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  1. #1
    Elite Four Member Trainer17's Avatar
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    PXR Moderator Applications! [CLOSED]

    Graphics by Pokemon Trainer Sarah
    Picture/Image by vanilllate54@deviantart

    Welcome to the ...

    Moderator Application Thread: 2.1!
    By: PXR


    Hey I just met you! This is crazy. But here's the moderator thread, so apply here maybe?

    Greetings to all our beloved fans and members of PXR. It has been a while since we've conducted an application run for Moderators (those things you see in green running around the forums) so here we are again, for our second Moderator Recruitment Drive! Once again, the higher-ups of PXR have decided to open up the application drive right to the public! You are excited, YES?! But no hasty, bro/sis. Have a read at a few pointers below, and you're all set! ...To apply. 8)

    What does a moderator do?

    Moderators have two main roles. The first is the day-to-day taking care of the forum that you're in charge of. This includes locking, sticking and deleting posts, helping out people who have questions in your section, handling disagreements, making sure rules are followed, handing out warnings and infractions, and overall remembering that your actions all over the forum now represent the staff team, so you'll need to act accordingly and be sure to follow the rules yourself. Be a good role model!

    The second role is helping to build the community. You don't need to be a moderator to do these things, but we do expect our mods to contribute. This means posting a lot in your board to increase activity, making new threads, coming up with and running new ideas and events and contributing to discussions in the mod board. We aren't super busy so we actually need more people to help with this second role rather than the first. We're looking for people who have both the time and motivation to help out.


    What are you looking for in a Moderator Candidate?

    ♪ Participation

    - You should be active within the PXR Community & Forum you're applying to moderate, especially in the future if your application is accepted.

    - By involving yourself within the community inside and outside the forum you're in charge of, both members and staff will be aware of you, and members especially will know who exactly to look for when they need help. This means that when you are online, you must be available to help another member.

    ♪ Forum/Community Building

    - The position isn't just about closing or stickying threads, banning people, or doing just minor clean ups from time to time. You are also working in a development role which gears you up for more potential responsibility, should there come a time when we think you are ready to step up even higher.

    - We're looking for candidates who are contributing to the forums in various ways: interacting with others by posting threads, bringing in new members to the forums, giving suggestions to improve the forum, and so on. Of course, there are limits to what you - or any one person on the forum - can do, but an effort to do all of the above is what counts.

    ♪ Time & Dedication

    - Moderators are expected to be among the most active members of the forum. You should be logging in and posting every week and you should be one of the most active contributors to your board, coming up with new discussions or commenting on threads to keep things moving! Of course you can always take a break, but long periods of inactivity may result in a loss of your mod position. Being a moderator does take time and dedication, so if you don't have the time and energy to spare, then it might not be a good time to apply.

    ♪ Approachability

    - It is important to be friendly, warm and welcoming. This not only pertains to your attitude towards new members, but also existing ones. Members need to know that they can approach you with an issue, problem or even an idea. You have an obligation to be friendly and kind. It is very important in creating and maintaining a positive environment.

    - Disagreeing with an idea is fine, but you must be able to conduct yourself professionally and reasonably. This does not mean that you must always be serious and calculating; in fact, we endorse the opposite! Just be you, but remember that you are representing the forum at all times.

    ♪ Be Yourself

    - We're looking for friendly, well-rounded members who are integrated well within PXR and who participate in and frequent the forums with their forum buddies. BE yourself! HAVE confidence! SMILE always!


    Forums in need of new Moderators!

    We are considering hiring moderators for all current forums. We encourage you to apply for your favourite forum as being a mod requires a lot of self-motivation, which will be difficult if you're not working in an area you really enjoy. Please don't hesitate to apply for forums that are very quiet or already have active moderators. If you have a strong application, then the board you chose will not be an obstacle.


    So, how do I apply?

    To apply, just answer the following questions. You may post here in this thread or if you wish your application to remain private, please Private Message them to Pokemon Trainer Sarah. You have until April 5th in your own timezone to apply.


    Application Form

    1. Which board would you like to moderate? Choose a maximum of two, list in order of preference.

    2. Please introduce yourself! What do you like to do at PXR? What are your hobbies? What do you do in real life?

    3. Why do you think you would be a good moderator? Please include any experience you have that would help you in this role.

    4. Please share 2-3 ideas to increase activity of the forum overall AND/OR in your board of interest. This can be anything you can think of, from ideas for events, suggestions for running the forum or new threads etc.


    Successful applicants will have a one month trial period. After that time, the staff team will decide who will become fully fledged moderators.

    If you don't make it this time, don't worry! Everyone who applies will be kept in mind for any future mod promotions. Staying active and offering to help out with projects will increase your chances of becoming a mod in future!



    Quote Originally Posted by Pokemon Trainer Sarah View Post
    Sam, why don't you write a lighthearted and SUPER FUN conclusion to finish us off on a non serious note then?! xD "We apologize for the serious nature of this post. Sarah made me do it."

    Initial Idea/Thread by: Apollo & Meteor
    Revised by: Trainer17, Pokemon Trainer Sarah, and Suicune's Fire
    Last edited by Suicune's Fire; 03-25-2016 at 12:06 AM.
    Paired with the lovable 💕 Kaoru 💕

    - I has risen from the ashes of the flames -

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  3. #2
    Reach for the Stars ~★ Chibi Altaria's Avatar
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    On a fluffy cloud of cotton-candy.
    Well I suppose since I have returned to my active self, I may as well apply for this again. xD;;

    1. Which board would you like to moderate? Choose a maximum of two, list in order of preference.
    Artist's Easel & Writer's Desk.

    2. Please introduce yourself! What do you like to do at PXR? What are your hobbies? What do you do in real life?
    Well, hi there! My name is Gemma (which most of you already know!), but you may call me Gem. c: Or Lunar, or LL, if you prefer. I love PXR because it gives me a social life I love to share my art and stories with others. I feel that PXR provides the push I need to be more active in these fields, and it also allows me to help others achieve their potential.

    My hobbies mainly include drawing, design, reading, writing, playing video games, animals and all kinds of arts & crafts. I graduated Uni with a degree in Graphic Design, and right now I'm working as a designer for a small business. c: On the side I like to sell any artwork I come up with, or write fan-fiction (which I am currently doing) and original stories.

    3. Why do you think you would be a good moderator? Please include any experience you have that would help you in this role.
    I was a previous moderator of PE2K and PXR before my inactivity. ;n; I'm thinking it would be good to help out again, since I am becoming more active, and strive to help the forum return to its glory days. <3 I'm also friendly and fun loving and crazy 8D.

    4. Please share 2-3 ideas to increase activity of the forum overall AND/OR in your board of interest. This can be anything you can think of, from ideas for events, suggestions for running the forum or new threads etc.

    Artist's Easel: Well I've already suggested a few things in the thread Coru started, the first of these being art collaborations. It happens at Deviant Art, so I thought why not here? We could easily start off simple so as not to scare newcomers. And art trades, too! Also a constant update for the Pokemon Fusion designs would be great (once a week or so?), especially since I love the creativeness that shows!

    I wanted to expand on my art trades idea. I was thinking it could start off as a simple thread, where everyone who wants to participate has their name written down. When enough people have taken interest (or as little as four), names can be selected in a kind of 'lucky dip' scenario. Those people would then be paired up to do art trades. They can freely choose the content of the trade, and be given a time frame to do it by (so both people actually create an artwork and aren't waiting forever). At the end of it, each person gets a little artistic present. And the thing is, the artwork can be as simple or detailed as you want! It's like Secret Santa, only without the secrecy. xD If the badges/tokens go ahead, everyone who participates can gain a token to their profile, too. <3

    If it works well, and becomes and ongoing thing, we can just start a list of names in the thread and people can pair up with whomever they like to do art trades with. c:

    Writer's Desk: Why not create a forum-wide story that anyone can participate in? Kind of like an RP, I suppose, but different. Say a single person could start off with something as small as a paragraph, or even larger if they wanted to! Then another person could post after that, continuing on from the first post that person wrote. Of course there would have to be certain parameters, but the story could be as silly or as serious as you wanted! Anyone could drop by and have a go. C: You don't even have to be great at writing! Just something fun to pass the time.

    Having tokens (badges in postbits?) awarded to people who make achievements in certain areas of the forum could increase activity, too. It's always rewarding when you see your hard efforts are being noticed, so people are more likely to try harder and be more active.
    Last edited by Chibi Altaria; 03-20-2016 at 10:50 PM.

  4. #3
    The Queen of Shaymin
    Noblejanobii's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    I got told "JUST DO IT!!" so I'm applying. XD

    1.Which board would you like to moderate? Choose a maximum of two, list in order of preference.
    Writer's Desk
    If you guys think I'd be better fit for moderating another thread let me know. I'm open to suggestion.

    2. Please introduce yourself! What do you like to do at PXR? What are your hobbies? What do you do in real life?
    Hello! My username is NobleJanobii but I also go by WriterRaven, Noble Raven, Janobii, etc. on the Internet. You can call me Noble or Janobii or Writer or whatever. I'll respond to just about anything.
    What do I like about PXR? Hm… well everyone here is really really nice. This was the third true forum I have ever joined and, I'll admit, I was terrified when I first joined. But everyone was really welcoming and nice. Plus y'all tolerate all my quirkiness and emotional behavior quite well. On top of that, you all are really supportive of my writing, spriting, and drawings, despite them never being really good compared to anyone else's.
    Hobbies? Hm… well I write, sprite, draw, play video games, read books and comics, roleplay, watch stuff (movies, anime, etc), and there's probably some things I'm forgetting but oh well.
    Currently I am a senior in high school. I can't really give a firm answer on where I am going to college yet, but it's one of two places: SCAD for filmography or Clemson University for political science. Originally I really wanted to go to SCAD and I still do, but my continued love for politics and my natural talent for it has got me leaning more towards Clemson. I have about another month before I have to decide but you'll be sure to get an announcement about it soon enough. For the most part my life has calmed down, as all my extracurricular activities have pretty much ended, but college is a big step so that's kind of an unknown as to what I'll do when I get there. Ask me again in like six months for a more definite answer. Right now though I'm just working to keep my head above water on my final year of high school, and calculus is not making it easy, but I'll survive.

    3. Why do you think you would be a good moderator? Please include any experience you have that would help you in this role.
    Well @AWA1997 and @Awasfriend can vouch for me that I am a moderator on two other forums, as well as an admin of another. However, beyond the small community of those sites (where we all know each other pretty well and there isn't much to be… well moderated), I haven't really moderated that much at all. However, I'm always willing to help others out with any questions they may have and I want to offer the same kindness that was given to me when I first joined.

    4. Please share 2-3 ideas to increase activity of the forum overall AND/OR in your board of interest. This can be anything you can think of, from ideas for events, suggestions for running the forum or new threads etc.
    Well, one thing that I think could increase activity in the Writer's Desk would be to give out achievements or tokens each time a person reaches something of merit. So, for example, say I was writing a story and my story reached 25 chapters, then I would get a badge for that. Or if I ever completed my first story, I'd get a badge for that. Things like that. Then maybe we could also add little pictures into people's postbits if they have an active story going so that people are aware that the story is actively updating. That way, other users will see this person post, see that their story is updating, and they'd be more inclined to go read the stories. Lastly, maybe we could host contests. Nothing too big or spectacular, but it would be similar to WAR last year where people can write short stories and enter them depending on the category. We could do it say once a month or every other month (not too often so we don't use up too much of the judges' time). Everyone who enters get constructive criticism on their work and maybe if they win first place they get offered the chance to judge the following event. People could get tokens for this as well and we could announce it on the top of the site. Maybe we could even feature the first place on an article on the front of the site.
    / / / / / / / /
    Avatar by Soggymint
    Double Agents with Suicune's Fire

  5. #4
    garlic bread champion Bulbasaur's Avatar
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    1. Which board would you like to moderate? Choose a maximum of two, list in order of preference.
    I'd prefer Other: Chat. If not, then Other Pokemon Games, like old times. Like Noble, if you think I'd fit somewhere else, let me know.

    2. Please introduce yourself! What do you like to do at PXR? What are your hobbies? What do you do in real life?
    Hey, my name's Eric! Going to be honest; I don't play a TON of Pokemon anymore, so I mainly come to PXR to talk about things that interest me, and hang out with cool people. One of my main hobbies is playing and composing music. I've been in a few bands playing multiple instruments, such as guitar, bass, drums, harmonica, and singing. I also have a love for technology. I'm a programmer, and I've helped out with web design here on PXR in the past. I am going to college looking to major in computer engineering! One other hobby worth mentioning is playing chess. A rather new hobby, I've been competing at tournaments the last few months, and even took 1st place in one of them!

    3. Why do you think you would be a good moderator? Please include any experience you have that would help you in this role.
    I like to share my knowledge and help out in communities. I am pretty patient, and an out-of-the-box thinker. I used to do Taekwondo, and I was a part of the leadership program at my Taekwondo school, which involved instructing less experienced students and being a role model.

    4. Please share 2-3 ideas to increase activity of the forum overall AND/OR in your board of interest. This can be anything you can think of, from ideas for events, suggestions for running the forum or new threads etc.
    I've noticed we've been doing this more lately, but we should definitely continue the events that get members involved. Specifically, ones where you don't need to make a huge commitment to participate in. Obviously we're having an issue of inactive members, which obviously means they can't commit to huge events like a communitylocke or such.
    In Other: Chat, I really like the idea that mainly Palamon has been doing of bringing up random topics to discuss. We should continue doing those in other forums, as it causes interesting conversation. This idea also falls under the umbrella of what I just talked about with less commitment.

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  7. #5
    P i k a c h u Chakramaster's Avatar

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    Well I figured this would come at some point. Might as well try here

    1. Which board would you like to moderate? Choose a maximum of two, list in order of preference.

    Other Pokemon Games & General Pokemon Discussion (I was really torn between this one and another =3)

    2. Please introduce yourself! What do you like to do at PXR? What are your hobbies? What do you do in real life?

    Well here on PXR I seem to be called Chakramaster a lot. You don't have to call me that. Chakra or Eric is fine.

    I love getting to talk with everyone here that shares the same connections with me. Whether it be that love for things Pokemon, video gaming, anime, or whatever else.

    Hobbies consist of: eating, playing video games, watching anime or movies, and some reason lately I seem to really love theorizing on things.

    Right now? Out there in the real world? I'm just working a job part time at a retail store as a cashier. Though maybe, if things go well, I might have something new soon. Other than that uhh...think about what to go back to college for to actually finish majoring in I guess.

    3. Why do you think you would be a good moderator? Please include any experience you have that would help you in this role.

    Well honestly, I've had the determination to want to become one for years now (almost a full 10 years now). Back on an old site I attempted to become a mod and was denied a lot (6 years annually each year until I left). From time to time I would notice something that would need to be changed (stickied or moved, etc) and have no power to do it and most the mods there were lazy when I told them about it. I know moderators are still limited in what actually can be done, but the lower tier still has enough to help do the job and make things look nice and stay decent in their sections. I've always been willing to lend that extra hand even if it's just one thing to do here and there depending on the activity on the forum.

    Experiences, as a mod of a forum (section/board) none. However, on that old site I visit there were "private forums" you could buy with the site currency (at the time). I joined a lot of them, but around 2008 the leader of one had his computer completely die. So he talked with me and decided while his computer was down he was limited to PS3 only. Long story short he passed admin level of the private forum to me. The private forums are super small so it's nothing to go crazy over. Plus it was only as active as the people that actually joined it and stayed active. After things were fixed a bit on his end I passed it to someone else with getting the power to edit a few things here and there thread wise or on the main forum pages (which needed daily editing with the RP we had until it died out). Still thought it was worth mentioning.

    4. Please share 2-3 ideas to increase activity of the forum overall AND/OR in your board of interest. This can be anything you can think of, from ideas for events, suggestions for running the forum or new threads etc.

    Well in the forum of my interest the Other Pokemon Games right now other than Pokken have kinda come and gone. New games are on the way for sure and there will be much needed attention that it will have to get. Like Pokemon GO for instance. Not much is known on the game, but it's a mobile based game for Pokemon and once more information comes out about that most likely a discussion will come up from it. Would be great for anyone to share their experiences on or even what we have caught while playing it. The Pokemon Spin-off games are still super popular and as they come, there's much to discuss with them. Maybe even for things like Pokken we could have a daily mini (friendly) tournament kinda thing. At some point maybe even have a small tournament if things picked up. As for Pokemon GO a daily log of where to find certain Pokemon's would be nice to have as well listed here.

    General Discussion was a tough one to decide on, but I figured I was more active there aside from the main section I would like to apply for. I've personally been coming up with theories on Pokemon ideas that could be used in games. Such as what Sun and Moon will be based on, or what might be involved in the game, or my still personal belief, the Detective Pikachu being a human turned Pikachu. Other than that the section is still pretty active and will still need that extra care. There's a lot of general Pokemon facts to discuss outside of that though for sure. There most likely will be for the proceeding future as well.

    Extra: I've really been thinking of some way to try and help promote the forum in some way. It's hard that's for sure. I know some of the artists here have been at work at it trying to design some images for some apparel or things like that, but even those go so far. Images for the upcoming Sun and Moon are nothing, but fan theories right now. After images get put out there though that'd be something to maybe work off of. Really as far as things go, keeping things active here and even bringing one or two friends here may help in the end. So as long as the boards are active and the community stays friendly (which we shouldn't have to worry about with what we have right now I'd hope) then there's still hope to get more active here. Just keeping the site pushed out there to bring in new members is a start.

    The time is upon us...

    . Pika Pair with the yellow bundle of fluff Chibi Altaria..

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  9. #6
    Senior Moderator EmeraldSky's Avatar
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    On my way to my next adventure!
    Which board would you like to moderate? Choose a maximum of two, list in order of preference.

    Writer's Desk

    2. Please introduce yourself! What do you like to do at PXR? What are your hobbies? What do you do in real life?

    I came to PXR to share my writing, but lately I've been getting into RPing too. When I'm not playing Pokemon, I am probably playing Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, and any interesting looking RPG. Outside of gaming, I enjoy movies (fantasy and adventure mainly, but I still am a sucker for Disney movies), music (big help for inspiration), exploring, traveling, swimming and much more.

    3. Why do you think you would be a good moderator? Please include any experience you have that would help you in this role.

    I have experience modding boards, but my proudest modding achievement would be becoming a writing mod at one of the major Pokemon boards, Bulbagarden. I'm willing to answer questions and help new writers begin their own writing adventure.

    4. Please share 2-3 ideas to increase activity of the forum overall AND/OR in your board of interest. This can be anything you can think of, from ideas for events, suggestions for running the forum or new threads etc.

    A Weekly Prompt thread--Granted, we had one before, but it needs a little love.

    Writing Awards--This would hopefully encourage more people to write, knowing they could win prizes for their work. Granted, it would take a lot of work and we could get active writers to help judge, but if done well, it could give the Desk a shot in the arm.
    Everyone has a dream that fills their heart. A journey they must take. A destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. It's the world of Pokemon!!"

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  11. #7
    The Fire Fox Gijinka Braixen's Avatar
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    Jan 2014
    Some really great applicants in this thread. Best of luck everyone <3

    Check out my Artshop/Gallery! Formally known as Absol
    Paired with Shadow Tracker Max

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  13. #8
    The Moderator Application closing date has been changed to the 5th of April. Everyone who hasn't yet applied still has until then to do so!

    This way, the results can be decided sooner. Once the thread gets closed, a date for the announcement of the new additions to the Mod team will be posted (unless we've decided by then)! Until then, thank you and good luck! :D

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  15. #9
    Elite Four Member Trainer17's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suicune's Fire View Post
    The Moderator Application closing date has been changed to the 5th of April. Everyone who hasn't yet applied still has until then to do so!

    This way, the results can be decided sooner. Once the thread gets closed, a date for the announcement of the new additions to the Mod team will be posted (unless we've decided by then)! Until then, thank you and good luck! :D
    Good Luck to all the applicants! I will vote for everyone cuz all you people are great and awesome! 8D

    Sent from my SM-G901F using Tapatalk
    Paired with the lovable 💕 Kaoru 💕

    - I has risen from the ashes of the flames -

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  17. #10
    Reach for the Stars ~★ Chibi Altaria's Avatar
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    On a fluffy cloud of cotton-candy.
    Quote Originally Posted by Trainer17 View Post
    Good Luck to all the applicants! I will vote for everyone cuz all you people are great and awesome! 8D

    Sent from my SM-G901F using Tapatalk
    Then why u no liek my post?

    Somehow I don't really think you can do that. xD Although everyone on this forum is so talented!


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