(Brandon Only)

Brandon put on the bravest face he could as he took the gem and said "You and I are nothing alike Giratina... I do what I have to do to protect those I care about, you, on the other hand, your just pure evil! Now I will do what you ask, but I will need my Pokemon returned to me unharmed. I will not leave here without them, so if you are not going to return them to me, then your just going to have to kill me. I would rather die than leave my Pokemon here to suffer with you!"

Giratina smiled
" You speak as if you are the one in control."

" I promise you that if you do what you agreed to, you and your pokemon will be safe. But until then. " He let out a smiled

The stone lit up in Brandon's hand. Without warning the orb started to glow and burn into his hand he tried to fight it but he was forced t watch in horror as the Orb slowly melted into his hand and vanish into. As he lay there screaming in pain he looked up to notice the other dark figure laughing.

" Now then Darkrai." Giratina order

Out of Darkrai's arms shadowy worms crawled out and went into the Charizard and Swampert. The two pokemon dropped to the ground in pain for a moment before slowly getting up.

" Now my dear boy." Giratina said standing up.

" Our deal is set in stone or to be more accurate in flesh. Once you fulfill your end of the bargain your pokemon will be cured. Not a moment sooner. When you and your friends are back in your world I will contact you. With instructions." He laughed

" Now its time for the next phase to begin." Giratina motioned towards the guards to remove his pokemon. After they were gone the guards returned to get Brandon.

" Await my message." He said to Brandon turning to the guards

"Take him back to his cell."