Welcome to the PXR Help Desk. This thread is for posting questions or seeking help(not pokemon related). So feel free to post any question or ask for help with any problem (Video Games, Anime, heck even life questions.)

Help Desk Form
Name: Who are you? User name of course
Problem: What is the problem or question.
Possible Solutions: What have you tried to do to fix the problem
Time Frame: If this question is time sensitive please post that so anyone seeing will know

* Follow Basic PXR Rules.
* Show Respect to everyone who posts.
* Do not post more than one question at a time.
* Do not ask questions about illegal cheat devices, cheat codes or anything thats illegal in general.
* Do not post about other forums, or about Personal Drama.
* Only ask questions that have a possible solution. This Thread is not for complaining. It is just for simple questions that dont warrant a new thread.
* If your question is not answered in a week you may bump it.
* Please try to be helpful if you are going to respond.
* Only post serious questions. Spamming the thread will result in a warning.