Brian Evans -Currently: Human
Location: Forest of Giant Trees

Well it looks like we've hit yet another forest. What could this forests tricks possibly consist of. Well either way I guess this spot is as good as any other. I'll get a good look around if I can find a good place to climb a tree at least.

Brian found a place to climb, but as he starts climbing up. It had been around 5 minutes of climbing before he reaches a branch and sits on it to rest already pretty high up. He had climbed so high he still can't even see the top, but the ground almost looks's miles below?! It has to just be another trick, suddenly he begins to hear something. "Let me GOOOOOO!"

It startled Brian, almost to the point he lost his gripping on the branch. "Ahhh! Where....where did that come from? Where are you?" The tree branch starts to shake as if to get Brian off of it. It's almost as if the live tree is actually alive!

"Woah woah woah! Careful, I'm not going to hurt you!" Brian holds on for his life here, but something falls out from his bag. His Eevee's pokeball. "NO!" Brian shouts as he leaps from the branch to grab it, even knowing what he sees might be a fall to his death. He didn't care, he only wanted to save his friend from getting separated from him or worse. He grabs it, but is now in a free fall, wherever this may take him, he didn't care. Suddenly he slides into something and then found himself a pile of leaves?

What.....did...someone save me? "I didn't mean literally you fool!" Again that voice. Where is it. Brian looks around, but when he turns around he sees the tree has a face on it.

"You know by now I shouldn't be surprised to see something like a tree able to speak. So I take it you were one of those humans as well that consumed something?"

"No, I was just laying around taking in the sunshine and suddenly I sprout my roots and decided to become a tree....what do you THINK I did?!"

"Relax, I was just trying to figure things out. Sheesh, take it easy...I may the only one able to help you here." Brian said

"OK ok sorry." The tree said

"Well, I do have to thank you. if not for you who knows what would've happened to me, or Eevee here. So I think I have to repay you somehow....but how?" Brian thought out loud

"For starters, you could help me change into something besides, oh you know. An imobile TREE?" The tree told Brian

"Haha, yeah I guess so. You know where any food is nearby? What did you eat that changed you into this tree? Preferably let's get you the same thing. Just in case you know? I still don't really know how things work around here, but I imaging eating the same thing could be worse. So, do you know anywhere nearby with anything?"

"Well..." the tree thought. "Maybe try looking for berries, or water.....anything would work I'm guessing. Trust me, I've been here long enough. I've been more than's than I care to remember, but anything and I mean almost ANYTHING is better than being a tree."

"Alright, so I'll find whatever I can, but...I need you to put me down first." Brian laughed.

"Oh right." The tree gently moved the branch down to the ground placing him safely down. "My name is Lily by the way." The tree exclaimed.

"Brian, my name's Brian...and don't worry Lily. I'll be back as soon as I can. I promise I won't forget you!" Brian said as he runs off

I need to find something to help her, but....I need to also think of Eevee....and myself. After this....we need to eat something before we start losing our minds even more in here....but how much longer can we last in here with our small rations we have left?