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  1. #61
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaster View Post
    Of course I'm still in!
    Cool stuff, thanks for the heads up!


    Astrid Kain - Played by Winter
    Avery Doe - Played by Winter
    Kione - Played by Winter
    Nathan Trencher - Played by Neo Emolga
    Sloane Jackson - Played by Vigilante Janobii
    Dylan Thomas - Played by Vigilante Janobii

    Ryker Farnsworth - Played by FedoraChar
    Anthony Joy - Played by Gaster

    Dr. Travis Levi Jackson - Played by Death's Spook <WIP>


    Abigail Lazuli - Played by Phantasm.Angel
    Opal Rouleau - Played by Velocity
    Cassandra Lowell - Played by FedoraChar

    Felix Iba - Played by Saraibre Ryu <WIP>


    Jeanne Hemlock - Played by Velocity



    Dr. Travis Levi Jackson - Played by Death's Spook
    Felix Iba - Played by Saraibre Ryu

  2. #62
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    @Neo Emolga

    You know you could have spoken to Winter beforehand about this, considering she has been keeping in touch with these people outside of the forum.

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  3. #63
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Winter View Post
    @Neo Emolga

    You know you could have spoken to Winter beforehand about this, considering she has been keeping in touch with these people outside of the forum.
    Okay, normally I wouldn't do this, but it's been almost two months. That's... a really long time to keep people waiting. You said you were busy with other stuff, and that's totally understandable, that's why I decided to do this. I'm like on every day and visit multiple times so I could keep on top of this thing.

    Frankly, this is a GREAT RP. The storyline is fantastic and I'm itching for it to get started, but we're waiting on only two people and they really haven't been saying anything about how things are going with their SUs, so I'm wondering if they've forgotten. If they've dropped out of it but never said anything, we wouldn't know unless we started a roll call. You said you planned on bugging them soon anyway, so I figured it wouldn't hurt if I just jumped ahead and did it.

    Please, let's try to get the ball rolling on this one. I don't mean to be intrusive, I'm just trying to be helpful and proactive.

  4. #64
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    @Neo Emolga

    You think I don't know that's a long time? Trust me, I am well aware, and I'm just a tad frustrated things haven't gone as planned, however those unfinished SUs aren't the only thing holding RP start back. I have been struggling with work and homework, and a lack of motivation to do much writing when I even have free time because of that.

    My stating that I am busy, however, is not unspoken permission for you to hop on and start pinging people and trying to push things to get moving in my stead, especially considering you did not speak to me about doing so, nor did you have my permission. It's not as though I never log onto PXR, Skype, or more recently, Discord. You have plenty of ways to contact me to ask about the status of things, and you didn't do any of that. Instead, you decided to take matters into your own hands, which I find pretty rude when the previous is taken into consideration. I understand your enthusiasm for the RP, but I had already been speaking to the parties with unfinished SUs, and have been trying to find time and motivation to work on a first post, which you would have learned if you had taken a moment to ask me rather than assume, and post in my stead.

    I will continue to speak with those with WIP sign ups and attempt to get a first post going, but I'm kind of busy drowning in the flood of homework and job stress as well. I have three more weeks left in this school term. If it goes up before then, then it goes up before then, otherwise expect it after I am free from class. If you have any more inquiries to the status of the RP, please ask me.

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  5. #65
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Alright, I apologize, I didn't mean to make you upset and I definitely didn't mean to be rude. I guess we just have our own way of doing things.

    I think it's probably best I withdraw my sign up and drop out of this one. In light of this and some of the more recent conflicts, I think we just need our own space and I don't want the tension between you and I to get worse.

    Good luck with the RP and sorry to have been a bother...

  6. #66
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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    Alrighty everyone, I'm finally off from school and should have enough free time this week to finally get this off the ground. I apologize for the absolutely huge wait time, but for those of you still with this RP, expect the actual board to go up in the next week.

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  7. #67
    The Queen of Shaymin
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    Whoop whoop! I'm still on board and ready to go! Though I might be busy most of July.
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  8. #68
    Lizard Librarian FedoraChar's Avatar
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    Oh, hey, how did I miss this? :O But Yaaaay! I'm still on board! ^^

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  9. #69
    Ace Trainer Winter's Avatar
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  10. #70
    Lizard Librarian FedoraChar's Avatar
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    Woooo! I gotta figure out what I want to do... xD

    Any ideas on where Ryker could start? :o

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