Recently I've been thinking a lot of about animal rights. I donate money when I can to shelters that are helping to keep animals off the streets and feed but really is it enough. Honestly what more could you do? The biggest animal group in the country is P.E.T.A. and the group seems kind of insane. But the more I think about it the more I think that P.E.T.A. is the product of a crazy world. P.E.T.A. looks at animals like they should be looked at, as an equal to us on the planet. To some extent people would agree with that. What does that really mean though? Would you protect an animal if it was getting harmed ? If so, why that animal ? what makes it different than what you're eating? If they see animals as say people then are there actions so insane. Starting fires, blowing up labs? I mean whats the loss of one person especially if that person is the one killing and testing the animals for a living ? This whole thing falls into the gray area.

First off, im not a vegan like my roommate. I also have unfortunately watched the videos of what is done to my food and it was heartbreaking. The problem here is animals are food and that is convenience which will never change. Unless all the animals are wiped out. So how can animals truly have rights ? how can you help out in a way that makes its seem like you are doing real good?