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  1. #1
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
    Senior Administrator

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    Mar 2013
    New Jersey

    The Pikachu Survivor Game - ★Festive Pika Anarchy Edition!★




    Some time ago, I resurrected this crazy game to cause Pikachu mayhem all over PXR. And it was so great at doing that so I'm doing it again! So brace yourself for another insane and chaos-inducing round of awesome electric mouse mischief!

    If you're new to this whole escapade and have absolutely no clue what I'm talking about, oh, you're in luck! This is a fun, crazy, survival-based game where you need to outlast everyone else to win. So what's the goal? You just need to stay human and not get turned into a Pikachu! Ha, doesn't that sound easy!? Well, buddy, there's a big surprise behind that reality!

    And now, there's a second way to win if you're a feeling a little more naughty and feisty! Instead of trying to be the last human standing, you can go for the second victory condition! Be the Pikachu responsible for getting the most amount of humans transformed into other Pikachu! Just note that you can only add to this score while you're a Pikachu!

    If you're interested in joining the Pikachu Survivor Game just to see how nutty things can be with this whole game, you need to agree that it's okay for me to use my magical mod powers to change your signature banner and avatar. If you become a Pikachu during the game, your banner and avatar will be changed to reflect that, and you'll get to walk all over the forum as a Pikachu! You also have to stick with them until the game is over or you turn yourself back into a human. Don't worry, I make sure these banners and avatars look cool!

    Another fun reality is in previous games, people have joined just to get a Pikachu avatar and banner and had absolutely no intention of winning in the first place. This game is for you crazy kids too!


    New to PSG, there are tokens to win!

    Last Human Standing
    Be the last remaining human at the end of the game!

    Naughtiest Pikachu
    Be the Pikachu responsible for getting the most amount of humans transformed! Note that you can only work toward this victory condition while you're a Pikachu!

    Pika Flu Tactical Nuke Challenge Winner
    Win the craziness-inducing Pika Flu Tactical Nuke Challenge! A winner is you, Pikachu!

    These mystical tokens can be yours along with many other great prizes!


    Round 1 - The Nonexistent Tazz
    Round 2 - Will it be you!?


    First there were colds, coughs, fevers, and chicken pox, and you never really had a problem with those. But, when Pika Flu suddenly sprang up in your town, well, to put it mildly, your local CVS, Walgreens, or Rite-Aid didn’t exactly have anything to deal with it.

    The city where you live was suddenly struck by the mysterious sickness called Pika Flu, and when someone catches Pika Flu, they quickly find themselves permanently transformed into a Pikachu. In order to win the game, you need to be the last human standing, and the prize for this is being able to request banners from me at any time, but the real big prize is being able to get a good laugh out of reigning over your Pikachuized peers, or being the one mostly responsible for all that mischief!

    Most people would agree that the insanity of this game is where the fun really is, and there have been a LOT of many insane and completely hilarious moments in past renditions of this game.


    When the game first starts, everyone will get a probability number. Then, once every day (time may vary), a randomized roll will be made to see who becomes a Pikachu due to Pika Flu. If your number is rolled, congratulations! You're now a Pikachu! That can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on how you're trying to win!

    What makes it more exciting is that this daily roll isn't the only way you can become a Pikachu, and there's ways to screw around with the roll as well. Slow Action Pika Flu, which contestants can use against each other, works the same way. Once a person is infected with Slow Action Pika Flu, they have only three days (exactly 72 hours from when it was contracted) to get a Gold Elixir to remove the effect and remain human. If you don’t get a Gold Elixir before the time limit is up, those red cheeks, yellow fur, and thunderbolt-shaped tail should be a clear indication of what happened!

    Meanwhile, to protect yourself against the randomized roll, there are items such as Immunities and Guards. However, you need to remember these kinds of protections aren't permanent and can wear off with time and use, so you need a constant income of protection if you want to make it to the end. Also, despite the effect of items, the daily randomized roll will keep going until someone becomes a Pikachu.

    But, even if you do become a Pikachu, the game goes on! There are special items that only players that have become a Pikachu can get and use (besides the Blessed Cure that turns you back into a human). These Pikachu-specific items are great for those who want to unleash more havoc and sabotage on the remaining humans and even further havoc on their fellow Pikachu peers! Remember, just because you became a Pikachu doesn’t mean the game ends for you, and now in Round 2, being the Pikachu responsible for getting the most amount of humans also turned into a Pikachu makes you a winner also!


    To get your hands on protective items (or weapons to turn others into a Pikachu!), you need to participate and win challenges, which are based on trivia questions that can come from any subject. As for Blessed Cure challenges, these are 100% Pokémon related questions. That will be your only hint. Also, the more powerful an item is, the harder its questions will be. Remember, if you don’t know all the answers off hand (chances are good you probably won’t unless you’re extremely smart and/or have a crazy good memory), use Google, Bing, Wikipedia, or whatever else you can use to get them. There's really no way to cheat!

    There are three ways to submit answers to these trivia questions. The first and best way is to PM them, mainly because if your answers aren’t 100% right, you won’t be giving away potentially right answers to questions by revealing them to other people. Secondly, you can VM me the answers. And finally, the last but more riskier way is to post them in this thread, which arguably may be faster than PMing me. Whoever submits the right answers first out of all methods gets the item. Remember to answer fully also, as people in the past have lost out on items for forgetting to put details in their answers, or only answered one part of the question. Also, if you submit answers and at least one of them is wrong, I’m only going to tell you your answers are not 100% right. I won’t say which ones, you need to find that out on your own.

    In the rare case of two people getting the challenge correct at the exact same time (hey, it's happened!), there will be a sudden death challenge for the two participants. Only then will you post your answer instead of PMing it. That way, whoever posts the right answers first wins.

    Pikachu Challenges – These are special Pikachu-only challenges that only those that are a Pikachu can go for. These challenges are for the insane and great pleasure of turning the remaining humans into Pikachu as well, giving them more to be paranoid about! Did one of those naughty humans turn you into a Pikachu? Don’t just stand there, let them know how much fun they’re missing out on!

    If you're going for Pikachu Points to win through the second method and earn the Naughtiest Pikachu token, you're going to need a lot of these Pikachu Challenge items to wreck as much havoc on the humans as possible! Go for an all time high score! If you're the winner, it will be recorded for future rounds!

    Multi-Challenges - Often, two or even three challenges will be presented at the same time. If this is the case, pick the challenge you want to go for, but don’t try to answer more than one. Remember, you may only submit answers for one. Please, please, please, don’t submit answers for more than one challenge, because I won’t be able to take either of them and you’ll only find yourself missing out on all of them. If you win that challenge and you get the item, you will need to ignore the other challenge(s) and let other people go for it. This is done so that several people have better chances to get an item, rather than allowing one person to nab them all. But, say you submitted answers for Challenge 1 and someone else got it before you did, you can still try your luck at Challenge 2, and vice-versa. Also, if you’re human, you go for only Human Challenges (or the insane Pika Flu Tactical Nuke Challenges!) while if you’re a Pikachu, you only go for Pikachu Challenges and Blessed Cure Challenges).


    Immunities do two things. They protect you from Pikachu Rolls, and they prevent you from getting hit with Slow Action Pika Flu. Yes, they are extremely valuable and are the best prevention method to avoid getting hit with Pika Flu.

    Immunities last for a short while, but they give you infinite protection against Pikachu rolls for the time they last. During Pikachu Rolls, your number could be rolled a million times, but if you have an active Immunity for the day, you’ll be fine. However, once that Immunity’s time is up, it’s gone, and you’ll have to get a new one to continue the effect. Also, I’ll label the days the Immunity will be active. “ACTIVE IMMUNITY” means you possess an Immunity that will still protect against future Pikachu rolls. “EXPIRED IMMUNITY” means you had the Immunity for today’s Pikachu roll, but that roll for the day has passed and your immunity is considered to be used up and it won’t be there for tomorrow’s roll. But even if you have an Expired Immunity, you’re still protected from Slow Action Pika Flu for the rest of that day. Also, toward the end of the game, Immunities become more powerful and valuable than they were in the beginning as the probability of your number being rolled builds higher and higher as more and more people are turned into a Pikachu.

    Also, it is possible to extend an already existing Immunity by earning another one.

    Weak Immunity – Weak Immunities protect for one day. They're not very useful in the beginning of the game and you really won't see them then, but when the number of people remaining start thinning out, expect to see more of them as they become more valuable.

    Strong Immunity – Strong Immunities protect for two days. Other than that, they behave like a Weak Immunity. More of these appear mid-game.

    Mega Immunity – Mega Immunities protect for three days. Some will be offered in the beginning, but later on, they will stop appearing.


    Guards have no time limit like Immunities and last with you until you need them. However, they only work once per Guard. If you have a guard and your number is rolled, you will be protected for that one shot, though the Pikachu Roll will happen again even after the Guard is used up. They will save you from becoming a Pikachu as long as you have them with you. It is also possible to have multiple guards at once. Unfortunately, these don’t protect you from Slow Action Pika Flu, so be careful. You can still get hit with that even if you have a lot of guards. And if you don’t recover from it in time, you will ultimately lose your guards.

    Power Guard – The Power Guard will protect you from one Pikachu roll if your number comes up. However, if your number is rolled, the Power Guard is used up, and the roll takes place again.

    Avenger Guard – The Avenger Guard will protect you from one Pikachu roll. However, if the Avenger Guard is triggered by your number being rolled, it becomes an Immunity for the day and triggers a second Pikachu roll! Just note, these will only be offered in the beginning. Toward the endgame, I will stop having challenges for them. They are also pretty rare because of their devastating effect.

    If you happen to have Immunities and Guards at the same time, the hierarchy of what goes first if and when your number is rolled goes like this:

    1st: Immunities > 2nd: Avenger Guards > 3rd: Power Guards

    Which means your Immunities will protect your Avenger and Power Guards, but if you have no Immunities, your Avenger Guards will be used first before your Power Guards are. Power Guards are pretty much your last stand before becoming a Pikachu.


    These are all fun offensive devices to use against other contestants, like the sabotages in Cutthroat Kitchen. If you’re trying to win through the Last Human Standing method, why not take a few of them out to make it easier for you? Or, if you're trying to go for Naughtiest Pikachu, target yourself so you become a Pikachu faster and get a Pikachu Point for Pikachuizing yourself!

    Spear of Revenge - This brutal and favorite piece of hardware allows one person to select three people who they think would look much better as a Pikachu. After they’ve been selected, the next Pikachu roll occurs only between those three people, while everyone else gets to watch the show and root for their favorite contender! However, if any of these three victims have Guards or Immunities, they are still counted. This can be used to your advantage though if you’re clever with who you pick (i.e. It becomes a very effective way of cleaning out other people’s guards).

    And yes, you can use it on yourself if you're feeling crazy enough!

    Also, the Spear of Revenge cannot be held, it must be used instantly.

    Slow Action Pika Flu Syringe – Getting this allows you to give another player Slow Action Pika Flu. Give it to a friend or an enemy! They’ll become a cute Pikachu if they don’t a Gold Elixir in three days time. As bonus fun, you can use the Slow Action Pika Flu Syringe on yourself and that will count as a Pikachu Point for you if the Slow Action Pika Flu is what causes you to become a Pikachu! Also, it must be used instantly, and cannot be held to be used later. Remember, you can’t use this on someone who has Immunity at the moment.

    Pika Flu Tactical Nuke - I'm sure you know that something with a name like this is bound to be BIG. And you're right.

    The Pika Flu Tactical Nuke is the ultimate item for the insane, the psychotic, and those that want a little more attention out of life. It's also for people that are true Pikachu lovers, or just joined to get the Pikachu banner and avatar and felt like sharing that warm and fuzzy feeling with a few others.

    When you get the Pika Flu Tactical Nuke because people overestimated your sanity levels, you set off a massive detonation and launch an enormous mushroom cloud of Pika Flu into the air. Because you’re at ground zero, you instantly become a Pikachu. Congratulations! But, that’s not all! You also get to choose two other people to become a Pikachu with you as a little extra company to make sure you don’t get lonely. If they’re wearing guards or immunities, it doesn’t matter from the overwhelming, MASSIVE exposure to Pika Flu. And if that wasn’t enough, two other people in addition to that get Slow Action Pika Flu! Cool, eh? This is the only thing that can tear through Immunities, so let it loose!

    And it's also used instantly.


    Okay, so you don’t want to be a Pikachu after all…

    But you weren’t able to help it, or some mean or nasty psychotic person hit you with Slow Action Pika Flu and you’d like to get rid of it before you find yourself having to use your hands to climb a staircase. These are how you get cured!

    The Blessed Cure – This is undoubtedly the best item in the game (unless you’re crazy and think the Pika Flu Tactical Nuke is!). It’s also the only way to become a human again after becoming a Pikachu and it can give you a second chance at winning the Last Human Standing condition. If you win the Blessed Cure, you become human and you now have a chance to win again.

    Also, Blessed Cure Challenges only have Pokémon-related questions. That’s the only hint you’ll get. Also, you can’t participate in a Blessed Cure Challenge unless you’re a Pikachu. Unlike before, Blessed Cures won't clean up your Slow Action Pika Flu because you're not a Pikachu yet! You need Gold Elixir for that!

    Gold Elixir – If some crazy person hit you with a Slow Action Pika Flu Syringe or a totally insane psychopath used the Pika Flu Tactical Nuke and tagged you with Slow Action Pika Flu, this will help bail you out in time. Don’t wait too long to get it, or you will become a Pikachu.

    Gold Elixirs will also clear off any additional Chance Numbers you have had knocked onto you. The Pikachu have this tendency to want to increase your chances of becoming a Pikachu by whacking you with hammers (more on this comical mayhem below), which causes more numbers to be added to your name, thus increasing the chance you'll be hit by the daily Pikachu Roll. In addition to wiping off Slow Action Pika Flu, Gold Elixirs will also undo those added probability effects and will ensure your chances of getting hit by the daily Pikachu roll are minimized back to a single number.

    NOTE: You can only go for Gold Elixir challenges if you have Slow Action Pika Flu AND/OR you have the added Chance Numbers as a result of hammer-whacking.


    These are special items that only a Pikachu knows how to use. If you become a Pikachu, you can still be a second winner of the game by turning the other humans into Pikachu as well and getting a great laugh while you do it! And if one of those humans was responsible for you becoming a Pikachu, why not induce some great payback!? Let them know how much fun they’re missing out on! Meanwhile, included in this are items to help you block the other Pikachu from taking part in Blessed Cure challenges, in case you want to help your chances of becoming human to get another chance at winning with the first method, or if you just want to be a little naughty!

    The Volt Tackle Hammer – The Volt Tackle Hammer comes in three sizes, the Pichu Fun Size, the Pikachu Power size, and Big Papa Raichu size. Humans have never known that Pikachu can actually make these things, so maybe it's about time they learn something new today! In all scenarios, the hammer adds more Chance Numbers to a person’s name, which means they now have a much greater probability at being rolled when the Pikachu Rolls happen! Boy, won't that be a surprise!

    The Pichu Fun Size - This allows you to pick one human and add two more Chance Numbers to their name. So if their number was #10, they’re now #10, #11, and #12, greatly increasing the chances their name will be rolled during Pikachu rolls!

    The Pikachu Power Size – As an upgraded version of the Pichu Fun Size hammer, this allows you to hit a person with Slow Action Pika Flu. And if that wasn’t bad enough, they also get two more Chance Numbers to their name (as if they got hit by the Pichu Fun Size hammer) just to further increase their Pikachu chances. And to add even more to the fun, the people whose names appear above and below that person on the list of players get two more Chance Numbers added to their names as well! Share the joy!

    The Big Papa Raichu Size – Big, bold, and hearty, any Pikachu can have the thrill of a lifetime with this. When you get the Big Papa Raichu Volt Tackle Hammer, you select one person who better start liking the idea of having yellow fur. Depending on what the person has in terms of protective items, several outcomes may happen:

    If they have nothing – The Hammer adds one more fuzzy, yellow, electric rodent to the colony. Instant Pikachu, no questions asked. Welcome them to the family! And you get a Pikachu Point added to your name as well!

    If they only have Power Guards – The Hammer will destroy up to two Power Guards (if they only have one, the end effect is the same). Also, they get Slow Action Pika Flu on them, and they get five new Chance Numbers added to their name, raising their chance of getting hit with Pikachu Rolls to an astronomical level!

    If they only have Avenger Guards (and possibly Power Guards) – The Hammer immediately triggers their Avenger Guard to start a Pikachu Roll. They may not get Slow Action Pika Flu, but they still get five new Chance Numbers added to their name now. Also, you get a Pikachu Point for whoever the Pikachu Roll lands on because you triggered it!

    If they have Immunity (and possibly Avenger/Power Guards) – The Hammer slaps them with a whopping SEVEN new Chance Numbers added to their name, raising their probability of getting hit with Pikachu Rolls to a insanely and monstrously high level! That’s what they get for trying to resist Pika Flu!

    IN ALL CASES – the two people above and two people below the target’s name on the list of players are affected by the Big Papa Raichu sized Volt Tackle Hammer as well. The people directly above and below the targeted person get two Chance Numbers added to their name and get Slow Action Pika Flu as well (unless they have Immunity, in which case they only get the Chance Numbers). Meanwhile, the people two slots above the targeted person just get two more Chance Numbers added to their name. Fun for everyone!

    So the end result looks like this example:

    #1 Person A [+2 Chance Numbers]
    #2 Person B [+2 Chance Numbers & Slow Action Pika Flu]
    #3 Person C [TARGETED PERSON]
    #4 Person D [+2 Chance Numbers & Slow Action Pika Flu]
    #5 Person E [+2 Chance Numbers]

    Big Bag of Pikachu Candy – It's sweet, its tasty, and it keeps Pikachu enthralled in it and distracted to block them from getting Blessed Cure challenges. Who said Pikachu can’t take part in one of the best parts of Halloween? If you’re trying to go for a Blessed Cure, this will help you by blocking a few other Pikachu from getting the Blessed Cure challenges.

    When you win the Big Bag of Pikachu candy, you pick three fellow Pikachu to enthrall in its tasty and sugary goodness. The end result is those three Pikachu are blocked from taking part in the next Blessed Cure challenge. But this does NOT stop them from using Pikachu Weapons.

    The Challenge Trap – It’s like a mouse trap made by electric mice, but it works in reverse!

    This is a mean, mean trick you can use on people that just seem to be winning too many challenges or you want to laugh yourself silly at the ensuring paranoia. If you get the Challenge Trap, you can use it at any time you like, but once there are only three people remaining, it will disappear. This is definitely one of those things that can’t be taken into the endgame. When you want to use your Challenge Trap, you will silently and quietly create your own challenge with your own created questions and answers, and then secretly PM it to me (All of my challenges have three questions (save for the nuke), so follow that same format). When Challenge time comes around, your challenge will be up there and look like a very authentic one, but anyone who goes for it and submits all the right answers… will find themselves becoming a Pikachu instead!

    TIPS: This works better if you make questions similar to mine, rather than doing something totally different. Follow my pattern from past real challenges for maximum effectiveness. Also, be timely with how you use it, and don’t be too quick to use it right away. People will be paranoid of your Challenge Trap in the beginning, so wait for them to get their guard down and then unleash it!

    DEFENSE: Immunity will be your only protection against someone else’s Challenge Trap, whereas Challenge Traps kill guards and turn you straight into a Pikachu. If you submit correct answers via PM to a Challenge that’s actually a trap, but you have immunity on, you’ll get a message from me that the challenge is a fake (but it leaves the trap open to spring on someone else). However, if you post your answers in the thread itself (another reason to PM me!), Immunity won’t matter, since if I give any warning or do anything to the post, it will give the trap away.

    Also, DO NOT alert other people to the trap if you have Immunity on you and you got the secret Challenge Trap warning. If you give it away, everyone will thank you for volunteering to set the trap on yourself. You’ll become the Pikachu instead!

    So if you have Immunity and challenges are up and you think someone might be using a Challenge Trap, use PMs. Otherwise, you’ll be one very silly and VERY EMBARRASSED Pikachu when the trap goes off when you could have avoided it by simply PMing me!


    If you're going for the second victory condition and the Naughtiest Pikachu token (isn't it so shiny and cool!? You know you want it!), you need to rack up as many Pikachu Points as you can, which are earned by turning humans into Pikachu! Doing any of these fun and highly encouraged activities will add a Pikachu Point to your total:

    • You show the world how much of a charismatic role model you are and obtain the Pika Flu Tactical Nuke! The three Pikachu you make with it count to your Pikachu Point total! Yes, you get a Pikachu Point for turning yourself into a Pikachu!
    • Someone became a Pikachu because you put Slow Action Pika Flu on them through any number of fun and colorful methods. And yes, if you use it on yourself and that's what causes you to become a Pikachu, that counts as a Pikachu Point for yourself!
    • You use the Spear of Revenge as a human, target yourself, and the Pikachu Roll hits you!
    • Someone got hit with the Pikachu Roll and you were responsible for adding more Chance Numbers to their name! Such a model Chu colony citizen you are! If two Pikachu both put Chance Numbers on the same person and that person gets hit by the Pikachu Roll, they both get a Pikachu Point!
    • You whack an unprotected human with the Big Papa Raichu Volt Tackle Hammer! Aww, they're so cute, yellow, and fuzzy now! You also get a Pikachu Point if you trigger someone's Avenger Guard with it and cause another fun Pikachu Roll to land on someone! (note that you can't earn two Pikachu Points for one person in the case where you also put extra Chance Numbers on them and that particular Pikachu Roll hits them)
    • Your Challenge Trap springs on an unsuspecting human! Yell "surprise" and throw some confetti into the air!

    If you become a human through Blessed Cure, your Pikachu Points get reset to zero! So as a tip, it's a good idea to decide how you want to win early on! You can, however, still earn a Pikachu Point in the rare occasion that you gave someone Slow Action Pika Flu as a human and became a Pikachu before time ran out for them!

    FUN EXTRAS Randomizer – This is the random number generator I will be using throughout the game. So when lots of insanity happens, you know what to blame!

    Pikachu Emoticons – Made by Domie1337 of DeviantArt (Original link here), use these in place of normal smilies. These are much more fun and exciting, so go to town with them! All the crazy Pikachu smilies I've been using come from here, so this is where the credit goes.

    (Unfortunately, the Pikachizer has gone offline, but you're still highly encouraged to create fun Pika-speech on your own!)


    WARNING: If you become a Pikachu and you take off your Pikachu banner and avatar, that’s considered forfeiting from the game and you will no longer be allowed to participate (Again, it’s a part of the game!) And needless to say, doing this disheartens me a little. If you're trying to become a human again, just keep them on and wait for Blessed Cure challenges. They’ll come! Or you can still get in on the action by going for the Pikachu weapons too and maybe shooting for a high Pikachu Point score instead! So just keep your banner and avatar on, there’s still plenty you can do in this game even after becoming a Pikachu!

    And lastly, if you win this massive PSG round through either the "Last Human Standing" method or the "Naughtiest Pikachu" method, you’ll be able to request banners, avatars, buttons, or whatever from me, unchallenged and uncontested. I get lots of demand all the time, and each and every time, I need to decline it. But if you win, I have no problem at all fulfilling your requests. Also, you’ll get to laugh at the competition that got turned into cute, electric mice or feel accomplished by being the one responsible for causing the most havoc! Now who wouldn’t want that?

    So come on already and get in on the action!
    Last edited by Neo Emolga; 04-06-2016 at 03:58 AM.

  2. #2
    P i k a c h u Chakramaster's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Clinging onto Hope
    Yup! I'm all in for the crazy antics. Will I become a Pikachu or not? I'll leave all of that up to fate! It'll sure be different this time with the new way to win. That badge is almost calling my name xD

    i hope work doesn't get in the way too often ;-;

    The time is upon us...

    . Pika Pair with the yellow bundle of fluff Chibi Altaria..

  3. #3
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
    Senior Administrator

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    Mar 2013
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by Chakramaster View Post
    Yup! I'm all in for the crazy antics. Will I become a Pikachu or not? I'll leave all of that up to fate! It'll sure be different this time with the new way to win. That badge is almost calling my name xD

    i hope work doesn't get in the way too often ;-;
    IT BECKONS! And of course I expected you to be the first!

    #1 Chakramaster (NORMAL)
    #2 (OPEN) (NORMAL)
    #3 (OPEN) (NORMAL)
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    #12 (OPEN) (NORMAL)
    #13 (OPEN) (NORMAL)
    #14 (OPEN) (NORMAL)
    #15 (OPEN) (NORMAL)

    <None yet>

  4. #4
    SIGN. ME. UP. NOW. Pika pika pika CHU!
    "Be not the unremarkable tree of the forest, but the cherry blossom that stands alone."
    "I go to sleep one night, then I wake up in the middle of all this..."
    --PMD Stalkers

  5. #5
    P i k a c h u Chakramaster's Avatar

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    Jun 2014
    Clinging onto Hope
    @Neo Emolga well of course. I'm always at the ready for the next PSG *ignoring the last one where I came in late*

    I'm actually kind of curious how this is gonna turn out though. I kinda feel like this "new way to win" is gonna be more popular this time.

    The time is upon us...

    . Pika Pair with the yellow bundle of fluff Chibi Altaria..

  6. #6
    Uh, yeah? Don't get me wrong, i'm in it to win it... And this means Slow Action Flu and a Suicide Pikachu for major returns.
    "Be not the unremarkable tree of the forest, but the cherry blossom that stands alone."
    "I go to sleep one night, then I wake up in the middle of all this..."
    --PMD Stalkers

  7. #7
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
    Senior Administrator

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    Mar 2013
    New Jersey
    Mmm, more people enter the gauntlet! Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life!

    #1 Chakramaster (NORMAL)
    #2 Steven_Six (NORMAL)
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    #4 (OPEN) (NORMAL)
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    #11 (OPEN) (NORMAL)
    #12 (OPEN) (NORMAL)
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    #14 (OPEN) (NORMAL)
    #15 (OPEN) (NORMAL)

    <None yet>

  8. #8
    I shall try to fish up more interest, Commander Raichu!
    "Be not the unremarkable tree of the forest, but the cherry blossom that stands alone."
    "I go to sleep one night, then I wake up in the middle of all this..."
    --PMD Stalkers

  9. #9
    ♥ Sexy Kitties Caite-chan's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Vermillion City
    You know I'm in. :D
    VPP: Arcanine @ 6,700

    Pre'paired' for trouble with Neo Emolga!
    [ URPG Stats | VPP Stats | Living Shiny Dex (548) ]

  10. #10
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
    Senior Administrator

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by Caite-chan View Post
    You know I'm in. :D
    Mmm, and the day keeps getting better!

    #1 Chakramaster (NORMAL)
    #2 Steven_Six (NORMAL)
    #3 Caite-Chan (NORMAL)
    #4 (OPEN) (NORMAL)
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    #7 (OPEN) (NORMAL)
    #8 (OPEN) (NORMAL)
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    #11 (OPEN) (NORMAL)
    #12 (OPEN) (NORMAL)
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