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  1. #421
    ERROR! DOES NOT EXIST! The Nonexistent Tazz's Avatar
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    time for new leads.

    Interview 55. Wandon the Octillery. Hello, there. I'm just wondering if you know anything regarding these thrice-darned Stalkers or any other odd things happening about Silvercoal.

    Avatar by the incredibly awesome Neo Emolga.

    Zigzagoon: Hatch @8,669; Linoone @ Level 100: 8,829

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  2. #422
    Eldritch_Angel LKWayvern's Avatar
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    I would like to use Diplomacy on Giji the Nuzleaf.
    Avatar made by Neo Emolga.

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  4. #423
    The Known Stranger Morzone's Avatar
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    Time to act on my hunch, I'll be searching the Windstone Housing Project Floors 1-10 (61a) today


  5. #424
    Experienced Trainer pokemon trainer Felix's Avatar
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    Hello have you heard about anything unusual or stalker related?

  6. #425
    taking flight! VeloJello's Avatar
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    My heart is in several places and all of them are fictional. u^u

    Urgh, these Wing Cuffs still feel gross. This Stalker stuff just doesn't wash out, I guess.

    Excuse me, Elton, could I get a few minutes of your time? I know that we've been prying into your business a lot, but your cooperation could mean life or death for this town's citizens. Could you tell me who these Wing Cuffs belong to? They look like they're shaped for some sort of unusual wing, but I don't know how to tell what kind of Pokemon might own them. Also, do any of your clients come around especially often? As in, often enough to get a discount for their frequent business?

    Really, I know these are some weird questions, but I promise, if you answer honestly, you'll be helping a lot of Pokemon.

    Interview 66. Elton the Grotle, taking the Wing Cuffs with me.

    Button by K'sariya!

    URPG Stats!

    Paired with noob dummy crazy kid rad friend Nar.

  7. #426
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chakramaster View Post
    Let's try this again shall I? Continue searching the Power Plant

    Search: (91g) Silvercoal City Synth Power Plant: Synchronization Towers, Upper Levels
    You arrive at the Silvercoal City Synth Power Plant, deciding to investigate the upper levels of the synchronization towers. Even from a first glance, the heavy-duty technology that goes into this power plant is quite impressive and you know the humans back home would love to figure out how this kind of technology works.

    As you can easily tell, this power plant never stops operating and not only supplies the power for Silvercoal City, but has more than enough to circulate energy into the power grid for the neighboring cities as well. Almost all of the heavy metal equipment and electronics is beyond your knowledge, but you still can't help but be impressed with the level of technology involved and how much more advanced it is.

    While searching around the synchronization towers, you can see the metals involved seem to be made of a previously unknown metallic alloy that can resist and contain the fusion power that goes into the synchronization process. You also can't see what the actual process looks like, but you can hear it and it echoes with a low hum.

    As you search along the metallic, grated catwalk suspended above the ground, you see something that catches your eye that has fallen between two pipe networks. It seems to be a shiny, ocean-blue rock of sorts, which seems out of place for a heavy industrial site like this. You climb down from the catwalk and reach out for the gemstone with your small, yellow paw. You inspect the stone, identifying it as an aquamarine. How it ended up here is a solid question, but you decide to take it with you.

    Item [Uncut Aquamarine] was added to the Team Inventory.

    It seems like the gemstone hasn't been cut or shaped into a jewelry stone yet, so you're wondering who might have dropped this here recently.

    You check the rest of the site, but all you really find is more complicated synchronization technology and more pipes, wires, chambers, and other machines and metallic components that only someone with a serious expertise in engineering would understand. Still, you can't help but be impressed at the size of it all.

    After feeling like you've checked everything here, you decide to head back with your findings.

    Zeal the Pikachu (S: Electric)
    Health: 4/4
    Sanity: 4/4
    Perk: Security | Learned Abilities: Investigate
    Failed Assassinations: 0/2

  8. #427
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scytherwolf View Post
    Well, there's nothing else I can do but rest now.
    Being back at the hideout never felt so welcoming. You're still shaken and trembling on edge after what just happened, but you're feeling at least better than you did before. Even though the sun just came up, you're mentally exhausted and you're still hearing creepy voices flooding in your mind. But after getting into bed and shutting your eyes, you're at least able to expel some of those dark influences.

    Carly has recovered 1 Point of Sanity.

    You're still feeling uneasy when you wake up, but at least it's not nearly as bad as it was before. You still feel anxious and it's as if you've adopted that childhood fear of being afraid of the dark again, but thankfully the insanity that was plaguing you before has begun to drift away.

    Carly the Heracross (M: Bug/Fighting)
    Health: 5/5
    Sanity: 1/4
    Perk: Science | Learned Abilities: Rescue/Escape
    Failed Assassinations: 0/2

  9. #428
    Senior Moderator EmeraldSky's Avatar
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    Lita the Ninja-chu heads out in an attempt to save Katzu
    Everyone has a dream that fills their heart. A journey they must take. A destiny to fulfill. As close as your imagination exists a magical place, where wondrous creatures with incredible powers help make dreams come true. It's the world of Pokemon!!"

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  11. #429
    Cheers and good times! Neo Emolga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Nonexistent Tazz View Post
    time for new leads.

    Interview 55. Wandon the Octillery. Hello, there. I'm just wondering if you know anything regarding these thrice-darned Stalkers or any other odd things happening about Silvercoal.
    Interview Rapport: POSITIVE
    +1 Shared Pokémon Type (Water)

    You find Wandon the Octillery working at the Silvercoal City Shipyard as a dockhand. As you can tell, the job involves a lot of physical labor and it has Wandon loading and unloading supplies both into the water and on land. You approach him and introduce yourself. It's only morning but it looks like Wandon has already had a rough day so far.

    "As you can see, Tazz, I'm pretty busy here," he tells you, looking at you like you should have seen that before.

    He grumbles under his breath and you make out only a few works like "Quei" and "slavedriver" but you're not able to understand the whole sentence. But, regardless of that, you definitely don't envy his line of work. You decide to pursue your question about the Stalkers.

    "Just when you thought things couldn't get worse..." Wandon grumbles to you as he uses his tentacles to lift a waterproof-sealed crate onto the pier. "I essentially keep my distance from everyone. Because that's what I've always done before and it's served me well. Certainly not about to change."

    "Odd things?" Wandon tells you as he looks over the freight manifest to verify the shipment. "Quei. He's an 'odd thing.' Yeah, he's my supervisor. He's got so many connections it sickens me. And he talks about everyone behind their back. I'm sure he's talked about me while he has nothing better to do than watch me, even though he's got the muscles around here to lift this stuff up better than I can. He spreads around all the things nobody needs to know about, but I think it's a ploy. He pretends to be this nice guy but he's done some shady things in the past. I think he gets it from Dakku. His boss. It's some inane food chain and of course, I'm at the bottom."

    He tells you to hold onto for another minute while he heads underwater to retrieve another shipping crate from a large freighter ship that has been docked. After a few minutes, he comes back with another crate. It seems to be another gray, water-sealed crate with several codes on it.

    "Still here, huh?" Wandon asks. "Listen. Do me a favor and talk to Dakku. Yes, about Quei. I can't talk to her because I'm under him and it looks suspicious and as crappy as this job is, I can't afford to lose it and squirm around looking for something else. She's his boss and I haven't seen her too many times, but she doesn't take lip from anyone. She's got an ego, but she'll stand her ground and won't bend over for anyone. Maybe it's about time someone goes to the top and gets the real answers. Just don't tell her I told you to talk to her for Arceus's sake."

    "Well, I have to get back to this crap," Wandon tells you, sighing as he reviews the freight manifest again to verify the container codes. "Let me know if anything interesting happens after you talk to her."

    He then dives down into the water to continue unloading the freight contents.

    Tazz the Suicune (L: Water)
    Health: 6/6
    Sanity: 2/4
    Perk: First Aid | Learned Abilities: Restrain
    Failed Assassinations: 0/2

  12. #430
    Reach for the Stars ~★ Chibi Altaria's Avatar
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    On a fluffy cloud of cotton-candy.
    I'm supposed to go check out the trapdoor at the (72) Electrical Substation (Abandoned). Need to steel my resolve!

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