Okay, this isn't exactly 'terrible' but it's another result of the weirdest online crusade anyone's ever led against me (and also like, the only one, but still). I got another stupid mocking guest review on my old story from 2012, ranting about the same exact thing 'Sally' and her followers have ranted to me about for frigging years. All these stupid reviews can be summed up as "Your ten-year-old main character didn't let the villains die so this story is stupid and u suck, racingwolf." I just have nowhere to rant about this and I have to get it out. Just like...why is this the hill they need to die on? Why is Sally, who is in her mid-thirties, concerned about something I wrote in 2012 being "worse" than her stories? Like I'm much younger than her and also the story's old. Seriously. And why the fascination with ten-year-olds deciding to let someone die? Science pls explain I'm so confused.