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  1. #1
    Pop Goes the Gleamsel. Palamon's Avatar
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    *Covers face out of humiliation.* D:

    Have you ever been humiliated in public? D: Share your stories. :(

  2. #2
    The Queen of Shaymin
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    Does every day of my life count?

    Probably the worst time that is actually pretty funny looking back on it was when I was like... nine or something I was in a ballet concert. It was the Nutcracker and in this one scene there are these mice that play around on the couch. There's the elder couch mice that sit on the couch and the younger couch mice that sit on the floor. This year in particular I was an elder couch mouse and I was one of three. Usually there's only two so the couch usually can only accommodate two but we managed to fit three so we'd thought it would work. Long story short, it didn't. I think we all got excited or something because instead of just sitting on the couch all three of us jumped on it and the force of the three of us knocked the couch over with a loud cracking sound. Everyone on stage just kind of froze for a second but they just carried on while the younger couch mice pretended to like, try and lift the couch up and stuff. The director of the show was pissed afterwards but everyone was just glad we were okay. They said we made it look like it was supposed to happen even though it was obvious that was not supposed to happen.
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  4. #3
    I came in like a wrecking ball... [Desolate Divine]'s Avatar
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    Depending on what it is, I tend to embrace it (currently. A few years ago that was a different story). For example a few months back at church, we were eating dinner afterwards and I was sitting next to Kim and Lachlan. When I sat down I felt something really cold on my leg and thought I sat in something. Turns out I had torn my pants and the coldness was my skin against the plastic of the chair.

    A little before that, we had a Nerf war at youth group and I had been sliding around lots on my knees. It got to the end of the night and I hadn't ruined the knees of my jeans and was quite happy. Until Nick told me that I had a hole in the **** of them. Yay...

    Though my most humiliating thing happened when I was fourteen. The bus I caught was always full. You could never find a seat. I got on and saw two free seats. One of them was partially out of view but I could see it was empty so I ran and sat down before someone else could. Turns out nobody was sitting there because someone had vomited on the seat. I had to spend the next hour on the bus. The kids on the bus called me chuck for the next three years...

  5. #4
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Ho boy... alright, I guess I'll share since everyone else is doing it.

    Back in college, I literally crapped my pants just seconds after rushing to reach the restroom (I would have made it with just another minute). Yep, I didn't make it, and I had a business law class I had to attend in just ten minutes (and I was a freshman, so I was so paranoid of failing classes). So, I just stuffed a freaking bird's nest worth of toilet paper in my pants, hoped and prayed, and sat through the entire class hoping no one would suspect a thing.

    Nah, someone complained about the smell, but I tried to act nonchalant about it. Thinking back, I really should have just skipped that class for the day, email the professor that I wasn't feeling well, and just ask for what was covered in class that day and play catch up. Ah well...

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  7. #5
    P i k a c h u Chakramaster's Avatar

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    Well there's two that jump right out of my head.

    The first being when I was young, like 8 at one of those "all you can eat Buffett's." I remember being super careless and trying to grab something from one of the containers, but my other hand (the one with the plate) touching the silver tray in the bar. Of course, those are super hot to keep everything warm. My reaction? To jerk my arm back and literally throw the plate across the room screaming "HOT!" Don't really remember what happened after, but I think that may be for the better xD. Oh and yeah the plate was filled with food. Spaghetti, chicken, macaroni, pizza and potatoes if I remember right.

    The second being back in high school. Some reason that day I felt great....until I got to school. Suddenly while talking with my friend I got really exhausted. On a cool day I started getting really hot and sweaty. Suddenly I couldn't take it anymore I just had to try and get to the bathroom to wash my face or something, but as soon as I got up and walked a bit. My vision faded (you know like when you get up too fast and blood rushes). It faded more than usual (to the point it looked like I blacked out). Soon I regained it after holding onto something. Right after I walk it off I tried to make it there again. A few more steps is all I remember because I really did faint/black out after that. I just remember waking up moments later surrounded by a lot of others with them on the intercom calling for the nurse. Me trying to get up confused as to what just happened. Funny part about that embarrassment? Right after that I felt way better. I was only out for a few seconds if that too. Still I left for the day after that.

    The time is upon us...

    . Pika Pair with the yellow bundle of fluff Chibi Altaria..

  8. #6
    The Queen of Shaymin
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    All right, since everyone else is going to the more… embarrassing embarrassments rather than funny like I was going for, I guess I could pull out a different one. Hm… lets see…

    First one that jumps to mind is when I was in K-5. There was this kid, John Walker. He was two grades ahead of me and was so obsessed with… well I really don't know what but long story short he convinced the entire school I was madly in love with him. So, one day he and his posse were messing around with me and ended up trying to pants me. Problem was, they didn't just grab my pants. Yeah you see where this is going. Fun fact though, I wasn't completely potty trained at the time. I had issues as a kid so they got me a medical notice that allowed me to wear diapers to school. It was a well kept secret amongst the teachers and such but when I got pants and such… well they saw the diaper and didn't let me live it down for the longest time.

    Next up Is fourth grade. So, as fourth graders, we get assigned the job of hanging up and taking down the flag everyday. I actually hung it upside down once by accident which resulted in a bunch of emergency services coming to the school (upside down flag means SOS) and while that was embarrassing it wasn't that bad. This story takes place shortly there are. So my partner to help me take it down is names Sydney and she's like BFFs with this girl named Chloe. Now, Sydney and Chloe had actually started to drift apart at this time over one issue, me. Sydney really started to like me and Chloe hated me (to this day I haven't the foggiest idea why). At the time though, I didn't know this and thought they both liked me, so when Chloe asked me if I wanted to play a game with Sydney, I was all for it. It didn't end well. We ended up blocking Sydney from getting back into the classroom and I accidentally shut her fingers in the door. I was sentenced to be her servant until her hand was better again. Sydney forgave me but I still regret the whole incident to this day.

    Next incident is similar to Neo's. I can't remember exactly when this was, but I know it was after Super Smash Bros Brawl and the first Percy Jackson movie came out. So, I was in Tennessee with a bunch of my cousins and we had gone to the pool. My stomach had not been doing well all day but I didn't want to not play with my cousins because of that. So we continued to play in the pool until I suddenly knew I couldn't hold it. So I excused myself and went to go use the bathroom. Problem is, the cabin only has one bathroom per floor. I went to the first floor bathroom and my aunt said "dad is in there". What she meant was, MY dad was in there, and had I realized that this whole thing could have been avoided. What I thought she meant was HER dad was in their, my grandfather and I wasn't about to barge in on that. So I turned and started to run upstairs except I didn't make it. I just diarrheaed in my swimsuit while climbing the stairs. I did my best to hide it by hiding out in my cabin room until my dad came back, which resulted in my finding out it was him not my Pop that was in the bathroom but it was just really embarrassing.

    Finally, my infamous knee break fiasco. I'm actually not sure I've told this story on here but any time someone asks me "How'd you dislocate your kneecap?" and I tell this story, they laugh. It's even worse when they know I played basketball at the time. Long story short, I was at a school function in the capital of our state about an hour from where I lived. The Saturday before we leave said function the function always puts on a big party. So, I was getting it on at the party and enjoying myself when a slow dance came on, so I went out to get some water. Well, one thing to note about these dances is they always cost money and there's always people who don't know this so they have to stay outside the dance. So they wanted to know what all the hullabaloo was about. I go to show them the dance moves I had been busting on the dance floor and next thing I know I'm staring at the ceiling. The story goes that I popped my kneecap out of place, causing me to fall and hit the floor so hard that it both put the kneecap back in place and knocked me unconscious the same time. It took the ambulance over an hour to get to the hotel we were at, the supervisor for my school (it was his first year, poor man) was trying not to freak out but he was doing so terribly, and I had people continually come to try and give me words of encouragement. I got called bi-polar by the EMS guy and, while I know it's procedural, asking me if there's even a possibility of my being pregnant in front of my male supervisor was nothing short of top notch embarrassment for me.
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  9. #7
    Reach for the Stars ~★ Chibi Altaria's Avatar
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    On a fluffy cloud of cotton-candy.
    Yowch, these are all pretty funny. xD

    I don't really have a whole tonne (I do nothing exciting) but I do have this one from Primary School. I would have been maybe seven or eight? I'm not quite sure. Anyway, there was this TERRIBLE, ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE kid in our school called Hayley. She was the brattiest kid I have ever seen in my life. Mind you, she was about eight or so, too. She just did NOT know how to behave. I seriously have no idea how she was not permanently grounded. She would never do the school work, never listen to the teachers, always screamed and threw tantrums, hit the teachers, and bullied the kids.

    So this one day I was playing with my friends on the 'Big Green Slide', as we called it. And I was at the top of said slide ready to race to the bottom. Thing is, Hayley had somehow come up behind me fairly silently - I have no idea how that happened - and while I was standing at the top of the slide she yanked my shorts down, underwear and all. So everyone who I was playing with on that slide - friend or not - got to see me half naked. =.=;;

    Yup, never gonna live that down...

  10. #8
    Wow, you guys all have awesome stories. The best I can come up with was when I was in prep and my lame teacher didn't tell me that talking in class was unacceptable, so I got in trouble for it time and time again, and was sent to the 'naughty corner.' During storytime at some point, when I was sitting in the corner, I did a huge fart which attracted the attention of the entire class. I remember the teacher stopped reading and took the time to also look at me while scowling with contempt. I was like "What?" and she began reading again. She was a terrible teacher.

    Other than that, I haven't really had an embarrassing experience. xD I mean, things that were slightly embarrassing at the time, but nothing afterwards that really merit a story on this thread. Sadly. :c

  11. #9
    That crazy Volvo guy Mujaffa's Avatar
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    see this is why i wish this place had voice comunication, story time with Mujaffa should be a thing :p
    humiliating stories, as a .. er, active. drinker of the alcohols. wee bit too active in many ways. but hey! makes for good stories.
    now. i know there are *atleast* one video of me er, dancing. (i cant dance by the way) where someone yells "take your pants off" and im very quick to comply.
    long story short. me, pants on my ancles, christmas music and wiggleing my hips in a very unsexy way. i'd love to get a hold of that video but sadly i dont have it.

    another rather embarassing moment takes place in a nightclub im again finding myself on a dance floor, but with many others this time around! now this was last year, and last year i had long hair, like below my sholder long, and i miss it every day. either way the point is someone. mustave mistaken me for a pretty lady because i suddenly feel a pair of hands on my hips and a .. uhh, gentleman's sausage? on my, well my bum. now im not slow to turn around with a face of "what the hell maaan" on my face. but the look on HIS face .. priceless.

    so yeah those are SOME of the rather embarrasing stories i have. got plenty more but those are for another day at another discussion :D
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    Well I'm probably the lowest posting active member. All a part of my brilliant strategy to make the few things i post seem good!

  12. #10
    Certified Eeveelution Enthusiast Dragon Master Mike's Avatar
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    This story isn't that embarrassing since it was with people I know well, and it wasn't that bad anyway, but I was playing this game with some friends where you had a category and five seconds to call out three things that fit that category. I got the category "Shapes." I meant to say "Square, circle, Trapezoid," But I answered so fast that I accidentally said, "Square, Circle, Orange." The entire room including me started dying laughing, but my face turned so red.


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