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Electric Sneak Peek on Good Morning America #Pokemon25 UPDATE

Katy Perry
Want a sneak peek for Katy Perry’s single?

Then Good Morning America got you covered! You can catch a small preview of the music video for Electric on Good Morning America.

The music video covers Katy Perry’s beginnings as a young girl playing music at farmer’s market. Though, you can see that she is joined by Pikachu and Pichu.

Katy Perry’s Electric will be one of the many songs that will kick off the celebration playlist for Pokemon’s 25th anniversary. This song and many others will be on the Pokémon 25: The Album.

Below is the preview that aired on Good Morning America this morning.

UPDATE: Katy Perry on her Twitter account has also release another sneak peek giving the details of her music video.

The full music video and song will drop tonight at midnight on YouTube.

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