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  1. #311
    Name: Kinnie Gutamen
    Location: Route 203
    Pokémon: (6/6)
    | Hannig♂ | 18/18
    | Vilne♂ | 8/8
    | Fiona♀ | 5/5
    | Guinness♂ | 18/18
    | [no name]♀ | 5/5
    | [no name]♂ | 6/6
    Items: x1,
    Total Posts: 35
    Points: 69

    A few things happened at once, including multiple strings of conversation, which bombarded Kinnie's brain as she tried to separate each one. Tony, New Girl, Amy, her strange living cone with teeth, and the voice of someone she didn't know.

    From nearby burst a small quadruped pokemon with a coat of a golden sheen and white fluff on its chest and head. It gave a small yip and vanished into the grass again as who Kinnie assumed was the pokemon's trainer stepped out of the brush looking mildly flustered.

    "Hey, mind giving me a hand?" she asked, not targeting anyone in particular. "She enjoys me chasing her, but chooses the worst times to run..."

    Kinnie stared, unsure what was going on. A beat passed and she turned back to Amy.

    "How shall I beware her shyness?" she questioned quietly, wondering how it would warrant additional care. She slowly reached a hand out to stroke the side of the creature on her yellow pelt.

    "Rot-grotle," barked Hannig as he trundled toward the newly appeared girl, then brushed past her after the golden pokemon.

  2. #312
    The Queen of Shaymin
    Noblejanobii's Avatar
    Site Editor


    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Hunter (18/18)
    [Croconaw, Male]
    Cordelia (16/16)
    [Staravia, Female]
    Cato (7/7)
    [Bidoof, Male]
    Terry (7/7)
    [Piplup, Male]
    Karl (10/10)
    [Kricketot, Male]
    Martini (7/7)
    [Cyndaquil, Female]
    Partner Pokemon: Freya the Snorunt
    Location: Jubilife City
    Items: x5 Pokeballs
    Points: 16

    Freya began to tremble under Kinnie's touch. She chattered her teeth but slowly calmed down after a few beats. "Like that. I was worried she might lash out at you since she doesn't know you."

    Amy stopped talking when she heard a trainer shouting at her pokemon to stop running. The shiny growlithe burst forth from the grass before darting back in. The trainer looked to the group for help and Amy was happy to oblige. "Maybe if we can surround it, the growlithe still stop playing around. If you have any starly or staravia too maybe that could help corner it!" Amy took a pokeball off her belt and unleashed Cordelia.

    "Staaarrr!" Cordelia spread her wings before looking to Amy for directions.

    "Chase after that Growlithe. Try to get ahead of it and send it back this way!" Cordelia nodded and sped after the Growlithe, trying to outpace it.
    / / / / / / / /
    Avatar by Soggymint
    Double Agents with Suicune's Fire

  3. #313
    Name: Kinnie Gutamen
    Location: Route 203
    Pokémon: (6/6)
    | Hannig♂ | 18/18
    | Vilne♂ | 8/8
    | Fiona♀ | 5/5
    | Guinness♂ | 18/18
    | [no name]♀ | 5/5
    | [no name]♂ | 6/6
    Items: x1,
    Total Posts: 36
    Points: 70

    Amy pulled away shortly after Kinnie had brushed a hand down the cone pokemon's side, addressing the newly arrived human woman. Kinnie accepted it and listened to what Amy had to say. It was then that she noticed Hannig wandering off in the direction that the growlithe, as Amy had called it, had run.

    "Hannig," she called softly, breathing a sigh. She gave the small pokemon in Amy's arms a quick glance before she broke into a short run to catch up with her grotle. "I did not order you to follow that creature."

    Her grass-type didn't even acknowledge her presence as he kept moving, which Kinnie didn't know how to react to. She figured she might as well follow along with his plan considering how important he seemed to think it was. She reached for another poké ball at her side and tapped it so it enlarged, then pressed the button. She stood still while the energy spilled out and formed her shinx. Hannig kept moving.

    "Shii!" called the blue electric type, glancing up to the clear sky.

    "Vilne, I need you to help track down a growl-it," she instructed. "Hannig is on its trail already. It's gold and uses four legs when travelling."

    Vilne gave a nod and took off after Hannig, overtaking him relatively quickly. Kinnie glanced over her shoulder to see who else had joined the hunt.

  4. #314
    Gym Leader AWA1997's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Larvitini Cave, Tohjo Falls
    Name: Tony Joy
    Team Status:
    Zuko (♂) (5/5)
    Ifrit (♀) (5/5)
    Eunomos (♂) (6/6)
    Vedfolnir (♂) (5/5)
    Wishpoosh (♂) (5/5)
    Thor (♂) (0/8)
    Location: Route 203
    Items: 1 pokeball
    Points: 15

    "That's good to hear." he told Pali. "No, I'm not adopted, I just take after my dad. It's my younger sister that takes after our mom." he explained. He turned to Amy and was about to say thanks when the woman and the golden growlithe appeared. Tony looked at the monkey pokemon that was on his back. "Ifrit, go help turn the growlithe around." "Chim!" she said, giving a small salute before jumping through the trees to catch up.

  5. #315
    Name: Matthias Grand
    Trainer Card: Matthias Grand Trainer Card
    Team Status:
    ((())) ^^^^@@@@oOOo
    Instinct (5/5) _ Kid (5/5) _ Sniper (5/5) _ Bienie (5/5)
    Spinarak Egg (21 of 22 posts to hatch)
    Items: Pokeballs (2), Revive (1)
    Points: 75
    Current Location: Route 203

    It appeared that the chase was on. A golden growlithe was happily running around barking, whilst various Trainers sent out Pokemon, who seemed to be enjoying the chance to run around.

    Matthias sat back and grinned. No-one was going to tell that growlithe what to do. It would run and be free until it decided that it wanted to stop. He had no desire to make it stop running.

    Still, that growlithe's trainer looked like she needed help so Mathias decided to see if he could convince the growlithe to stop for a bit.

    He gathered the leftovers he was sharing and found a deliciously aromtic stew in a covered bowl.

    "Kid, can you heat this up for me, Please" he called up to the Chimchar, who was still acting as lookout up in a tree. The chimchar climbed down and soon had a wonderful smelling steam coming off the soup.

    "Sniper, come back!" The Starly flew down from where t had been circling. "Use a gentle gust attack to waft the smell of the stew towards the growlithe, please."

    Matthias then prepared to defend his food stash against the growlithe.

  6. #316
    Ace Trainer Lychee's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Trainer Palila Rae
    Location: Route 203
    Team: Rowlett (5/5) Starly (5/5)
    Partner Pokemon: --
    Items: --
    Points: 51 (+1) Posts: 8

    Palila raised an eyebrow at Amy, who somehow participated in the conversation with Tony while completely ignoring her- and was spouting some terribly cliche buzzwords about friendship and teamwork. Tony's explanation did make sense though, about his own family.
    You've only known this guy what, a few days? You can't sincerely be sure of anything about him yet... She mused internally, watching Amy pat Tony on the back, then offer a frightened pokemon towards another trainer to pet. She grimaced a little, but the expression was not noticed by anyone (thankfully) as a shiny growlithe burst forth from the bushes, and then a flustered trainer appeared too.

    After she explained herself, Palila turned back towards Nathan.
    "Oh, uh, you are Nathan, then?" She asked, hypothetically, since they hadn't been introduced but he had already been referenced by Sophie. "I can't say that I'm gonna stick together in one big gang with everyone here all the time, but like, c'mon man, whether I like it or not I'm now one of this motley crew of wormhole-homeless kids. And some of them seem hopelessly naive! I'm not just gonna scram." She tried to reassure him in her own way.

    Now that the other crowds of small capturable pokemon were gone, nearly all the trainers turned their attention to the growlithe chase in some way.
    So far there was a Staravia, Shinx, Grotle and Chimchar giving chase, as well as another Chimchar and Starly making some sort of enticing food-ambush. It smelled delicious, and Palila was glad she'd just eaten. She chuckled and watched the long grass shake as the pokemon ran in and out of the trees at various speeds a little bit like a scooby-doo cartoon. It reminded her of her little brothers, and she dug around in her jacket for the two pokeballs she already had.
    Upon opening both Pokeballs, it appeared that Starly was asleep.
    "Wha?" Palila quickly put the Starly back into its pokeball, embarassed. Maybe throwing a pokeball that hard really HAD knocked the pokemon out!
    "Well, do you want to play tag, at least?" She offered the bewildered Rowlett that was awake, and it sedately cheeped, taking flight and joining in, flying along behind the crowd of pokemon but not overtaking anyone.

    "Hey Shiny trainer chicka! Wanna come over here away from the long grass? Without your pokemon, you're shark bait right now- plus theres a bit of a stampede." Palila waved down the mysterious stranger- still with an ear towards Nathan, in case he had anything more to say.
    Last edited by Lychee; 03-03-2019 at 11:15 PM.

  7. #317

    Drake Annan

    Grookey (15/15), Sunny(15/15), Throt (15/15), Barrel (15/15), Surge (15/15)

    Drake ran through the tall grass shouting.
    " Grookey! Grookey!"

    The little monkey swung around just above him.

    "Real funny mister! Get down here!" He called out tripping over as he tried to call the slightly wild grass type back.

    As he lay face first in the mud a flash of light near by caught his eye. Grookey jumped down from the branch landing near his trainer.
    "Grooo" It asked its head turned sideways

    Drake cleaned off his face but some of his hair was still sticking up. He sat up.
    "Yeah Im not sure either."

    Grookey jumped on his back and the two made there way to the light. All of sudden a person shot out of the portal.

    "Whoa !" Drake said excited

    "What the heck was that." He made his way over towards the swirling light but it was gone when he got there. He then turned his attention on the person so he started to look around for the trainer. As he made his way through the treeline he noticed a group of trainers. He waited as he wasnt sure who they were or which one of them had come through the portal. After wild pokemon came flooding out of the forest from what might have been that portal Drake made his way out of the treeline with Grookey on his back.

    "Uhh hey everyone!" He smiled nervously

    "Did you guys happen to see that crazy light swirl in the sky?" He said looking back towards where at it had been.

    "How rude of me! Im Drake Annen." He said turning red.

    He then walked around extending his hand to greet them.

    Proud partner with @Pokemon Trainer Sarah


    Gible bite's Comic

    GCEA Trainer Links based on title characters

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  8. #318
    Name: Matthias Grand
    Trainer Card: Matthias Grand Trainer Card
    Team Status:
    ((())) ^^^^@@@@oOOo
    Instinct (5/5) _ Kid (5/5) _ Sniper (5/5) _ Bienie (5/5)
    Spinarak Egg (22 of 22 posts to hatch) (Hatching post)
    Items: Pokeballs (2), Revive (1)
    Points: (76 - 59) = 17
    Current Location: Route 203

    A new trainer showed up and introduced himself as Drake. He was asking about the portal in the sky.

    "Hi, I am Matthias. Yes we know about these portals. Did you just come through one too? Where are you from? And what kind of Pokémon is that?" he asked looking at the strange green monkey. "I have a monkey too, but he is a fire type."

    A sudden *Crack* sounded from inside Matthias’ backpack.

    ‘Uh-oh, something broke’ he thought. "Hang on a second Drake. I think something may have broken in my backpack."

    Matthias took off his backpack to examine his belongings. On opening the backpack he release a foul smell into the air.

    “Eww, yuck what is that?” he said as he burrowed through the backpack. Then he saw it, and forgot all about Drake or anything else except the egg.

    The Pokémon egg he had been given was cracked, but nothing was moving within. He pulled it out and saw the large black crack in the egg and covered his nose at the awful smell coming out of it.

    “There is something wrong with my egg!” he called out, not sure what to do.

    He felt a small hand tugging at his belt.

    “Squirtle?” said Instinct, looking up at Matthias with a concerned look in her eyes. “Squirt?”

    “I don’t think this egg is going to hatch, Instinct!" Matthias said gently to the concerned Pokemon, "Something seems very wrong!”

    “Squirtle! Squirtle squirtle!” Instinct said holding her hands out for the egg.

    "Are you sure?" Instinct nodded and pointed at the egg. Matthias handed the egg to the squirtle.

    Instinct carried the egg over to a soft patch of grass and laid it down. “SQUIRTLE!” she cried out loud. “Squirtle, squirt squirt”

    Matthias’ other Pokémon came to see what the problem was and the four Pokémon had a quick conference.

    “Squirtle, squirt!” “Doof Doof, Bidoof.” “Chimchar, Chim Chim Chimchar?” “Starly, star!” “Squirtle! Squirt squirtle, Squirtle!”

    Instinct reached out to the egg and placed her hand on it. “Squirtle?” she said to the other Pokémon. Clearly asking them a question.

    Kid walked up and placed both his hands on the egg. With a serious look on his face he confidently said “Chimchar!” and nodded to Squirtle.

    Bienie walked up the egg and rested his nose on it. “Bidoof!”

    Sniper walked hopped over and rested her beak on the egg. “Starly!”

    They then gave a cry in unison. “Squirtle”, “Chimchar”, “Bidoof”, “Starly” and something strange started to happen.

    A strange yellow glow emanated from each of the four Pokémon. The glow wound its way around each Pokémon and linked with the glow of each other Pokémon. The strange energy combined and then descended onto the egg.

    All four Pokémon and the egg were all glowing. The glow increased in intensity. The four Pokémon cried out again. “Squirtle”, “Chimchar”, “Bidoof”, “Starly”. The blow brightened and glowed with such intensity that Matthias was forced to look away.

    Through the closed eyes he could make out the cries of his Pokémon, different but somehow familiar. From the intense bright light came the cries, “Wartortle”, “Monferno”, “Bibarel”, “Staravia” along with a new weak voice, “Spinarak”.

    Evolution and Hatching forms:

    Pokémon You're Evolving: Instinct the Squirtle
    Pokémon it Evolves Into: Wartortle
    Evolution Point Requirement:16
    Points On-Hand: 76
    Points After Evolution: 60
    Link to stats:

    Pokémon You're Evolving: Kid the Chimchar
    Pokémon it Evolves Into: Monferno
    Evolution Point Requirement: 14
    Points On-Hand: 60
    Points After Evolution:46
    Link to stats:

    Pokémon You're Evolving: Bienie the Bidoof
    Pokémon it Evolves Into: Bibarel
    Evolution Point Requirement: 15
    Points On-Hand: 46
    Points After Evolution: 31
    Link to stats:

    Pokémon You're Evolving: Sniper the Starly
    Pokémon it Evolves Into: Staravia
    Evolution Point Requirement: 14
    Points On-Hand: 31
    Points After Evolution:17
    Link to stats:

    Pokemon Hatching: Spinarak
    Post Requirement: 22
    Link to Post: tournament reward

    The glow faded and Matthias looked at his Pokémon team. The light had changed them, forcing them into more powerful form of themselves. In their midst was a tiny little green spider, sitting the remnants of the broken egg shell.

    Matthias pulled out his Pokedex to get details about the little spider. *Spinarak* It sets a trap by spinning a web with thin but strong silk. It waits motionlessly for prey to arrive.* the Pokedex also indicated that was an extra small size Pokémon. Spinaraks usually measure about a foot tall, but this one was small enough to fit comfortably into Matthias’s hand.

    “Thankyou!” Matthias said to the four brave Pokémon surrounding the egg, as he picked up the Spinarak. “You were all willing to give up your previous forms for this Spinarak. I don’t know how to thank you.”

    Instinct grinned. She had much bigger fangs now, but that was still her smile. “Wartortle!” she said pointing at the food still laying around.

    “It’s all yours! I need to get this little guy…” The Spinarak gave him a dirty look. “I mean, this little girl, checked out to make sure she is OK.”

    “Hey, Tony! Could I get you to take a look at my new Pokémon? She had a difficult hatching and I want to make sure she is healthy.”
    Last edited by Brettles; 03-04-2019 at 06:06 AM.

  9. #319
    Gym Leader AWA1997's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Larvitini Cave, Tohjo Falls
    Name: Tony Joy
    Team Status:
    Zuko (♂) (5/5)
    Ifrit (♀) (5/5)
    Eunomos (♂) (6/6)
    Vedfolnir (♂) (5/5)
    Wishpoosh (♂) (5/5)
    Thor (♂) (0/8)
    Location: Route 203
    Items: 1 pokeball
    Points: 16

    Tony looked over at Matthais as he called out. “Yeah, sure thing.” he said, running over to where the group of pokemon and trainer were. He knelt down next to Matthais and the Spinarak. He checked his pokedex for reference on what this pokemon was supposed to be like, since it wasn’t native to his home region, before giving it a quick once-over. “I don’t see any signs of an unhealthy birth, she seems to be perfectly fine.”

  10. #320
    The Queen of Shaymin
    Noblejanobii's Avatar
    Site Editor


    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Hunter (18/18)
    [Croconaw, Male]
    Cordelia (16/16)
    [Staravia, Female]
    Cato (7/7)
    [Bidoof, Male]
    Terry (7/7)
    [Piplup, Male]
    Karl (10/10)
    [Kricketot, Male]
    Martini (7/7)
    [Cyndaquil, Female]
    Partner Pokemon: Freya the Snorunt
    Location: Jubilife City
    Items: x5 Pokeballs
    Points: 17

    Cordelia managed to swoop in front of the Growlithe, sending it back towards Matthias and the others. She hoped the group over there was ready to catch it since Amy could tell her pokemon we getting a bit winded. Amy heard another guy approach and glanced over. He introduced himself as Drake and asked about the swirling lights. Amy was going to deny everything but Matthias just had to blabber on about them. She sighed. Guess the Delcatty was out of the bag. Approaching him, since he seemed much nicer than Palila by not starting his introduction with insults, Amy offered her hand for a hand shake.

    "Pleasure to meet you, Drake, the name's Amy Risa." Amy glanced at the Grookey and said, "Interesting pokemon. That's not a Sinnoh native is it." Amy recognized the pokemon but its name was escaping her at the moment. "We're not Sinnoh natives either so no need to be shy about it."
    / / / / / / / /
    Avatar by Soggymint
    Double Agents with Suicune's Fire


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