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Crossroads Comics #160 – Banette Daily

It’s Tuesday which means it’s time for Crossroads Comics!

This week we’re taking a look at another daily blog called Banette Daily. Similar to last week, this is just a casual blog that posts daily Banette doodles! They’re pretty consistent and even do some prompt based doodles of Banette interacting with other Pokémon. It’s really wholesome content that I love to see crossing my dash each day and I hope you enjoy it too!

Next week we’ll get back to properly analyzing some comics, but until then, enjoy these cute Banettes and the rest of this week’s lineup!

Crossroads Comics
Ask Lucky’s Travels No need to be sarcastic, Seishieon.
Land-Shaymin Watch the spines!
PMD: Chanterelle Fighting montage time?
PMD: Crossroads Are we finally going to get some answers?
PMD: Explorers of Life Type matchups mean nothing here.
PMD: Sky High Yoink!
PMD: Wildfire A stroke of kindness!
The Shaymin Café An alternate reality!

ComicFury Comics
Across the Divide It’s Nutmeg’s time to shine!
Dear Sergio Oh no poor Sergio!
Moonblast There’s a bit of a reluctance there.
Monty and Millie Glad to see Monty stepping in!
Pi and Pea’s Adventures The dragons are down but the battle is not over!
PMD: Boundless Adventures All suited up!
PMD: Gleaming Hearts Something of concern?

Deviantart Comics
PMD: Explorers of Shadows The seeds of worry have been sewn.
Pure Light Careful not to overwhelm the guy.
The Nateventure Whoopsie!
Timetale This doesn’t bode well.
Undertow At least he’s self aware.
Wanted! – Pokémon Colosseum Nuzlocke Because this couldn’t get any worse!
What the Water Gave Me All the warm and fuzzies from this guy.

Off-site Comics
Ask Eden Berry is a so sassy!
Ask King Zamazenta As receptive as ever.
Ask Savel Good for Lucky!
Ask the Traveller Spooky’s kind spirit is still in there!
Ask Willow Leafeon What a sweet family!
Connected Space Uh-oh, that there is a language barrier!
Fallen Leaf What a well done animation!
Team Next-Gen Oh precious Kenneth.

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