I think I'll start doing these update statuses/news posts once every month so people know what's going on with the comic and all. These posts will go over the current update schedule, any important announcements, and even a monthly question/mini-contest/etc. for people and such.

Note: You are more than welcome to post here!

Current Update Status

Updates are once again back to the weekly update schedule. All pages will be posted on Fridays at 12:01 AM Central time. Any bonus updates (read below) will be uploaded on Tuesdays. With Spring Break on the way, I'm expecting no delayed or missed updates this month.

Buffer Status

I've got a buffer to last for the first half of this month. I should be able to stock up on buffer pages over spring break though!


I plan on hosting semi-weekly livestreams where I force myself to be productive. These streams will usually consist of getting at least one PRS page done followed by either more PRS or other art. The current plan is to host these on Friday evenings starting around 8 PM Central time and going for about as long as my shoulder can manage. Feel free to drop by- the more the merrier!

Bonus Updates

Since PXR is trying to get the comic forums a little more active, I'm going to give you guys a little challenge- not unlike the hiatus challenge in November/December. For every 50 posts made in my section, I will add an extra page to the end of the current buffer. So, if we hit 50 posts and there are 3 pages in the buffer, the Tuesday following that 3rd page will be the bonus update. Should we somehow get 100 posts within a week, I'll add a bonus page after the next regular update (2 updates max per week!)

And yes, my own posts count for this- so I'll be helping you guys out with that.

Monthly Mini-Contest

Every month I'll try to do some little community thing with a small reward for whoever wins. This month's challenge/contest is to write your theory on Naya's past! (And for that one person I know has been told about this, you're banned from this one! Sorry!)

Prize: A quick doodle/drawing of a character of choice.