Quote Originally Posted by Scytherwolf View Post
First I'll workout and then search
(31) Slippy Bleeps National Central City State Memorial Municipal Park (CANDY) - (31) Center area paths and tree stuff!
DOOOOOM! DOOOOOOOO- oh, I mean... sure.


Those Squawkers! You let the hate flow through you. You feel its dark tendrils wrapping around your soul, and you let loose an unholy shriek of pain and suffering that rushes across the land and begins the harvesting of souls and bodies! Nothing stands in the way of your doom campaign and your unending onslaught of... just kidding, you run crazy miles on that treadmill, bust a move on that stairmaster until it breaks, and then do a thousand bench presses... with your tongue! Boy, was that fun or what!?

Carly has ruined reality and has dropped 2 Belly points and 2 Overwhelming Cuteness points!

Mmmm, you feel better! Ready to go rockin' and rollin'!


It's a lovely, romantic night! Why not utterly ruin it by checking out Slippy Bleeps!? Just kidding, it's not that bad. Maybe. Well, your guess is as good as mine! Just kidding again, my guess is ALWAYS better! Nah ha ha!

You stalk through the night and you arrive at Slippy Bleeps National Central City State Memorial Municipal Park, where everything is lovely and smothered with fuzzy, tasty cotton CANDY! Hey, why not try a bite?

@Krazy Cotton Candy Jamboree - FLYING (+1 Belly)@

Carly has gained 1 Belly Point!

Mmm, ifs suu fwauffy ahn sawft! You munch on that stuff and thankfully, it's not too filling. Be happy it's Cotton Candy Jamboree and not Rocky Road Ice Cream Slathered On Oreo Cheesecake Jamboree!

You search around through the night, checking every fluffy tree, fluffy bush, yellow brick road, People magazine, the insides of your shoes, and the inside of every toilet paper roll. At first, it doesn't seem like much is here, besides fluffy, fluffy cotton candy everywhere! Yeah, there's plenty of that, but eventually, you find the outright WEIRDEST thing. It looks like some really huge, enigmatic labyrinth vault of secrets and mysteries! And wow, what a security system! Doesn't look like it's going to open with a simple knock! Noooo, you need not one, not two, but three strange codes! And if that's not enough, there's a hookup for a power cell and then a codex unit! Wow, you REALLY wonder what the deal with this is!

{Crypto Cache Secured Vault: Decrypted Code #1 AND Decrypted Code #2 AND Decrypted Code #3 AND Supercharger Giga Power Cell AND Enigmatic Power Codex Unit}

Weird stuff! You really wonder what's behind that vault door, but... geez, hate to say it, but even asking pretty please with sugar on top is a request that I'll have to DENY. You can't bribe me! No... nope, no-no-no.

You decide to head back to Peep Base! Before all the good beds are taken!

Carly the Courageous Growlithe (M: Fire)
Classy: Slappy Happy Classy
Style: Trigger Happy (2 DMG, 100% CoH)
Goodies #1: <Empty>
Goodies #2: <Empty>
Belly: 4.5/10
Overwhelming Cuteness: 2/10
Groovy Abilities: Reincarnate | Perky Stuff!: Memes