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  1. #401
    I came in like a wrecking ball... [Desolate Divine]'s Avatar
    Senior Moderator

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Melbourne Australia
    GM Post
    "I'm sorry but I can't give out ID cards." Roark explained, "They are distributed at Pokemon Centers. If you go there, they will give you a form to fill out. Then you gotta show them some other form of identification like a drivers license, welfare card or a school ID. Then once they verify it is legitimate, they will issue you a card."

    Roark continued.

    "The free accommodation is meant for trainers, but unfortunately they get a lot of people applying for Trainer Cards who are runaways or homeless, who just intend on sleeping full time at a Pokemon Center, hence why they are so strict on giving them out."

  2. #402
    Ace Trainer Lychee's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Trainer Palila Rae
    Location: Orebough mines entrance (Or, perhaps route 203? Who knows!)
    Team: Dartrix (17/17) Staravia (14/14) Prinlup (16/16) Wingull (20/20)
    Partner Pokemon: --
    Items: 3x Pokeballs, Pokedex, Journal, Sketchpad, Poketch Plus
    Points: 41 (+1 from posting) Posts: 19

    Palila handed over the card, brow furrowed.
    "But..." She stepped away from him slightly, knowing that the conversation was probably over. At this stage she was processing and talking mostly to herself.
    "... I don't have any of those." She finished, in a small voice.
    The horrible realization that this world was probably going to brand her as a runaway and deny her shelter crashed down on her. She stood silent, eyes glazed. Fear crept up into her stomach and ate the last of her battle-high. She imagined sleeping in a tent every night, never feeling the comfort of her warm bed. Never feeling the warmth of returning home, or seeing the smiling faces of her family. She may have considered herself a big grown up girl compared to her brothers, but when it came down to it she wasn't ready for this kind of isolation.
    "I...I don't..." Her voice cracked a little, and she couldn't remember what she was going to say.
    Palila looked like she was about to cry.

    And then she did.
    Last edited by Lychee; 04-03-2019 at 04:22 AM.

  3. #403
    Name: Kinnie Gutamen
    Location: Route 203
    Pokémon: (6/6)
    | Hannig♂ | 18/18
    | Vilne♂ | 15/15
    | Fiona♀ | 15/15
    | Guinness♂ | 18/18
    | Beluga♀ | 15/15
    | Lonroch♀ | 14/14
    Items: x20, x1, x2, x1, x1
    Total Posts: 43
    Points: 23

    Kinnie, who had been hanging back and waiting for a signal to head into the mine, watched the interaction between the new girl and Roark closely. When Roark rejected her request, Kinnie frowned a little. He seemed to finish the conversation, leaving the new girl standing alone. Her face began to twist.

    Kinnie rushed forward, grabbing the girl by her upper arm just as tears began to leak from her eyes. She dragged her a few metres away, although her grip was light. "We must talk," she muttered, making eye contact with the girl as she dropped her hold. She glanced to the others, hoping she drew as little attention as possible, despite swooping in like a golbat and hauling away Palila.

    Her gaze switched back to the new girl. Without a word, she reached into a side pocket on her bag and withdrew a serviette, then offered it out.

  4. #404
    Name: Matthias Grand
    Trainer Card: Matthias Grand Trainer Card
    Team Status:
    ((())) ^^^^@@@@ (())oOOo ******
    Instinct (0/16) _ Kid (14/14) _ Sniper (15/15) _ Bienie (10/15) _ Trapeze (11/11) _ Static (8/8)
    Items: Pokeballs (1), Revive (1)
    Points: 16
    Current Location: Route 203

    A lifetime of living on the street and all the bad experiences it entailed flashed in front of Matthias' eyes as Roark callously refused to help Palila. He walked up to Roark.

    "So what you are saying is that Palila needs some sort of proof that she is a real Pokemon trainer to get a registration card? I can think of one gym leader who she has just beaten in a gym battle who could probably vouch for her!"

    He turned to Sophie.

    "Or failing that, perhaps the 'leader' of our group could give the professor a call and get the registration process started! Especially since that 'leader' has gone through the same distress that Palila is going through right now, since arriving in Sinnoh!"

  5. #405
    I came in like a wrecking ball... [Desolate Divine]'s Avatar
    Senior Moderator

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Melbourne Australia
    Name: Sophie Reed
    Team Status:

    Wolverine (14/14) Emperor (0/16) Arc (10/15) *Unnamed* (5/5) Enigma (30/30)



    Points: 78

    Basic Info Story Info
    Current Location: Route 203
    Time: 11am
    Day: 3
    Date: September 7th 2028
    Season: Early Spring
    Current Team: Sophie, Amy, Tony, Neith, Renny, Kinnie, Matthias, Palila, Drake

    I didn't hear the dialogue between Palila and Roark. We had already started to leave, and I didn't notice Palila had stayed back. My attention was piqued however, by Matthias, making snide comments about me. I turned around and made my way over to Matthias, as Roark spoke up. Off to the side, Kinnie seemed to be comforting a distressed Palila.

    "I'm a Gym Leader, not a government administrator." Roark explained, "It's like asking a civil engineer to fix your car. There is nothing I can do to get your friend a trainer card. That is down to the Pokemon Center on behalf of regional government."

    So that was it. Palila didn't have a trainer card, and with that, didn't have the benefits of being a registered trainer such as the free accommodation at Pokemon Centers.

    "Okay, let me make something incredibly clear to you. I won't turn down someone who needs help. You should know that, seeing as the only reason you weren't beaten to a pulp for taking what doesn't belong to you, is because I intervened. S**t, I even gave you my own coat afterwards. So don't start acting all high and mighty, thief. I don't recall you giving enough of a s**t to call the professor, which you are just as capable of doing." I explained, making sure to get into his personal space, "Regardless of what has happened between her and myself, or myself and any of you, yourself included, I won't turn my back on my team. Palila left as soon as her card was rejected, and I didn't see her again that night."

    I looked over Palila who was with Kinnie before speaking up.

    "I meant every word I said. Regardless of what has happened, and what might happen, if you want my help, I'm here." I said, softening my tone slightly, but still making sure to sound serious, "You're more than welcome to bunk with me until we can sort this out, if that's what you want."

    "As for you." I explained to Matthias, "Next time you have beef with me, bring it up with me. None of this backhanded bulls***. Are we clear?"

    ************************* @Rival Max

    As you (Renny) go about your business, you feel your Poketch buzz as it receives an email.

    "Hey Renny, Hugo here from Jubilife TV. The interview worked and the police have given the all clear to air you footage. It will be on the midday report on Jubilife TV, so get somewhere with a television as quickly as you can! And feel free to forward me any more footage you get to this address.
    Last edited by [Desolate Divine]; 05-24-2019 at 06:52 AM.

  6. #406
    The Queen of Shaymin
    Noblejanobii's Avatar
    Site Editor


    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Hunter (18/18)
    [Croconaw, Male]
    Cordelia (16/16)
    [Staravia, Female]
    Freya (22/22)
    [Snorunt, Female]
    Terry (18/18)
    [Prinplup, Male]
    Karl (10/10)
    [Kricketot, Male]
    Martini (7/7)
    [Cyndaquil, Female]
    Location: Oreburgh Town
    Items: x4 Pokeballs
    Points: 81

    As soon as Palila broke into tears, a chill ran up Amy's spine. Oh she did not do crying women. Nope. Nu-uh. Nunca nada no. She was zero percent equipped to deal with this. Sticking her hands in her pocket, Amy shrunk away from the situation. Matthias seemed to be set off by the situation while Kinnie handled Palila. Sophie held her own against Matthias so there was no need for her intervention at this moment. Amy puffed out her cheeks a little and waited in silence. The awkward tension began to cause her social anxiety to flare. Taking a couple deep breaths to calm herself, Amy decided maybe she should apologize to Palila later. She wouldn't offer her room though. Not because she didn't like Palila, though that certainly didn't aid the situation, but Amy knew she would need alone time to destress, and having someone else in her room would not give her the solace she needed. Waiting for the situation to deescalate, Amy began to fiddle with her clothes and check the skin peeling on her new tattoo. Getting some of the ointment the artist gave her, Amy rubbing it on the peeling skin. It appeared to be peeling healthily though which was good. Unfortunately, the tension in the air for this situation was... not. Folding her hands behind her back, Amy began to try to distract herself in order to see if the situation would ease up.
    / / / / / / / /
    Avatar by Soggymint
    Double Agents with Suicune's Fire

  7. #407
    Ace Trainer Lychee's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Trainer Palila Rae
    Location: Orebough mines entrance (Or, perhaps route 203? Who knows!)
    Team: Dartrix (17/17) Staravia (14/14) Prinlup (16/16) Wingull (20/20)
    Partner Pokemon: --
    Items: 3x Pokeballs, Pokedex, Journal, Sketchpad, Poketch Plus
    Points: 43 (+1 from posting) Posts: 21

    Palila was pulled aside slightly by Kinnie, but it didn't stop other people in the group noticing her little breakdown. Tears leaked down her face, and she made a few pathetic hiccup-sob noises, eyes reddening. Kinnie offering her what was basically a tissue made Palila realize that she should feel ashamed to be crying in public, so she took the tissue and nodded when Kinnie told her they needed to talk. Talking things through could only help, right?

    Well, maybe that was wrong.

    As Matthias marched towards Roark and backed her up, Palila tried to pull herself together. If she was going to try to make a case, it was worth being able to form sentences instead of just choking out sobs. As Roark gave the same dismissive response, her tears were almost under control.
    It hurt, hearing it a second time, but somehow she'd gone a little numb- It was like everything was blurrily going wrong scene by scene, and she had just become an observer.

    When Matthias turned towards Sophie, Palila held her breath. It felt like someone cared about her plight- or like someone understood- which was bizzare because logically they all should have. This wasn't just a snide remark- Matthias seemed serious about putting the pressure on their leader to take action.

    It did not go well.

    Sophie pushed herself right up into Matthias's face, calling him a thief and talking about things Palila didn't understand.
    Was any of that even relevant? Something about a coat and Matthias deserving to get beaten to a pulp? Palila was baffled and a little scared at the amount of venom Sophie showed- she hadn't noticed those two interact much at all before this point, and it began to make sense as to why.
    When Sophie's gaze shifted back over to Palila, she took an involuntary step backwards, her face still wet with tears.

    There was no way in hell she was going to room with that girl.
    "I- no." She squeaked out, finding her voice as Sophie rounded on Matthias again. "I don't- I. don't. want to bunk with you, Sophie Reed."
    That was probably the first time so far Palila had used someones full name since introductions the day before, and it put a strange weight at the end of her sentence.

    "Can one of you just... help me call the professor and sort it out?"

  8. #408
    Name: Kinnie Gutamen
    Location: Route 203
    Pokémon: (6/6)
    | Hannig♂ | 18/18
    | Vilne♂ | 15/15
    | Fiona♀ | 15/15
    | Guinness♂ | 18/18
    | Beluga♀ | 15/15
    | Lonroch♀ | 14/14
    Items: x20, x1, x2, x1, x1
    Total Posts: 44
    Points: 39

    "No," Kinnie intervened softly but sternly, "you will use my trainer card." She paused, realising that she had said no to Palila bunking with Sophie, but must have sounded like she declined to help call the professor. She wasn't sure how to remedy her words, and instead glanced to Sophie, keeping her eyes there for a moment while trying to analyse the situation. She betrayed no judgement; she simply observed.

    She turned back to Palila. The girl hadn't taken the serviette, so she brought it up to her face and dabbed her upper cheek.

    "See? It's very absorbent." She withdrew her hand, remembering personal space, and lowered her voice. "Perhaps this contraption can help," she said, trying to be reassuring. Uncertainty flowed through her voice as she frowned at the device, tapping its screen and then some buttons. "Or perhaps...further study...would be good." She breathed in deeply, relocating her gaze back to Palila. "Until your card can be processed, I will sign in to the Pokemon Centres and you may take my bed. I am familiar with the outdoors, so I do not mind sleeping outside."

    She waited a moment, then raised her hand and offered the damp serviette again.

  9. #409
    "I was stupid... So stupid"
    Shruikan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    The Digital World
    Trainer Name: Neith Nimr
    Location: Oreburg City

    Fennel ♀ (6/6)

    Escutcheon ♂ (18/18)

    Nemesis ♀ (5/5)

    Butterscotch ♂ (5/5)

    Phalanx ♂ (5/5)

    Shinx ♂ (8/8)
    Partner Pokemon:

    Binary (N/A)
    Egg: N/A

    Pokeball x1
    Voucher for a Free Limiter Berry

    Current Game Points: 18 (+1)

    After healing her pokemon, Neith rushed with the others to the mines, only to find to her relief that Team Galactic had already been chased off by a newcomer.
    Sophie seemed to get along with him straight away, which instantly made Neith hesitant. She wasn’t sold on Sophie’s judgment just yet. Plus, he looked like every mole ever sent into a fictional group; Reasonably good looking, swooped in to save the day alone, the leader instantly gets along with him, and then WHAM, he was actually a vampire all along waiting for the moment to suck them all dry.
    Wait, no what was she on about? Neith shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. This is real life, the tropes don’t apply here. He’s just a friendly, helpful guy who happened to be in the right place at the right time.

    Before she introduced herself however, everyone else seemed to start moving. Kinnie dragged Palila off to the side for something, Neith wasn’t sure what at first. Then Matthias angered Sophie by suggesting that she talk to Rowan about getting Palila a trainer card. Oh, so that’s what this is about.
    Once again, Sophie was responding to criticism with anger. Matthias wasn’t entirely in the right here, but Sophie was making it worse. But with Palila apparently crying,(So that’s why Kinnie dragged her off.) now wasn’t the time to let things escalate. But what could she do? Neith was unused to comforting people, plus Kinnie seemed to be doing alright at least?

    Neith shuffled awkwardly around, not wanting to make things worse by calling out Sophie again, but unsure of how to help.

  10. #410

    Trainer Renny Thomas
    Team Status
    Valerie (20/20), Cornelius(20/20), Fiddle(10/10), Delta (14/14), Echo (9/9), Wilykit (15/15)

    Partner Pokemon:

    Arnny (f)(5/5)
    Egg: Growlithe (Steps to Hatch 39/40)

    Health Items

    Normal Pokeball: 2

    Points: 69(+1)

    (*Updates to my card and points coming)

    After winning the gym battle it was time for some much needed rest for the team. Renny skipped over the uproar of Team Galatic appearing. The team was in a major city with a well funded police force. Going in would just put him at risk. Or at least thats what he told himself. The truth was the breakdown from the night before had really shaken him. He hadnt lost control like that in a long time. His mind tried explain what could have triggered it. The only thing he could focus on was this feeling that he was being trageted specifically for personal reasons. The video that Sophie sent was still to far out of his mind to process. He had always shown signs of obsessive-compulsive disorder but the meds he took helped keep him pretty numb. Since he came to this world through the stressors had gotten worse. Had traveling through the portal somehow messed with his body chemistry.

    Arrny broke him out of this with a nudge. She knew exactly what to do.
    'Teddi!" she said moving over his camera.

    Renny sighed.
    " Maybe we could get some location shots."

    He paused
    " Maybe we can check out the library while we're here in a major city. It couldn't help to know more about this region and the lore."

    Arrny smiled, she knew a focused Renny was a good one. He headed right to the local library gathering up books on Sinnoh Lore. He took out his handy notepad and jotted down some of the other legends. After some time a message came through.

    "Hey Renny, Hugo here from Jubilife TV. The interview worked and the police have given the all clear to air your footage. It will be on the midday report on Jubilife TV, so get somewhere with television as quickly as you can! And feel free to forward me any more footage you get to this address.

    Renny jumped up.
    "We gotta check this out." He said quickly getting shushed

    He left the books and headed out down the street. He looked in every window as he walked until he noticed a sports bar that had a dining area. He walked in and quickly walked up to the tv.


    Drake Annan

    Grookey (15/15), Sunny(15/15), Throt (15/15), Barrel (15/15), Surge (15/15)

    The group exploded rather quickly.
    " You can have my room." Drake offered a little late.

    He looked to Palila
    " I actually would prefer camping if possible and if getting you a room makes your life easier that works." He smiled

    Looking over at Sophie and the others.

    "The place is this way." He said leading the way.

    Luckily he was able to get them tables at the fine dining establishment.

    Proud partner with @Pokemon Trainer Sarah


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