Name: Matthias Grand
Trainer Card: Matthias Grand Trainer Card
Team Status:

Instinct (5/5)
Posts: 5
Points: 5
Current Location: Twinleaf Town

Matthias stepped out of the The leather jacket provided warmth against the cold and looking at his reflection in the window he realized that he looked good. Something was making Squirtle giggle, but Matthias didn't quite understand what.

Suddenly a voice boomed out through the town. "Lake Verity is closed for today. Any civilians caught trespassing will be punished severely!"

Matthias looked up and saw a bunch of weird looking people, acting like they owned the place. Matthias knew bunch of bullies when he heard them.

"Hey Squirtle, looks like this Lake Verity place is off-limits. You know what I feel like doing, right now?" Matthias said with a grin.

Squirtle's grin was a mirror of Matthias. "Squirtle, Squirtle, Squirt Squirtle!" said Squirtle pointing in the direction that was blocked off by the uniformed bullies.

"All right lets go!" Matthias started walking down the street towards the Lake verity end of town.