asked, figuring that's exactly what this was adding up to.

    "Hey, you've got hands and you look decent, just like you asked!" Tom smirked. "Trust me, not a whole lot of grass types have both of those going for them! And all the others were... way in the back over there."

    Well, this would at least still allow me to write, so I couldn't complain about it. It did feel really different though, and I wasn't too good at this whole sliding around on leaves thing. It would definitely take a little while to get used to.

    "Uh... thanks," I told him, still wondering about something. "I'm curious though, how do you know so much about this greenhouse?"

    "I gave up trying to ever leave this place," Tom replied. "This greenhouse has some weird things about it, but it's more comfortable than some of the other rooms and doesn't have too many unsettling surprises. So, I kind of just hang around here and help others that pass by through it."

    "Nah, dude, no need to stay cooped up in here," I told him, figuring out another solution for this pad of paper. "With your help, I'll write down what each plant turns people into, and put it right in front of them. Easy money."

    Tom the Treecko nodded, but he seemed a little cautious.

    "I see what you're doing, but... I think you're going to get the Trick Master's attention," he warned me. "In a bad way."

    "Well good, I sure hope so," I replied, ready to stuff a melon down that clown's throat. "Some of us have been stuck down here for months. Playtime is over, we've got to start pulling this place apart if we ever want to get out of here."

    He nodded, and it seemed like I managed to convince him.

  9. #39
    The Queen of Shaymin
    Noblejanobii's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    Sloane Jackson- Human
    Mountain Hiking Trail->Beach

    "Where is your god now, puny maggots? MWHAHAHAHAA!"

    "Shiloh! Stop scaring them! It's not funny!"

    Well this was definitely strange. Sloane stood up and began to walk towards the sounds. There was a heavy fog so I was hard to see but as she drew closer to the voices it appeared that the fog was lifting. In the distance she could see two… very odd looking creatures. One was what appeared to be a Flygon but with Ariados legs and the arms, legs, rings, and hair of Hoopa's Unbound form. The other was a vulpix of many colors with what Sloane could only guess to be zubat wings. The Flygon thing was laughing and pointed with one of his hoopa hands at a cluster of Pokemon and humans with various unnatural features cowering by the edge of a cliff. The vulpix was hitting the Flygon with his paws but it didn't seem to do much.

    "Why, Patty? This is so much fun! I finally get to be on top of the food chain. I'm never eating anything in this house again!"

    Sloane watched from behind a cluster of rocks as a Mightyena with a green overcoat and two Gracidea flowers growled then jumped from the crowd.

    "Hey!" she snarled. "This isn't funny! You're just playing the trick master's game you know! Don't you want to escape or go back home?"

    "Honey," the Flygon that Sloane presumed was Shiloh, "I've been here a long time and let me tell you something. This is the first time I've actually gotten something with literally no downsides. I'm going to use it to its fullest abilities before something here changes me back. Got it? Now, since you were so kind enough to volunteer, I'll play with you first." Shiloh opened a portal with one of his rings and said, "Eeny, Meeny, miny, here we go! Have fun!" Shiloh picked up the Mightyena and dropped her into the ring. The ring closed behind her and Shiloh grinned. "Who's next?"

    "Hey!" Shiloh looked up towards Sloane. "That's not funny! Leave them alone!" That didn't seem to please the giant monster.

    "Oh? So you're my next volunteer? Okay then!" Sloane felt herself be picked up by one of the floating hands and was pulled over beside Shiloh. "Let's see," he said as a ring opened and different destinations flipped through. "Eeny, Meeny, miny, mo. This one looks good! Here you go!" With that Shiloh released Sloane and Sloane dropped through the portal. Suddenly she crashed into the ocean and was swept onto a nearby beach.
    / / / / / / / /
    Avatar by Soggymint
    Double Agents with Suicune's Fire

  10. #40
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    New Jersey
    Jonathan Bradshaw - Bellossom
    Mystical Greenhouse

    So, I worked with Tom, made labels for all the plants and indicated what each of them turned people into, and basically spared him the trouble of having to stay here to guide people. In the meantime, I was slowly getting used to this whole Bellossom move around using leaves thing. It was... definitely different.

    "Done," I proudly stated as we finished the last label. "I swear, making all these labels is not easy work, but in time, it'll help everyone get out of here."

    "I think the Trick Master is some kind of sadist," Tom told me as we headed to the exit. "I'm a little worried that he's a powerful sadist, though. How else could something like this be created?"

    Yeah, I nodded to that. He had a pretty good point. In the meantime, Sonya as a Sunflora looked like she had been getting sick of her current form. I swear, she was never happy with anything she got turned into.

    "Can we just go, please!?" Sonya complained again. "This form just feels awful after a while. I didn't like it before but now it's torture."

    "Sheesh, fine," I sighed, figuring I'd map out the exit door of the Greenhouse now.

    We then headed to the door, and I decided to map this one out also. First time I opened it, I found it leading to a room with a lot of fountains in many different sizes and designs with water of many different colors. Then there was a room that was completely engulfed in flames, which I figured had to be some kind of incinerator. Yeah, we were definitely not heading in there like this. Next up, a living room where everything was made of colored paper. Then, for #4, the door led outside to a small pond, and #5 was some kind of ruined city or town. After that, the rooms just cycled again and I noted it on the wall.

    1. Fountain Room
    2. Incinerator Room
    3. The Paper Room
    4. Outdoor Pond
    5. Ruined City

    "You sure these lists are going to stay?" Tom asked, worried what I was writing might melt or jump right off the wall.

    "I found a wonderful young lady who gave me this pen, marker, and paper," I told him, very thankful Sloane had them to begin with. "They're from the real world, so they're not subject to the weirdness of this place."

    "Please, let's go to the room with the fountains," Sonya begged. "Maybe the water there will change me into something better."

    "Or something worse," I told her, knowing she certainly got her fill of horrible stuff back in the food court. "But, if you really want to, fine, and if things don't work out, I can give you a few of those Star Chips and you can just be an Oshawott again."

    "Sure," she sighed, still hoping to become something cuter.

    I just shrugged. I guess that was fair, but really, she was getting to be quite silly about being totally unable to make up her mind and just make the best out of what she got.
    Last edited by Neo Emolga; 02-24-2016 at 04:58 PM.


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